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Jungle Book

Kit12 · 442 · 29918


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Shere Khan continued on, crouched low, stalking the deer he'd been following. He crouched down and prepared for one big leap, watching as the deer drank and then lifted it's head.

In one fluid motion, Khan leapt and overtook the deer, a quick bite to the neck ending it's life.

"The only problem with being so successful" he told himself as he began to drag the deer back, "no one's ever around, or lives, to see my great skills I've still got".

He made it back to the den and luckily the deer fit, because he knew Allison would probably have a list of reasons for him to why she should also not leave the den to many times while pregnant, he rolled his eyes while still outside.

"and luckily for you, I'm an efficient hunter" he commented, dragging in what he'd caught.

"Say, just out of curiosity, my dear" Khan went on, "were you just guessing or do you know for certain that you are pregnant already?". Khan had no idea how this 'girl intuition' thing worked.


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"I know I am," Allison replied. "I could feel a change in my belly."


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OOC: Ok, so do you guys care if I bring in one more cub character, Katuski a clouded leopard cub from Miko and Namita's jungle who knows him, though I may bring her in somewhere besides the kid's game since there's enough of them unless she just watched or something, but anyway, anyone care?

"Ah" was all Khan said, "well you can of course go ahead and have first dibs at the kill" he said, "despite their being some in this jungle who would tell you I have no consideration" he half grumbled to himself about such animals

Dash The Longneck

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OOC: I don't mind in fact I could come up with a cub who befriends Katuski while the kids are playing. What do you think?

"We actually scored a point?" Kyano said amazed that his team scored. "That's using your head Miko." Kyano said slapping Miko a high five.


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As he returned the high five, Miko laughed, finally he knew cubs who supported him instead of just teasing him, like that clouded leopard cub from his old jungle, Katuksi, who thought she was the greatest hunter straight off at birth!

"Yeah I'm kinda shocked about it myself" Miko laughed.

"Well, you just got a lucky kick in is all" Mowlgi said all in good fun, "Now, since that was your ball, it's our kick..." he went to kick it then paused, "and...I'm gonna let Elliott take it" he smiled.

Elliott looked unsure and Miko frowned a bit at the prospect of them blocking an elephant's kick.

"Oh please don't be a good kicker..." he couldn't help whispering to himself about Elliott's skills.

The young elephant set the coconut before him and stuck his tongue out in concentration as he backed up, focusing on it, then ran forward and kicked. The coconut went sailing...


Meanwhile Miko's 'friend' from his old jungle, Katuksi, had by chance found the same jungle he had in searching out somewhere that Exavier jaguar that gave Namita trouble wasn't, since he was generally causing everyone trouble.

She smiled at the jungle she'd found. "Yeah...this could work" she said with a small smile.

Dash The Longneck

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Kyano followed behind the ball as it went soaring and managed to kick it as hard as he could toward the goal using his hind paws as the coconut just about landed.

Meanwhile another new Jaguar cub by the name of Haeso noticed the other jaguar and decided to be friendly. He walked over to the other jaguar cub,


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(OOC: Ok, Haeso can be whatever you want you know, but just so you know since I may not have made it so clear, Katuksi's a clouded leopard which is a real interesting species I just discovered :D

"Aw..." Mowgli and Elliott groaned, since if the coconut had touched the ground that would have been more of a sort of miss than Kyano's save of it.

They then had to change their tactics to blocking and both rushed for the coconut, bumping into each other and causing it to hit the goal...again.

"Wow! Two!" Miko couldn't believe it, "I don't think Mowgli's gonna put us on the same team anymore" he grinned at Kyano.

"Yay!" Ranjan clapped.

Mowgli laughed as he stood, "Mark it down Ranjan".

"Oh, right..." the little kid remembered and made a random mark where he thought he'd put the two cats section.

"Ok, round...uh what is it three?" Mowgli prepared to throw the ball again and this time sent it sailing up for an even anyone could catch. Elliott got to it straight off and this time delivered a kick into Miko and Kyano's goal.

"Ha! One...atleast" Mowlgi said, he and Elliott high fiving.

Ranjan clapped again.

"and...mark that one too" Mowlgi reminded. Ranjan nodded and made another random mark.

"Something tells me Ranjan's scoreboard isn't accurate at all" Miko laughed.


Katuksi turned as the other cub approached, "Oh, hey" she said with a small smile.

Dash The Longneck

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(Clouded Leopards look cool I think mine will be a clouded Leopard too. I just read them up on Wiki and they are awesome)

"Well, now the game is getting really interesting." Ramiki smiled. Kicking the ball over to Kyano again.

"I have never seen you around here before. You new here? My name's Haeso so where you from?" The little jaguar asked eager to make a new friend.


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(ooc: Hehe, yeah they are! I think your cubs are getting mixed up by the way isn't Ramiki in the LK one :D)

Elliott and Miko both rushed forward, keeping an eye on the 'ball' to try and kick it to the right goal. Elliott swat at it with his trunk and sent it sailing towards Miko and Kyano's goal. Miko quickly changed direction to try and help block it.

"Yeah, if you have more kids you can have goalies to help block at the goals" Mowgli commented, watching, "but this way works fine too, just lots of running".


