The Gang of Five
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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5699 · 431245


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If you are dead, as you claim, how is it you are here? chong said to Hailey ' the only way you could be here in any solid form is if someone brought you back to life.. and that takes extremely strong magic, magic only a few possess and fewer have any gumption to use.." chong said..
 Insane Cafe
 _ nick shot a couple pirates at close range.. then pointed to the doorway
 We have to seal that doorway up!.. we can't afford to have an entire group come back here..
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Captain Marvelous's attack caught the pirates by surprise, killing a few of them but they quickly regrouped and scattered, firing shots at the group.


"On it!" Dr. Kerzach shouted as he stabbed another pirate. He then used his powerful legs to push a crate that held potatoes in front of the door.

One of the cooks, a former soldier, reloaded his shotgun. "We can slow them down with crates and other stuff as we fall back. If we do that, we can kill them one at a time."

"Good idea!"

Sure enough, the pirates were still heading into the back room but they had to leap over the crate. This delay let the crew kill them.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Its ok.. Cynder said patting her with a wing.. i'll just give you a moment to compose yourself " i'm be over with the other members of the team.." she said getting up as Arlene came over carrying a small bottle.. " Stripetail said to give this to you.. "whats this..? ' its the same stuff I gave to you during the stop in China, and told you to take it every few months." Stripetail said coming up to them.. 'it suppresses all "unnatural" feelings.. as I said when I first gave it to you. Drink it, and you should be good for the rest of the year. ' dixie drank the potion and tensed " I don't remember it tasting this bad.." she said capping the bottle. 'well its a small price to pay to be healthy and normal.." She added putting the bottle on a small table..
Genki had started up yet another videogame " this time it was "Mega Monster Battles"  Been wanting to play this game for awhile " He smiled.. as Kopa and Kiara watched.. "that human sure is good at playing' kiara said..
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Bizzaro Pinkie seemed to ignore Hailey's words as she continued her menacing gaze on Chong

"Well, now, since you know who I am, we can finally move on to the real business of why I'm here. I'm willing to help you and your friend escape, but its going to cost you."


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Very well, i'd expect that such "help" would come with strings attached.." chong said his eyes narrowing.. "I don't have a choice,well neither if us do, all we can do given our circumstances is pay your "fee", in whatever form and whatever time you choose to collect. So state your "price" Bizzaro, and lets move on to the " getting us the heck out of here" part.. I don't want to wear these shackles a moment more than necessary..
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"Very good." said Bizzarro Pinkie and out of nowhere she produced a corked jar and on the inside Chong could see the essence of what looked like a soul.

"Have a look at this spiffy little specimen. It is the very soul of my last victim. The very fox that you despise so much. I collected his soul before I let him escape my chambers. Since I've acquired my magical powers I've taken up the hobby of collecting such souls (what else would I make those delicious cupcakes out of?)."

And then she produced another jar out of nowhere, this one uncorked and empty.

"This one, Chong, is to be your jar. I want your soul. Give it to me, and I'll release you from this prison and send you to wherever you wish to go. And also from then on, you may think of me as a genie who'll grant you unlimited wishes."


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i'm not giving you my soul, at least, not all of it.. chong replied.. "Would you be willing to accept half now, and after I've repaid Nick and Aves,  the other half? The soul after all is the most important part of our selves, it makes us who we are..without it, we are empty shells, not that Aves wasn't an empty shell before you took his soul..' Chong smirked..
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"Hmm..." said Bizzarro Pinky who seemed in thought

"Normally I would decline the offer as I'm not one to haggle. If I do agree to this then I'm afraid I wont be able to include the genie part of the deal. Are you sure you'd want to go that route?"


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why not do the normal genie routine and grant me three things? chong said.. i don;t need many things after all, i'm a strong enough magician to  get myself almost anything i could want.. So is that fair or do you still want my entire soul?
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"Fine," said Pinkie, "Three wishes and I'll help you escape. But I wont include the free trip to anywhere. Is that your final offer, Chong?"


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Yes it is" Chong replied " take half my soul now as you wish and put it in that jar of yours " Just out of curiousity, how many souls have you collected so far, or do you not know that?" He asked giving the pony a glance..
_ Nick continued foiring at the pirates ..
_ wedding Reception
 many of the guests headed upstairs to ned, mostly the older gueasts. Others gathered to watch Genki play, have a light chat over drinks, or played board games outside..
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"Barely enough." said Pinkie, "I've managed to snag a few of those guards on my way in and by the time I leave this place I expect to have them all in this one jar."

She produced an extra large jar out of nowhere and Chong could see the essence of multiple souls from within it. "This is only just enough to make half a batch of my special cupcakes. But we're getting a bit off topic here."

She grinned at Chong setting his jar in front of him and then there was a nasty flash of light. Chong felt a terrible sensation running through his body and in a matter of seconds half of his own essence was extracted from him and pulled into the jar where then Pinkie quickly corked it and put it away as quickly as she had produced it. Chong then felt suddenly weakened, feeble and exhausted. Pinkie went on as if nothing really had happened.

"And now, as promised, I'll help you in your escape. For your viewing pleasure allow me to show you my style!"

She pointed towards the wall and there was what appeared to be a viewing portal showing the outside area of the cell. Four guards stood their posts two on either side of the prison corridor. Pinkie suddenly appeared before them and she bounced around giggling and looking cute and innocent

"Hello! I'm a pretty, pink little pony and I love to have parties! Wouldnt you guys like to have one with me?"

'Daw!" exclaimed one of the guards "Its fricken' adorable!'

