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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5645 · 356129


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(Kaochao, Weyard)

King Wo sighed. It was a rare moment where the royal showed his emotions. "Bring him in," he said.

"And let's hope he can fix my kingdom while he's at it," he muttered. The Kaochaoan king took a sip from a flask containing some strong rice liquor to fortify himself.

He adjusted his position on his throne and resumed his stoic expression.


(Tonfon, Weyard)

A Wolverine miner was eating a steak. Amusingly, a Bull miner was next to him and eating a large vegetarian platter. The Bull didn't mind as he was aware the steak came from a non-sapient creature.

"Why are we helping that ass---- king anyways?" the Bull asked aloud.

The Wolverine shrugged as he finished his steak. "I say let the f---er burn. But we shouldn't punish his people for what their leader did."

The Bull shrugged. "Makes sense."

A raucous game of blackjack was being played at the next table over.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Stripetail entered the throne room, flanked by a pair of guards." Lord Stripetail, Sire" the guard to his left said respectfully to King Wo, bowing in his direction. ' We will  leave you be, wizard." the second said to  Stripetail as the guards soon retreated out of the throne room. Stripetail gazed upon Wo seated on his throne. "greetings, King Wo. We meet in person this time " Stripetail said calmly as he bowed to the seated king. "  the previous time, I sent a number of envoys to entreat you, It did not go well, truth be told. .But I am not here for past recriminations. Time is too short now for that, and we have more pressing business to deal with.

As your guards have told you, I am here to help your kingdom survive the imminent disaster that threatens all of Weynard, and which most of the rest of Weynard has already fled. Restoring the damage that Vaalbara has inflicted is not something that can be easily repaired, however, we are after all dealing with immense natural forces here, once unleashed, all that can be easily  done is to channel them to mitigate the damage.Repairing it will take no small amount of time"
Stripetail waved his paw and the palace ceiling briefly vanished, revealing the enormous planet of Vaalbara, now filling nearly the entire Weynardian sky. Its features were now clearly visible to a very close degree, it was an awesome and terrifying sight.

 "Weynard is already starting to be deeply affected , from volcanoes, magical disruptions and earthquakes, to monsoons, and each passing minute and hour they will get worse. Tonfon, for instance has already been turned into a lake by a massive monsoon, which is ongoing, I might 3 days time, Weynard will be completely torn apart by Vaalbaras gravity, sending fragments  deep into space, and ending all life on here that remains at that time." Stripetail said leaning on his staff. ' I am willing to send you, and your people, to safety. that includes ALL of your people, even those that have fled the city. but ensuring there is a kingdom to return to, well that will require your cooperation.How much do you know, Your Majesty, about the Apollo Sanctum?" Stripetail finished. "the Sanctum, is  Weynard's only hope."

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"You always take the initiative, I like that about you dear," Kiara smirked slightly to Kovu. "Is there anywhere we can go to help now?" she asked the rest of the group.


"The movie was great," Oliver commented as he was slowly going back to his normal size. "Thanks for letting me pick which one we went to."


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Be sure to throw away the garbage kids ' Luca said as she got up from her seat. " And don't forget, we've still got another film to see- Chases with Wolves, which Mona picked out." Luca was herself carrying a large bag of popcorn that she had gotten for herself." that film starts in a half hour so we get a little break in between." " long enough for Oliver to get completely back to normal ' Mona said teasingly. "Hey, thats not nice ' Kitty said, cutting n.  Arlene p put me in charging of watching Oliver, and i won't have you girls teasing him. Understood?" Yes, Miss Kitty" the purple and  red wolf cubs chimed in. " good, Now Olie gets to decide what food the 4 of you will get to eat." Kitty said.
 Vushu and sima were headed back to the conference room, carrying the latest pickups from Sima's   shopping. " You think Kovu will like this green and yellow get-up" sima said, pointing to the new mawashii she was wearing, and Vushu walked around her. " Hmm" i think he'll like it, then again that guy likes any girl who takes an interest in him and is attractive to boot." Vishnu smiled. Sima grinned " Good to hear. What did you end up getting?" Nothing much, just some fur softener. Have some split ends in the back, that are very persistent, no mater how much mawashii strengthener I use, they stay split" vushu sighed.
Well, Its not so much initiative, as throwing out an idea' Kovu said.' Vitani looked at Kiara as shook her head ' Kiara , we are stuck here until the weather stops enough for us to leave. So theres nothing we can really do except stay put. Unless you'd want to play a  game of Prey checkers with me" Vitani said pulling out a board.

