The Gang of Five
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Adventures In ToonWorld

Nick22 · 5653 · 324569


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'That would best describe us,' Glacia replied, twirling a tennis raquet in one hand. 'I'm the older of us two.'

'By one year,' Incendia pointed out.

'Yes, but the way you act sometimes, one would think you're much, much younger.'

Incendia shrugged innocently. 'Hey, I strive to be different.'

'Very, very different,' Glacia mumbled to herself. She glanced back over to Winnie and Woody. 'A pleasure to meet you by the way. Glacia at your service, and my little brother is-'

'Incendia the wise and all powerful! God of the upper and lower worlds and also that little town in Utah we once visited.'

'Please be quiet,' Glacia said with a sigh.


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' My nephews can sometimes be like that..' Woody replied. " So where ar you guys from.. Winnie and I have been working very hard over the past few years, but things have not been going our way..
_ Its thats blasted Gabriel's fault! Shes the one responsible for forcing us into this situation.." Winnie fumed..
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'Most folk call our world the Middlezone,' Glacia began. 'Incendia and I live... well, lived, on the Border. It's a little hard to explain without going all technical and geographical. However, the basic understanding amongst most is that the further you go from the equator of our planet, the more dangerous things become. the border is right on the edge of the safe zone, the equator essentially. It's an obvious risk, but much more peaceful and quiet.'

Meanwhile, not far away (perhaps a meter or so), Incendia had wizened up to the idea of using a frying pan as a tennis racquet. 'Wow, that's genius,' the orange dragon said. 'You're a genius! I could kiss you, but I probably shouldn't... last time I did that, there was a lawsuit, whatever that is.'

His eyes fell upon his sister, and whilst she was being technical with Woody, he slipped off to begin his reign of mischief (if looking for a frying pan could be called that).


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"Sounds like it's not far from where Courage lives.  Where he lives has dangerous things and creatures pop up." Gary said.


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A lawsuit is where you get sued for doing something. its usually for breaking stiff, or taking stuff that doesn't belong to you, that kind of thing. kissing someone, I've never heard anyone being sued for kissing someone..' Winnie replied. " Now where did that kid scamp off too/"
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'Interesting,' Glacia said. 'You'd be amazed what pops up when you're least expecting it. We've been around, the two of us... for better or worse, and the kinds of danger we've been through together... well, sometimes I think our lives are some sort of adventure. A mix between comedy and the bizarre, given how we get around (usually by accidental interdimentional travel, wormholes, or through rabbit holes).'

She sighed momentarily. 'Actually, this whole venture looks like it's to be one of our calmer adventures. I mean seriously, tennis, what could possibly go wrong?'

Meanwhile, Incendia had returned...with a frying pan in his right hand. 'Hey sis, look what I've found!'

'A frying pan, well done. Pass go and collect two hundred dollars.'

'Can I keep it? I totally didn't steal it or anything!'

'No. Now please take it back before the game begins.'

'Aww, okay.' Luckily, Incendia had cleverly crossed his fingers behind his back, which meant he could keep it... according to him. So instead, he decided to just hide it. Where? You don't want to know.


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"I guess he may want to use the frying pan for the tennis match." Wally said.


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We Do have racquets " Scooby Dee said as she follwed them' Besides i don't think a frying Pan will allow as much flexibility  as a racquet does.. but whatever, if he loses his match, he'll learn to use a racquet
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Glacia sighed. 'That's the way it goes... mostly. Much like the time he learned to stop poking bees nests after one fell on his head.' She shrugged her shoulders, 'I guess it's best for him to learn a lesson or two about the usefulness of kitchenware outside of a kitchen.'

'What frying pan?' Incendia asked innocently.

'The one you didn't take back.'

'I don't know what you're taking about. I don't have a frying pan, honest.'

'It's still in your hand,' Glacia helpfully pointed out.

Incendia looked to his right hand, and surely enough, there it was. 'Curses! Foiled again!'

Glacia simply rolled her eyes. 'Whatever, Incendia. Keep it. if you lose, it's your own fault.'


