The Gang of Five
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Superior Kids or Incompetent Adults? Both!


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In movie number twelve, there is a system erected to be followed by young flyers. When they start acting out of line, Petrie’s mother says that the day of the flyers will never be the same. How awful!

Forgive me if I’m wrong; but usually when people say “how awful!” it’s meant as sarcasm, right?


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In movie number three, there was a problem in the Great Valley- a lack of water. The adults handled this by arguing for an extended period of time, which accomplished nothing. The kids also had a problem- their peers, or, the bullies, were heading into danger. Littlefoot did not hesitate, left the valley, then saved the mean teenagers. So, in retrospection, the adults couldn’t handle their problem while the kids jumped right into theirs and solved it. Isn’t that teaching kids that careful planning is a waste of time and rushing into danger is the solution? Furthermore, it might make kids not worry about being reckless, as their parents will just fix everything. I mean, I once made a thread in this section comparing The Lion King to The Land Before Time. Well, here’s a difference, making The Lion King’s example of this more appropriate for developing minds.

In The Lion King, Simba recklessly charges into the unknown, and because of that, he was nearly killed. The gang of five was also nearly killed for wandering off. So what was the difference, you ask? Simba got a royal scolding from his father. Mufasa gave a huge lecture that taught kids what can happen if you head into danger. The adults in The Land Before Time? Hm. “This is no time to go exploring.” Really? Is that all? Just like the adults failed to respond to a problem, they failed to chide their children and reveal just how wrong it was for them to leave like that. Hyp got reprimanded the worst, but the only complaint his father made about him leaving was that his departure was a distraction to solving the water problem. “Duh, dad?” “Yeah?” “I’m going to enter a near death situation.” “Nah, don’t do that! It might distract me!” The full concept of the danger was never passed down from parent to child. The parents simply took care of the sharpteeth, and all was fine. So, kids were glorified as being the ideal characters and the authority and wisdom of adults was thrashed in this film by making it seem like not planning is the way to get things done, and doing dangerous things will simply cause your parents to bail you out. Did the head writer have parent issues…?

What the flyer does The Lion King have to do with LBT 3


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In movie number three, there was a problem in the Great Valley- a lack of water. The adults handled this by arguing for an extended period of time, which accomplished nothing. The kids also had a problem- their peers, or, the bullies, were heading into danger. Littlefoot did not hesitate, left the valley, then saved the mean teenagers. So, in retrospection, the adults couldn’t handle their problem while the kids jumped right into theirs and solved it. Isn’t that teaching kids that careful planning is a waste of time and rushing into danger is the solution? Furthermore, it might make kids not worry about being reckless, as their parents will just fix everything. I mean, I once made a thread in this section comparing The Lion King to The Land Before Time. Well, here’s a difference, making The Lion King’s example of this more appropriate for developing minds.

In The Lion King, Simba recklessly charges into the unknown, and because of that, he was nearly killed. The gang of five was also nearly killed for wandering off. So what was the difference, you ask? Simba got a royal scolding from his father. Mufasa gave a huge lecture that taught kids what can happen if you head into danger. The adults in The Land Before Time? Hm. “This is no time to go exploring.” Really? Is that all? Just like the adults failed to respond to a problem, they failed to chide their children and reveal just how wrong it was for them to leave like that. Hyp got reprimanded the worst, but the only complaint his father made about him leaving was that his departure was a distraction to solving the water problem. “Duh, dad?” “Yeah?” “I’m going to enter a near death situation.” “Nah, don’t do that! It might distract me!” The full concept of the danger was never passed down from parent to child. The parents simply took care of the sharpteeth, and all was fine. So, kids were glorified as being the ideal characters and the authority and wisdom of adults was thrashed in this film by making it seem like not planning is the way to get things done, and doing dangerous things will simply cause your parents to bail you out. Did the head writer have parent issues…?

Okay. What the heck is your problem with LBT 3? You go and talk about something completely unrelated just to bash it. Just, what the heck???

Hm, not much to really say about this one. The kids accepted the tinysauruses while the adults feared them and wanted to drive them away. The kids were like John Smith from Disney’s Pocahontas, the tinysauruses were the Indians, and the adults were the other white men. Both groups could not accept the other on equal terms and wanted to be as far away from each other as possible. The white men (the LBT grownups) wanted to drive away the Indians (the tinysauruses) while John Smith (the kids) found peace with both sides at once. Whoa, hold the phone. This isn’t LIKE the Pocahontas movie. It IS the Pocahontas movie. The savages song from Pocahontas is just like the creepy crawlies song from the LBT movie. I can just see the director, trying to think of a plot for movie eleven, then his little daughter tugs on his pants and asks him to watch a movie with her. He refuses for days, then finally accepts, having found no ideas. As he watches Pocahontas, his eyes lights up, and he calls the writer team up. Sadly, the father never finishes the movie with his daughter. I mean, seriously, the plot theme was just like that Disney movie,

What the…??? Okay, where the heck did this idea even come from?  :confused

In movie number twelve, there is a system erected to be followed by young flyers. When they start acting out of line, Petrie’s mother says that the day of the flyers will never be the same. How awful!

