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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5699 · 424753


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I will talk with the headmaster  about that ' Tarrax said.' As for dispatching all variants of Chong through all possible timelines and sub-timelines, even if we exclude the whole ' free will' and 'right to live' considerations, there will assuredly be at least a few variants of Chong that are immortal- and thus, not killable in any sense that doesnt involve full on erasing of that timeline, and with it, all beings in that timeline. As you said, however, it is the harshest possible penalty for a reason, imposed when there is no alternative, or at least when your organization feels there is no alternative. They have their reasons, and that is fine with me. Kill Chong if you wish, that monster has caused more than enough trouble to warrant death. ' Tarrax said. ' as for making sure he stays dead, well we have ways of doing that. "Tarrax said as Stripetail approached them ' ah Kit and Threed, I believe? From Chronopolis?  You were asking for me, am I correct? Professor Stripetail, at both your services.  Forgive me for not making your acquaintances earlier, but I had business with the headmaster. I am free now to answer any questions you might have.'  Stripetail concluded. " They need forces to help deal with Chong, Professor ' Tarrax said. ' Professor Dumbledore is still in his office Tarrax, if you hurry.' Stripetail said. " We'll need his permission to assemble that force."
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Of course Professor Carson. Don;t let me keep you. Thank you both for your time. I'm sure you have  lessons and other classwork to attend to  , so I will take up no more of your time, for the present ' Dumbledore said. ' My door is open, should you need anything. for the moment  I have business of my own to attend to. Good evening to the both of you. ' Dumbledore said, getting up from his seat and leading them to the door to his office.
 ruskin  and cinder entered the room set aside for the exchange students and exchange staff and took seats at one of the available tabled. groth was licking at a magical lolly that had its flavor move up and down the lolly so that the flavor got stronger and stronger as you licked it in the flavor zone. the lolly, in question  was candy cane flavored. ' how are your studies going?' Agumina asked them as they sat down.' fine.' Cinder said ' i tried my claw at Quidditch today. Im used to flying without something under me ' Ruskin said as the red dragon shook his head. ' wheres Roke?' Gabumon asked ' Detention" Ruskin Groth and Cinder said in unison.' Again?' Gabumon scratched his chin. ' third time this week alone. 14th so far.' Cinder said ' our school has something like negative 3500 points, and its all  due to his- er  what do you call it when you constantly steal stuff?' Kleptomania' Agumon said. ' Yeah, that. At least Professor Snape isnt increasing the point penalties anymore. not that we have much chance of catching up anyway. Vesuvio is beating all the other houses. ok, so Samia and Dulcy are the only students from that school, but they are doing really well in their studies and racking up points by the bunch. i blame their donation of dragon scales for potion making. ' Cinder said. ' You could donate some  too you know" Agumon said ' Agumina and I have donated some of our scales and gotten a very nice sum of Galleons for it. ' Yeah, cousin. they have been using my green scales in luck potions, and i get 10 of them a week as part of getting paid.' Groth said " they last about an hour or so, at least the ones I've gotten so far. they keep telling me there's a special luck potion that's supposed to be a very powerful potion. Luck Liquid or Luck Solid or something" Groth shrugged.  Maybe they'll give me some if i give them enough scales. "

 Po and Jing finished surfing on the panda boards and went over to sign up for some more couple events. log roliing,  guitar solos and and pinball matches were [potential events they could play. here and there various couples walked along. woody and Winnie woodpecker waved at them from a seat near the ice cream bar. toidays flavor was triple mint sundae, and the ice cream looked elicious and huge . tiger and Kitty were looking at a menu for make your own rolls, options included garlic butter, cinnamon sugar, stuffed cheese, stuffed topping and twisted plain. all the options were huge so a couple had more than enough food to share.
 Ozai stepped forward to proclaim a new festival ' The Stormy Rain festival" to honor my efforts in the drought of 3579, when over 80% of the planet was in extreme droyught. I. wer left the heater on too long there ' Ozai chucklred.' also, as a reward for your loyalty, i am giving every resident of mawashii and every follower of mine, anywhere in this dimension, 1 million ozai dollars a month! Dont worry, I won;t be going to the poor immortal and divine house ' Ozai chuckled mirthfully as the crowds around him cheered the announcements, in fact there were bigger cheers for the festival than the money.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2024, 01:14:33 AM by Nick22 »
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"You're back!!" Kiara and Sima exclaimed in happy unison to Kovu. They proceeded to each give him several kisses.

