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Littlefoot and Cera

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Here are examples of their love, one example per movie, including one episode of the tv series.

                               The Land Before Time: A New Adventure is Born
                        When they were sleeping in sharptooth's
                footprint, Cera crawled Littlefoot's arm, and he put it around her neck.

                         The Land Before Time II: The Great Valley Adventure
                            She was the one that came to get Littlefoot
                for their meeting, when Ducky could have done it easier.

                         The Land Before Time III: The Time of the Great Giving
                       After Littlefoot fell in the pond, and Topsy
                told Cera to come with him, she wanted to be with Littlefoot.

                           The Land Before Time IV: Journey Through the Mists
                     Ali shows up, and showed great Jealousy of
               her, just because Littlefoot and Ali had interest for each other.

                       The Land Before Time V: The Mysterious Island
                           I'm pretty sure that they nuzzled once during
                             it, after Elsie saved Littlefoot and Chomper.

                       The Land Before Time VI: The Secret of Saurus Rock
                         She was one of the two that showed concern
                            when Littlefoot was missing.

                        The Land Before Time VII: The Stone of Cold Fire
                    She wanted to be right a the front of the vine with Littlefoot.

                       The Land Before Time VIII: The Big Freeze
                  I'm sure that they snuggled on the first
                                   day it snowed.

                       The Land Before Time IX: Journey to Big Water
                  She became more close with Littlefoot, after
                            the gang thought Mo was killed.

                       The Land Before Time X: The Great Longneck Migration
                   She wanted to go look for Littlefoot when the
                                   others didn't want to.
                       The Land Before Time XI: Invasion of the Tinysauruses
                        When the tinysauruses were trapped in the
                 cave, Cera's dad told her to come, and she no, I want to be with  

                      The Land Before Time XII: The Great Longneck Migration
           She was the only of the gang copying Littlefoot's dance during
                                           "Flip, Flap and Fly"

                       The Land Before Time XIII: The Wisdom of Friends
              She was the only one that agreed with Littlefoot's wisdoms
                    after the left valley (except Petrie, but he was just teasing

                     The Land Before Time: The Mysterious Tooth Crisis
                      When she was sooking in the mud, she acted more playful
                           around Littlefoot (ex. when she was walking away, she was
                                swinging her tail back and forth when she knew Littlefoot
                                                    was looking)


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Friendship. They're just kids, not even thinking of love yet.


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I think they're just friends. They're too young to even think of love yet. And another issue is that they aren't the same species, and thus, when they are older, they are not going to fall in romantic love because it's not going to click in their minds that they should be together. They are going to want to be with another member of their own kind, instinctively, because they are going to want to, at some point, have kids of their own.

I agree that they probably do love each other, but not in a romantic way, just a friendship way. Friends can love each other without being romantically involved. Friends can be close without being in romantic love.


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DarkHououmon, if they don't love each other, or just one of them loving the other, then howcome, like I stated in LBTIV, she was jealous of Ali, when Littlefoot was giving all his attention to her?


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Your points do not seem valid of "romance" between Littlefoot and Cera. Just because they hug/cuddle on each other/show concern about each other does NOT mean they have a romantic relationship. There ARE kids in the world who do that even though they're just friends. Sure, Cera was jealous when Littlefoot started playing with Ali, but do you have any IDEA how many kids are jealous when their friends start playing with someone else? And in any sense, both of them were pretty darn mad when Ali befriended Rhett. BOTH OF THEM. Does that mean they're BOTH in love with Ali?

And, answering your question, even though I just answered it, Cera was jealous when Littlefoot was playing with Ali, NOT because she loved him romantically, but because he'd rather play with one new friend than her AND the others. Like I just said, there ARE children in the world who are best friends, but one friend finds another and plays with them more than their other friend at the beginning of their new friendship. The remaining friend is jealous, mostly because they feel left out, and feel like their playmate has abandoned them. That is, until they are invited to play with the friend and their new friend, and get to know them.

There IS love in the entire Gang, but it's much more of a sibling-love between them. I guess a good way to say it is that it's like bringing home a new baby. The older sibling feels upset, lonely, and left out, until they get to REALLY get to know what has been "robbing" them of attention, and come to love it themselves.