Over in the sky stones table. Young Spyro was, unsurprisingly, beating all comers in the game, and racking up wins for his side, which included Scooby, Tiger, laval and Gabuna. Eris and Li' ella were score keepers, keeping track on who did what ' Gabuna,  Korin, its your turns to play, remember best of 3.' Li Ella said, as Gabuna and Korin shook claws ' Good luck " Korin smiled at the Digimon. ' you as well" gabuna said Scooby had finished his plate and was writing down a list of ice cream that Tiger and Laval wanted, Gabuna had wanted sprinkles on hers.  Dulcy ad Samia were calculating how much it would cost to get ice cream in the amounts the other team wanted, which came out to be in the neighborhood of 500 bucks, all told.

 Tigeress Skylands and Wharfing had created a set of ring-toss like pole, and were creating rings of ice, shadow or fear to throw at it. " Want to play Spyro?' tigers offered. " no thanks, I'll just watch" the purple dragon demurred
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"Thanks Miss Kitty," Oliver smiled, grateful for seeing her stand up for him. "I just might sit on you two if you keep teasing me," he playfully joked to the wolves.

"I want something with fish, that's always been my favorite," Ollie suggested to the group.


"You're on!" Kiara said, "Kion, Jasiri and I played a lot of this back in the Pride Lands....." she said, sitting on the opposite side of the board from Vitani.


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King Wo scowled at the image of Vaalbara. The looming planet sent a spike of fear through him but he remained stoic.

The part about his kingdom remaining got his attention immediately. "I see," he said. "It seems I underestimated the severity of this situation."

He then templed his hands as he looked at the stark, icy plains of Vaalbara, gleaming like diamond dust in the light of Weyard's star. "The Apollo Sanctum," he began. "Is protected by four locks, each corresponding to the elements of Weyard. Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Mars. Beyond that is the sanctum itself bathed by light that will burn anyone who goes inside alive."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Is there any way to avoid the light within?" Stripetail said quietly " without a way to use the Lens against Vaalbara, our fate is sealed. I Know there was such a device called the Umbra Gear, unfortunately the gear has been stolen. Is there anyway to replicate the Gear?" He asked.
_ you can Make the First move " vitani said as she set out the pieces for both her and Kiara." I warn you though, I'm good too." She smirked. Kovu was showing Kopa some of his ideas for colognes "gladiators don't really care bro about smelling good " Kopa  said " Not when they might die in combat." i was thinking the cologne would be applied pre-fight to both contestants or post fight, by the survivors' Kovu said " Please support the idea, bro? I'll make one with your name on it " how much do you want? kola sighed. ' i'm thinking 100 grand or so. I'll need machines to make the deodorant and sprays." kovu said. " Fine fine. Call mine ' massive Mane" Kopa said. hmm I like it ' Kovu grinned. Don't worry, I won't  shortchange you on profits, you'll get all profits from massive manes, and 10% of all profits. you'll make good coin. well, we all will" Kovu said. Perhaps Stripetail could enchant them to refill or something."
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"I believe you Vitani," Kiara nodded, "And at the same time, don't assume I'll be easy to beat just cause I'm sweet by nature....."


As the fish was brought back to the theater, Oliver saw a personal favorite of his on the platter. "Ooh! There's salmon, could I have the salmon?" he asked Miss Kitty.


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(Kaochao, Weyard)

"No. They were made by the Exathi. There are no Exathi today. Furthermore, that gear can only be worn by...Beastmen." King Wo failed to keep the disgust from his voice.