"There's plenty of me to go around," Kovu said in appreciation, taking in the affection.

The two lionesses were quick to notice Kovu had become visibly plumper since the last time they saw him. Even though they knew he was a big eater, they didn't think he could get this bigger that fast.

"Oh this?" Kovu recognized, "My armor has a special sumo mode. Though I guess when I activated it, it can't reverse the effects on its own. But hey, more of me for you ladies to love, right?"

Kiara and Sima grinned, agreeing with that statement. "By the way Kovu, I won the bet I made with Kiara," Sima pointed out.

The dark lion raised an eyebrow. "What bet?" he asked.


"How many charity matches will you be participating in tomorrow, your greatness?" Shifu asked Ozai, taking notes.

"At least 2 dozen," Ozai grinned mirthfully, "Plenty of chances for me to show off my immense talent and power."


"The last time we ate was 20 minutes ago...." Jing said to Po, checking her watch. "Are you hungry again? I am," she said, licking her lips with the desire to enjoy some flavorful ice cream. Pandas were always big eaters like this.


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(Pottermore - Hogwarts)

Captain Carson followed Headmaster Dumbledore to the exit of his office. She then headed down the stairs to her assigned office. Inside were a group of students who didn't quite understand her lecture on crystal structure and the importance of them in wandcrafting materials. "I apologize for the delay, but Headmaster Dumbledore wished to speak to me. Now, shall we get started?"

A girl with the crest of Ravenclaw on her robe raised her hand. "Professor Carson, I'm not entirely understanding what you mean when you say defects need to be introduced into the crystals so they can be magically active?"

"While they are termed 'defects'," Captain Carson said, drawing a representation on the blackboard. "They are actually regularly spaced locations in the crystal structure where a molecule has been replaced. Think of wall of a thousand square tiles where every fifty tiles is replaced by a hexagon. In a case like that, you'd see that the introduction of that hexagon disrupts the pattern, leaving a different sized gap between the surrounding tiles as compared to the squares. It's the same principle. By replacing those molecules, we can introduce gaps in atomic structure of the crystal. Those gaps are what allows magical energy to be trapped and focused."

"Oh, I get it now," the girl said.

"Um, Professor Carson," a Hufflepuff boy asked, holding up what looked like a black lump of glass. "I was working on last week's homework assignment to produce a diamond wand core and I'm not sure what happened."

Captain Carson then turned to the rest of the students. "Now, this is common misstep with first-time enchanters. I would like you all to pay attention." She then turned to the boy. "Now then, please walk us through what happened."


(Pottermore - Innse Gall Dragon Reservation)

One of Chong's division commanders was overseeing a tiny group of three vehicles — two repulsorsleds and a simple armed dune buggy — in the remote archipelago of the dragon reservation.

Currently, one of the sleds contained the remains of an Ironbelly dragon. Killing it was not an easy task, costing the lives of five soldiers and resulting in the destruction of one of the dune buggies. But in the end, one of Chong's men had killed it with two anti-tank rockets. Butchering the dragon proved to be a much easier task, with the dragon's steel-hard scales providing no resistance to plasma pole cutters designed to cut through thick starship hulls.

"All right, men," the division commander said. "Chong wants at least two dragon carcasses. I think we—"

Several pops were heard as the Aurors had apparated in. They had easily located Chong's dragon hunting team thanks to the Human-presence-revealing Spell.

"Make a run for it!" the division commander ordered, climbing aboard the empty repulsorsled. The trio of vehicles sped off

A Stunning charm narrowly missed him. He tossed down a smoke grenade, producing a huge plume of choking white smoke that concealed his group.