"Yeah I'm from a jungle a ways away" Katuksi answered, "name's Katuksi by the way. Yeah, there were these grown jaguars making trouble and...well...rather than beat them up myself or anything I figured I best just move on" she answered. Truth be told she ran away but Katuksi never did want to seem a coward.


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"Thank you Khan," Allison smiled as she dug into the carcass.

Dash The Longneck

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Quote from: Kit12,Sep 15 2009 on  11:22 PM
(ooc: Hehe, yeah they are! I think your cubs are getting mixed up by the way isn't Ramiki in the LK one :D)

Elliott and Miko both rushed forward, keeping an eye on the 'ball' to try and kick it to the right goal. Elliott swat at it with his trunk and sent it sailing towards Miko and Kyano's goal. Miko quickly changed direction to try and help block it.

"Yeah, if you have more kids you can have goalies to help block at the goals" Mowgli commented, watching, "but this way works fine too, just lots of running".


"Yeah I'm from a jungle a ways away" Katuksi answered, "name's Katuksi by the way. Yeah, there were these grown jaguars making trouble and...well...rather than beat them up myself or anything I figured I best just move on" she answered. Truth be told she ran away but Katuksi never did want to seem a coward.
(You know it was only a matter of time before I did a Typo. I am like the King of Internet Typo's and Mistakes)

Kyano backed up hoping to do the same thing he did again . But then he thought of something he backed up and then ran at full speed and jumped on to Miko and then jumped as high as he could swatted the coconut as it flew by him toward Mowgli and Elliot's goal again.

"A far away jungle huh? That's neat. And you are more welcome to stay here. But, tell me more about these other jaguars?" Haeso said wanting to know more about it. "Why would they want to beat you up? Most species don't go around beating their own species up unless there's a reason" Haeso said.


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"What the..." Miko craned about, surprised as Kyano used him as a springboard yet watched as it seemed to work and the coconut went sailing into the goal again.

He grinned, "Wow Kyano that was awesome!" he said, "a bit without warning...but awesome" he laughed.

"I don't know" Katuksi shrugged, "I mean sure, I've met plenty of fine jaguars, in fact these are the only I've met who aren't, and...well they're only giving me trouble off association I guess.

It's this guy Exavier and his two...lacky's for lack of a better word, Jess and Dess, they were kinda rude to begin with but then they set their sights on the territory of this panther family I know and it turned into a whole big fight

I don't know what was so great about where they had picked to set up, I mean there was a river but there's also tons others about, anyway the cub, Miko, I...I guess you could call us friends, he's..ok" the clouded leopard cub shrugged, "lacking a bit of a back bone so I'd try to help him out in telling Exavier and his crew to get lost, and I guess that put me on their bad list" she shrugged.

"But they're not here now so that's good enough for me" Katuksi went on.


Shere Khan simply smiled and lay down at the entrance to the den to keep a look out, "Not a problem, my dear".

Dash The Longneck

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"Yeah, don't worry everyone around here is really nice. You must be from Miko's jungle. Miko is around here too. I think he's playing with the other cubs." Haeso said.

"Yeah, sorry about that Miko it was kinda a "spur of the moment" thought so I couldn't give you any advance warning sorry!" Kyano said.


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"Really?" Katuksi looked shocked then thought, "Hmm...must have run away himself, do you know if his aunt's here too?" she asked, wondering if all of what was left of his family just up and left, sort of letting Exavier win but also avoiding more trouble.

Miko laughed, "That's fine" he said.

"Ok Ranjan, you get that?" Mowgli asked, getting the coconut to put it back into play. Ranjan made a random mark, "Got it".


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Bagheera, seeing all the kids were busy, turned to Namita. "Would you want to accompany me in a walk around the jungle?"

Dash The Longneck

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Quote from: Kit12,Sep 16 2009 on  10:18 AM
"Really?" Katuksi looked shocked then thought, "Hmm...must have run away himself, do you know if his aunt's here too?" she asked, wondering if all of what was left of his family just up and left, sort of letting Exavier win but also avoiding more trouble.

Miko laughed, "That's fine" he said.

"Ok Ranjan, you get that?" Mowgli asked, getting the coconut to put it back into play. Ranjan made a random mark, "Got it".
"Oh, Namita? Yeah, she's here too" Haeso said.


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Namita tried to not blush super big at Bagheera's normal, friends offer, she reminded herself, just because she was still harboring that cubhood crush.

"Um, sure" she answered as normally as she could, "I'd...uh like that, you know I haven't gotten much time to do much relaxing like just take a walk since the extended babysitting duty started up" she indicated where Miko hand rushed off to.

"Much as I love Miko to death, he's still a hyper cub" she went on as she leapt down from her branch.


Katuksi nodded, "Well...that's probably good for her" she admitted.

"So you act like you've been here a while, were you born in this jungle?" she asked.


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"I don't think his hyper activity could compare to Mowgli's though," Bagheera chuckled lightly.

Dash The Longneck

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Haeso's face kinda turned sad if he asked if she asked if he was born here. Truth be told Haeso hated bringing up the fact that he was born. His parents both left him the minute he was born. How he had survived was beyond him.

But, Haeso didn't like bringing up his parents or adults for that matter. They were all the same. Haeso learned a long time ago that he should never trust anyone except maybe Katuksi.

"Yeah, I know this jungle like the back of my paw" Haeso finally said.