(Tonfon, Weyard)

A group of miners approached the table where a game of skystones was being played. "Mind if we join in?" a young woman asked as she watched Young Spyro defeating all the newcomers.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Stripe tail paused " Then  we will need as much information about the Exalthi as possible, so we can create something close to what they did with the Gear. It will be rushed, given the severe time limit we are under. But that cannot be helped. As for Beastmen, I've been called as such before, as have others in my group. it seems to  refer to anyone who is  a sentient animal creature, although i'll wager there is a more specific meaning to it.
 Alright, Alright I'll give you some fish ' Kitty said , trying to hide a smirk as she handed the fish to Oliver. " does anyone else want fish? She asked the other 3 kids. " also , Oliver, I Have a pillow and blanket for you when we get back.


 Sure thing " Young Spyro smiled as  he finished his latest game " I could use a break anyway " he said. Pull up a seat.' He motioned to an open row " the full deck will be available once Gabuna and Korin finish up.' He added handing over the sones he had.

 Both the gold dragoness and  female Gabumon were taking their time with their moves, which was permitted, as  there was no time limit to make a move. It was currently Korin's turn, and the girls were having a nice chat over shopping, and in particular which claw sharper they used. " I think Death By claw is a bit overrated, in my view. Not hard enough " Korin said ' Never tried that.I prefer Satin Sheathe" Gabuna said " Feels soft to the touch, at least for me, but woe to the bloke who gets the edge of my claws ' She said. " So tell me more about your inventions. You mentioned that.  Korin blushed. " oh, I'm not really an inventor  per se. I merely tinker with things, and try and see how they work. My pancake deliverator, for instance, is the latest thingamabob i'm working on. Supposed to be able to land a pancake on a plate, even from 50 feet away, dead center. I. er.. haven't gotten it just right yet, last time I tried it out, the pancake broke the plate it was supposed to land on. So I need to lower the speed and load," Korin Said, and sighed. "Anyway, It's my turn." She put on a elf with 3 left spikes, enough to flip one of Gabunas stones, and cutting into Gabuna's lead, she now lead 4 stones to 3. Just 2 spaces left" Gabuna said." I like the team I'm on, and Gabumon is real nice. Shy, but nice. always willing to try some of the foods I get at stalls.Guys got a big appetite, especially when he;s in one of his larger forms. Weregarurumon eats like one of those food contestants,  ton of food, straight down the hatch. its scary, almost.' Gabuna said. " big guy, big appetite. Guys are like that. Girls are more dignified, At least in my experience. Granted I hang out with girls a lot more than guys, so All i can go on, is what I've seen. " Korin said." If you win, you'll stay in, and I'll rotate out.
 actually after this series  you're all done" Eris said '  You've played everyone else, besides each other. Boys team has won already, its 27-5." Thats mostly Young Spyro's doing ' Tiger the wolf  said as he munched on a dinner roll." Not a surprise, he;s played it a lot more often than the rest of us." Boys take to games like that better, its the competitive thing" Samia Said "Not that girls can't beat boys, or that they were all blowouts, most of them were 5-4 or 5-3 scores, but guys usually win those sort of games.

_ Vushu got back to her  area of the conference room aboard the Spire of winter and set her  things down. ' well,  Sima, time to think about what  to do once Kopa and Vitani get back. I'm thinking trying out that chair idea with them, see how we work together.' She grinned. "Besides, We'll be doing it quite a bit in the future. And I'll probably be paired up with you quite a bit on hunts, the whole alien set thing. Any non-kovu related things you want to discuss, like the  OZai catalog you have here?' She added holding up a huge catalog full of all things Mawashii. Don't  tell me you shop at   Steeles  Shadow Sets? those things cost a ton!
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"Ooh, where are they? Are they warm and comfy?" Oliver asked Kitty, curious to know.


"See? I'm not a weak opponent," Kiara told Vitani as she managed a come from behind victory in the first round of prey chess.


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never said your were" Vitani said as she reset the pieces for the second game. " and you being nice has nothing to do with it, either. it was simple confidence in myself, rather than implying any weakness in you. If I thought you stunk at this, I would say so. Anyway, Round 2 is mine" Vitani said. as she began the second game.
 gabuna won the first game 5-4, as Korin's only moe  was to put her stone in a area she already controlled. ' alright. you got the first game Gabuna.' Korin said. ' want to go do something later? ' well. i have plans with Dulcy Agumina, Ember and Dixie, but sure you can tag along' Gabuna smiled. "Perhaps, we can go get some books or something. thats one thing the ship doesn't have, a book store. I'm kinda a book worm." Gabuna said.' Heh. You're like me then. I'm always working on something, which usually involves a lot of reading. Or we could go golfing. Dulcy told me she likes golf, mini or regular. We could form teams.' Korin Said. "Have you met my girlfriend Sara?We were classmates at dragon school." i think i saw her flying around back in Winterville, But we've never been introduced properly.' Gabuna said." Well, i'll introduce you , then, at some point. The next galaxy we visit perhaps.' Korin said. ' Gabuna nodded and the pair been the second game.

Tigeress , Skylands and Warfang, took turns throwing rings around the poles, each trying to undo the other. by knocking the rings off., or break them." well, girls, tigeress said after several rounds. " i think Skylands is the winner, she has the most rings." " just get me something, when we not literally facing the end of this world ' Skylands smirked."We should probably try again at reaching the Ascent.' Wharfing said.
They are back in the conference room, we all stayed in " kitty said to Oliver. " for now, we have 1 more movie to watch." she added.
 Nick and arlene clocked out at the  food stall for the evening and mae their way to the local tavern to get a couple drinks. Nick was in at the mood for a root beer. Arlene just wanted a soda.
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"Ok, I can't wait to see them," Oliver smiled to Kitty.


"Say, Kiyo dear," Shoukichi said to his wife, "Would you want to resume your bar tending job on this ship? I've seen a few pubs," the tanuki sumo suggested. "Your Ozai-based drinks would be a bit hit."


"We'll just see how that goes," Kiara smiled playfully. "Kovu? Could you use your fire powers to light us some candles?"


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(Kaochao, Weyard)

King Wo harrumphed. "You are asking too much of me. The bulk of the knowledge of the Exathi is in Tonfon's Great Library. However, the palace library might have some information."

He turned to two of the guards standing next to his throne. "Guards! Escort our guest to the palace libraries!"


(Tonfon, Weyard)

Several of the miners pulled up seats at the skystones tables and waited for game to wrap up.

"So is it like chess?" a miner asked. This one was wearing his exoskeleton as there was no space at the charging stations.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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somewhat' young pyro said. 'its  Each stone has a different value. with the best being 5 spikes on all 4 sides.  which are very rare, and basically can't be beaten, as all you can do is match them. there are 9 spaces.  the player covering more of the spaces at the end, wins. " Gabuna beat Korin 6-3 to win the second game and win the match. Korin got up from her seat and motioned to the lowest 2 miners ' its all yours guys ' Gabuna said as she got from her seat. Dulcy and ember were  playing a game of Warfang 5 square, which involved jumping into a square, and either casting a fireball into the next one, or your opponents square.
_ vitani won the second game of prey chess, and smirked ' all level now.' she said. why don't we take a break for a snack ' she asked. ' i'll let you choose what we eat.
Kiyo smiled ' great idea dear. i'll go apply at some of the bars and see if there is any interest. i'll head out there right now' she said, getting her things.

 Luca walked to the main lobby where there was a phone.' she dialed in the number Tigeress had given her to contact them. Luca Dialed the number and Tigeress soon answered ' Hi Luca.  Whats up? " Well. i'm just checking in, as requested. We're in the middle of a short break between movies.' Ah, a movie night. Is Flash behaving herself?" Yes she is, girl is a sweetie, drinks soda like its a rare entree though. She's had at least 5 Diet cokes.Big ones " gets that from me " Tigeress laughed. " Are you okay in terms of money? '  I should have enough for the rest of the night. I was thinking about having a mom's night out, once we leave . You up for that?' Sure. ' Tigeress said. ' what do have in mind?" well dinner, and something fun.. 'Luca said. " hmm. mini-golf ' Tigeress said. ' Cynder played it, so four legs can play, you just use your front legs to hit the ball. We could have some fun wagers, like, how many  shots it will take us .. like 10 per hole ' Tigeress laughed. and she could hear Luca laughing on the other end " You're on. Hole in ones net you, um.. ' we're not getting any holes in one. we're not getting par.  we're likely not getting within 5 shots of par.if we can get under 10 thats great. if you can do better than me, i'll take you book shopping.  1 book per hole, up to 18, assuming you win all the holes.' You'd really get me that many books?" Luca started.