The lead Auror Vanished the smoke grenade. He suspected they were Muggles, but there was no way a group of Muggles could have killed and butchered a Ironbelly. "Auror Smythe!" he barked. "Get back to the hut and alert Minister Fudge that we have found the interlopers in Innse Gall Dragon Reservation! Have them send Hit Wizard back up! The rest of you, we'll try to delay them!"

Auror Smythe nodded and with a pop, he disapparated back to the keeper's hut. The others congregated around the lead Auror and waited for his signal to apparate.


(Pottermore - Esbenshire)

The street fight had finally been quelled with arrests and injuries on both sides. Esbenshire Stones and Scrying came out with every window smashed, but nothing had been stolen.

While they were open for business, the curfew was approaching and Nick would have to hurry if he didn't want to get arrested by the overly touchy Aurors.


A booming voice echoed through the streets outside the Burning Wick. "Attention, the riot has been dispersed. You may now continue your daily activities. Be warned that a curfew is in effect and all non-Ministry personnel are to be off the streets in an hour."

"An hour!?" someone complained. "That's not enough time to get my potion ingredients!"

"Blame those bloody Pinkstone w------s," another person replied, slamming down their pint of lager.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2024, 01:58:57 AM by Serris »

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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[ P O T T E R M O R E ]
Hogwarts Castle (Fourth Floor?)

"Professor Stripetail. Ah, yes. Temporal Detective Inspector Threed Fourson. This is my partner, Temporal Detective Sergeant Kitsune-"

"Just Kit is fine."

". . . Indeed. As I was telling your esteemed colleague, I'll be needing at least a squadron's worth of your finest wizards. I'll need them well-versed in the Dark Arts. To make an exhaustingly long story short: we're to seek Chong and dispatch him in this timeline. Once and for all. So, I suggest if you don't want to melt into temporal aether, you prepare those wizards for me, chop-chop!"

". . . I think what Threed means is, take us to Dumbledore? We were told that's who has to sign-off on this wizard loan."
T h e   Y e l l o w    M e n a c e


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Stripetail nodded “ Very well, I will take you to the headmaster, I’m sure once you explain your situation, he will put a group together. How quickly this can all be put together, is hard to say. Hopefully a few days to a week, but that is out of my claws. Follow me detectives, if you would be so kind “ Stripetail motioned with his claw to the stairs.” If you will forgive the query, how long has Chong been a problem for you?  He’s been a problem for me for years. We have defeated him every time and imprisoned him at least twice, unfortunately he has managed to escape each time, with outside assistance .” Stripetail frowned.

“Destroy him, by all means. Locking him away has not worked, so it is time for more extreme measures. Chong has made his choices, he has chosen to do great evil and harm the innocent  and for that the punishment must be severe. Do what you must , detectives. We cannot allow someone like Chong to corrupt and/or undo existence, in this plane or elsewhere “
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[ P O T T E R M O R E ]
Hogwarts Castle (Fourth Floor?)

"Professor, I'm seeing a lot of lip-service, and not a lot of walky-to-the-prefessor-who-will-help-us . . . y."
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Patience, friend, we are almost there.” Stripetail said as he climbed up stair after stair finally teaching the stairway to the headmasters office..  As the trio entered, Dumbledore had the window to his study open and he wa wrapping up a conversation with Tarrax who was flying outside.” Ah , and these  must be the detectives Tarrax mentioned “ Dumbledore said closing the window as  Tarrax flew off.” Please have a seat. I understand that you will be needing a group of wizards to deal with Chong? “ the headmaster asked as he reached inside a drawer and pulled out a long, very old looking paper.” This wil require a Remit for the Countering of Dark Wizards.  It’s a rarely invoked authority of the headmaster. The last time it was invoked in fact was 1747” Dumbledore said as he began reading the wording on the Remit.” So, detectives, in raw numbers, how many will you need?”
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[ P O T T E R M O R E ]
Hogwarts Castle - (Dumbledore's Chambers)

"Hmm. Good question, Professor. Allow me to confer with my partner."

"We'll just be a minute, Professor Dumbledore." Kit added. "Pleased to meet you by the way."

The two temporal detectives had a small huddle a few feet away from the two (one?) professor(s).

"Right, then. So Kit, I'm thinking . . . about a platoon's worth of wizards should do?"

