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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5645 · 356485


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"The ones who advance to every final round have been determined, sir," a bunch of servants said to Ozai, bringing over to the king a giant report. Shifu also pulled up an article on the ozainet about the tournament.


"Ok Sly, it's time to make your move," Bentley said, looking at the clock, "The guards will be off their posts now."


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Tigress Dixie and Agumon rushed to meet their friends and partners in the winners circle as confetti fell on them ' Great Job Dad1 Flash said  pumping up to hug her father , and drawing a chuckle from Tiger. " dad, this is Mona' Flash said as Mona came up to them " Hey there. You're making friends fast arent you little one.." He smirked ' Tiger of the wind.' he nodded at Mona ' Mona sir" Mona bowed."Well Mona, you can come with us.. just listen to what I tell you. Understand?' Yes , sir' Mona said ' I'm excited about seeing new places.
 Stripetail appeared in front of them ' Well done everyone. We have won the bet with Ozai, anmd will soon be heading to our next location- a place called Weynard. I'm going to go visit Ozai to collect on the bet.
Scooby took his position in the ring opposite Burclas a large Rhino.
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"Cool.  Twilight taught me how to read that since she has some really old books in Canterlot." Spike said excitedly as he took the tricorder.  He put the book down and flipped back to the beginning and started to record what the table of contents was about.  "This'll be fun and cool."


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Chong's men were seated around a table just outside Tonfon. A half-eaten plate of Kaochao steamed buns was on the table along with several other magical artifacts.

"Right, we have enough--" A plume of fire erupted underneath them, instantly incinerating the table. The men were scorched by the spell, but their armored suits prevented more serious injuries.

The men immediately faced their opposition: a red-haired man with a longsword; a blue-haired man in elegant clothing and armed with scimitar; a green-haired woman armed with a bow; and a Wolf equipped with what looked like brass knuckles.

"Hey what gives!?" One of the men snapped as he laid eyes on the smoldering table and then on the group.

"What gives!?" the redhead yelled."You're the troublemakers who threatened the Tonfon librarian and stole the Umbra Gear from Belinsk!"

"And we intend to retrieve it." The Wolf cracked her knuckles.

"Come take them then!" Two of the men drew submachine guns from pockets in their armor while the other two ran to both get Chong as well as some heavier ordnance.



Captain Carson saluted as Stripetail appeared. "Indeed. I am honored to have assisted you in such an endeavor."

Stripetail's radio buzzed. "Stripetail, this is Bigmouth. We have excavated numerous treasures from the ruin we are exploring. We have found evidence that Mawashi has traded with both the Pony Planet and Weyard. Bignouth out."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Chong stood ion the balcony of a ornate house on the mountain side just north of Tonfon ' the owner had been very reticent to let him stay at first. nor was she convinced he really was a traveling mage- but that all changed when Chong produced 5 large sacks of gold. " So far He had managed to capture 1 djinn of each  type and was testing thier powers and recording it . His henchmen had recovered the Umbra Gear and were making thier way to deliver it to him..but they were late..
  the tavern quickly emptied as the guns were drawn. all that was left were the 6 combatants.. The first goon went after the female wolf, while the other went after the greenhaired woman.
 We Will Head To Weyard as Soon as possible " stripetail said " Bring the teasures you have excavated- we will study them on the way to Weyard"  He gestured and the Glider  disappeared." turning to Carson " Good driving Captain. Your bonus will be in your quarters aboard the ship once we take off..
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"You fixed it!" Eric exclaimed. "Thank you thank you!" He hugged Laval. "I thought I was going to lose my job!" he cried tears of relief. "I need to go find Mr. Bigmouth and ask for a new assignment now."


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Laval blushed as he came out of the chamber ' Say Eric/ Why dont we go find the girls and get something to eat ' Replaced the corroded really took a lot of out of me had to use 4 chi orbs before i got everything fixed ' I could go for a nice big sandwich.' lasaval phone buzzed with the sound of a eagle call.' Hey guys Eris said loud enough so Eric could hear ' Li'ella and I are done with our route' You guys wanna do anything. Or should Li'Ella and i head back to the room/"
 No.. i was thinking we'd get something to eat in winterville' Laval said." Alright. Why dont we go to the Stone Throw ? Its by the beach and has a wide selection of seafood.." Eris said.
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An engineer recording the gas concentration on one of the growth chambers turned to Eric. "Mr. Bigmouth is on an archeology assignment. He should be back soon. In the meanwhile, you could give me a hand with recording the gas concentrations."