"Shaddap Jim!" said one of the other guards and he glared down at the little pink pony, "What the hell are you and how did you manage to get here?"

Pinkie looked sad and hurt as she gazed up at the guard with her innocent large puppy eyes (and they watered with tears). "Why you so mean? I just wanted to have some fun..."

"Oh, now George, why'd you have to go and hurt the little pony's feelings?"

"I said shaddap, Jim!" growled George and then he turned his glare back to Pinkie, "Nobody is supposed to be here, let alone stupid little oddly colored talking animals."

"Your suck a nasty grump, mister grumpy pants." said Pinkie, still looking sad, "But maybe this will cheer you up!'

And out of nowhere Pinkie produced four rainbow colored ice-cream cones. Not just any ice-cream, but ice-cream that seemed to be enchanted with strange spells and all four of the guards fell under those enchantments and they took the ice-cream without question and they each set about eating the deserts like hungry dogs being fed fresh meat.

"This ice-cream!" exclaimed one of the guards "Its.. its too much! Its delicious, I cant seem to have enou - yeaAAARGH!!! BRAIN FREEZE!!"

All four suddenly collapsed to the ground clutching their heads in pain. Pinkie giggled as she bounced around.

"That's what you get when you eat your icy deserts too fast!"

And then she vanished in a poof just as the guards fainted from their agonizing brain freeze (it was that strong)

the viewing portal changed showing the hangar where the ships were kept. Since Chong's last attempt at an escape this place in particular was doubled in its security.. Now there were at least four guards to each vessel (and area entrance). Suddenly out of nowhere multicolored balloons appeared before each guard with large animated smiley faces. And they all spoke in unison, and in slow mono-toned voices.

"Heeelloooooo, leeets haaave aaaay paaaartaaaaay."

"What the heck?' said one of the guards but before there could be any more reaction each of the balloons exploded (pop would be an understatement) and the explosions literally shook the entire compound. When the dust and smoke cleared the guards were simply reduced to piles of dusty black ash and bits of their armor and weapons lay strewn about.

Pinkie soon reappeared back in the cell giggling. The cuffs fell away from Chong and Haily and the door seemed to melt away into what appeared to be a chocolate puddle (and candy colored crystals quickly formed around the melted hole)

"Your now free to go!" she said, "And I'll be seeing you around, Chong."

and like that she vanished in her usual poofing way leaving Chong and Haily to go their own way from there.


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Chong stumbled though the opening. drained from having half his soul taken away.." lets get out of this blasted prison.. speaking off which, you never did answer my question, as how you are here, if you were killed.. He added as they headed up the stairs which were cleared of guards thanks to Bizarro stealing their souls..
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Dr. Kerzach hurled his switchblade at an oncoming pirate, striking her square in the throat. Luckily, the enchantment from the war with Chong was still present and it reappeared in his hand a moment later.

"For a spacegoing shopping mall, this place is heavily defended," a pirate grunted as a bullet nicked his arm.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Ratchet Clank and Angela were sitting on one of the coaches, the two Lombaxes were munching on snacks, while Clank did some searches oin the Holo-net " Another 3 plsanets disappear from the Bogon Galaxy.. thats nine planets in all Ratchet" clank sighed " Clank, we're retired remember? " But Ratchet.. " Clanbks right" angela replied " someone has to do something about all those missing planets. Ok so theres 117, 324 planets in the known cosmos, so missing 9 isn't a big deal, in the gbrand scheme, but don't tell that to the residents of those 9 planets' Angela said..
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"Is there a video game system?  I bet it would be sweet to play one on a large screen like this." Mikey said.  

"I have goggles that would make it seem even larger then that.  Like the world is all around you." Jason said.


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Yeah theres lots of video games Shaggy said in pasing " Genkis playing on a 120 inch screen in the rec room..
Kovu decided to try his paw at karoke.. and well lets just say he needed to work on his singing..  his vocals were all over the place and not in a good way..
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"Cool." Mikey said.

"You can go and take a look.  You may like the game the person is playing." Jason said.

"I may, after I'm doing eating this radical pizza." Mikey said.


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Dr. Kerzach and the crew had finished slowing down the pirates. Unfortunately, several of the crew had been killed by the pirates but they still fought tenaciously.

"Nick!" Dr. Kerzach shouted over the gunfire. "We'll need to fall back!"

"Has the military been contacted yet?" a chef shouted as she changed magazines on her rifle.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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We're in the depths of space, our signals will take time to reach the nearest planet" nick said as he considered thier options.. " Ok.. we need to get the valuables and important stuff out of the safe so the pirates don't get them./.
 Ok thats enough Kovu' Vitani said coming up to her brother..
 i've heard dying prey that sounded better.. " Yeah yeah like you could sing any better Vitani.. Kovu replied.. ' Well i don't sing, but it would be hard for me to do worse/.. say why don';t we get kiara and kopa in here and  sing as a group.. i'm tired of watching tv, and i'm good on food for awhile..and you need to avoid any more drinks  you've had a few too many..oogling girls, trying to dance while leaning on a microphone..and now your  attempt at a singling career,. stick to your day job bro.. so where are those two?
 kiara and kopa were  among the group watching genki play. ' is this all that human does kopa asked, his green eyes narrowed slightly.. ' pretty much tigeress said ' hes really good at it though.. hes won contests and loads of stuff in fact its how he met tiger and his other friends.. now where did flash go?
 Right Here Mom' Flash smirked as she appeared on Kopas shoulder  ' just hang around with King Kopa here alright. stick with him, because this is a big place and I don;t want to lose you and not find out until we get back home..
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