Kit blinked. "Pretty small amount. Chong might wipe the floor with so few. Dark Arts or not."

"He may . . . if they were going in alone."

". . . I know that tone. What do you have planned, Threed?" Kit raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing . . . except using the battalion of support Chronopolis offered."

"What!? I knew it! I knew y-"

"Ssh!" Threed put a finger on Kit's lips, who snapped at it. "You loud foxkin! There's no need to invite all of bloody Hogwarts into our huddle! Besides" -- a quick pause to steal an over-the-shoulder glance at Dumbledore -- "they will be under my explicit direction. Capture or kill. Preferably kill. No temporal erasure. Period. Remember: I'm automatically promoted to Line Major during any sanctioned military operation. And, my dear, it gets no more sanctioned than a battalion of to--I mean soldiers to play w--I mean command."

Kit nodded, then rolled her eyes. "I'm going to assume you've already requisitioned this battalion from Admin then? And that they're likely on their way to this timeline as we speak?"

A smirk painted itself on Threed's face. One that betrayed the answer Kit sought.

Just then, Threed's wrist watch began to blink blue. A quick tap on its screen and a holoscreen appeared with a blue-skinned Chronopolian fitted in their signature white-and-blue combat gear. "Sir!" he barked. "Rear Major Deskin Minutehand. I'll be your second-in-command for this op."

"Yes, yes. Pleased to meet you, Major." Typically, in the military arm of the Chrononauts, the battalion level was manned by a Line Major or Lead Major, his XO as Rear Major, and assisted by a Sergeant Major--one of the highest NCO ranks within the organization. In times of "extreme circumstance", the ranks will be renamed to Grand Commander, Lord Commander, and High Sergeant. With powers reorganized to fit the roles. "So I take this meet-and-greet to mean you're on your way then?"

"Correct, sir! Stand-by for timefall deployment. We're using the temporal loom system and will be with you at Hogwarts shortly!"

"Ah. Yes, y--beg pardon?"

"Sir? I said we'll be with you at Hogwarts Castle shortly."

Threed began awkwardly tugging on his collar, and trying to signal something to Major Minutehand, who only arched an eyebrow. Confusion written on his face.

"Major, are you in distress? I'm merely following your deployment plan."

At this, Kit raised one of her own eyebrows. "Rear Major," she cut in. "Major-Adjutant Kit here. Tell me, what exactly did the Major order for your deployment?"

"Well ma'am, on my holopad it says to 'arrive in full force at Hogwarts Castle', and that we have to 'make it look good' so that he 'looks cool'. It says here it's to 'induce a hit to enemy morale'. Was this not an accurate plan? I can amend-"

"No," Kit said flatly, glaring at Threed who was, slowly, trying to hide behind the mountain of man that was Professor Dumbledore. "No, that won't be needed, Rear Major. As you were."

"Ma'am". Major Minutehand gave a crisp salute, and ended the holowatch call.

"So, we're now using military assets to 'look cool'? Is that right, Major?"

"N-Now Kit. I can explain!" He replied, backing up even more behind Dumbledore. "Y-You heard the XO. It's for morale purposes! We have to come with our A-game to beat Chong!"

"Do you see Chong here? Is the 'A-game' to have them causing a panic in the streets of Hogwarts? Not to mention, any anti-muggle contingencies they might have here. It's a hidden magical city. Emphasis on hidden. You have to be magical or some kind of complex tech-user just to get here! Oh, and reminder--we're not at war with Hogwarts! We're at war with CHONG!"

"U-Uh, well . . . hehe, let's not speak for our most magnanimous hosts. Ahaha. Why, I'm sure Dumbledore appreciates the show of force. They could use help around here with security! Isn't that right, Professor? WHOA!" He narrowly missed Kit's claw swiping at him. "Calm down! You're going to ruin another longcoat!"
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Enough' Stripetail cut in. ' both of you please sit down.  ' Stripetail's whiskers twitched, ' am I correct in assuming, Detectives, that the lines of communication were NOT open on this matter? There is no need to ask the headmaster to  gather forces.. if you already have your own on the way. Further. the Ministry, which governs the planet, is decidedly NOT going to like  having a military force popping up, unannounced , in its territory.  No country, no planet, no organization would, no matter what the reason or rationale."