Cera did NOT want to be in front of Littlefoot because she loved him; she wanted to be in front because she was scared to be in the back, and was only caring about her OWN safety.
I think they're just friends, personally. They're like a brother and sister. Brothers and sisters DO hug, cuddle, sleep together, and show concern for each other. As the oldest and having two younger brothers, I know that for certain. When my youngest brother had a massive allergy attack while we were camping several years ago, I was having such a great panic attack that I couldn't sleep. My brothers had a fight recently and it damaged my "oldest" younger brother's rib, and when he says it hurts/makes a shout when the rib moves, I want to say "That's it, take him to the emergency room!" Cera would have done the same thing if Littlefoot had an injury. She would want to help because he's practically the only brother (other than Spike and Petrie) available to her.



  • Ducky
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If there is any kind of relationship between Littlefoot and Cera, it's simply a brother/sister relationship. Just because one is a boy and the other a girl doesn't mean they have to fall for each other. They can still just be really close friends. Keep in mind as well that they're two completely different types of dinosaur, making  for a pretty awkward scenario.


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The Land Before Time: A New Adventure is Born
When they were sleeping in sharptooth's
footprint, Cera crawled Littlefoot's arm, and he put it around her neck.

Cera showed great animosity towards Littlefoot throughout the movie. She wouldn't have done this because she loved him, but rather because she was actually scared to be alone.

The Land Before Time II: The Great Valley Adventure
She was the one that came to get Littlefoot
for their meeting, when Ducky could have done it easier.

Cera was the head of the meeting. Ducky had no idea why they were there in the first place, so Cera had to gather everybody. This isn't really out of love, merely she just wants to make sure everybody was there to hear her argument.

The Land Before Time III: The Time of the Great Giving
After Littlefoot fell in the pond, and Topsy
told Cera to come with him, she wanted to be with Littlefoot.

This was mostly more of a friendship thing. Topsy said that she wasn't allowed to play with him, and she felt guilty. That doesn't necessarily convert to love, but more of friendship.

The Land Before Time IV: Journey Through the Mists
Ali shows up, and showed great Jealousy of
her, just because Littlefoot and Ali had interest for each other.

She didn't like Ali in the first place, even calling her "stuck up" because of her distrust towards other species. She was mainly jealous that Littlefoot wanted to play with Ali instead of her, not because she loved him. Also, Ali and Littlefoot didn't love each other. They were just happy to finally meet each other.

The Land Before Time V: The Mysterious Island
I'm pretty sure that they nuzzled once during
it, after Elsie saved Littlefoot and Chomper.

This was more of a hug, and everybody was hugging him because he risked himself to save Chomper. Because the two did not do anything separately, there is no proof that there was any indication of love.

The Land Before Time VI: The Secret of Saurus Rock
She was one of the two that showed concern
when Littlefoot was missing.

Again, everybody was concerned about Littlefoot. She was merely one of the first to call out his name at the time because of the script. Again, this is more of friendship than love.

The Land Before Time VII: The Stone of Cold Fire
She wanted to be right a the front of the vine with Littlefoot.

She was too scared to be in the back, so she wanted to be in front so that somebody from behind could catch her. It had nothing to do with being in love with Littlefoot.

The Land Before Time VIII: The Big Freeze
I'm sure that they snuggled on the first
day it snowed.

As far as I remember, no such scene happened.

The Land Before Time IX: Journey to Big Water
She became more close with Littlefoot, after
the gang thought Mo was killed.

Again, she was jealous that Littlefoot was spending more time with Mo than her, but then she started to realize that she enjoyed being with Mo as well. Again, not really in love with Littlefoot, but merely happy that he still thought of her as a friend.

The Land Before Time X: The Great Longneck Migration
She wanted to go look for Littlefoot when the
others didn't want to.

She wanted to look for him because she had the nightmare about him coming back from his adventure as a hero. She didn't want him to have the glory for himself.

The Land Before Time XI: Invasion of the Tinysauruses
When the tinysauruses were trapped in the
cave, Cera's dad told her to come, and she no, I want to be with

She was pissed off at her dad, and the others had left already. Again, nothing to do with love. She also attacked him when he mentioned Tria possibly being her new mother.

