The Gang of Five
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Adventures In ToonWorld

Nick22 · 5653 · 409096


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try and communicate with it in anyway you can, try and see what country it is from' stripetail radioed.. those warships should fly the flag of the country they are from..
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Captain Fairchild flew down for a closer look. "Oh hell no," he muttered.

"Stripetail! This is Captain Fairchild! Get away from the ship as fast as you can! It looks like Gabriel's ship!" He then saw several of her Weasels dropping down Zodiac inflatables from the ship and boarding them. "I repeat, put as much distance between yourself and my coordinates as fast as possible! They may try sending over boarding parties!"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"I don't like the feeling of this," Kitty commented as she felt Monstro's innards shake.

"I do," Belladonan giggled devilishly.

Oliver clung to Arlene again


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After having finished off an entire roast beef (about 50 percent of an entire cow), Glacia leaned back in her chair... falling into a state of nirvana. That feeling one got after having stuffed themselves silly and being overwhelmed by a desire to just shut your eyes and sleep.

'Now I know why my brother eats so much,' she said with a mild burp in-between words. 'He's missing out, for sure, wherever he may be right now...'


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he went towards the swimming pool dulcy said. ' must be wanting a swim or something. she pushed away her plate she was fuklll too..
i'll see you guys later samia said as she went in the direction of the swimming pool.
- monstro was diving deep under water, past the point where the ships inhabitants could reach them
 we cant reach them boss a weasel radioed. hes gone more than a mile deep and dropping.. we'll try and track him on radar..
 stripetail  gestured and magically created an image of the ship which had several inflatable in the water ' drive them off fairchhild.. put a few dozen holes in their bow.. and then get to a safe distance. let her know we wont be messed with..
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"What just happened?" Oliver asked Arlene after the dive.

"We've descended further down into the deeps," the Duke explained, meditating on one of the stomach walls.


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"It feels like we are going deeper, or is it my imagination?" Wally said pausing in choosing his food as he looked around.  

"Let's check." Gary said.  He reached into a pocket on him somewhere and pulled out a small rectangular box, the size of a pack of cigarettes made of stone with a stone button on top.  He pressed the button and the top opened.   Inside was a sleeping turtle who awoke with a start.  He sniffed the air, put a finger into his mouth held it out into the air.  Then pulled out a small board with wax covering and a sharp stick and did some calculations.  

"What's that?" Wally said looking at it.  And should you keep him in there."

"It's a stone age personal depth gauge I got when I was in a certain coastal city and the whole area is stone age."  

The tiny turtle looked over his calculations then said the depth they were at.  

"Sure you don't want out?" Wally said.

"Nah, it's pretty good in here.  No predators, nice and quite usually.  Plenty of time to read, things could be much worst." The turtle said.  Then he closed his eyes and went back to sleep.  Gary closed the device and put it away where he had gotten it from.


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Gabriel swore. "Drop depth charges!" she screamed into the radio.

The sonar operators were trying to find Monstro but they weren't having too much luck.


Thanks to toon logic hammerspace, the small Zodiacs held a rather surprising number of depth charges. The Weasels muscled the huge explosive canisters overboard.


Captain Fairchild's 30 mm cannon roared as he stitched the deck with incendiary shells. Bursts of tracer fire and flak lit up the sky as the deck gunners tried shooting him down. Several other Weasels were trying to put the flames out.

He then wheeled around and dropped a full external fuel tank on the ship's deck, worsening the fire. "Stripetail, this is Captain Fairchild, Gabriel's ship is currently on fire. We are mopping up her Zodiacs. Be advised that depth charges are being used by them. Captain Fairchild out."

Major Lockie was trying his best to destroy the Zodiacs.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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keep it up. we are heading down outside of the charges range' Stripetail replied to Fairchild 'should be a few more minutes..
 dulcy smiled at glacia ' so what do you want to do now, you  know, besides take a nap, she grinned' i'm up for anything really. samia will hav to chase down your rother, and keep an eye on him..
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Glacia decided to not mention she actually felt sleepy, trait number four hundred and sixty two of being a dragon is a tendency to want to lay down and snooze for long periods of time (Glacias record being five days, which paled in comparison to her brothers two and a half weeks... which were the most peaceful two and a half weeks ever). A cunning plan formed in her head, however.