"' I believe a further explanation is due me Detectives ' Dumbledore said, setting the document aside on the desk and touching the tips of his long fingers together looking at both of the detectiives over his half moon glasses. To say that Dumbledore was not pleased about this, would be putting it mildly. "Detective Threed, a military is not a toy you use to' "Look cool'" or ' Make yourself look good.'" Going into any fight with that mindset will get soldiers killed, and quite possibly yourself as well."  Dumbledore's voice was  very firm; " How many are coming Detective Threed? I need to inform the Ministry before they arrive, lest Minister Fudge consider it an  full -on military  invasion and the resulting headaches that will cause for everyone here.  the mutual enemy we all have is Chong, lets not lose focus on that."
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On a desert planet some distance away from where the Spire was currently, a certain crime lord was the de facto ruler. He was Jabba the Hutt, a giant slug-like beast who resided in a palace with his gang and with his harem girls. A party was currently going on, with some fast tempo music playing and Jabba's current main slave girl dancing for the gang's entertainment.

"Leia is quite hot," Bib Fortuna smirked to his boss, as he handed Jabba the device required to send the message he intended to send to the seer.


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[ P O T T E R M O R E ]
Hogwarts Castle - (Dumbledore's Chambers)

"That's where you're wrong, Mr. Tail. If I didn't need to borrow some wizards, I wouldn't ask for them. The thing is, your magic is different from my own. While mine is, frankly, a lot more complex and sophisticated than yours-"


Threed cleared his throat and waved dismissively at Kit. "I need your type of magic to counter his own. I assume it's highly likely to assume that he's working with wizards from this universe, yes? I've read the novels, my good reptile. It almost seems as if you don't want your Chong problem solved." He peered from behind Dumbledore and, deeming it safe, answered his question as the large man took a seat at his desk, fat finger tips touching as he regarded the time-travelling pair. "Well, Professor . . . oh, all right! Apologies for trying to build morale, I suppose. How often does one get an entire battalion of Chronopolis' best to play with? Exactly! As for not knowing how to lead, sir, I'll have you know I served in the First, Second and Third Time War. I'd like to think I know a thing or two about military doctrine and effective leadership! Now, as for how many guests to expect . . ." He took a moment to count, mumbling some numbers here and there to himself. "Yes, yes. Take away two. Carry the one. Plus the motor pool. Uh, a full strength battalion would be . . . twelve-hundred soldiers?" He pre-emptively winced, touching the tips of his pointer fingers together.
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Auror Smythe tossed some Floo powder into the still burning fire at the keeper's hut. The flames instantly turned green and he shouted out his destination, which happened to be the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement's office.

There, he saw the Wizard in question, a slender man with a neatly groomed mustache and dressed in the classical conical hat of Magicfolk as well as the robes of an Auror, with a distinctive golden emblem that indicated his high rank.

"Auror Smythe, what do you have to report to me?" the department head asked.

"Sorry to bother you, Chief Auror, but we require reinforcements to apprehend some poachers we found at the Innse Gall Dragon Reservation," Auror Smythe replied.

"I will have some dragonologists from Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures accompany you, if that's what you are asking." The man sighed. "Sadly, we probably can't press charges since the dragons likely got to them."

"Well, the reinforcements I am asking for are some Hit-Wizards."

The department head scowled. "For what? Body retrieval? Besides, our Hit-Wizards are stretched thin as they're enforcing curfews and stamping out Pinkstone activity."

Auror Smythe sighed. "No, for apprehending them. They're killed and butchered a Ukrainian Ironbelly."

"Why didn't you say so earlier!? Right, I'll send over a small squad of five right now."

