(Here is some guild lines for this RPG please read them first.
#1 we can't just have a sharptooth tearing into a RPG from the start like that, this is a Land Before Time RPG the rules are set differently here so it means sharpteeth can't smash their way in or just walk in just at a start of a rpg we need to get the story going first get things into action so there is a flow into it. If you see what I mean. But with a sharptooth just entering at the start makes the land before time RPG sound like a short one that only going to ask a few posts... So we will have no instant sharptooth super villian stuff at the start ok?
#2 we all have to read pervious posts to get the understanding where we at, some post more then others. So we have to make sure what appearing and how posting at the time which we check on the update screen on the main menu area of the forum it will ease the mistaken posts that we come across. Then we can easily flow through.
#3 about personally charcaters of any sort I know you'd like to get them in straight away and be in the spot light just don't forget the main gang ok
we don't want them to be left out of the RPG lol.
That all I think should settle things lets all of us Enjoy this RPG!)