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I think for this round is Dawgs vs Rottens if I heard correctly, nyuk' Dum said " I'm a detective normally.. but when Dixie called me and asked me to join her and Scoob out here I couldn't say no.."
_ Is he always like this Incendia asked? " sure seems like it Bobo said
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'Righto,' Glacia said. 'That must mean me.' She twirled her racket once more, and struck a pose. Just then, the camera zoomed in, and some awesome posing music started laying. 'Let's do this!'

'Don't make too much of a racquet,' Incendia said, killing the mood entirely.

Glacia just stared, whilst her brother giggled. 'Racquet? Racket? Get it?'

'Can I borrow that frying pan for a sec, brother?'

'Um... sure. Here ya go. But, why would you need the-'


'Point taken...' Incendia said, with pan over his head.


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' My dear fellow, that was quite possibly the worst pun I've ever heard, and I've heard drunk Badgers  make some terrible puns" stripetail said he headed over with a few other s who would serve as line ludges  Daisy Duck and Arlene passed by each wearing "Judges sashes , both looked quite pleased with themselves..
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"I  guess that means our team is one of the ones up first." Wally said looking around.


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Glacia looked over to Stripetail. 'He should be thankful that he doesn't have to put up with Incendia constantly,' she said.

'My head hurts,' Incendia groaned. 'I feel like I've just been hit with a frying pan.'

'I can keep adding to that,' Glacia replied. 'Now, go find a seat and stay there, please.'

Incendia gave a salute. 'Aye aye, captain!'

She turned, and proceeded to head out to the court.

'Hey sis...'

Glacia turned back. 'What?'

Incendia smiled that giddy little grin of his. 'Good luck!'

'Thanks,' she replied with a smile, before turning back once more.


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There were four court on each side of a fence. Stripetail would jude the firrst court, Daisy the second, and Arlene the third
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Glacia made her way into the first court, racquet still in hand, practicing a few swings. She did a few warm up jumps, a bit odd considering she was an ice dragon, but who needs physics...

All she needed to do now was wait for her opponent, Muttley.

meanwhile, Incendia had found a nice comfortable seat. He had also found a hot dog stand, and consumed his newly acquired food with great gusto. 'Oh great and mystical hot dog, wonder of the universe... where would I be without you? Possibly more slim, but whatever... hot dog! Nom nom nom!'


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Droopy, Wally and Gary went over to where their team members would go to that were not participating.  

"I do hope things go well." Waly said watching.

"We'll soon find out." Gary said.

"I'm sure they will." Droopy said.  "Just wait and see."


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Muttley headed onto the otherside of the First Cort. While Dixie and Cindy went on to court two. " Alright Muttley, Glacia, shake hands, this match will be best two out of three sets, 6 games to win a set, unless it is tied at 5, in which case its win by two. " Stripetail  turned to Glacia ' Glacia you will serve first..
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Glacia happily wandered over to the net and exchanged handshakes with Muttley. It wasn't exactly a formal exchange between the two, although the spectators probably couldn't really see the aggressiveness of the two. Glacia hadn't played tennis in perhaps years, and the mutt looked determined to get a victory at all costs.

The blue dragon took her spot on the line, bouncing a ball in her hand and twirling a racquet. 'Right, here goes.'

'Use the force, luke... er I mean Glacia,' yelled her brother from his seat.

'Quiet, please,' Stripetail announced over loudspeaker.

'Sorry!' Incendia shouted.

Glacia merely rolled her eyes and tossed the ball into the air, and brought her racquet into it with the fury of an angry raccoon with a stick attacking a beehive... or something like that.

Muttley returned the ball across the net, proving that he indeed had some skill... much to the chagrin of Glacia. So, it wasn't going to be an easy match after all.

Back and forth the ball bounced and flew, turning heads like a burning clown running around in circles.

Finally the green ball of fury bounced between Muttleys legs, and flew straight into a wall. The wall in question was mildly annoyed by this.

'Game, Glacia,' Stripetail announced, much to the little blue dragons glee. Still, this was only the beginning of one of the greatest battles since... yesterday.


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Jason and those he brought with him watched the game in the stands.  He reached into one of his pockets and brought out a chilled, with frost on it, can of a fruit juice, and brought out some others for some of this friends who wanted some also.


"That's certainly better then I could have done." Wally said watching the match.

"Yes, she does appear to be skilled." Droopy said.