"Thank you, Chief Auror." Auror Smythe then pulled his head out of the fireplace and brushed some soot out of his hair. He only hoped the delaying action with the team leader and the rest of the squad hadn't cost them all their lives. After all, anything capable of killing and butchering a full-grown Ironbelly was extremely powerful and dangerous.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2024, 01:58:07 AM by Serris »

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Over 1000 soldiers, with no intelligence to guide them, going after a dark wizard that has gone to ground and almost certainly has established at least  some contacts with the dark wizards of this world. and could be anywhere on this world at this moment?  A world covering 75000 sq miles at the equator, no less . The old line  about a needle and a haystack comes to mind.  Not exactly a scenario that portends quick and positive results  detective Threed. ' Dumbledore said.

- When will they be here Threed?' Stripetail asked.' and who will be  your contact person in the force?' Stripetail said. ' We have to work together on this, for better or worse. Too much is at stake. Building morale, cohesion. camaraderie, in any military group, requires a  successful operation. Wild goose chases are bad for morale."
« Last Edit: August 12, 2024, 09:16:56 PM by Nick22 »
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 " Bib, she is a princess. of Course is hot, and I'm not talking about the sand or her attore. Whoever heard about a hpomely princess" Jabba said pressing buttons on the device with long thick fingers. " trying to keep in touch with the seer is harder than keeping tabs on Han.' the Hutt sighed as he had to start over on the message ' surely bib you can get a device with bigger keys for my hands/' the ruler of the planet complained. '  the band began ti play as Leia began a solo dance with the other girls dancing along in the background.  there wee maybe 20 girls in the troupe at the moment, but the number went up and down based on his tastes.
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"Yes, your greatness," Bib nodded, and he went to grab a larger version of the device, making sure to let out a wolf whistle towards Leia as he walked past her during the dance.

Truthfully, the former princess/current slave girl didn't mind working for Jabba, it was the least she could do after he saved her life. She had taken the time to perfect her dancing, so all of Jabba's gang could enjoy her moves.

"Eyes on me, boys," she grinned. Leia was wearing a collar that Jabba held on a leash. She knew the kind of tug he would give her if he found her dancing to be splendid.

Bib returned with the bigger device soon, and presented it to Jabba.


(The Spire)

"We bet on how long it'd take you to complete the rescue mission," Kiara told Kovu, "And Sima won."

"What did you win in this bet, then?" Kovu grinned to the Mawashiian lioness.


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[ P O T T E R M O R E ]
Hogwarts Castle - (Dumbledore's Chambers)

Kit stepped forward. "That's where your wrong, Professor. The men have all the info on Chong that you had in those books. I scanned them and sent them as nanodata to Admin, who then distributed it to the battalion."

"And as for intelligence," Threed added, finding his second wind. "They have it. Do you really think I would have them show up aimlessly? There is a reason, Mr. Stripetail, that I am automatically given a military commission rank during any operation I'm part of. Now, I may be eccentric, I may be out-there, I may be-"

"Annoying and a little stupid."

Three shot a glare at Kit, who smirked and rolled her eyes. "Yes. Well, I may be all sorts of things, but the word 'ineffective' cannot be counted among them. In fact, I dare say this would only be a 'wild goose chase' if you fail to produce any meaningful intelligence on Chong's whereabouts. Now, since my arrival you all have been somewhat amiable, but also very space-cadet when it comes to turning your brains on and cooperating with me. Perhaps you doubt that I have stake in Chong's apprehension and subsequent termination. Allow me to explain . . ."


"No, no. No, Kit. I will not be doubted as to my effectiveness nor my motives for engaging upon this quest. Ahem."

"If talking about it is still too much for you . . ."

