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Dawn of the Dead rp?

MrDrake · 39 · 2493


  • Littlefoot
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Anyone interested in some good old zombie killing, mall surviving fun? XD

If so, then this is for you believe it or not :lol:

Seriously, I was just thinking about an rp that involves killing zombies! *shifts eyes* So if anyone is interested in joining this rp, fill out the form bellow for your characters ^^

For now, a maximum of three will be allowed, it might increase a bit later on down the track.

Name: (who are you?)
Age: (how old ye might be)
Nationality: (Australian? German? American? African-American?)
Gender: (Male or Female of course)
Occupation: (what he/she does for a job usually....before being part of the zombie holocaust)
Preferred Weapon: (the weapon your character would kill zombies with the most)
Description: (what does he/she look like?)
Personality: (what are they like? Friendly? Hateful? A loner?)


Name: Kyra Harrison
Age: 18
Nationality: American
Gender: Female
Occupation: High school student/Amature magician
Preferred Weapon: Baseball bat
Description: She wears fairly long pants, shoes and a shirt.  She has average hair length that goes down to her shoulders and is of blond colour.
Personality: She's a nice girl to get along with.  She enjoys practicing magic tricks as well, trying to become better at them as time goes on.  As for fighting zombies, she's not the best fighter, but she does try her best.


Name: Vincent Hellsing
Age: 31
Nationality: New Zealander
Gender: Female
Occupation: Arms dealer
Preferred Weapon: His six shooters
Description: Wears boots, jeans and a long sleeved shirt on.  He has a holester around his waste to which he keeps his guns at the ready in case of an attacking zombie.  His hair length is short and coloured brown.
Personality: Can be rather stern when it comes to the whole zombie ordeal....and not to mention he drinks and does smoke as well.  However, getting along with can be rather easy as well, he does not shut people out.  That, and he also owns the small gun shop within the mall as well, it's not big, but it does have some weapons in it.


Name: Kayla Perry
Age: 18
Nationality: American
Gender: Female
Occupation: High school student
Preffered Weapon: Golf club
Descrption: She wears a skirt, a shirt and a jacket over top as well as shoes on her feet.  Her hair length is longer than that of Kyra's, going down past her shoulders of brown colour.
Personality: She's not as nice as Kyra, but not by much, however, the two of them are friends at the very least anyway, yet, when it comes to fighting zombies, she is much better than that of Kyra, even going out of her way to protect her friend as well.


So interest? Sign your life away right here to fight the zombie horde today! *does a military salute*

Oh yes, rules as well:

#1: No killing other characters of course, you can, say, shoot them or whichever, but no killing shots unless the other played has agreed to do so.

#2: No swearing, well, one can, but add it in like s*** of f*** etc, etc, as in, censor it to be more fair ^^

#3: No bow chicka wow wow if youk now what I mean, well, nothing explicted, kissing and all that is allowed, nudity, er, yeah, I'm flexible to that part, but don't make sex explicted sort of thing, as in, skip past that if they do have sex sort of thing.

#4: Have fun, by all means, I can not stress this one enough :lol

Other rules that get bought up will be discussd and then added in as well :yes


  • Cera
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Dude, I would definitely join this :D

Give me some time to make a character, but I am so up for this ;)


  • Littlefoot
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Hehe awesome, can't wait to see what character/s you will make ^^

Hopefully others will want to join as well, I mean, there are no zombie rps as far as I know.....and who doesn't like some good old fashioned zombie killing fun? :lol:


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  • Ducky
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Will we start the game just shortly before zombie epidemic or some time after it begins?
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


  • Littlefoot
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I was going to go with the whole after the zombie epidemic, as in, your characters are in the mall, either by visiting, or actually working there when it had happened and basically, those in the mall are those who are lucky enough not to get bitten.  Sort of like in the game Dead Rising, but more like Dawn of the Dead where zombies aren't really in the mall either.

That and afterwards, after some time in the mall, a plan starts to form together too on where one can go for a safe zone sort of thing and yeah.  Basically, a plan does form together via characters discussing things and what not in the rp itself, to make it a bit more realistic, as in, how survivors would normally think in that sort of situation.  Start to talk amongst each other, mention bits here and there and what have you.

However, I am still open for suggestions as well for any ideas anyone might have and all that ^^

And of course, any other question, ask away too  :D


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  • Ducky
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So... Should we write (in describtion) how our characters got into the mall when zombie desease broke out?
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


  • Littlefoot
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Good question on that one.  I would say so actually.  I mean, you don't have to say that they arrived at the mall sort of thing, you could say that they were looking around when the zombie outbreak had happened and they did what they could to hold off the zombie attack, keeping the zombies outside youknow, locked out and all.

As how I myself, was picturing it is that, the disease breaks out outside sort of thing, the ones in the mall do get infected, but not your own characters, more like NPCs, to which they are subdued and the mall is put on lockdown thanks to the survivors inside the mall itself.