The engineer pointed to a digital readout that displayed the gases present in the chamber. This particular area had plants that required what would normally be considered a poisonous atmosphere to grow. "Just write down the number of the growth chamber and the gas concentration. Mr. Bigmouth will take it from there."


"All right!" Mr. Bigmouth announced, using the speaker system. "Stripetail wants us to take the treasure we have excavated with us so we can analyze it en route to Weyard."

Deimos carefully packed up a worn silver trophy that depicted a victorious sumo wrestler. Soon the other workers carefully packed the excavated treasures away in specially cushioned and sealed boxes for transport.

Mr. Bigmouth reached inside his messenger bag and pulled out what looked like a soda can. He gave the object a hard strike with the palm of his hand and placed it on the ground. It was a transmitter that sent an encrypted signal to Mawashi's authorities to let them know of said historical site.


"Stripetail," Captain Carson said as she heard of the proposal to take some treasures off-world. "Perhaps we should speak to King Ozai about this and secure permission."



The Wolf's punch sent one of the men flying into a liquor cabinet. He got to his feet and fired a burst at said Wolf. He smiled as the bullets ripped through her, sending her reeling and crumpling her to the ground. The blue-haired man raised his scimitar and several aquamarine sparks flowed into the Wolf, who then got up as if nothing had happened.

"How?" the Wolf said. "Their weapons went right through my armor like it wasn't even there!"

"Careful, Sveta" the blue-haired man said. "Their weapons are unlike anything we have seen. I dare say they are using psyenergy but I do not see any evidence of them being Adepts."

"Blah blah, blah," the redhead said. "Amiti, forget about that and let's just take them down!"

"Tyrell," Amiti said. "We are dealing with an unknown. We cannot rush."

The greenhaired woman raised her bow, which glowed. An explosive star slammed into the other man, sending him into a table. He lay there in the rubble for a moment.


The men had retrieved a heavy multishot rocket launcher and some grenades from the armory aboard the Phoenix. They paused for a moment to radio Chong about the mages who wanted to retrieve the Umbra Gear they had stolen.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Certainly, ask his permission. I don;t think Ozai will mind.' stripetail replied. I will  be going now to fetch the supplies we need. We will leave once the sumo tournament finishes up..
   The  4  finalist Kopa Kovu, Haru, and Minko, were brought to the ring " congratulations " Ozai boomed from his image in the sky "congratulations on making it this far. The Finals of these tournament are different from the preceding Rounds . First, this will be a tag team match, between the finalists. You must be knocked out twice, by both of your opponents, for you to be eliminated. the winners can opt to face each other for the championship, or accept a joint championship. The winner or winners will get the standard  statues in the field of champions,  gold medals and trophies, cash, homes in Ozai Hills, and several other things."
 What do you think , bro? Kovu turned to Kopa "think we can take em..?' Yeah, we've gotten this far, why not go all the way? Kopa nodded, as he stepped into the ring, and took his stance. both boys were bigger and stronger now then when they had started. Kopa was now close to 650 pounds of sheer muscle. while Kovu had improved his foot speed and dexterity despite adding 70 pounds to his frame. The Tag team ring was much bigger than the ones the boys had been used to, this gave them more room to operate.
 Agumon and the other omniderate were magicked by Stripetail to the studio to begin filming thier cameos in Clanks Film. agumon and agumina would get to play poker plsyers in Ozais grand casino, While other Oliver, Flash abnd Mona were over at the kids table, sipping on sweet ozai juices when betting over coins, insrwead of chips. prizes for the kids games included ozai dolls, signed Ozxai pictures and Secret Agent Clank action figures.
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"Really cool." Spike said concerning something he had recently read before he added that to the tricorder.  This book was really very interesting to read.  He was sure it would be a big help to everyone.  


Sara was relaxing where she was.  "Interesting." She said.


Jason and Growlmon helped with the loading of the artifacts, Growlmon helping with the larger items, of course.


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Chong's radio crackled with the warning about the mages the group was battling and they needed heavier firepower.



"At once!" Captain Carson saluted Stripetail. She walked out of the arena and hopped on the dune buggy she had rode to the stadium. She then made her way to Ozai's palace.

When she arrived, she stood in front of the two armored sumos guarding the gate.

