The Gang of Five
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Darwin's Soldiers: Disruptive Selection

Serris · 5385 · 292663


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Kagetora smiled and placed his hands just under her breasts.
"Now, this may feel a little funny, but try to stay still, okay?"
He said, beginning to send pulses of his ki into her...


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At first, Kiara looked to him, but as soon as he touched her and sent the ki into her, she gave off a bit of a murmer " that does feel rather nice as it have quite the touch" she told him softly.


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Kagetora smiled as he ran his hands up and down her body.
"Hehe...Only for you, my love."
He said softly...


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Kiara just murred some more from that as she looked at him "And you said you were going to take a look at what was liar" she teased back, just enjoying herself at the moment.


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Kagetora smiled and ran a hand lower.
"Well, I just said I'd see if I could help.  And is this helping?"
He teased, smirking a little...


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Kiara looked at Kagetora for a moment more as she murred still "Oh, you bet it is...." she replied softly as she continued to look at him, smiling softly in the process.


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(USMC Base)

As he approached them, Fox heard some words the Dhole said that may mean she was involved quite a bit...


Upon talking with Vic inside, the commander turned back to the new arrivals.  "You've been cleared," he said.  The soldiers lowered their weapons, half of which dispersed back to their patrols.

Soon, the alarms died down...


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Zachary was taken aback but he politely returned the hug, even though he did not seem too pleased about it. He then turned to Fox.

"Ah, Fox, I would like you to meet Sharon Varma and-"

"Dr. Pauline Wayne and Dr. Anne Williams," Dr. Wayne said, cutting Zachary off. "In any case, Fox, I am pleased to meet you."


Alfred finally grew tired of the bickering between Aydin and Gustave with Spc. Crota joining.

"Will you just shut the f--- up and let the meeting commence!" he shouted, slamming his fists into the metal table with such force that he actually left two indentations on it.

The entire room grew silent.

"Er, thank you," Dr. Bailey said, his tail twitching nervously. "In any case, I propose that we take a break for now seeing as everyone is having some issues," he said.

Sgt. Masters ground out what seemed to be his hundredth cigarette in the nearby potted plant and slithered out.

Dr. Zanasiu headed out as did Dr. Bailey. Gustave and Adyin were separated from each other by Alfred's massive figure and Spc. Crota, Hans, Werner and Cobalt Leader but they still glared at each other

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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(USMC Base)

"I'm Fox Storm, leader of Ivory Squad," Fox replied.  "I was just coming up to see if your three are doing alright.  The rest of the anti-Dragonstorm group are talking in..."  he was cut off when he saw the others leaving the room.  "I guess we're taking a break now..."

Ivory Squad and then Crimson Squad were the last to leave.  Vic had Aiko continuing his work on the computer and data, and Dr Joe signed off for her own duties in Crimson Base.

Snow was quick to recognize Sharon...


(Crimson Base)

In the command room, a different scene was taking place.  Alarms blared when word came that the satellite they thought they had destroyed had just launched another weapon.  The acting commanding officer did not hesitate to give the resident missile frigate the vital data on the satellite, now known as Dragonstorm AI-1...

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Sharon sniffed the air, as she recognized another familiar scent.

She spun around and noticed the source. "Snow!" She ran over and hugged her as well. "How are you? It's so good to see you again!"


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Back in Egypt, Dr. Hazel was busy talking with Viper at the moment, helping her come to a desicion to take everyone back to America, to which Viper nodded back, deciding to agree to do so.

Although, she could not teleport many at once, she did do her best as she first took both Hailey and Aimee, teleporting them out of Egypt and reappearing not far from the Prison Base.  She returned to do the same for Dr. Hazel and Zara.

Once back outside, the group looked at the base as Aimee already noted something "Well, seems like from what I can see anyway, that they've got security all wrapped up.....seems to be tougher to get into than Fort Knox.....which is where you two are going to be coming in" she looked to both Viper and Zara as Aimee had already thought of something as it was "Viper, you teleport Zara in and then, well since Zara is tough to kill, she can go and deal with things while you come back and get Hailey and for the kind doctor here, not too sure really"

"I'll head in with you two, Zara should be able to handle herself easily" Hazel replied back with a small nod as well.

"Well yeah, I figured as much since she stopped that scorpion creature" Aimee replied back as she looked back to the base again.


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Kagetora smiled and lifted his hands off.
"Now, let's see about if there's any more...'healing' I can do for you..."
He teased...

As the force fields went up, the five commandos jumped off the vehicle, watching the bullets ping off the armor.
"Akiba!  Try and get into the control systems!  Shut these things off!"
The sniper said, rolling under one and dropping a set of grenades...

Neku grinned, reaching out with his mind to his unseen stalker.
"I know where you coward..."
He taunted darkly...


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"And just what did you have in mind?" Kiara decided to ask back with a smile still upon her face.


Viper gave off a nod back to Aimee, grabbing onto Zara and teleporting her inside the prison complex.  She took only a second to look at the guards before teleporting back out again, leaving Zara there.

Zara looked at the guards for a moment as her claws slid back out into view, making a small motion with her claws as well "Bring it...."