'Is there some sort of in house movie theater on this ship?' She asked. 'Let's go see a movie, I haven't done that in months.' Cleverly, at least to herself, this was the perfect to excuse to fall asleep... in the dark with no one paying attention to you. Even better if the movie wasn't actually good.

Incendia meanwhile, had found the swimming pool. Now, you would think that a fire breathing dragon would not go well with large bodies of water... and you'd be wrong in this case. For all his little flaws, the orange dragon was a remarkable swimmer.

'Woohoo!' He shouted, doggy paddling like a true champion.

Okay, so maybe not that good... but he was floating, and that's a good sign.


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keep them busy. we'l be out of ranhge in a few minutes.. drop a wmore bombs on them, and get out of there. by the time they've put evry out, assuming the ship hasn't sunk by then, we'll be hundreds of miles away"
 alright. a movie it is. we'll see whats playing and we'll get all sorts of goodies to munch on/' Dulcy smirked. come on glacia, follow e' se before stopping at a kiosk which showed the decks of the ship. ' ah, here we are. theaters on the deck above this one, has a capacity of 100 eats.. come on glacia. lets go haveun' she smiled.
 samia smirked as she caught up with the younger dragon and saw him floating in the large pol. ' cannonball! she grinned and jumped in , causing a big splash and splashed onto incedia.. ' samia touched bottom, then broke the surface.. ' water basketball incedia? she asked noticing a basketball and a hoop nearby.
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Droopy, Wally, & Gary finished their meal and put the utensils, plates & such way.  Then they decided to head to the entertainment deck to see what sorts of stuff they may have to entertain themselves.  

"We can go see a movie." Droopy said.  

"it would be nice to relax." Wally said.  "I'm not really in the mood to play video games or read." He said.

"I'm in the mood to see a movie myself.  Let's see what is playing." Gary said.

They went to where the movie area was to see what was playing or would soon be if one were playing at the moment.


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"Let's get to our room, mom," Oliver called as Monstro was diving.

Belladonna, Annabelle, and The Duke flew back to all of theirs.

"I command you to hide in your room," Kitty whispered to Dixie.


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dixie smirked ' alright. you'd better do the same.'
- mind if we  stay with you and Scooby, until monstro resurfaces? Arlene asked. ' sure, oliver can watch tv , the remotes on the bedside table. what shows do you liketo watch Oliver? dixie asked the kitten as she headed towards her room.
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"Cat cartoons," Oliver mewed happily.

"Glad I can't get seasick," Annabelle commented.

Kitty and Tiger headed off to their room, Kitty jumping onto the bed that was leftover.

"Down we go," Kitty gulped.

The Duke used his magic to avoid getting messy


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the Yogis were settled in their rooms, watching shows like racing under  the sreets, pacman vs Donkey Kong, and toon murder files.
- screwy squirell was eating a box of his own cereal, out of boredom..
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Monstro kept diving until he was certain he was out of harm's way.

"I can survive at any depth," he assured his passengers.


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"Let's watch that one." Droopy said.  

"May as well.  Sounds good." wally said.

"I don't think I have seen it." Gary said looking at the movie title that Droopy indicated.  


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Incendia was excited, but then again he was as easily excited as a child on a permanent sugar high. 'Woo hoo, water basketball thing! Is that like normal basketball but with more water? In that case, what is basketball?'

Glacia followed Dulcy to the movies. It was pretty well sized for a vessel theater, with a flair more akin to traditional renaissance. Columns of carved wood divided two stories worth of seats, and there was even two private VIP booths. Room was adequate, though likely there was some semblance of manners required (no feet on the seats, talk on your phone and you'll be shot with a potato gun).

'I hope it's not something romantic. Movies like that just rub me the wrong way.'


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The three planes had completely destroyed the ship. Just as they flew away, Gabriel hauled herself from the water and onto some wreckage. She coughed up some water.

"Stupid planes!" She shook her fist at them as they flew into the distance.

A Weasel handed her a drawing tablet. She smiled. The battery was low and the summoner device was badly damaged so she couldn't get another warship. With a sigh, she began to draw a huge, if crude raft so she could regroup.


"Stripetail, this is Major Lockie, Gabriel's ship has been destroyed. We are en route." Major Lockie then waited for a reply.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.