She cleared her throat. "I have a request to make of His Majesty," she said.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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I'll be sending you what I can. I'm in the middle of studying the ice djinn.  hold them off as long as you can until reinforcements arrive. if you cant hold them off, get out of there. Cant afford to lose the gear.' Chong radioed them.
please enter' the guards said opening  the gates for Carson so she could enter. " his Majesty will see you."
 Kopa  announced to the referee watching the match ' i will tag team with Kovu' Kopa said. Haru and Minko nodded' Bring it haru the Hare said. surprisingly  the kllions wre bigger than their opponents, but what  Haru and Minko lacked in size, they had up for in muscle. The  umpire blew his whistle and  the match began. Minko  ran after Kopa and Haru After Kovu. minko clutched at kopa, moving him away towards the dhe of the ring. Kovu was  step for step with Haru  the pair striking blows, as they moved around. Blood trickled onto the ground, the pair ran back and forth across the ring, each pushing and shoving, trying to get an advantage. Kopa in the meantime was  now pressing his advantage in size  he charged into Minko and sent him sprawling, in the process knocking Haru to the ground in the center of the Ring. Kovu shot his co-king a grin and sent Haru soaring out of the ring with a good well placed shove.  He then pushed Minko out as well, sending the minx headfirst into the stands with a strong headbutt.  Kovu let forth a powerful roar. "kovu and Kopa lead two eliminations to 0. Kovu has completed his eliminations. Kopa must now eliminate Minko  and Haru in order to win.' Ozai announced from his image and magicked Minko and Haru back into the ring. both had blood streaming down their faces and both looked absolutely pissed.

Haru charged at kopa, only to receive a well placed slap in the face from the large lion. Minko charged at Kovu trying to knock him out, but was ablely sidestepped by the sly and witty black lion, and Minko fell  face first into the ring. Kovu grabbed the Minx and held him up over his head "  We are preparing for liftoff ' he grinned and tossed Minko hard at Haru  skipping over the ground and redirected by Kopa out of the ring" Minko slammed into the grass outside of the ring, and began to cry as he released he was now eliminated completely.. Kopa and Kovu lead three eliminations to 0> Minko is now eliminated" ozai said. The boys could now toy with Haru, whose face turned pale as the two large lions ganged up on him. The boys took turned bouncing Haru between their guts, almost as if Haru was a ping pong ball in a table tennis match between the two lions. kovu was enjoying himself and playing to the crowd, which included a big group of local lionesses who had warmed to kovu through the tournament and found Kovu's charm and good looks intoxicating "Make me your queen!" a few lionesses called out in great excitement " I'll hunt  for you anytime "" called another batch. " finish the job first, Romeo" Kopa smirked as he spun Haru around like a top between bouncing him back to Kovu. "

Finally Kopa sent the exhausted and despondent hare out of the ring,. clinching the title for the Pridelands kings and drawing enormous cheers from the crowd. Kopa Gave Kovu an Crushing and joyful hug, then picked him up and put him on his shoulders, so Kovu  could wave to the crowd from a higher position Kopa carried him close to the stands so Kovu  could 'meet and greet' with his fans, and Kovus face was soon plastered with dark red lipstick marks from all the lionesses kissing him. " Girls, Girls, Girls.. please ' Kovu said weakly, but the grin on his face indicated this was more from him  being tired than him  not liking the fact that the girls were kissing him passionately. a number of  girls  waved at Kopa, but they were dwarfed by Kovu's fan club. Kopa received some kisses on the lips from his girls, but Kovu was getting the better of it.
 Finally Kopa let Kovu down, and offered him a hankie so the pair   could wipe thier faces off and  could  accept the medals and trophies. a lioness  named Sina jumped out the stannds and  ran onto the ring towards Kovu " Please let me come with  you, great Sumo from the stars!" She pleaded with kovu " I promise, to cater to your every need. " Ok  kovu said with a big grin, before the judge placed a large medal around his neck.' Kopa spoke up as the judge gave him the trophy " I'd like to say a few words " he said as he raised the trophy above his head " this trophy is for all of my subjects back home in the Pridelands, and I like to give thanks to my father Simba, mother Nala,   my dear sister Kiara, little brother Kion and my wonderful mate Vitani. But I wouldn't be holding this if it wasnt for my great bro and co-king Kovu. the Pridelands is what it is, because of the role you play in it Kovu. It works because of the effort you put into it, and we won today because of your brains and quick thinking.  We make a great team, and this is more validation of that." Kopa said as he offered the trophy to Kovu, who raised it above his head and roared, and was joined by Kopa and the  pair roared in victory, lights popping around them as the fans took pictures. Kiara and vitani ran onto the ring from the left side of the stadium and Embraced their mates. Kovu and Kiara kissed on the lips passionately, and Kopa and vitani did as well 'We're ready to go, Stripetail" Kopa said into his ring. and in a flash the 5 lions vanished  from the stadium.
Scooby paired up  with Flavio in his final match, which accepted the outsiders offer to partner up. " we'll bring home another trophy for my precious Marita ' the blue hippo grinned to Scooby, as they turned to face their opponents Moto Moto and  Burclas the Rhino, and the pair began sumoing. scooby was the lightest of the competitions  by about 50 pounds. but his size allowed him to be quicker than his opponents, and between his speed and Flavios gut they managed to take home the title. Scooby received the title and medals and was magicked away by Stripetail
 Spyro-S, Cynder-W, Cynder-S and Spyro -W all won their  championship  matches, the dragons quickness was too much for their opponents.  Spyro-W and Cynder- W ran up to  each other and embraced, their championship medals clanging together as the pair  kissed in joy.  Young Spyro and Skylands also hugged each other, each happy to be bringing Skylands home a trophy.  Young Spyro blushed as the elder Cynder kissed him on the lips , then she did the same to Skylands, bringing a smile to Skylands' face after the black and purple lips parted. "thanks Warfang' she smiled. "T-thanks' Young Spyro blushed.  the dragons, received their trophies and bowed to Ozai giving the image a slight amount of their powers, before staggering away with their newly-won loot, and being magicked away by Stripetail.
 sly made his way out of the statue room, with a pair of statue  in hand and bounded up through the open window to the roof. The guards fortunately, were too busy watching the sumo finals  to notice. "Got it Bentley" He radioed " lets get back to the ship and figure out how much coin, we're going to make ' the racoon smirked
Flash kept winning card games from Mona and Other Oliver, and was currently surrounded by Clank Dolls, Ozai cards, and was  even wearing an "Ozai RULES' tshirt " cant you let me win a few things Mona said as she sipped on a drink between hands  " I'll buy you dinner - Ozai dogs and Dessert de Ozai " Flash offered ' let me win one of the Ozai tshirts and you got a deal " Mona grinned.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2019, 02:33:23 PM by Nick22 »
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"This food is great Laval!" Eric said, eating it with gusto. "Errrr, but what is it?" he asked curiously, squinting at the decidedly unfamiliar food. Eric suspected it was something brought from Laval's homeland. The pair was on break and waiting for the girls to join them.


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Kiara hugged and kissed Kovu when they got back to the ship. "You did great," she purred to her mate, nuzzling him close. She then noticed Sina standing by Kovu as well. "You're a fan of this hunk of a man, eh?" she smiled.

"Let's get back to the ship, Ringtail," Carmelita said to Sly, "It's almost time to get out of here. You're still a constable, you got to obey the rules."

Bentley was using his calculator to count the profit they got from the Ozai goods Sly stole. "An easy over 5000 coins," Bentley smirked to the leader of the Cooper gang, "This can help us back on Clockwerk."

Jing King finished her final, taking 2nd in the woman's super heavy weight division. "Not bad," she said to herself.


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Yes Mam " sina bowed  to Kiara ' Hes won me over, with his grace and charm' she said.
 Vushu came on the ship, wearing the championship medal and holding a huge trophy " Well Girls she grinned upon seeing Vitani and Kiara " I finally did It! Finally won my division! and  I , honestly have you girls to thank for it. You girls actually acquitted yourselves very well, pulled off quite a few upsets. Not bad, from when I first saw you two sumo, you two could barely make it a few seconds in. Now,  well, you girls STILL cant beat me " she smirked, "but at least you dont look like complete amateurs . Now , Kiara, Forgive me for swiping one of your pictures of Kovu' She said Pulling out a picture of Kovu and waving it at her " but I needed it for this " Vushu pulled out two beautiful painted statues- of Kiara and Kovu." Had them made between the quarters and semifinals ' The pantheress said. " this is a gift, for your little one back home, so one day he can see what his mommy and daddy did on their travels. Kiara told me, you had a little boy."
 Wow.. Kovu said taking his statue and his picture back from Vushu." thanks vushu. this really means a lot to us' He added taking his statue and looking at it.
 Alright Sly said as he and Bentley followed Carmelita on to the ship.
 daughter ! Panda King said Proudly, as he  entered the ship held up the championship trophy forthe super heavyweight division. ' First Place! he grinned. not a single loss, the entire tournament! he grinned more broadly ": we have brought honor to our ancestors ' he said as he hugged his daughter ' have you seen that ring tail ? i need to shove this in his face. He bet me i would lose! He owwes me 1000 coins  and dinner" he said.
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"Kuzon will be so proud of us," Kiara purred to Kovu, admiring the statues Vushu had prepared for them. "And he might enjoy his new Aunt," she commented about Sina, as both nuzzled against the brown lion ruler.

Shoukichi and Kiyo stepped on the ship. "Lord Ozai wanted us to tag along," they explained to the ones who were already part of the seer's team.

"Kiyo's friend is watching the bar while she's away," Shoukichi explained.