Was that…sarcasm? Usually when people go “how awful!” they don’t actually mean it.


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@GreyLizard226 You know, The Friendly Sharptooth hasn’t been around here in ages and is unlikely to come back just to reply to the complaints you keep making about posts of his from more than 10 years ago.


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@GreyLizard226 You know, The Friendly Sharptooth hasn’t been around here in ages and is unlikely to come back just to reply to the complaints you keep making about posts of his from more than 10 years ago.

Are you mad at me?


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@GreyLizard226 You know, The Friendly Sharptooth hasn’t been around here in ages and is unlikely to come back just to reply to the complaints you keep making about posts of his from more than 10 years ago.

Are you mad at me? I was just saying that some of the things he wrote were rather harsh and/or didn’t make much sense.


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@GreyLizard226 You know, The Friendly Sharptooth hasn’t been around here in ages and is unlikely to come back just to reply to the complaints you keep making about posts of his from more than 10 years ago.

Are you mad at me? I was just saying that some of the things he wrote were rather harsh and/or didn’t make much sense.


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I’m not mad—and I’m sorry if it seemed that way—but I wanted to let you know that the member you appear to be repeatedly asking for explanations is no longer here. Maybe I misinterpreted things, but from my viewpoint, you seemed to be getting mad at him.


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I’m not mad—and I’m sorry if it seemed that way—but I wanted to let you know that the member you appear to be repeatedly asking for explanations is no longer here. Maybe I misinterpreted things, but from my viewpoint, you seemed to be getting mad at him.

No, I’m not mad, just very confused, haha.


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In movie number three, there was a problem in the Great Valley- a lack of water. The adults handled this by arguing for an extended period of time, which accomplished nothing. The kids also had a problem- their peers, or, the bullies, were heading into danger. Littlefoot did not hesitate, left the valley, then saved the mean teenagers. So, in retrospection, the adults couldn’t handle their problem while the kids jumped right into theirs and solved it. Isn’t that teaching kids that careful planning is a waste of time and rushing into danger is the solution? Furthermore, it might make kids not worry about being reckless, as their parents will just fix everything. I mean, I once made a thread in this section comparing The Lion King to The Land Before Time. Well, here’s a difference, making The Lion King’s example of this more appropriate for developing minds.

In The Lion King, Simba recklessly charges into the unknown, and because of that, he was nearly killed. The gang of five was also nearly killed for wandering off. So what was the difference, you ask? Simba got a royal scolding from his father. Mufasa gave a huge lecture that taught kids what can happen if you head into danger. The adults in The Land Before Time? Hm. “This is no time to go exploring.” Really? Is that all? Just like the adults failed to respond to a problem, they failed to chide their children and reveal just how wrong it was for them to leave like that. Hyp got reprimanded the worst, but the only complaint his father made about him leaving was that his departure was a distraction to solving the water problem. “Duh, dad?” “Yeah?” “I’m going to enter a near death situation.” “Nah, don’t do that! It might distract me!” The full concept of the danger was never passed down from parent to child. The parents simply took care of the sharpteeth, and all was fine. So, kids were glorified as being the ideal characters and the authority and wisdom of adults was thrashed in this film by making it seem like not planning is the way to get things done, and doing dangerous things will simply cause your parents to bail you out. Did the head writer have parent issues…?

I just don't understand this person's problem with LBT 3. He brings up a completely random other movie just as a way to bash it.


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I’m not mad—and I’m sorry if it seemed that way—but I wanted to let you know that the member you appear to be repeatedly asking for explanations is no longer here. Maybe I misinterpreted things, but from my viewpoint, you seemed to be getting mad at him.

Honestly, I’m just confused. Why all the bashing of LBT 3??


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In movie number three, there was a problem in the Great Valley- a lack of water. The adults handled this by arguing for an extended period of time, which accomplished nothing. The kids also had a problem- their peers, or, the bullies, were heading into danger. Littlefoot did not hesitate, left the valley, then saved the mean teenagers. So, in retrospection, the adults couldn’t handle their problem while the kids jumped right into theirs and solved it. Isn’t that teaching kids that careful planning is a waste of time and rushing into danger is the solution? Furthermore, it might make kids not worry about being reckless, as their parents will just fix everything. I mean, I once made a thread in this section comparing The Lion King to The Land Before Time. Well, here’s a difference, making The Lion King’s example of this more appropriate for developing minds.

In The Lion King, Simba recklessly charges into the unknown, and because of that, he was nearly killed. The gang of five was also nearly killed for wandering off. So what was the difference, you ask? Simba got a royal scolding from his father. Mufasa gave a huge lecture that taught kids what can happen if you head into danger. The adults in The Land Before Time? Hm. “This is no time to go exploring.” Really? Is that all? Just like the adults failed to respond to a problem, they failed to chide their children and reveal just how wrong it was for them to leave like that.

The gang wanders off in multiple films, why are you just signaling one of them out?

If we're going to compare to TLK, Simba did something completely stupid out of pure selfishness. That's part of why Mufasa gives a "royal scolding".  ("You DELIBERATELY disobeyed me!"). Yeah, the kids often run off into danger and are rarely scolded by their parents. But the situations are different. First is the fact that they pretty much almost always do it to rescue somebody. The second is that they come from very different backgrounds than Simba, who, before he recklessly charged into the unknown, had only ever known the safe home he'd grown up in. The Gang of Five, on the other hand, were born outside the Great Valley and KNOW firsthand how dangerous the world out there is. They rarely go out there without a good reason. I think the only example I can think of is Littlefoot at the end of 6, which I DO have issues with.

But back to the rest, I'm not saying that that makes them constantly running off the safe or even always the right thing to do but I don't think it's a good analogy. They have experience and knowledge of danger that the main character of The Lion King doesn't. Littlefoot's grandparents actually DO have a talk with him in LBT 2 about how he shouldn't be running into danger, and from what we hear, the other kids' parents have the same talk with them. And while the kids don't always listen, they are at least aware of the risks and don't run off for the same self-serving reasons as in LK. Just because the kids parents don't always give them the same lecture you mentioned in The Lion King doesn't mean these movies are trying to teach the opposite.

And honestly, why are you putting The Lion King above LBT on an LBT forum?

The Chronicler

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 :confused You seem to have a weird habit of persistently demanding responses from certain members who have long since stopped visiting this site for personal reasons. Are you not even aware that The Friendly Sharptooth and RainbowFaceProtege had both made separate topics several months or years ago announcing they were leaving with intentions of never ever coming back? Honestly, you might as well be expecting a gravestone to somehow respond to your speeches. Do yourself a favor and just let it go. Find something else to do that'll be more worthy of your time and effort.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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:confused You seem to have a weird habit of persistently demanding responses from certain members who have long since stopped visiting this site for personal reasons. Are you not even aware that The Friendly Sharptooth and RainbowFaceProtege had both made separate topics several months or years ago announcing they were leaving with intentions of never ever coming back? Honestly, you might as well be expecting a gravestone to somehow respond to your speeches. Do yourself a favor and just let it go. Find something else to do that'll be more worthy of your time and effort.

No way.  They're the ones who started this. I wouldn't have had a problem if they hadn't.

And also...did you even read ANYTHING I wrote in my previous post????? Did I literally write all that for nothing??? Are you saying I'm wrong???
« Last Edit: February 20, 2025, 02:57:58 AM by GreyLizard226 »


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... as I've just warned you in another topic, please consider that warning echoed here, greylizard. I suggest you drop it.


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... as I've just warned you in another topic, please consider that warning echoed here, greylizard. I suggest you drop it.

Look, I don’t want to start anything with you. You’re not the person who upset me, and I’m sorry my response to you reflected off that.

But I also wrote a rather detailed analysis two nights ago in this thread, and it saddens me that you’re focusing solely on my sore feelings towards the other user, and not any of the points I tried to make in my analysis.

With that said, I’ll try to stop voicing my frustrations in ways that come across as confrontational. I’m not great when it comes to people saying things that bother me, but I’ll try to keep things friendly.

The Chronicler

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:confused You seem to have a weird habit of persistently demanding responses from certain members who have long since stopped visiting this site for personal reasons. Are you not even aware that The Friendly Sharptooth and RainbowFaceProtege had both made separate topics several months or years ago announcing they were leaving with intentions of never ever coming back? Honestly, you might as well be expecting a gravestone to somehow respond to your speeches. Do yourself a favor and just let it go. Find something else to do that'll be more worthy of your time and effort.

No way.  They're the ones who started this. I wouldn't have had a problem if they hadn't.

And also...did you even read ANYTHING I wrote in my previous post????? Did I literally write all that for nothing??? Are you saying I'm wrong???

Let me start off by saying I have no desire to get involved in any arguments. But when the same person floods a single topic with practically the exact same content persistently for several months and even years, it eventually starts to get rather annoying for everyone who might read this topic. I've posted plenty of various topics over the years that never really got going, and not once had I ever tried to force others to participate with relentless begging, especially not even years and years later.

What I was trying to emphasize is that the one post you keep responding to over and over (from 14 years ago!) is to a member that has long since left the forum several years ago, and therefore will never respond, no matter how many times you keep asking year after year, because he is simply unaware of anything going on around here. If you're really that desperate for a response from him, you'll need to find some other means of getting in contact with him, but I suspect that might be considered stalking and could get you in some serious trouble if you don't let this go like I had recommended.

In fact, now that I look back on many of those previous posts, this is the exact same argument RainbowFaceProtege had made last year, and it seems you didn't listen to her. I'm not going to waste my time any further. I've made my point, so now I'm moving on to more important matters. I would highly recommend you do the same.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls