The Gang of Five
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In the land before time

Amaranthine · 2536 · 199167

The Chronicler

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(Don't worry Pangaea, I actually want to finish the fight before anyone else tries to get involved.)

Chronicler knew one of the Fast-Biters would pull a move like that. "In a way, yes," he replied to Pangaea's question. He then shoved Pangaea into the bushes and said, "Stay hidden." He then turned to the Fast-Biters and said, "Since you guys like to fight dirty, I guess we'll try other methods." Using both halves of the stick, he smacked both Fast-Biters across the face, which was only enough to provoke them. "Come and get me you brainless rock-heads!" He then started running, hoping the Fast-Biters would case him.

Ruby caught Pangaea as he was shoved into the bushes. "Are you alright?" she asked.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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"Things just keep getting better and better" John said sarcasticly as he noticed Myrikin's arrival.



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Tria turned to Sam. The situation was not fully resolved... "Are you alright? I need to find my mate and kids. I'll leave if you think you are safe now."


"Thomas" looked for Amy. He wasn't fully sure of what had happened here, as he had missed the "main event" of the battle. The human was sure Amy knew what was happening.


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Amy was about to open her mouth to reply to Tria, then, she felt a rumble from the other side. She saw a gray tricertops running their way.

"Oh...well...there he is." She gestured her head toward where Mr. Three Horn was running.

Mr. Three Horn panted a bit when he came to Tria, "Tria! Are you okay? Just so you know our daughters are safe with Anna, you know Anna don't you? Just tell me if there is anything wrong or hurting...." Mr. Three Horn rambled on and on about how worried he was for Tria and Amy just sighed with frustration and listened.

Haha, boy does he remind me of someone.... She thought to herself. Then she saw "Thomas" below her and said, "Well...there's a battle on the other side," She pointed her beak to the roars in the west. "And there's a battle on this side," she pointed her beak to the east.

She slid down from her tree, and being a bit stressed and afraid of heights (despite the fact that she was indeed a flyer), she wobbled a bit when she planted her feet on the ground.
Little Foot told his Grandmother, "I'll go get Grandpa, he'll help."

So he ran off to find his Grandfather and the orange flyer and another flyer nearby. He told his grandfather, "Grandpa, grandma was attacked by a sharptooth and I think there is still a raid going on right now! We have to do something!"


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"What? Sharpteeth in the valley?  We have to do something at once." Grandpa Longneck said with shock and surprise on his face and body posture.  "Where is she & the others? He asked.

"Yes, they need to be driven out." Flapper said, knowing how dangerous sharpteeth were from seeing the show, and from having carnivores running around where mainly herbavores were.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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John saw that Chronicler and Pangaea were getting the upper hand, so he left the area, and headed back to the cave he saw Rick, Rob and everyone else "they do know I could've handled all of this myself" John whispered to himself and chuckled...




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(OOC: Who is in the west?)

"I'm fine, Topsy...  just a bit tired... and shaken. For a moment, I was afraid I would never see my mate and children again." Tria responded. She noticed that she had described Cera as her child, although Cera was a stepdaughter... it was more of a sign of their closeness, not a sign of a mistaken or misused phrase.

Meanwhile, "Thomas" had run to the west to fight, after thanking Amy for the advice.


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(From what I'm reading, some members is fighting Thud left (west) and actually Panagea, and Screech is there too. I was talking more about the context of what my character was thinking and observing. She doesn't know that all of the dinosaurs are in the west, and no one is in the yeah...)


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(Thanks. I'll have "Thomas" fight there the next time I post, as I already made my story post for now.)


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(OOC: Actually, I'm not fighting anyone right now. Chronicler's just sent me to hide in a bushówhere I've just met Rubyóand he's provoking both fast biters into chasing him. I just made a post in the discussion thread with more details on the current situation.)

Screech reeled from the hit Chronicler had dealt him, less from the force of the blow and more from the shock that the strange white fast runner had had the impudence to strike him. Had Screech been thinking more clearly, he might have ignored the fleeing fast runner and started searching the bushes for the flyer, but as it was, he was blinded by rage. NO ONE hit him in the face and got away with it.

After him, Thud!” he screamed, taking off after Chronicler.


“I...think I’m okay,” Pangaea responded to Ruby’s question. “Actually, if I’m safe from Screech right now, then I’m doing great.” He paused as he recognized who he was talking to: yet another real-life version of an LBT character he liked immensely. “Oh, uh...sorry," he said nervously, "I’m Pangaea. must be Ruby. Um...forgive the awkward introduction, but it’s great to meet you.”

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Myrkin didn't know if he should run after fastbiters and help the fastrunner or stay where he were. Eventually, he decided for the latter, since it looked like that fastrunner was rather going to lead predators to... well... somewhere, so probably he didn't need any help with fighting. Myrkin turned to bushes where Ruby was supposed to be hiding in and he noticed that some flyer was with her. He came closer and he caught the fragment of their conversation. It seemed like the flyer knew Ruby, even if he had just met her. Perhaps, he simply heard of her earlier from other valleyer or maybe... Well... I will find out sooner or later - Myrkin thought.

"I say we should leave here. Maybe the other fastbiters are not going to chase us, but it could still be unsafe to stay here." he said to Ruby and Pangea.
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


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Once John had gotten into the cave  he knew he would be staying in for awhile, he reached for some herbs that he had been collecting since he first came to the valley and used them to heal his wounds.



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"Thomas" had very bad luck, in a sense. He had wanted to help in the fight... but he did not think he would literally run into Screech! Whoever Screech was chasing was a lot luckier.  :blink:  At least "Thomas" was armed.


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Mr. Three Horn sighed and looked lovingly at Tria.

"Tria, I'll take you to where Cera and Tricia are, I'm not going to leave you alone, a sharptooth might come after you again." Then he saw Amy and his mood suddenly changed, "You! You wouldn't happen to know how the sharpteeth came in did you?"

Amy replied, "No, I don't know."

I sure know there reason for coming in though...

"You liar! That's what all flyers seem to be anyway...always lying, stealing, came in found a way to loosen the rocks around the rock circle protecting us from them didn't you?!"

Amy was too slow to answer because of her hating yelling and being shocked by Mr. Three Horn.

"Didn't you?!" he repeated.

Suddenly, he looked at Tria and heard the roaring of the dinosaurs. Then he saw Sam, so he replied to Tria, "C'mon! I guess I'll deal with these new comers later..."
"Yeah..hurry let's go!" Little Foot encouraged his grandfather and the flyers to follow him.
Rebecca saw her brother and said, "Well Pterano, it's a bit strange seeing you here again. Petrie would love to see you." She smiled. "Why don't you come with me to the nest and rest for a bit? The fight I believe is dying down."


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Grandpa Longneck and Flapper followed behind Littlefoot.

"I do hope everything is ok.  " Flapper said.

"I'm sure thing will turn out ok.  But we do need to get th sharpteeth out of the valley and find out how they got in." grandpa Longneck said.

"And treat any wounded." Flapper said.


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"Lead the way, Topsy!" Tria replied. She didn't approve of the way her mate talked to Amy and Sam, but this really wasn't the time to argue; the valley was under threat, and although Topsy was wrong about many things, he was a good, strong fighter. This was his department, not hers. She needed to get back to the kids...

"How far is it to where Cera and Tricia are? Are they in a safe place?" Tria asked her mate as she ran.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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"Now look here you saying things like that is very rude,' sam shot angrily at mr threehorn.

Cancerian Tiger

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Meanwhile, Anna's group had finished their dinner and were finishing the treesweets as they remained where Mr. Threehorn had instructed Cera to stay.

"Things are really quiet here when there's no trouble," Anna spoke up after swallowing a bite of treesweet.

"Really?  Is it noisy back where you live?" Cera asked before she picked up another treesweet in her jaws.

"Oh, yeah.  Quite noisy, actually," Anna replied before she glanced at Tricia, who was curled up next to Cera.  "Hehe, looks like someone got her belly full."

"Huh?" Cera uttered as she looked at Tricia, who was sleeping soundly.  "Hey, you're right."

"I do not think I would like to live anywhere noisy, oh no no no," said Ducky before she worked on another treesweet.

"Actually, I think you'd get used to it.  Humans have much more sensitive hearing than dinosaurs, but dinosaurs have much better vision than humans," Anna replied before she finished up her treesweet.

"I think you said you have much more sensitive hearing than that of an average human, you did you did," Ducky pointed out.

"Yup," was all Anna said before she started on another treesweet.  Ducky then turned to Cera.

"She heard me earlier when I snuck up behind her.  I did not even make a peep, no no no," Ducky said in a surprised manner.

"That's hard to believe," Cera cracked as she rolled her eyes, referring to Ducky not making a peep.  Ducky caught on a few seconds later, and gave Cera a hurt look.

"But it is true!  I did not make a sound, no no no!" Ducky replied in a frustrated fashion.

"Shh!  Enough of that.  Tricia's sleepin'," Anna interrupted the two, hoping to prevent a confrontation.  "What she said is true, Cera.  Would Ducky make things up?"