Meanwhile, as Zara was about to take on the guards, Trinity had noticed her and simply smirked to herself "Seems we have company" she spoke, glancing to Shelton and his team "You lot should head back inside again, before things really get out of hand"

As Zara was dispensing of each of the guards, she noticed Trinity whom was slowly approaching her "Wait a second....I know you, Dr. Hazel knows you, she's told me about're suppose to be rather dangerous....Trinity wasn't it?" she asked a bit smugly.

"You've done your homework....then at least we can get some form of....formalities out of the way" Trinity replied back as she soon stopped short of Zara and started to walk around her, circling her, her eyes watching her as she glancing at the claws.


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Kagetora smiled and stroked her face, releasing a small ki pulse.
"Hmm...I was thinking of letting you live out any of your most secret fantasies with me, my love..."
He replied...


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Aisha and Dr Landon remained in the room ' Remind me never to piss you off Alfred, you nearly brokede the table' Dr Landon said as he remained seating.. " i take it that this meeting is to plot our strageies and our next moves. Is that correct?'
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(USMC Base)

Snow hugged her back, then stepped back for a better look, still with surprise on her face.  "I haven't seen you since Pelvanida!" she replied.  "Where you just in Southport?"


Back in the conference room, Aiko fiddled with the computer when he caught something...  "Boss!  The signal's back in Idaho!  I think at the base again!"

Vic went back over Aiko's shoulder.  "We can't pinpoint it?"

"For some reason, our scanners just went fuzzy over the prison.  Like some sort of jamming device is in effect."

"When will Crimson Eye 1 be over the target?"

"In a few minutes, boss..."


(Idaho Base)

Where the base has not been breached, soldiers and guards filed across the halls.  Alarms continued to blare as scientists were being ordered to evacuate via the underground subways to Point B.  The scientists watching Breathtaker and other Dragonstorm experiments were among the first to reach point B, with the superweapons in tow...

Guards were seeking out the highest level scientists to be evacuated next...

In the prison barracks, inmates who haven't been tested on yet were being sealed into their cells.  As a public service in the least, the prison does not intend to let the killers loose if the base is breached any further...


The predator remains out of sight and reach of the prey, still occasionally spinning webs to bar his path.  Further down the halls, soldiers were making their own preparations to keep the invader from continuing...


Originally sent to the surface against the commandos, whatever Elite was left were ordered to guard the rooms surrounding Ms Race's office and the security control room.  Behind them, the rooms sealed tight...


The grenades underneath the UGV explode with force, barely enough to lift it off the ground a few centimeters, but the armor below it was like the armor above it.  Grenades shot from the towers also exploded around the robots, also showing the strength of the armor...


(USS Winchestor)

The captain recieves word of the danger and soon the data of their stubborn target.  Under command, three missiles were launched high into the sky...


(Lab 101 Ruins)

Unable to find anyone on the grounds, the pilot wouldn't risk them landing, fearing that whoever they may searching for were hiding, and may not know the helicopter's intentions...


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Soon, Hailey, Aimee and Dr. Hazel were all teleported inside the building, Viper and Dr. Hazel heading off in one direction while Hailey took off elsewhere with Aimee following her.

"Where are you going?" Aimee asked Hailey as she followed her.

"Gotta find Neku...." Hailey replied back as she took off down one of the hallways and called out for Neku "Oi! Neku! Where the hell are you!?"


Soon, Trinity attacked Zara, to which the two of them soon begun to exchange blows, with Trinity easily dodging each of the swipes of the claws from Zara, striking her a few times in the process.

However, Trinity soon realized that Zara was, well, not stronger than her, but more invulnerable instead, which only caused Trinity to smirk even more.


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Sharon nodded. "Yeah," she replied. "Working on the high voltage electrical system in that building."

Dr. Zanasiu and the others arrived at the mess hall.

"Sharon?" Dr. Zanasiu asked.

Sharon turned to Dr. Zanasiu. "Hello Doctor," she said. "Pleased to see you. In any case, I would like you to meet Drs. Pauline Wayne and Anne Williams."

"Pleasure to meet you Dr. Wayne and Dr. Williams," he said, shaking their hands.


Aedelwulf looked overhead at the helicopter. He could barely make out the words "Idaho Highway Patrol" on the body. He wondered why Idaho would send a helicopter to Oregon.

"Cale, do you think you can signal that Idaho highway patrol copter?" he asked.


Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Shelton ducked behind cover, looking around the hangar for the umpteenth time in a futile search for a computer. <Ajax, what's the situation regarding the base? Have the invaders been dealt with adequately enough that I could get to a place with internet?>


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Ajax reloaded his shotgun as bullets flew overhead. <Still holding out, Commander,> he said mentally. He fired off some shots at the attackers.


"Hey could someone get Aisha and Dr. Landon?" Dr. Bailey asked. He then introduced himself to the three women.

Alfred nodded and headed to the meeting room.


Alfred poked his head into the meeting room. "Hey, Aisha, Dr. Landon, we've got three new people," he said. He then grabbed a paper cup and filled it with water from the nearby water cooler.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.