Threed gently placed a hand on Kit's shoulder. "I'm quite all right, dear girl. Right then. Chong is a multidimensional paramilitary criminal. Of this, nothing can be said to the contrary. The reason . . ." he paused, taking a few silent breaths, "I am here, is because we served together in the Second Time War. I suspect that his service is partly what led him to tread the path he is currently on. Now, in the First Time War my home, Triforia, was lost to the Machine Empire. Have you seen what a temporal deletion looks like? I doubt it. Have you seen what happens when . . . when your homeworld is simply deleted from your primary timeline? No, you haven't. Now, I am here to ensure the same doesn't happen to Hogwarts. In this timeline, I haven't a home, sir. But you all do. Fail to work with me and I'll go, thus ensuring you too, haven't one. That includes the muggle world as well who, as I recall, aren't ready for you to integrate with them in full force. I am deeply sorry if the arrival of my men upsets you or the magical world. They are, obviously, not here to fight nor invade sovereign territory. They are here to establish a rally point so that I may ensure everything is accounted for prior to our world-hopping, military crusade. That being said, if you're going to get hung up on the fact that I'm using any resource at my disposal to help all of existence, do let me know, and I can return to Admin, take the battalion with me, and find a Hogwarts in a different timeline who will be a little more grateful. However . . . if you and I are truly of the same allegiance, and both want Chong finished for good, I respectfully insist you give me what I ask, produce proper intel on Chong's could-be whereabouts, and let me know if you'll need any combat armor of your own to join us, assuming you're no stranger to the front lines."

". . . Threed." Kit treasured rare moments like these. Moments when, if only for a few seconds, Threed seemed to shine with a radiant aura, his purpose burned into her heart like a brand. It was moments like these that assured her, she was in good hands and couldn't ask for a more capable partner, and leader.
T h e   Y e l l o w    M e n a c e


Life. It's easier when one spends less time obsessing over the problem and more time focusing on their solutions.


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 Stripetail allowed himself a small smile. ' thats all i needed to know Threed.  If you need any member of my team to assist you- Scooby, Spyro, Agumon Gabumon or their partners- just tell me who you  need and I'll assign them to you. They all have combat experience, as well as experience with recon and intel gathering ops. ' Stripetail said. "

 Dumbledore looked at threed. ' I do not want my world destroyed, obviously. I will start working on assembling the forces you need. now those wizards are spread out across Pottermore so it may take some time to gather a sufficient force for you.  But the wizards i work with are extremely well trained in dispatching dark wizards, and will do everything within their powers to neutralize Chong. " Dumbledore began filling out the paper ' i can  gather around 1000 wizards in about a weeks time, lMore than that will take longer.  The point is, the hunt is been joined' Dumbledore said, filling out the requires spaces in the Remit. it took the headmaster a couple minutes but  Dumbledore finally held up the paoer for the others to read. " i will contact the ministry let them know about the invocation.  Do what you have to do detectives, and get Chong off my planet.. In a pine box if need be.' the headmaster said
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"Oh! How about we feed each other?" Jing suggested to Po as they went to get more food the resort provided. She was still providing her husband with tons of kisses, never letting up the pace. "It would a way to mix romance and culinary delights."

Besides just being a sign of their hunger, it was also something the newlywed pandas had seen some of the other couples do here as well.


"Can I ask you something, mom?" Oliver asked Panty as their group walked through the mall on the Spire. He was curious as to what the answer was going to be. "Any given year, how many.....people do you eat up?" From the smirk appearing on the panther's face, he could tell she was eager to explain.


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 find all evidence you can' Fudge said , upon hearing the news ' Anyone  who  can kill an ironbelly, and a fully grown one at that,  is not to be trifled with . i suspect Chong is in some way behind it Perhaos he needs dragon parts in some dark ritual? who's to say? At any event Chiong is not averse to working with Muggles. so thats  yet another violation of the Statue of Secrecy. Not that chong cares about that.. How many dragons are confiirmed dead? they are a rare species, hence the dragon preserve.'

-We bet on when you would get back. and the winner would get to have .. fun ,... with you while on top of the loser. ' So.. I get to have the first round of flings with you , big boy. and and Kiara has to be our mattress.  set the timer for a hour Kiara ' Sima said. then.. i dont know get a book to read while we are on top of you.. or something . something to pass the time. ' sounds lovely ladies. after a couple rounds i will need to report in to Stripetail and the prisoners i rescued need a full examination by Kopa, see what kind of jobs he and I can give them. ' Kovu said.
 (stones and Scrying)
 Nick qyuickly gathered as many of the supplies on the list as he could paying for it with  galleons he had gotten from an exchange dispenser in the currency building across town. he now had only 12 minutes to reach the embassy grounds or faikling that. he would hope that the aurors would buy any explanations for why he was out. ' his embassy staff identification was clearly visible.
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