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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5645 · 356090


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"I have medicine you could take to help with the pain," Other Oliver offered Dixie, "And some books to read if you want to take your mind off it." The kitten was always willing to help others, it was part of his nature at this point.

He looked over at Flash, who still had her Ozai poster in paw. "Cool poster," he said to the wolf girl.


Kiara noticed Vushu standing nearby. "Congrats on your performance in the first round," the royal lioness smiled to the Mawashi native, being friendly. She knew it was likely that her or Vitani might end up facing her in the ring later. Though she was aware how eager to compete in the game Vushu was.


"We made it to the next round, easy," Jing told her father over their communicator, "I hope Bentley and the others are doing fine."


Bentley's new serum had been tested. Slowly but surely, he found himself able to get out of his wheelchair. "Superb!" he exclaimed, getting up to walk around the town. Being able to walk again was such a great feeling for him, he wanted to try running next. He slowly but surely increased his pace.


Tiger decided to take a walk to calm himself and his nerves down after the first round. "Too much exercise..." he wheezed as he walked through a sumo town square. The fat cat fit in with the locals, they all had similar belly size.


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7-0' vushu said ' you  don't need to worry about facing me, though,  not until the semifinals at least.  you are in a different group than i am.' she said. ' you managed to make it out of round 1. round 2 is going to be harder, these girls are pretty good.if you do manage to make round 3, then there will be only 1 group of 8 left, and you'll have to face off against each other, and likely me as well. don;t expect me to go easy on you, Kiara. i havent gone easy with you, and i;'m not going to start now.
 sly walked back towards the lair with carmelita after the dance. sly had to admit, he enjoyed the dance..
 well medicine is what you will need to bring' cynder-W said to oliver. her leg is bandaged and wrapped in ice.but anything to dull the pain further, until we can get her to a hospital, pr a healer, will be appreciated. skylands will fly below me to catch Dixie or Kitty if they falls off.' if you get to the heya before us.. prepare a bubble bath so we can try treating her leg.
 wait.. fall off?' kitty asked turning palle ' Thats why you need to keep a tight grip' Skylands said. Here' she unhooked the  harness that was normally wrapped around her chest and gave it to Kitty' just loop that around Warfang then harness yourself to her back.. forgive the smelll. i had a sumo match abut an hour ago' Skylands blushed.

- great job daughter ' keep up the good work' Panda King smiled.
- at least someone agrees with me abiut Ozai' flash said shooting her mom a look.
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Eric contacted his friends. "'t think they responded to my hail," he admitted. "I'm not sure what to do now. Maybe they don't want us on board..."


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we'll go there and ask directly ' Eris said ' At the very least We'll rest on there for the evening_ I believe they have an actual town aboard.."
 An Town aboard a ship? That thing must be HUGE' Li'ella said.' we're going there eric.. and they might have been damaged on landing..
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"He really does seem like a cool ruler," Other Oliver said to Flash, "From what I've seen he's very big, strong, and powerful. He can beat all of his opponents easily."

"Oh yes, Lord Ozai is indeed mighty," a local Mawashiin nearby nodded to the kitten.


"I won't," Kiara nodded to Vushu, mentally adding a gulp, seeing how determined the latter was. "Let's just concentrate on preparing ourselves for the next round," she said to Vitani, "We still need to progress further to win Stripetail's bet for him, after all."


"Here's medicine to help with Ms Dixie's pains," Other Oliver offered, getting ones related to pain out of his backpack.


"I need to eat something," Tiger groaned, not really looking forward to the next round, but he knew he had to try his hardest.


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Just give them to Me' Kitty said as she strapped herself to Cynder-Ws Back and Helped Dixie climb on.' she took the plls from Oliver and patted him on the head " Just have everything ready when we reach the heya ' She said as Cynder-W walked off the Trolley with her two passengers, followd by Cynder-S. we
ll see you guys at the heya..' Cynder smirked as the dragonesses took flight.
 Ozai was practicing a long speech in front of a mirror' This status, unveiled today to mark my billionth win, shows for me that my love of sumoing is unquenched, and my skills in it remain unsurpassed. No one else in the history of Mawashi has more than 10, 000 wins, and no one alive at the moment has more than 5000. This statue, placed in the  field of champions, shows a new chapter in the history of sumo. while i only challenged the largest sumos these days, and only the males, it does not mean i take thm lightly. this statue will be yet another symbol of myself that people of this great planet, can admire' Ozai finished reading.
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Captain Carson nodded. "Thank you," she said as she got up to exit the room. "I will be overseeing the repairs of the Glider as well as deciding what external modifications we can add to lower the mana usage.


