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The Liong King vs Kimba The White Lion.


  • Cera
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Disscussions seen here: I give my two cents here.

Your thoughts on this long-standing discussion? Did The Lion King rip-off the vastly overrated and terrible KimbThe White Lion?
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To a certain extent although LIOn King was the far better film.
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Bottom line, NO!  Disney did not rip off Kimba, the White Lion.


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Personally I do believe that Disney did draw inspiration from Kimba as there's too many similarities between the two to be a coincidence in my opinion. From what I understand, The Lion King started off as a remake of Kimba (there was originally a white lion cub according to old concept art), but branched off at some point, though still kept a lot of similar elements and characters.

But I don't really hate The Lion King or Kimba the White Lion. I don't really see the point in debating about if Disney intentionally ripped off Kimba or not. It won't change anything. Best to just drop the whole controversy thing and move on. What do people have to gain from arguing about it anyway?


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I agree with Kacie about the lack of any need to get so agitated about it. I haven't seen Kimba and can therefore not refer to stuff other than what I have read, but so what? There are countless examples of stories inspired by other stories with visible similarities between the two. Heck stories as old as Greek mythology and the bible "ripped off" earlier stories. But because this is so and because Lion King is definitely a great movie I do not see why there would be any need to pretend it did not draw any inspiration from Kimba when it seems rarther likely that it did provide some inspiration.


  • Cera
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Keep in mind that the similatities shared between the two are quite general and common of many stories.
Parent dies at the beginning? Hello, Bambi's mom.
Lost Hero returns and has to fight his way to power: Hello way too many stories to count.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


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Which I still don't see as a reason to get agitated about the matter. I did read the article you linked, but what is all the fuss about anyway? Scenes in LBT have often been said to have been inspired by Bambi and I am quite certain that some of the sequels were influenced by some episodes of Dink the dinosaur, so what? Should I refuse to accept the possible inspiration by other stories because my fondness for LBT would in any way obligue me to do so?
I really don't see the question of to what degree Lion King (unquestionably a good movie) was inspired by Kimba a matter over which people need to get to their throats on so personal a level as seems to be the case sometimes. Why is it that there seems to be so much acid in this question?


  • Cera
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The fuss is that I keep seeing this crap about Kimba everywhere or I'm constantly getting into arguments over it whether on YouTube, IMDb, and others.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


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And what is the point of getting agitated about it? If we can agree that there are similarities, and if we can agree that such similarities are very frequent among many stories then why is there a problem about the pointing out of this?
Unless it was a kind of over the top reverence for a movie that did not permit for such similarities to be pointed out I do not see where the problem is.


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My agitation is that a film I like is constantly under fire for really dumb reasons. At least with stuff like The Little Mermaid, people who wish it had stayed more in line with the book make for good discussion. In fact, I can see that being interesting discussion right here on GOF and I just might stat that thread.

People who constantly accuse the Lion King of being one big rip-off whether due to ignorance or trolling just undeservingly taints it's rep. Though really, I just wanted to see what sane people (you guys) had to say on the matter for once when I started this. You didn't disappoint. Thank you.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


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MLK:TLK-Kimba discussion

The link that I've provided is relatively mixed in opinions.  Some responses are highly   :bang  :rolleyes: , while other posts do bring up relatively good points.

For example (3rd page):
you also have to remember that Tezuka was a big Disney fan.. and also borrowed some elememts from Bambi and even Mickey Mouse.. in certain pictures from coloring books and such,, Kimba's seen wearing a pair of trousers that remarkably like Mickeys.. and Kimba's girlfriend Kitty has a headcoloring like Minnie mouse's .. (doesn't have a pic.. but you can see the resemblance).. though I think the one thing TLK outdid Kimba on was giving the bad guy an heir or a descendant.. to my knowledge I don't think Claw had any "sons" that I know of .. also, Kimba never had a Pride of Lionessess.. sure he was King of the Jungle but outside of Kitty who lived with her Uncle in separate Pride.. Kimba was really alone.. there were no other Lion Cubs in the Jungle.. speaking of which .. most people know that TLK was originally called King of the Jungle (of course that had to be changed since a pride of Lions don't live in the Jungle) and Kimba's name in Japanese was Jungle Emperor Leo or just Jungle Emperor.. that's a big tip-off right there..

So if that is the case, then the creator of Kimba was probably influenced by disney anyway.  

Other posts are again  :rolleyes:  in the fact that they are just on borderline stupidity.  Ultimately TLK was probably influenced by Kimba, but it was also influenced heavily by Bambi (indeed, I remember that one of the directors referred it to be the 'Bambi of the savannah or something along those lines) and they were also influenced from Hamlet.  Does that mean that people should get so angry about it and threaten to sue and not watch disney anymore?  Definetly not!  

Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream for example had elements of the play's characters and plot strongly influenced by earlier mythology such as Ovid's Metamorphoses (with the story of Thisbe and Pyramus) and also with the characters.  The English mythology influence of the characters of Puck and Oberon for example.  Puck or better identified as 'Robin Goodfellow' is a fairy/sprite that likes to cause mischief whenever possible.  The same example can be said for Oberon.  Oberon/Auberon is a legendary King of the fairies that was around during the medieval and Renaissance literature.  Which Shakespeare was also influenced by the french heroric song called the (and forgive for spelling mistakes  :oops ) Huon de Bourdeaux .  

So by this example should we all boycott Shakespeare's plays because he may have 'ripped off' from other sources?  See how silly that sounds...

The crux of the matter is that there are many aspects in literature/music/film that are influenced by another and people who find a problem with it and complain about it should learn to accept that.   Not get angry with it because of a few similiarities that are obviously influences.  They should ideally be glad that those influences are there, especially as in regards to Kimba, the creator was apparently very glad that Kimba had had some influence with Disney....which leads to the question that if the creator, who you'd think would have some sort of problem with the film himself is honoured by the references that TLK made, then why cause such a controversy over it?  Oh people, how I do not understand some of you.... :rolleyes:


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Quote from: Saft,Feb 28 2011 on  09:43 AM
So if that is the case, then the creator of Kimba was probably influenced by disney anyway.
From what I understand, this is actually true. Tezuka, the father of manga and grandfather of anime, was inspired by a single Disney character (or at least I think this character belonged to Disney), Scrooge McDuck. His art style, the standard of manga and anime, was even inspired by Scrooge McDuck. So basically if it weren't for his influence from a single Disney character, then chances are anime and manga wouldn't even exist (or if it did, it wouldn't be the same).


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I've seen Kimba, and I find that the movie is in no way like the lion king. Sure they have some similarities, but no more than the lion king and the land before time would have. Next to that is the lion king a much better quality movie, both in animation and voice acting. They may indeed have derived some ideas from Kimba, but it's definitely not a rip-off.


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Obviously WR, you are dealing with a bunch of trolls, and since it's YouTube, there's only one way to deal with those trolls, block them.

Seriously speaking, you're better off for it.  I learned the hard way, trolls cannot be reasoned with, at least until they mature.


  • Ducky
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...Lol, that's the whole point of trolls.  They are for the majority of the part; reasonably young pre-teens with little to nothing better to do.  Or, even worse...they are older with nothing to really has to pity them, they will probably never show a grain of maturity at all.;)