The Gang of Five
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Darwin's Soldiers: Disruptive Selection

Serris · 5385 · 292682


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I have a chip as well " dr Landon said, "So I'm coming with..
 There are a lot of things they don't cover in basic training, my dads an admiral, he could tell you stiories' aisha replied to Crota.
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Spc. Crota rolled his eyes. "I'm sure about it," he said sarcastically.

Dr. Zanasiu thought a moment. "We still haven't decided the teams yet but that will be up to Vic, Ivory Leader and Cobalt Leader to decide," he said.

"But one thing is certain," Dr. Bailey said. "We need at least 1 chip bearer and 1 electronics warfare/communications specialist in each team."

He then turned to the computer. "Dr. Joe, do you have any other intelligence as to which targets we should hit?" he asked.

(OOC - Assume that Dr. Bailey had hooked up the webcam and microphone when Vic and Dr. Joe were talking.)

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Well wherever you send me, I'll be glad to go' aisha said ' Give me some action at least, thats all I ask..
Winner of these:

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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The hell's going on?" Shelton wondered, finishing disassembling the amplifier and hefting it.

Suddenly he got a message. <Simpson, this is Jamesson. Please respond.>

<Ajax, what's going on?> Shelton thought back.

<Where are you? I sent DS-2 to guard the exit because I couldn't have them engage the enemy without their commander! The other DS teams are fighting five men short!>

<I was on a private mission for Trinity! I'm returning to base now!> Shelton looked at Kerzach. "I have to get back to the base. My DS team needs me."


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The scorpion begun to thrash around rather violently before it slammed its back int the Pyramid of Giza, both damaging the pyramid in questioin as well as slamming Zara into it.

Zara slammed into the pyramid rather hard and was dazed for only a second or so before pulling herself free and looking to the scorpion "Smart bugger...." she muttered, her claws still out "But still....round two...." she smirked to herself some as she lept from her spot, claws aimed at the scorpion again.

However, the scopion moved to the side, causing Zara to miss and land on the ground as it straight away, retaliated by swinging a pincer at her, followed by its second one.

Zara in turn, ducked underneath the first one and used her claws to swing at the second pincer, slashing along the side of it before swinging upwards, taking the pincer off in the process.

The scorpion looked at its now missing pincer before jumping into the air and burrying underground.

Zara moved back to where Aimee and Hailey were "Get out of the area, now....I'll deal with this scared little prick....."

Aimee nodded back to Zara and grabbed Hailey, heading over to where Viper and Dr. Hazel were.  However, once over there, Aimee looked to Viper for a moment "As soon as your friend finishes dealing with that scorpion....we're going to have a little have some explaining to do...."

Viper in turn, just gulped slightly and nodded back to Aimee as they watched what Zara was going to do next, as Aimee asked a simple question "You sure she'll be fine out there?"

"I'm sure of it, she's a Dragonstorm experiment on her own, however, to add to that fact, she has know, makes it that much more harder to kill her.....add that together with her claws, she can become a rather dangerous killing machine....that is, if she were against us" Dr. Hazel replied back in order to answer Aimee's question.


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Slash and Agito reacted immediately to the alarms, moving to protect Shakila, although neither attacked just yet.  

Neku acted unfazed by the presence following him, but after a few more steps, turned and unleashed a massive storm of lightning at the target.

As the defense systems activated, the five commandos sprung into action.  Each of them dodged around the explosions and gunfire assaulting their position, making a beeline for the automated vehicles.  One of the five reached behind themselves, pulling out a rocket-launch tube and aiming at one of the machine gun turrets, firing and disabling it handily...

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"I'm a chip bearer, so that may be of assistance to you," said Aydin.

(OOC: Where's the copter with the Dhole right now?)


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(OOC - the Dhole is in thee mess hall with the other two survivors.)

Dr. Wayne groaned as she drank her cup of coffee. She had barely touched her stir-fried tofu.

The mess hall that she, the Dhole and Dr. Williams were in was mostly deserted thanks to the alarm that Slash and Agito had set off. The steady sound of the sirens could be heard in the empty mess hall.


Gustave looked at Aydin. "I don' think so," he said.

Aydin's jaw dropped. "Say what? Dr. Zanasiu said that we need at least one chip carrier in each team," he said.

"After what you did to the communications officer, I'll be surprised if he chooses you."

Hans returned from the bathroom. "Guys," he said, "there's an intruder alert."

Alfred shrugged. "We'd better let the Marines deal with this one," he said.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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(USMC Base)

The soldiers surrounded the trio, but the commander halted them.  "Hold your fire!" he commanded, and stepped forward.  He seemed to recognize two of them before, when they made a sudden appearance soon after the Anti-Dragonstorm forces, and vanished the same way.  "Identify yourselves, if you believe to be allies!" he said towards Slash and Agito...


"The only targets we have the most information on are in Idaho, Texas, and Florida," Dr Joe answered on screen.  "But if infiltrating the other facilities Dr Zanasiu has mentioned would be beneficial in gathering more data on Trinity, then your group has been better skilled in espionage.  Our targets seemed better choices for covert combat actions."


(Idaho Base)

The line of automated vehicles quickly fanned out into a front line and fired on the invaders...


The stalker was gone well before the lightning struck, and in doing so starting spinning webs around the area to block off the prey...

Cancerian Tiger

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At the same time, Dr. Williams remained quiet as she drank a can of Coke.  Recent events, and Subject 19, flooded her mind as she remained deep in thought.

What the hell was that thing made of? she thought to herself when Subject 19 crossed her mind.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Aydin folded his arms. "Well," he replied to Gustave, "seeing as how you have done very little to earn our trust other than switching sides in the heat of battle once it became clear we had the upper hand, I don't think you're in much of a position to be advising Dr. Zanasiu either."


The Dhole turned to Dr. Williams. "Are you all right? I'm sorry, I never really introduced myself back there, and directed most of my attention to Dr. Wayne. I'm Sharon Varma," she extended her hand, and smiled in an attempt to be friendly and comforting.


Shelton reached the main exit and saw his team guarding. He ran to the second in command, Narcissus, the sniper. "What's the situation?"

"Individuals have infiltrated the base," Narcissus replied. "We're not positive how. They're causing quite a ruckus, and Ajax sent us to guard the exit since you weren't here. To be honest, I'm glad. Apparently the other DS teams are taking quite a beating, with or without us."

"Wouldn't want to ruin your perfect hair," kidded another DS-2 member to Narcissus.

Shelton frowned. He needed access to the base's computer systems, but it'll have to wait. "I guess we'll just stay here. We've been ordered to defend the main entrance, and 'ours not to reason why.' We can safely move into the main hangar, though, since anyone attempting to reach the entrance would have to go through there, and that way we'd have the cover. Dr. Gallo," he mentioned to Kerzach, "if you help DS-2 defend this position, I'll put in a good word for you upstairs next time the eagle lands."
(OOC: Has the Dhole and the others met Dr. Zanasiu and the main characters yet?)


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The commando team quickly reached the vehicles, jumping onto them in a hope to destroy the vehicles with friendly fire.

Neku immediately spun and slashed at the webs, cutting through them quickly as he braced for combat...

Slash looked to the soldiers, nodding his head.
"I am Slash.  Member of Oruboros."
He said calmly, as Agito nodded as well.
"And I am Agito."
He added...


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Zara continued to stand her ground, watching and waiting for the scorpion to reappear.  The moment the creature did, it was right bellow her, which in turn, caused Zara to jump back some, stricking the scorpion in the chest and ran her claws along it as it jumped over her and back into the sand once again.

After a few more seconds, the scorpion resuraced and was now heading right for Zara, sparking quite a bit by that point.  Zara in turn, pulled her hand back as she started to dart at it before swinging her fist forward.

At first, the others weren't sure what had just happened as they looked over to Zara, to which Dr. Hazel was simply smiling upon seeing what had indeed happened.

Zara hadstruck the scorpion dead in the face, stopping the creature dead in its tracks, to which she pulled out her claws from it and looked to the group "What?" was all she could mention, looking to be rather unsuprised with what she had just done, walking away from the wrecked and destroyed creature as she approached the group.

"Well now....that was....interesting, to say the least" Aimee spoke up to break the silence amongst them before turning to Viper "But enough about have some explaining to do....mainly on why you had left us in the middle of the desert like that....and who the hell are they?"

"Yes, alright, alright, I'm sorry for doing that, but it took longer than what I had expected tofind them again, Hailey, Alice, these are my friends, Zara and Dr. Hazel Zoula" Viper replied back.

"It's Aimee actually" Aimee corrected Viper, mainly for both Zara and Dr. Hazel "She just seems to like calling me Alice for some strange reason....."


(Prison Base)

Trinity soon approached Shelton, Kerzach and Narcissus, looking at them for a moment.  She looked to Shelton in particular, already she could tell she had not accomplished what she had asked of him, yet, she was to let it slid for the time being, considering what threat had just arised in the base "When you are able to, by all means, finish off with those assignments I have given you, however, it can wait for the moment....this threat will have to pass"

Her eyes darted around some before she pulled out her only functioning gun and aimed it in the direction of the intruders, firing a few shots in order to strike one of them from where she was standing.

For having normal, non-scoped guns, Trinity was still a good shot with them as it was, and her added speed, agility and strength did seem to help out even more with it.


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The commando that was fired on reacted quickly, dodging the shot, smirking...

Cancerian Tiger

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The Dhole turned to Dr. Williams. "Are you all right? I'm sorry, I never really introduced myself back there, and directed most of my attention to Dr. Wayne. I'm Sharon Varma," she extended her hand, and smiled in an attempt to be friendly and comforting.

The voice of the Dhole snapped Dr. Williams out of her deep thinking.

"Oh, yes I'm okay, thanks," Dr. Williams replied as she drew her attention to the Dhole.  "Nice to meet you, Sharon.  I'm Dr. Anne Williams," she added as she shook the Dhole's extended hand.


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(OOC - No, the Dhole and the others have not met Dr. Zanasiu yet.)
(OOC - CT, it is a little confusing if you put other people's posts in your own post. Could you please not do that?)

The Dhole returned the handshake. "Pleased to meet you, Dr. Williams," she said pleasantly.

At this point, Zachary entered the mess hall to grab a snack. He immediately spotted the trio.

"Sharon?" he asked.

The Dhole turned to Zachary. "Zach?" she asked.

Zachary nodded. "I was wondering what happened to you after the Pelvanida attacks!" he asked.

"Got a job working as an electrician. Latest job was at that building in Southport," Sharon replied. She then gestured to Drs. Wayne and Williams. "I'd like you to meet Dr. Pauline Wayne and Dr. Anne Williams," she said.

"Pleased to meet you both," Zachary said. "What brings you to this base?"


Dr. Kerzach picked up his carbine and dropped to one knee behind a concrete "dragonstooth" barrier.

He sighed; he did not want to shoot at potential allies but he had to "play along". He fired near them, making sure to intentionally miss.


"At least I had the sense to not attack the people who potentially saved me!" Gustave replied.

Alfred got up and got between Gustave and Aydin. "Both of you knock it off or I'll fling you through the wall," he said bitingly.

Gustave stomped away from Aydin and at sat at the end of the table.

Sgt. Masters lit another cigarette.

"So what about Cale and his group?" Dr. Zanasiu asked.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Kiara soon approached the Dhole and Dr. Williams and looked to the two for a second "You both came from Southport right?  Only reason I ask is that...well, my boss hasn't contacted me in some time, which is rather odd of him, as he's usually on my back 24/7 about, well, anything really"

She paused for a moment, looking to them some more before taking a seat in order to rest some again.  Her chest had been healing quite a bit, but it was still rather sore still and for her, it was best to give it some rest at least "Besides, why are you two here and not back in Southport?  Has something happened there?"


Shakila looked to both Slash and Agito for a second, then to the commander and his soldiers, giving them a slight smile "Yeah, don't worry so much about them, I know them, they're well, good" she gave Slash and Agito a smile again and gave off a bit of a stretch.


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Sharon took a sip of the - now cold - tea she was eating with her baked salmon. "You really don't want to know what happened at Southport," she said with a sigh.

"It was like f---ing Dawn of the Dead there," Dr. Wayne added. She got up to pour her coffee down the sink.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"Wait, you're talling me that....zombies have practically overrun the city?" Kiara stopped for a moment and sighed "Guess that he's probabally become one of them by now...." she had to think for a moment more "How did it become like that anyway?"

"But no, I don't know what has so far, happened at Southport....we've been at Lab 101 all this time and just recently got here" Kiara then shrugged a little bit as well.


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(USMC Base)

The commander paused, then turned to a soldier in a jeep.  "Call that group and tell them we got visitors.  They should set this crap out."


In the conference, an intercom on the table beeped.  Vic switched it on before he could answer Dr Zanasiu.  "Yes?" he answered.

"We got two arrivals, sir," said the soldier through the com.  "They call themselves Slash and Agito, and they're with a member of your group that seemed to have been walking around.  Shall I send them in?"

"Go ahead...  Almost forgot, are the survivors in Southport inside?"

"They've been inside for a while now, sir."

"Thank you..."  Vic turned off the intercom.  "Fox, can you go check on those survivors?"

"Might as well," Fox replied as he got up.  "I'm getting tired of these childish arguments..."  He turned and left the room...


Fox soon arrived in the mess hall and found Zachary & Kiara talking with three women he has not seen before.  These must be those from Southport...


(Idaho Base)

As the commandos jumped onto the UGV's, the robots then began generating a lethal energy field around their shells.  One turned its turret to an adjacent bot with an enemy upon it.  It fired shells, some of which simply bounced off the sloped armor...


While the prey is distracted with the webbing, the predator moves closer, just out of range and line of sight for the right time...