"You have father," Jing King nodded, smiling proudly as she bowed to the Panda King. She showed her father proper respect.


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Kids are gioing to have a lot of aunts '; Vitani said Shaking paws with Sina ' I'm kovus sister ' she smiled to Sina. who promptly bowd ' Nice to meet you MiLady' Sina said." Isnt he handsome? She purred in the direction of Kovu " i'm his sister so I wouldnt call him handsome. Hes a rogue and charmer. But hes also my little brother so i cant stay TOO mad at him" Vitani smirked " He;s pulled that "please?' face on me one too many times."
 flash, as promised let Other Oliver and Mona win a couple prizes Before their parts in the film finished shooting " I'll be in my trailer " Flash said, to the laugh of the director " cute kid, real cute " Might Use you again on my next Captain Qwark holofilm, 'Hero? Heroine? Grummel?'  Yes  Qwark plays all 3 roles, says it shows his range, and he gets to wear a tutu in Scene 6. You can play his cuddly monster pet' the director said.
Only Mona can be in it too.. and.. um friend oliver' Flash said " fine, fine we'll squeeze ij cameos for them - in er the gremlin monster base in the Grummel part of the show- Scene 32.. 5 seconds of screen time 100 bolts  a second, hey you gotta start somewhere right?' the director said.
 Come on mona grinned to Flash as the wolves ran off tohe set to the teleporter Stripetail  had set up. Race you back to the hotel" Flash grinned. Loser has to kiss Oliver" she laughed as Mona made a face "Ewww.'  she said to her friend.
You honor me daughter Panda King said, Hugging Jing king. Now about you finding boyfriend ' he smirked.
_ tarrax entered the Ship, Glad to finally be leaving the planet. he had heklped clear the ruins in the volcano that Deimos and the others had been digging. Dulcy and Samia were next after him.
 Eris and Li'ella joined Laval and Eric a few minurtes later " thatrs rock Stew ' Eris said looking at Erics dishes ' lions make it mostly. we Eagles prefer Wing stew ' she motioned to a bowl she was crrying, and set it down at the table, as Li'ella  sat next to her.
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"Hey!" Other Oliver exclaimed, running to the ship. He looked at all the toys and gifts he had been given. "I've never gotten this much stuff before in my life, Master Sneed usually mostly just awards me with fish."


"He's VERY handsome indeed," Kiara nodded, kissing Kovu on the lips. "Trust me Sina, there is no lion more perfect than Kovu here." She began to massage his back with her paws.


"Yes father," Jing nodded, as she and the Panda King went to return to the ship.


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Jason and Growlmon helped with loading the artifacts, as well as keeping partial watch in case any danger should pop up.  Jason doubted anything would, but one could never tell and one should be ready, just in case.  


Spike went over to where the artifacts and such were being loaded up, holding the book that had been found.  He climbed onto what looked like a good place to sit and continue translating the book he was looking at.  It was a very cool book, lots of neat stuff in it.


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Captain Carson walked through the lavishly decorated halls of King Ozai's palace. The palace was adorned with trophies and mementos of King Ozai's long sumo record and centuries of artifacts.

She soon made her way to King Ozai's throne room where the corpulent king sat upon his throne. Despite his incredible bulk, the king projected an aura of splendor and power.

Captain Carson then got down on one knee.

"Your Majesty," she said. "I have a humble request to make of you."


Mr. Bigmouth loaded the last crate of artifacts onto the repulsorsled. He looked around one last time. "Everything loaded?"

A yelp and a long stream of profanities caught Mr. Bigmouth's attention. He turned and found Deimos wrapped in what looked like noodles. The Utahraptor was attacking the mass with his claws, teeth and a knife but didn't seem to be making progress.

The Saurolophus reacted instantly, "Spike, Growlmon! I might need your help!" He grabbed his plasma pole cutter and activated the glowing pink blade.



The soldiers were getting frustrated. No matter how often the adepts were riddled with bullets, another one of them would revive the fallen one.

One of the soldiers scored a direct hit on Karis with his shotgun. Karis went down and didn't get back up.

"Amiti, you need to revive her!" Sveta ordered as she punched another soldier through the wall. This time, the armored soldier didn't get back up.

Amiti raised his scimitar but the other soldier was faster. She had arrived from the ship's armory and unleashed a volley of high explosive rockets, taking down Amiti and severely injuring Tyrell and well as reducing the tavern's interior to a smoldering wreck.

The soldier lowered her multiple-volley rocket launcher and sighed.

Sveta and Tyrell chose to flee instead.

"Chong," she radioed. "The two have left and we have subdued the other two mages."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.