The Land Before Time XII: The Great Longneck Migration
She was the only of the gang copying Littlefoot's dance during
"Flip, Flap and Fly"

That could have been the animators deciding to give her the same dance for some reason. That doesn't really justify as love.

The Land Before Time XIII: The Wisdom of Friends
She was the only one that agreed with Littlefoot's wisdoms
after the left valley (except Petrie, but he was just teasing

Again, this really doesn't justify love. Maybe she agreed with him more after he kept them alive through the journey, but not through love.

The Land Before Time: The Mysterious Tooth Crisis
When she was sooking in the mud, she acted more playful
around Littlefoot (ex. when she was walking away, she was
swinging her tail back and forth when she knew Littlefoot
was looking)

That was a side effect from being in the mud. She showed no signs of love towards Littlefoot, that was merely her acting strange.


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Also, Ali and Littlefoot didn't love each other. They were just happy to finally meet each other.

If Littlefoot and Ali didn't like each other, then explain these to pictures:

Littlefoot and Ali are staring at each other like they love each other.

Here it looks like they were going to kiss each other.

Cancerian Tiger

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I will begin with a note that, as a tomboyish girl, I easily became friends with guys all throughout my childhood.  It would piss me off whenever other classmates would make comments like "Are you two an item?" or "You'd make such a cute couple."  Why is it that a girl can't seem to just be friends with a guy without everybody else assuming there's a romance :bang?!

I see the relationship between Littlefoot and Cera as a sibling-like relationship.  Same with Petrie and Ducky, but that's another story.  Littlefoot was the first one that ever dared to be Cera's friend.  He was the first peer Cera ever met.  He got her outta harm's way when Sharptooth attacked.  He even made her think she had gotten that green food all by herself when he had actually tossed it down to her.  I think he did not want her feelings hurt and therefore acted as an enabler to her pride.

That, in my opinion, is a friend worth keeping.  In fact, he did much more than what any aquaintance that had been rejected would ever do.  Littlefoot acted like a brother lookin' after his sister.

Up until LBT X, neither of them had any siblings, so this most likely played a role in their close sibling-like friendship.

As for the issue with Ali, she was a snotty-arse racist who in her way tried to keep Littlefoot away from his "non-Longneck" friends.  What's worse is that Littlefoot let this happen.  He chose to hang out with her over his closest friends who did not reject anyone.  As someone who despises racism, I would be pissed if my best friend started hangin' out with someone with those views.  I'm sure this was how Cera was feeling.

That's what I think about all this.


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You misunderstand me Scratte. I never said that Littlefoot and Ali didn't like each other, only that they didn't LOVE each other, which are two different things. The two pictures that you have there do not justify love between the two. The first picture is a freeze frame when Littlefoot was most likely in the middle of blinking and Ali was about to ask him to play. The second picture is again a freeze frame when Littlefoot is startled by Ali immediately tagging him with her head. That was merely playful, not romantic.


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I disagree with you, Cancerian Tiger, on one thing. I don't think Ali is a "snotty-arse racist". At no point do I recall her acting "snotty". As for her being racist, I don't think she was actually racist at all but just fearful of other species. That isn't the same as racist. Keep in mind that Ali did admit that she only got to know other longnecks due to how much her heard was traveling around. So naturally she would feel apprehensive around anything that wasn't a longneck.

Now if she were "snotty", she'd be acting more like how Cera was in the first movie. That's the type of personality that comes to mind when I think of "snotty". But Ali doesn't fit that category. She fits in the "shy around other species" category, which, again, I don't regard as racist. A racist views their own kind as superior, and at no point do I ever recall Ali even hinting she thought longnecks were superior.

To be honest, when I saw the movie years ago, and even nowadays, I think it was Cera who overreacted in the scene where they first meet Ali. Ali looked genuinely afraid and Cera didn't make it any better by snarling at her to show threehorns were scary. Understandably, after a while, Ali did leave, but I don't agree with Cera that it was because she was "stuck up", but instead I feel it was out of fear. For all we know, this may actually be the first time Ali's ever encountered any species up close that weren't longnecks.


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I think the whole situation in the Great Valley came as kind of a "culture shock" for Ali who hadn't ever known anything but the racism propagated in the herd (longnecks would be welcome to accompany them when they leave but obviously nobody else) and which was probably the total norm until very recently (Littlefoot's mother was probably similar to Ali's as in supporting the racism without knowing why that segregation was in place other than that it had always been that way).
Ali's insistence on setting out with Littlefoot alone on the excuse that it would slow them down to take the others along could be interpreted as racist, but personally I consider the explanation of her wishing to have Littlefoot "for herself" at that time more important. She does try to reconcile with Cera asking if she could help during the freeing of Littlefoot (in a sense accepting Cera's being "in command") to which Cera reacts not exactly kindly.
All this being said however, I agree that what we see between LBT characters throughout the movies (no matter if we are talking of Littlefoot and Cera, him and Ali, or Ducky and Petrie) is not "romantic" love in any anyhow sexual sense. Whether those who like such an idea or not like it or not LBT is on several occasions pretty explicit on that the characters don't know about their equivalents to birds and bees. In LBT 2 it is the most obvious (Littlefoot asking about babies), but there are more scenes in LBT 10 (not knowing that Littlefoot even had a dad), LBT 11 (Tria as new mother), and LBT 12 (Petrie's mother knowing first if there was to be a new brother around).
One could interpret anything into anything (if you make a romantic love out of a hug after a surviving a live threatening danger, than what would you make of Spike licking everyone during games or as a mere greeting? :rolleyes) but I think it is an attempt not likely to succeed to try to convince others who are not into this that a group of dinosaurs who are for all we know far from even reaching teenage-hood to be into anything more than the kinds of sand-box loves which one can find among kindergarten kids already which however do not have any sexual dimensions whatsoever. If you want to interpret it all that way this is your decision but on the basis of reason I do not believe any attempts to propagate such a view as a common truth to stand any chance of success.


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Quote from: DarkHououmon,Jun 15 2010 on  12:03 AM
A racist views their own kind as superior.
These are all examples of antagonists and characters in movies that fit DarkHououmon's description of a racist character.
  • Like Cera's father in The Land Before Time, all the sequels up to XI, and few episodes in the tv series.
  • Like Drake in The Pebble and the Penguin, he hated all penguins except Marina, and he only wanted her to make others jealous.
  • Like Manny in the first Ice Age movie, despite his family being killed, he only cared about himself until he met Sid and Diego, then even less when he met Ellie, and even more less when he had his daughter.
  • Scrat in all the Ice Age movies, he is always after the acorn, he never worries about others (Scratte for example), he loved her for a few seconds of each time their shown together, but that's it. But, of course, he went for the acorn (then lost it for good cause of his greed).
  • Scar in The Lion King, didn't care about anyone but himself. Zira was the same way in The Lion King 2.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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The Land Before Time: A New Adventure is Born

Wow, I've never heard anyone call it that before

But no they're just friends...Ali's the one for Littlefoot. Or at least, she was for about over a decade.

And then they brough in Rhett.

And now I can only see her with Rhett now, because Littlefoot's Ali is gone, and Rhett's Ali is all that remains.

So who knows? Maybe the two will "hook up". Of course, it won't be for a while.  :lol

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Rhette and Littlefoot are the one true pairing. Ali is getting in the way of their real true love and I wait for the day Universal admits the truth. :boohoo

Rhette/Littlefoot 4evur  :wub


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Naw, you got it all wrong. Littlefoot has a thing for older women, so he's always wanted to pair up with his grandmother.

Littlefoot/Grandma Longneck. :wub
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Then did he have a crush on his mom before she died? (By the way Vonboy, that   plan of yours apparently isn't working cause I've passed you in posts  :smile )

Dr. Curzon

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   Rhette and Littlefoot are the one true pairing. Ali is getting in the way of their real true love and I wait for the day Universal admits the truth.    Rhette/Littlefoot 4evur   

Naw, you got it all wrong. Littlefoot has a thing for older women, so he's always wanted to pair up with his grandmother.  Littlefoot/Grandma Longneck.

Then did he have a crush on his mom before she died?

Eh? :blink:  could someone please explain what's going on here?


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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I can explain. Your sarcasm detector is broken. :p
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!

Dr. Curzon

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^Oh. Oops... I guess my sarcasm detector could not tolerate the weirdness.