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  • Ducky
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Will zombies be like in the first Dawn of Dead (shot in the head - dead, slow) or like in remake (shot in the head - dead, but fast as humans)?
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


  • Littlefoot
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Ah yes, I see what you're meaning by with that question.  Perhaps we could have a mix of it, just to spice things up a bit, as in, some can run fast, some will just walk around instead, but still, shoot them in the head and they die of course ^^

What do you reckon?  Sounds good that way?


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  • Ducky
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Yeah. Newly infected can be fast as human beings, while those who were infected in more distant past could have run ut of juice (:p), so they can only walk.
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


  • Littlefoot
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Hehe yeah, good way of putting it actually ^^

I take it you are rather interested in this rp?


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  • Ducky
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Yes. I'll write some character/s tomorrow. Are we allowed to be member of police force or military?
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


  • Littlefoot
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Ah cool, I would say yes and no, as in, you can, but to make it a bit more realistic, perhaps their communications could be cut off from the rest of the military/police department sort of thing.

Cause my character Vincent, I was going to have him th eowner of the weapons shop within the mall, kind like on Dead Rising how there was a weapons shop in the mall, but Vincent isn't insane, as in, he would be glad to lend what weapons he has to everyone else.  But of course, he wont have a big range of weapons sort of thing, as in, a small weapon's shop ;)


  • Petrie
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Zombies? Hell yes, count me in.


Name: Jane Linkins.
Age: 29.
Nationality: American.
Gender: Female.
Occupation: Librarian.
Preferred Weapon: Anything she can pick up and use, such as fire axes, golf clubs... etc. Has no firearms training.
Description: Long blonde hair, brown eyes and a tall, but lanky body. Quite stunning in a dress, but certainly no Miss Universe. She wears typical Librarian glasses.
Personality: Quiet, but friendly to others. A bit timid in such a situation as a zombie outbreak, but willing to follow orders and get the job done.

Name: James Kennith
Age: 42
Nationality: Australian, on a vacation.
Gender: Male
Occupation: Outback man, hunter, and drunken brawler.
Preferred Weapon: Carries a big knife. Had a lot of trouble at the airport, and got into a fight. Jailed for several weeks just before the outbreak.
Description: Big, meaty and scary. Has a load of tattoos, scars and looks pissed off most of the time. Wears Australian style clothing (singlet, pants and boots)
Personality: Wants to punch you in the face, but is rather smart... and willing to follow others in this outbreak. The zombies have given him a reason to live, to beat the crap out of zombies.

Name: Casey "The angel of Death" Gedot
Age: 25
Nationality: German
Gender: Female
Occupation: Sniper in the special forces... before she was discharged.
Preferred Weapon: A big sniper rifle.
Description: Black short hair, dark eyes, and a cold look. Is rather thin but agile.
Personality: Quiet, cold, and calculating. Won't follow someone else if they screw with her. Basically, don't mess with Casey.


  • Littlefoot
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Oooh, very nice indeed, I like them actually.  I mean, some with tactical strageties, the librarian who fits in with those who wouldn't fight too well, which is rather good indeed ^^

Don't want too many who know what they're doing, otherwise, who's going to turn into a zombie!? *collapses*

*gets back up* At any rate, it's all good anyway ;)

So, we shall wait to see LBTFan13's and Mykrin's characters first before the zombie slaughtering, mall loving fun commences :lol:

f-22 "raptor" ace

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  • Littlefoot
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Ah okay, but I do have one question for you is that, would you be able to post often? As it would be rather annoying have to wait for one person who wont come back for a few days later or something you know.  I mean, it's all good if you join, just double checking and all on that question, so don't take no offence by the question ;)


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  • Ducky
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Name: Sergei Nikitin
Age: 24
Nationality: Russian
Gender: Male
Occupation: Member of privite military company
Preferred Weapon: IMI Tavor TAR-21
Description: He wears black military grade tactical gear. He has a holster attached to his leg, where he keeps his sidearm (Desert Eagle).
Personality: After he was separated from the rest of his team, he wants to find somewhere place safe first and then search for his teammates (hoping that they are still alive). He can be a good companion, but he hates to listen to something he consider to be a nonsense.

Name: Thomas Rivers
Age: 58
Nationality: American
Gender: Male
Occupation: He is a pet shop owner in a mall
Preferred Weapon: Shotgun
Description: Tall, bearded, old man. Despite the fact he's not in his top form, he can still take care of himself.
Personality: Friendly to the others and prefers to follow others in these dark days.
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


  • Littlefoot
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Very nice Mykrin, very nice indeed ^^

If you guys want, we could get something started up now and LBTFan13 can add in his characters when he's ready still of course :D

Actually yeah, as in, we start now and if his characters come in a tad later, they can be some late comers who could have perhaps arrived at the mall for shelter after it all, being let in and what have you.


  • Littlefoot
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Sorry for double posting, but just want to make a quick note here that I have added in some rules to the first page.  They can be discussed as well and all that sort of stuff if one doesn't agree with them, etc, etc.