The Gang of Five
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Rain Rain Go Away!!!!

Petrie. · 16 · 1991


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 :o  :o  :o

With all the forecasted rain, every single river with a flood level will be over that flood stage by tomorrow.  You've seen from my house pictures that I live way up on a hill and on a mountain...I'm in no real danger...but I can only imagine what the valley is going to look like by tomorrow.  It won't be pretty.

F-14 Ace

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:wow Send us some of that rain!  Please!  I beg you! :huh: It is so dry here!  We haven't had any rain in a long time.  It is just dry and hot here.  Send us some of that rain please. :p

Dash The Longneck

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I hear you it's been raining off and on for a little while. We normally don't get huge amounts of rain but enough too keep me satisfied.


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I wish I could...really I do...there's places under feet of water around here.  I had to go get my sister from drivers ed and some backroads are getting washed out in some areas. :o  There were a couple of times you saw huge waves coming from the side of my its bad around here too.

And for your viewing pleasure...right outside our door we have some sort of drainage thing I guess, or maybe its just all the water that comes down from further up the hill but either way...scary thought of running water right outside your door....but it keeps it out of the house.  For now.  Last time in 2005 when this area got hit I think our washroom had water all in we're keeping watch on that.


  • Petrie
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*looks at picture* is that a fishy??? hello little fishy.

it hasn't rained here for a while. oh-well I got the AC on so i'm cool.

Littlefoot Fan

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Yea, it's been raining like crazy over here too. But aahh, I love alot of rain :D Steppin in puddles 2 feet deep :lol:

But yea the thought of water rising high enough to seep into your house isn't a pretty thought.


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There were several flash flood warnings here in PA, especially in the northern eastern part of it, where flooding already occurred and places were evacuated...I think. The creeks and rivers in the town I live in had overflowed as well.


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I just keep sharing this link.  A lot of places in the valley are under water...and because its still raining in areas of higher elevation, the rivers and creeks haven't stopped rising yet, so, it'll get worse before it'll get better.  I'm in no immediate trouble living on a hill, but I can't stop power outages and that sort of thing, loss of water, sewage, you name it...

I'll keep you guys informed of whats going on when I can.


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Just finished watching the 6pm news and lets just say I saw places covered in water that I never knew could be.  :o  What really will hurt those affected is that because this a rare freak of nature, I can bet 80% of those places that are under water have no flood insurance whatsoever.  :(

Oh for the night I guess.  Eventually you'll all get sick of me talking about this.  :P:


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My mother and sister left the northeast just before the flooding got to where they once were.  At least they're back here in AZ.  I heard about 10 people died so far in the floods.


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Its possible since the floods stretch across at least three states.  Two of the deaths happened on a highway not far from here where an entire section of highway absoulutely just sunk.  :(


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Yesterday I was out with some people we know helping them clean out their had five feet of water in it.  Extremely messy...many old keepsakes just gone.  Smelled like raw sewage or garbage down there (wouldn't be surprising) and we were tearing drywall down as well...ruined.  Certainly was painful for her to watch all the stuff that was partially family keepsakes just being chucked on the curb, waiting for removal. :(  You don't realize until you had to throw it out what you had put down there and forgot about, and wished you hadn', baseball cards, etc.  Things that cannot be replaced.

That's pretty much just my latest update.  Water has been receeding, but it does smell pretty bad in the areas still under water.  What's not going to help is most water treatment facilities have been damaged so any waste water just pretty much gets unfiltered right into the Susquehanna.  :x  Bit by bit, household by household, we're getting things back to as normal as possible.


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Britian was hit about 2 weeks ago by a freak storm. well Harlow and some areas of Essex where I live, the storm hit with such heaviness that in just 1 and a half hours from my Sister was telling me 2 inches of rain fell, it caused flooding and server damage to business, Tesco in the Hervest Centre was flooded out some businesses had roofs cave in from the heavy rain and all crazy stuff my sister sent me a picture what the back garden was like when it was till raining, it took them 2 and half hours going back and forwards to the kicthen with bowls, and pots to drain the water right down to a safe level incase of more freak rain storms appeared and the lightning was very bad as well from what mum said to me. Lightning that was striking and no seconds of thunder it just happened straight afterwards it was that crazy 2 weeks ago.

Not sure if the image http will work but below if you can see is our backgarden 2 weeks ago.


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Can't see the image but yeah, I hits close to home doesn't it?

F-14 Ace

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Dang!  I wish you could see the sky outside my house.  We had a nice thunderstorm this evening and some good rain.  But now the sky has a creepy yellowis-green tint to it. :blink:   That is out our back door and to the front, it is very dark purple and there is lots of lightning.  But we needed the rain.


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Tell Ernesto to get the hell away from me!!!  We only need about...oh, an inch of rain and we'll be back on the Weather Channel or CNN or something.  :bang  :bang

Not good...not good. :( :(