"Uh, no," Cera whispered as she glanced at the ground in shame before she looked at Ducky.  "I'm sorry, Ducky."

"It is okay, Cera," Ducky whispered back, but was obviously still offended.  She looked like she was about to cry.  Anna noticed, and scooped Ducky up.

"It's okay, Ducky," Anna whispered as she gently held the little swimmer close.  Cera watched them, and she felt even more remorseful.

"I really am sorry," Cera spoke up.  Anna looked down at her.

"I know.  I believe ya, Cera.  It's just, I know what it's like to be made fun of.  It really hurts a person," Anna replied.

"I know, I know.  I hate being made fun of myself, and I was not being nice earlier," said Cera.

"Feel better, Ducky?" Anna asked as she held Ducky in front of her.

"Yes, I do.  Thank you," Ducky sniffed as Anna set her down next to Cera.

"So, you mean to tell us you've been made fun of before?" Cera asked.

"More than that.  I was bullied and teased, all through my childhood," Anna replied.

"Ooh.  For what?" Cera asked.

"For being different.  For being myself," said Anna.

"That was the reason those rockheads were mean to you?!" Cera asked out of surprise.  Anna nodded, and Cera looked at the ground again as she thought about how she had treated Anna when she first showed up.  She then looked up as she stood then stepped up to Anna.

"Look, I'm sorry about how I acted when I first met you.  I did not know..."

"It's okay, Cera.  Really.  What I told ya about happened when I was a kid.  Folks don't mess with me now.  I guess it's 'cuz I know how to stand up for myself and fight back now.  You're lucky, ya know.  I would've normally waited for the person to hit me, and then I'd kick their tail, but not only do I not hit kids, I also do not hit those I like, including yourself," Anna said before she reached over and patted Cera on the back.  "You're okay, Cera."

"Thanks, Anna.  Now I know we're on good terms," Cera said with a smile.

"We already were.  I don't like holding grudges," Anna replied as she looked up at the starry sky.  "Say, isn't it getting late?"

"Yeah, and I hope Daddy comes back soon.  I don't wanna spend the night here," said Cera.

"Well, at least we would have someone to look out for us, yes we would," Ducky giggled.  Cera looked at Ducky and nodded in agreement before she returned to Tricia and curled up with her.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Cera said with a yawn.  Just then, Cera shivered.

"Hey, come over here," Anna said as she patted the ground next to her right leg.  Cera got up and carried a sleeping Tricia with her nasal horn.  After she set Tricia down, she curled up next to her, and Anna wrapped her tail around the two sisters.  Ducky let out a big yawn, and joined Cera and Tricia.

"Thanks, Anna.  I bet your children are very lucky to have you, yep yep yep," said Ducky.

"Actually, I have no kids," Anna replied.

"Really?  I thought you have kids, as motherly as you seem with us," said Cera.

"Nope.  No kids, no mate.  I've never mated, to be honest.  I'm just very maternal, like Ducky," Anna explained.

"Well, I hope you find a nice mate one day and have some kids.  You'll do well with them.  Good night, everyone," Cera yawned just before she fell asleep.

"Good night, Cera," Anna and Ducky replied.  

"Anna?" Ducky called in an anxious fashion.

"Yeah?" Anna replied as she looked down at Ducky.

"Will you be sleeping, too?" Ducky asked.

"Nope.  I'ma keep watch over you kids until your folks come," said Anna.  "Why?  Are ya scared or somethin'?"

"A little, but I am okay now.  Good night," Ducky said in a sleepy manner as she fell asleep.

"Sleep well, y'all," Anna said as she kept watch over the children.

The Chronicler

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"It's good to meet you too, Pangaea, good to meet you it is," said Ruby. She then heard Claw's comment and said, "That would sound like a good idea, but I'm actually not sure. I think we should follow them quietly. I just want to make sure Chronicler does not hurt or worse. That would be a very bad thing, a very bad thing that would be."

Chronicler quickly reached the nearest part of the Great Wall and saw a cave nearby. That'll work, he thought. He climbed the rocks and soon reached the entrance to the cave. He looked back and saw the Fast-Biters Screech and Thud were still chasing him. Hoping to further provoke them, he shouted, "Hey! Up here, you morons!" He then tossed both halves of the stick at them. His aim was obviously still poor, as he had missed hitting either of them, but he was certain that he had provoked them enough to follow him into the cave. After running into the cave, he reached a dead-end. He quickly looked around and soon found the perfect hiding spot.

By the time the Fast-Biters arrived at the dead-end, Chronicler was nowhere to be seen.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls