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Movies Coming Out on DVD Sooner?


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Is it just me or are movies starting to come out sooner these days than they did nearly five years ago?

One example is the movie, Yogi Bear.  While not a good movie, doesn't it seem a little short when it only took 3 months for it to hit DVD?  Sure, we can easily guess that the creators didn't see enough in terms of profit by having it in theaters, so they brought it out ASAP.  Still, even if any kind of movie was respectably decent, 3 months is a little too short to really make a profit of any kind off of a multi-million dollar project.

I'm sure there are other examples of movies coming out too soon.  However, it's seeming to become a trend that many movies come out in 5 months.

I remember when movies took around 6 months to a year before they finally hit the shelf.  They become memories within that time and by then we have an idea of whether we want to buy it, rent it or forget it.

So really, is this 3 months thing going to become a trend?  I most certainly hope not.  Many of us don't have the time, flexibility or money to actually see every movie we want to in theaters.  You need to give your audience time to make plans to see what you have made with those millions of dollars you were given for this project of yours.  In the end, with 3 months, you really aren't showing much respect for your audience.

Seriously though, doesn't it seem movies are coming out sooner than ever on DVD?  It definitely seems like it to me.

Only 3 months in theaters.  That's got to be a record. -_-


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I don't mind movies coming to DVD earlier. It's cheaper to rent the movie than it is to see it in theatres. I typically wait until a movie is on DVD anyway before I see it.

F-14 Ace

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What's your point exactly?  So what if movies are coming out on DVD as soon as they leave theaters?  I'm kinda glad I don't have to wait around that long to buy it on DVD.


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Quote from: F-14 Ace,Mar 30 2011 on  02:48 AM
What's your point exactly?  So what if movies are coming out on DVD as soon as they leave theaters?  I'm kinda glad I don't have to wait around that long to buy it on DVD.
Do you realize how many jobs would be lost with a movie being this short in theaters becoming a trend?  Sure, it means something good for the movie industry if they can sell plenty of discs to make the profit happen, but theaters are actually a big part of the movie business.  One we often take for granted.

Sure, we as an audience want the movie to come out ASAP.  I have that feeling myself.  However, we can't forget that theaters tend to make money off of these movies only during the time they are in said theaters.

3 months is a rather short time, and unless the movie is a big time hit, I doubt any of them made much money off of it.

So while it does help the movie business in one way, it also hinders it in another that we don't often think about.

If this thing is going to become a trend, we need to think about the impact such a thing could have on something that's been a part of the movie industry for the longest time.


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I don't think there'll be that negative of an impact on movie industries if this trend continues. My dad believes that one day movie theatres will go "extinct" because of prices being raised. If that happens, then movie industries will either find another way to get more money or they'll make do with money they get from people renting and buying the movie.

Times are changing. This doesn't mean it's automatically a bad thing. Personally I would be more optimistic about the fate of movie industries and the money they earn in the future. This type of medium went through other transformations in the past.

For instance, when VHSs were invented, people panicked and thought it would ruin the TV/movie industry, if memory serves right, because people now could record and watch at any time. Did the TV/movie industries die? No, they continued to thrive. So just because movie theatres are keeping movies available less and less doesn't mean the movie industry is going to really suffer that much. It's just another change phase it's going through.

EDIT: I did find an article regarding the fate of movie theatres. It's a few years old, though.

I did do a lot of searching and I haven't found anything about movie industries suffering when the movie theatre "goes extinct". I haven't even found anything on movie theatres disappearing. Maybe I'm not looking hard enough. And yes I also did a search of movies in theatres for a shorter time and didn't really find anything.


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Meh, I don't really care how fast these movies come out on DVD. It just means that we don't have to wait for too long if we, say, didn't really feel like going to the theatres at the time they're released.

Plus, we get to see some of those inside scoop stuff that they usually include in the DVDs. ;)


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Well, took me some time to figure out what I wanted to say, but here we go!

To be honest, despite the fact that my mom and dad have pretty much set up the Family Room of the house to be rather close to a movie going experience, (In this case, we have a big screen HD TV, Surround Sound HD Speakers, Blu-Ray Player and Blu-Ray Movies.) even with the lights dimmed, there just seems to be something missing in the end.

To me, going to see a movie at the theater with friends and family, rather than watching one at home, just feels special to me.  It's something I can't quite put my finger on, but there's something unique about it in the end.

For some, going to the movies is a family tradition.  Heck, there's one family I know that lives close by that goes to the movies every Christmas Day.  Imagine if theaters were gone one day, what would they do now that a vital part of their family tradition is gone?  For people like them, they'd practically be losing a part of themselves.

To me, while it would mean getting movies sooner, it would also mean losing an area for social gathering.

To me, going to the theater means more than just seeing a movie.  It's about spending time with the family.  So, in the end, if movie theaters disappeared, I really would lose a part of myself.