Eric's radio crackled. "PRS Coarse Sand we copy. Please proceed to the starship's vehicle bay for cargo inspection."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Received and understood, Spire. Making descent now. Over." Eric changed frequencies. "Looks like we're cleared for landing. I'm going first, wish me luck!"

He eased the ship down, heading for the landing bay. He couldn't hide how nervous he was; he knew most accidents happened during the takeoff and landing phases of a flight, and he had almost no idea what he was doing flying this thing. But this close to his goal, he bit his lip and just kept easing forward, hoping to god that nobody radioed him demanding to know what the hell he was doing.


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We're right behind you ' Laval Said' as he caught up to Eric, below them the massive ship was soon visible, and as they got closer- it was evident the ship had sustained major damage, there were large holes in the side of it. ' it was the Largest thing Laval had ever seen.  he landed in the docking bay, right after Eric. Eris and Li'ella folowed a few minutes later. the  docking bay door opened revealing a long walkway.' a spirarian soldier strode up to them..' ah you must the ones who hailed us. The wizard Stripetail is the one we are sending you to."
- Wizard?' Eris started " Yes, you'll find him in the Winterville be quick, he has many demands on his time, and very little to spare for newcomers ' The Soldier said , in clipped military terms.." Follow Me..'
 li' ella and eris walked alongside laval and Eric, Li'ella next to Eric and Eris next to Laval. here and there they saw repairs being made to lights, and engines, the hiss of steam wa everywhere."I saw your ship was damaged Eris began " Yes, The last planet we visited was less than welcoming. We have been trying repairs for several weeks, and  trying to gain supplies from this planet , but progress has been very slow." the soldier replied. as the they walked on. laval took the time to look at some of the other residents, cats, dogs, even dragons were walking to and fro.'we have guests from across the cosmos staying with us. the seer purchased our services to help him deal with a evil mage named Chong. He will doubtlessly tell you more. Winterville is just ahead'
- the group turned a corner and Winterville was revealed before them.  the chima trio was amazed, they had never seen a town before' the Winterville inn is in the center of town. ask for the seer. this is where I leave you four. good day' the soldier said, turning and walking back down the corridor.
_ the winterville inn, was not hard to find, as it stood taller than the other buildings in Winterville.
- laval entered first and went up to the man behind the counter' Checking in/ the innkeeper said " no, we're looking for a wizard named Stripetail." ah, him.  room 300 on  the thirdd floor just go up the stairs then go all the way down to the left..' Just give me a minute, I'll call him and let him know you are coming.' the keeper pulled out an old dial telephone and dialed a number " hello sir, this in the front desk. just calling to know you will have visitors coming up to you in the next few minutes..their names ?' he covered the phone and looked at them "your names? " Laval, Eris, Li'ella and Eric' Eris said." thank you he clerk said and repeated their names."He's expecting you' he said hanging up. '
_ Laval took the lead in climbing the stairs, which  were covered in a rich carpet and would up in he circular fashion. it took them a few minutes to reach the third floor and reach stripetail's room. Laval knocked on the door.

- Come in" Stripetail said looking up from his writings. Eris came in first, and got a good lok at the wizard.  He was a large squirrel, about the same height as Laval, with brown fur and brown eyes. he wore  pink-colored robes and grasped a large staff with a glowing jewel embedded in the top of it. he looked old, but something about his movements indicated appearances were deceiving' Have a seat, all of you' Stripetail said " Tell me your names and tell me what you want.' He said. he had a strong voice, one used to giving orders, as well as advice. it was an experienced voice , one who had seen a great deal, and which was full of  confidence.' He gestured and chairs were pulled around his desk, four of them, one for each of his visitors.
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Eric gasped in awe at the wide expanse of spaceship extending out in all directions. The walls were chromatic and vast, a spiraling whirlwind of activity and mechanical machinery ferried about by uniformed workers and crewmen.

This was it. The moment he'd always dreamed as a young adult. He was on a space ship! His heart leaped into his throat and he could hardly contain his excitement. Now he just needed to convince them to accept him as a crewman, and then he could wear one of their fancy uniforms! Maybe he could even find a way to be transferred to the command division, he'd always dreamed of being a helmsman or maybe an engineer.

His thoughts were interrupted when a dude told him to follow the way to Stripetail. Eric followed hoping to make a good impression.

He was astounded by the individual that stood before him. While physically only appearing to be a squirrel in a pink robe, there was something about the way he carried himself that belied his true power. Eric quickly realized that this individual was one of the wisest and most experienced individuals he'd ever met, and quickly bowed in a sign of respect towards his elder. "We are humbled to meet you, your honor," he said solemnly. "We are but weary travelers, come from far away and seeking safe passage aboard your vessel. Our cargo is yours, and we offer it with sincerity. My name is Eric."

He hoped that Stripetail liked him; he could only wonder what magical powers the wizard knew. His knees trembled with fear at the thought of somehow displeasing this enigmatic sorcerer; Eric was sure that if Stripetail desired it, he could make any number of horrible fates befall Eric and his friends for transgressions unintended or even unknown.


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" Eric Is it.? well Eric I am Lord Stripetail." Stripetail said.'My Lord' or "Your Lordship' would be proper ways to address me. 'Your Honor' is normally reserved for judges presiding at court. I'll forgive the faux pas as you are clearly nervous. as for passage aboard this ship, well our ship is not going anywhere in its current condition, it was quite damaged while visiting the  planet we visited before this one. it needs to be repaired first before we can take on any more crew, and further Captain Carson will need to take a look at you as well, obviously we cant just let any old sort come onboard, they have to have certain skills on offer. here, have  some tea' Stripetail gestured and a steaming cup of tea appeared in front of Eric.
- Prince Laval at your Service. I'm prince of the Lion Tribe, on Chima 'Laval said " I'm Eris Princess of the Eagle Tribe on Chima.' Eris said bowing to the wizard.' I'm Li' ella. I'm..well just Li'ella. Laval and Eris are my friends..' Li' Ella said.' could we stay onboard , at least until the ship is fixed? We can pay..'  Li'ella said dumping a pileof Chima dollars on the table.." Stripetail looked at her and a smile appeared on his face.' My dear lioness, i'm not the one in charge of giving out rooms. if you want to rent a room, go see the clerk down stairs. " Thats not what I meant, my Lord. I mean we'll pay to reserve passage on the ship ' Li'ella said. " again, you have to clear it with Captain Carson once repairs are done. For now , you can rent rooms here, thats your concern. But, i suppose i can provide some food and drink to sustain you after your long journey here?
 well  Something with meat.. A steak perhaps? Laval mused.' done ' Stripetail gestured and  3 piping hot steaks appeared on plates in front of the lions and eagle, along with glasses of milk and utensils for eating.' All three looked amazed at this display of magic. A"nd what would you like  to eat Eric? ' He turned to the delivery man.
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"I apologize for using the wrong title, my Lord!" Eric shouted, blood draining from his face. "I am a pilot; I flew a delivery ship for most of my adult life, and just flew a pod racer to reach this ship! As for eating, I would love to eat some orange chicken from Panda Express!" He whipped out his phone and found a quick photograph on Google. "Preferably with a side of fried rice! Thank you so much, my Lord!"


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Captain Carson looked over the Aestorican Glider. Two high-boost solid fuel rockets were strapped to the underside of the vessel. They had been enchanted using the ship's onboard mana chamber to match the color of any vessel they were attached to. Once they were spent, they would automatically be jettisoned and teleported back to the ship.

It was then her radio buzzed. Answering it, she found that some new members were aboard the ship.

The Human exited the vehicle bay and hailed an electric taxi that took her to Stripetail's room. She knocked on the wooden door.

"Stripetail," she said. "I have recieved notice of some new arrivals aboard."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Sara stretched, leaning back as she did so, her hands reaching as far down as she could.  "Ah, there, much better." She said.


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ah captain. do come in. yes. we do seem to have newcomers coming in pretty regularly, now dont we? But then Adventure always has its siren call, and many to answr ir. This is Prince laval and Princess Eris of the land of chima, and their friends Li'ella- I do hope I;m saying that right? and Eric..  who's a deliveryman of some sort. this is Captain Carson, who i was mentioning earlier.. once they finish the refreshments i've provided, Captain, feel free to give them a look-over. stripetail said turning and creating the meal Eric asked for, with white rice as a side." i do hope that is the meal you asked for.
 dixie tensed as Cynder sped towards the nearest town. the warm air was causing the ice block around broken leg was slowly nelt and crack' keep still Dixie " warfang said' we'll get you to the heya so we can treat that leg ' she needs a doctor kitty said.' that leg will only get worse unless a doctor treats it..'
 skylands flew up next to them, to keep an eye on the passengers'  you guys ever ridden on a dragon before?' she smirked.' No' Kitty said truthfully.' Well i'll give you girls a free ride after Dixie gts her leg fixed. How that/
 Dont you have sumo matches to deal with? Dixie said.' not for a couple days.Skylands replied.
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"Ah perfect, thank you." Eric ate the orange chicken, having realized that Stripetail was taking him in stride. "I'm prepared and pleased the Spire of Winter" in any way I can." He prepared mentally to meet this "captain" figure, rationing that he likely would need to prove himself to this person, as they probably aren't as worldly-wise as the centuries-old Stripetail who could probably discern everything important about any person within a single glance.


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At Stripetail's request, Captain Carson entered the room. As with protocol when she had advance notice of new guests, she wore her full captain's uniform. Despite the differences, her freshly pressed naval style uniform with its golden adornments on the epaulettes, the captain's hat with its golden laurel leaves and stylized planetary orbit decorating the front, she looked just as regal as Stripetail in his royal robes.

"Greetings to all," she said, bowing slightly to the two royals. "I am Captain Sharon Carson, the captain of this ship, the RIMCS Spire of Winter. I welcome you all aboard this fine vessel."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

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"Good evening captain!" Eric extended a hand. "I am Eric Cartman of the planet Earth. I come to offer my services as a pilot and an engineer. Though I wouldn't be remiss to a spot of training, I've never worked on a ship of this size." He shifted his foot slightly. "Still, it is an honor to even see the Spire of Winter, even if you don't have room for me to work."


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"Good evening Mister Cartman," Captain Carson said, firmly shaking the proffered hand. "I am pleased to hear that you have piloting and engineering experience. Welcome to the crew. We've been a bit short in the engineering department. Mr. Bigmouth is our current chief of engineering but I believe he is working in the science department right now."

She then turned to Princess Eris and Prince Laval. "Your Majesties," she said. "I do not give free pleasure cruises aboard this vessel. As such, I must ask if you have some means of payment or if Stripetail will be covering for your fare. Alternatively, you can join the crew and have the fare waived along with free lodging at the Winterville Inn and free meals aboard the ship."

She awaited the two royals' decision.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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we can pay ' eris said digging out a pile of Chima dollars i'm not sure what the current exchange rate is. ' a chima dollar is worth 2 Mawashii dollars, or roughly 5 to 1 Earth dollar " stripetail said. so to cover a weeks rent here would cost roughly 500 Chima dollars each.  thats 2000 Chima dollars, for the 4 of you.'
 Li'ella, Laval and eris pooled their resources  and found they had barely enough to cover a weeks worth of rent. ' we have enough for a week- just enough.' Laval said to Carson.' we didnt anticipate staying on Mawashii more than a few days ' i'll need to contact my father for more money.' i'll need to contact the Eagle Council ' Eris said.' we'll take the crew positions on offer ' Li'ella said ' i'm sure the costs would otherwise become quite a financial burden on our tribes.. space travel isnt cheap. and we would not want to abuse Stripetail's hospitality.
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