 "Sure  i'm not hurting for money' Tigeress said. " Thanks. I don't have much money myself, besides what you and Tiger pay me. SO my wager will have to be simple, and free. If you win, Ill um, kiss you on the lips ' Luca said. "a kiss, per hole won. ' ' alright' Tigeress nodded ' but surely theres morello the wager  than that. ' oh.. Um.. So you want an Equal bet?' Of course. A kiss is not the same value as a book.' You can read a book over and over.  A kiss is a one time thing, sure you can kiss someone more than once, but each kiss is different.  Not that I'm turning it down, but thats more of an add-on, than an  stand alone wager. " Well, so what would you consider of equal value?' Hmm. if i win , you splurge for some time at the beach. an hour per hole won, up to 18. 'ok, books vs beach time. 'sounds more even' Luca said. ' for secondary bet, i'll throw in drinks of your choice. so books and drinks, vs beach time and kisses. ' Tigeress said. i'll let you choose the course.  we can do it on the ship, or try the golf courses on the planet. or if you want something easier, we can just do mini golf. at least there, we have chances at getting a hole in one." Tigers said. 'we'll do 2 out of 3 ' Luca said. 'its mostly about fun, anyway. a time for us to relax , after watching the girls, and you saving the world." Its on.' Tigeress said. " I'll get things for Tiger and the girls too,  Tiger likes these  Monster World Games. and Flash and mona love toys." theres a book, i'm been meaning to get Mona. How to be a wolf Lady" " Haven't read that one.' Tigeress said " Its by Mrs Big Bad wolf" Luca said.

 The Library was evacuated  of its holdings when tonfon's population was rescued. So I'llhave to send someone to the Spire to look through the records ' Stripetail said as the guards approached him.  " this way, wizard ' the guards said, motioning with his hand ' thank you, Your majesty. " Stripetail said to King Wo, before turning to the guards ' Lead the way Gentlemen ' Stripetail said calmly.
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"Wanna take some photos with me while I still have this belly fat?" Oliver asked to Mona and Flash in between movies. He wasn't as huge as he was right after the eating contest, but he still had some flab.


"Something with antelope, I'm hungry," Kiara said, feeling a rumble in her stomach after the game.


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Sure we'll take a few pictures' Flash said with a grin " as Long as they are silly ' Mona grinned, As  they looked at the orange tabby. ' Oliver was now about 200 pounds, a fraction of his past weight.  " we'll get them, once Miss luca gets here. I think She's in the bathroom or on the phone, or something. " Flash said ' Might be calling your mom.' Mona said. "my mom works for her, and your dad, after all. "
 Antelope sounds great ' Vitani said ' Stripetail should have had some in his food buffet, as he knows we're meat -eaters.. Lets go see, whats in the buffet."
 Kofu had finished coming up with perfume  names, and was  taking a break from his work.
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"I'll squish you both," Oliver laughed playfully, as he pretended to roll over the wolfs and make them flat against the ground.

"Still surprised a cat can eat that much like Oliver does....." Ollie admitted.


"Kovu? Want to join us for a bite?" Kiara called.


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You'll have to catch us first ' Mona smirked, as  Kitty came up to them. ' alright kids. " we'll go to a photo booth, to take the pictures. i'll get out some quarters.' she said digging in her purse.
 Not right now, honey ' Kovu said. " looking up information about the Solona Galaxy. which is where we're going next."
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"It's gonna be a tight fit," Ollie noted as the girls were allowed to step inside the booth first.

"Ladies first," Oliver chuckled politely.


"I'll save you some leftovers then," Kiara nodded.