I could have sworn there was a topic for these three already. :blink
I think this trio can be much more developed, as most antagonists (i.e villains) tend to be more developed then the protagonists. This does get a little irritating I'll admit when the heroes tend to be very bland, goodie two shoe characters with no challenge to over come other then just beating up bad guys.
Of course that's not the case for all "good side characters", I like certain characters such as Toph, Katara, and Mulan, who are protagonists but are wonderful characters with faults and good things about them.
But anyway, I think for the case of Red Claw, there could have been some back story on him other then "he is the biggest, baddest sharptooth eva and should be pheared!!!!!"
Thud I thought was the most developed of these characters since while he is indeed a sharptooth, he had a heart and seemed to have this belief of reaping what you sow. Chomper did a nice thing for him, so in return he is nice to them.
Also, he seems a bit more independent than Screech...and speaking of Screech...
Screech I find the least interesting character of the trio, though I LOVE how Pangaea portrays him in the "In the Land Before Time" rp.
While he's your typical sharptooth and he's more of a follower of Red Claw then Thud, how Pangea portrays him, he seems to be very logical character. He wants food and wants protection from other dinosaurs, what better way to keep themselves safe and fed then hanging around with the "biggest, baddest" sharptooth of them all and get the parts of food that Red Claw won't eat. Simply put, he's a follower,
Red Claw for some reason I always thought to be a very "tortured soul sharptooth". Like maybe he had so many loses in his life time, and now that he is meeting up with these "pesky kids" that seem to always be one step further from him, and he just seems to be "losing his edge". I have this belief that maybe he was the original sharptooth from the original movie, or at least a sharptooth LIKE the original. However, he has lost his edge so he might be insecure if he's still the sharptooth like he once was.
Wow! I didn't think I would write this long of a description about them...heh, I guess they just sort of grew on me once I was interacting with them in the rp.