The Gang of Five
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In the land before time

Amaranthine · 2536 · 170743

The Great Valley Guardian

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Grandma Longneck looked down at her grandson and slowly nodded her head.
"Y-yes Littlefoot I'm just a startled is all." she then turned to Rebecca and asked, "Yes I do, but do you know why I  chose to fight anyway?"

Longtail heard Redclaws screech and two more accompanying it.
"It sounds like they're running. Good, I'd hate to have to hurt them!" said with a small laughed as he looked down at Zaine.

Rick turned to face Rob and laughed, "To be honest, I thought something like this would be insanely crazy, but right now...I just find it funny! So it seems Zaine and Longtail have come to trust us...a bit anyway."


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Tria leapt between Sam and the sharpteeth. She had risked her tender flesh so far, she decided to see it through to the end.

"If any of you will hurt him, you will have to go through me first!" She exclaimed, sounding braver than she had ever sounded in her entire life.

"Topsy... now would be a very good time for you to show up..." she thought, nervous and scared and the inside.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Thud who now heard redclaw retreated. "Yeah go on run you coward,' sam yelled at thud as he ran. Sam wiped the dirt off his wound. "He really got me good eh,' sam asked tria.

The Chronicler

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(Sorry for breaking the one-post-per-day rule, but I just can't keep up otherwise.)

Chronicler finally arrived on the scene. Unfortunately, he mistakenly believed that Thud was chasing someone instead of running away. Acting on instinct, Chronicler held out his stick and rammed into Thud with enough force to knock him down. "Why don't you pick a fight with somebody carrying a big stick!?" taunted Chronicler.

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Thud was running he turned back to see if he was being followed which he was not. He turned his head so he was looking foward and saw a stick comming toward his face but he couldn't do anything and was fell to the ground. Thud growled at chronicler. "You will pay for that,' thud roared.


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Zaine laughed. "Yeah it certainly makes it easier for us not to have to fight everybody." He glanced back at Rob and Rick and then back to Longtail. "Something still feels weird about those humans. I'd keep an eye out on them just in case."

Rob nodded, "Yeah this is pretty crazy." He looked up at Zaine and Longtail. "Well they haven't killed us yet so that's a start. Still though, I get the feeling Zaine doesn't fully trust me."

Cancerian Tiger

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Cera looked up at her father.

"Tria and Tricia?  Tria's off fighting some sharptooth, and Tricia...well, um...Tricia..." Cera stammered out of nervousness.

"Is right here, yep yep yep!" Ducky interrupted.  Cera looked in Ducky's direction, only to get ambushed by Tricia.

"Cewa!  Cewa!  Cewa!" Tricia chirped as she kept nuzzling her older sister's leg.

"See?  She's safe," said Cera as she reached down and nuzzled Tricia.  Cera then thought of her father's worry over her.

"I'm fine, Daddy.  Really, I am.  Anna can tell you I'm okay if you don't believe me.  I know this sounds weird, but if she was not with me, I don't think I'd be here," Cera said before she looked over at Anna.  "Thanks again."

"No prob, Cera.  I hope you've learned your lesson today," Anna replied before she winked at the brave threehorn.


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“What did you do that for?!” Guido squawked in astonishment. Pangaea hadn’t even tried to avoid hitting the tree.

Pangaea shrugged as much as his outstretched wings would allow him to. “Didn’t know how to steer,” he replied matter-of-factly. “You should know that better than anyone,” he added, referencing his earlier airborne collision with Guido. “I kinda know how to make it less painful when I crash into things, usually. Presenting more surface area to whatever you hit dissipates the impact. If I’d hit that thing head-on, I’d probably be dead.” He glanced down at Screech, who appeared to be cursing in Sharptooth for having not been able to grab Pangaea in time when he had struck the tree trunk.

“Besides,” he added, “I can’t maintain my glide forever. Even with the wind holding me aloft, I’m losing a bit of height every minute. Wait too long and I’ll be low enough for Screech to grab me.”

“Wow,” Guido murmured, “You were wrong; you know more about flying than I do!”

“Well, I know about how it works,” Pangaea replied modestly, “but I haven’t had a chance to put my knowledge to any use till now. I don’t really know how to handle myself in the air.”

At that moment, Screech made another attempt to snatch Pangaea out of the sky. Jumping atop a large boulder to add a little extra height to his jump, the fast biter sprang into the air, his fang-filled jaws clicking together inches from the wind-whipped plumes on the glider’s tail.

 “Yiiieee!” Pangaea yelped, “See what I mean? I almost lost some tail feathers on that one!”

“Wait a minute...feathers?” Guido asked, glancing sideways at his wings, “Is that what these tickly...stickly...prickly things are called?”

“Uh...yeah!” Pangaea replied, “I never told you, did I? That’s what they’re called. They’re really just scales, basically: elongated, vaned, barbed scales. They’re not that weird, really. Sharpbeaks have ëem. So do those squawky yellow flyers you see around here sometimes. And where I come from, there’s over 9,000 species of–”

A sudden clashing of teeth inches below them reminded them that Screech had not given up the chase.

“Perhaps we should save the discussions for later,” Pangaea suggested.

“Y–Y–Yeah...” Guido agreed shakily, “If there is a later!”

“You don’t have to worry,” Pangaea assured him, “Screech isn’t interested in you. He wants me. Usually I try my best to avoid making enemies, but this seems I failed miserably. Didn’t have much choice, I s’pose. It was either gain an enemy or lose a friend. I’ll settle for the first anytime, thank you.”

“Yeah, but did you have to make him so MAD? He’s trying to kill you now!”

“I dunno if there’s ever a time Screech isn’t trying to kill somebody,” Pangaea replied, “It was either me or Amy, and I figured I was the one in the better position to escape. Besides, what was I supposed to do, hit him with my tail? Might as well use a featherduster as a war club.”

“Y-Yeah,” Guido agreed, looking down at the raging fast biter, “It’s not exactly a fair fight, is it?”

“That’s why we need to keep gliding. We’ve gotta find somebody who can take on this guy. As long as Screech doesn’t find a way to jump any higher, and I can keep on using trees to stay as high up as possible, we should be okay.” Famous last words, he thought soberly.

"Wait a minute!" Guido yelled, "The wind's changing!"

Pangaea thought fast. If the wind shifted in the other direction, than he and Guido would be flying INTO it instead of with it, and would descend to within Screech's grasp much more rapidly. "Quick!" he shouted, motioning with his head to a tree ahead of them, "Land on that treeóthe way you saw me doóand jump back off in the direction of the wind!"

Alighting on the tree (only somewhat less awkwardly than Pangaea had before), Pangaea and Guido used its branches like springboards to propel themselves back into the wind. They had now reversed direction completely, and were gliding back the way they came, Screech still following close behind.

(OOC: Chronicler: I'd think that breaking the one-post-per-day rule is exactly what you SHOULD do if you're falling behind; if I'm not mistaken, the major reason Rat Lady instituted the rule was so that slower and/or less frequent posters could keep up. Also, I'm on my way to meet up with you now; in my next post I'll have my characters show up at the site of your battle with Thud, and then Screech will be all yours. ;))

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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John had caught sight of Thud going after Chronicler, he quickly picked up his handmade spear and threw it, hitting Thud in the thigh.


f-22 "raptor" ace

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Thud roared in pain and slashed at Chonicler with his claws.


Sam looked at tria before standing up. Sam felt his wound it was a deep one he knew that it was deep enough that it would leave a scar like Doc's. "Thank you,' sam said to tria for he knew that if she had not been there at the time he would have been dead.


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(Actually I would rather have people post once a day until EVERYONE has posted, I haven't seen Emerald here in weeks, I so I just sent him a pm to see if he's still playing or not. :p So please just post once a day. Thank you. Once he posts, I'll consider changing the rules a bit to two or three posts a day, since that might work better.)

Rebecca chuckled at Grandma Longneck's sarcastic remark, "Of course! Still, he could have finished you off if it wasn't for most of us here." She smiled at her brother, and a few others. She went by Grandma Longneck's side and touched Grandma Longneck's side. "Do you need any help with anything?" She asked politely.
"I wonder why Red Claw left like that....usually sharp teeth are a lot more stubborn then that." Little Foot wondered. Rebecca turn to him and said, "He's blind, that's why. I saw the scar he originally had, but I also saw claw marks on his face. He must have been blinded in a fight or something."
Mr. Three Horn nuzzled his daughters and then he looked to Anna, "Thank you Anna, thank you for protecting my daughters." He smiled, "But I also need to see if Tria is alright...and Cera...." He turned to his daughter, "Stay here." With a quick, respectful nod to Anna, he ran away from the rest of the dinosaurs and tried to find his mate.
 Amy looked around her, seeing fighting on one side and fighting on the other side. There were dinosaurs below where she was. Amy was sore and tired from everything that happened, and very overwelmed. She hated feeling as though she couldn't do anything because of her physical state. If she was human, she could have her usual strength back and probably could get away from danger much quicker. And because of what she did to Red Claw, he probably would come back again to get her, and the other dinosaurs would be in danger.

She looked down at Tria and Sam and said, "Hey, you two, are you okay?"

The Great Valley Guardian

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Grandma Longneck smiled at Rebecca.
"Yes I did realize the danger I was in. And I forever in your debt Rebecca for coming to my aid as well as everyone else here." she said with an almost carefree tone in her voice.


Rick looked up at Longtail for a moment and shuddered.
"I still think Longtail wants to eat me...and it creeps me out knowing he could do it and not care!" he said with a nervous laugh in his tone.  "So Rob, what do think brought us here to begin with?" he asked now rather curious.


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(OOC: Rat Lady: Sorry. :oops)

The wind was blowing faster now, and it took Pangaea and Guido only a short time to return to the forest clearing where the chase had begun. As they approached, Pangaea noticed two things that dismayed him. Firstly, he saw that Amy had not yet left the area; secondly, he saw why:

“Oh no!” he groaned, “Now Thud’s there!”

“Yeah,” Guido shuddered nervously, “But who’s that fighting him?”

Pangaea looked at the scene more closely, and was astonished. A fast runner, of all creatures, was holding off the attacking Thud with a large stick.

“Wow!” Guido exclaimed, “He’s as brave as you!”

Pangaea rolled his eyes and gave a sarcastic smirk. “Guido,” he said, “there’s a fine line between bravery and insanity. Now, I’ve never been too good at identifying fine lines, but considering my typical behavior, what I did probably falls into the latter category. Heówhoever that fast runner isólooks like he knows what he’s doing. Me, I don’t even know what I was THINKING! I figure the only reason I didn’t get torn to pieces is because what I did was SO freaking insane that Screech didn’t perceive me as a threat, and he let his guard down.”

“Um...okay,” Guido said, “If you say so.”

Suddenly, Pangaea felt the wind change again. To his horror, it was blowing towards the ground now. Worse yet, it was pushing him straight towards Thud!

“Oh, great!” Pangaea mumbled sarcastically. A moment later, he crashed into the back of Thud’s head.

The impact of the lightweight Microraptor was relatively insignificant. Pangaea immediately scrambled to get off of the fast biter before he became aware of the feathered snack on his head. A moment later, Screech leapt to seize Pangaea, but instead landed on top of Thud, causing both fast biters to collapse to the ground in an awkward heap.

Screech’s eyes, still red and swollen from being poked by Pangaea, were blazing with rage. “Thud!” he bellowed, struggling to disentangle himself from his fellow fast biter, “Help me catch this ridiculous flyer!

Pangaea, having jumped off of Thud’s head, dashed along the ground and cowered behind Chronicler. “I’m so sorry!” he whimpered, “I think I just made your problem a lot worse!”

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Tria replied to Amy. " I'm okay, thanks. Just a bit winded. I'm not used to running and fighting like that... I'm not much of a combatant." She sure wasn't. The though of facing a predator head on made her legs feel wobbly. Tria was used to lying around in warm mud and spending time with her mate and the kids, not fighting... that was what Topsy had to do...

"Have you seen my mate? He's a very good fighter... you know who he is, right? Black and gray threehorn, one of the strongest males in the valley, acts mean sometimes, but does it because he's protective of his family..."

Meanwhile, Thomas had reached the battle site to find that the situation had calmed down. He saw Amy, Tria, Sam, and some others...

"I missed the battle, didn't I?" the human asked.

But then, there was a roar... it wasn't over yet...


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"I have no idea," Rob shrugged his shoulders. "There has to be some reason we are here. Maybe we were destined to be here. Maybe because of all our time on GOF we've somehow been summoned here for something." Rob now laughed. "That's probably the stupidest thing I've ever thought of."

Zaine continued to watch Rob and Rick interact. They seem harmless enough, but why do I still have that funny feeling about them? It doesn't make any sense.

Cancerian Tiger

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"Okay, Daddy.  I promise," Cera replied as she watched her father run off to find Tria.  She then turned to Tricia as Ducky and Anna approached them.

"Well, Tricia.  What shall we do now?" Cera asked her little sister.  All Tricia did was wag her tail in response as she smiled up at Cera.  

"Is anybody else hungry?" asked Anna.

"Sure," Cera replied.

"I am hungry too, yep yep yep," Ducky agreed.  Anna looked around at the neighboring trees, and spotted one that she could reach the lowest branch but could not climb due to her dinosaur physique.  In addition, the tree was far too thick for Anna to shake.  With that in mind, she knew what she had to do.

"Cera, if I were to change back into a human in order to get some of those treestars for us, would ya mind helpin' me out?" asked Anna.

"You're not heavy, are you?" asked Cera.

"Not as heavy as yourself, no offense," Anna replied.  Cera thought for a moment.

"Okay, then.  Let's go," said Cera.

"Thanks, Cera," Anna replied just before she transformed back into a human.

"Man, things are much bigger around me when I'm my human self," Anna said to herself as she headed over to the tree.  "Okay, just stand right here."  Cera did as instructed, and braced her front paws against the tree so she was in an upright position.  Anna came up behind Cera, braced her hands on Cera's shoulders, and in one motion pushed herself up and replaced her hands with her feet on Cera's shoulders.

"You're not heavy at all.  Not like Spike or Littlefoot," Cera said as Anna reached up and grabbed the tree branch.  Anna then swung her right leg up and around the branch, and pulled herself up.  Cera stepped back and watched with Ducky and Tricia as Anna made her way up into the tall tree before sending a lot of treestars down to the ground.

"Hey, guys!  What's this growing on the tree?!" Anna called out.  The three dinosaurs looked at the numerous purple-shaded treesweets that grew along with the treestars.

"Those are very, very sweet, yep yep yep!" Ducky called back.

"Send some down!" Cera ordered.  Anna did as told, being careful with the treesweets by tossing them down onto the pile of treestars.  Cera, Ducky, and Tricia all giggled in delight as the treesweets came down.

"Okay!  That should be good!" Cera called up.

"Alrightie!  Be right down!" Anna called back as Cera moved toward the tree.

"Okay, just let me..." Cera called, but was interrupted by a THUD.  She looked to her right as Anna tumbled forward a couple of times then ended up flat on her back.

"Anna!" Cera cried out as she hurried over to Anna.  "Are you okay?!"

"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks," Anna replied with a giggle as she sat up.  "I just don't always land gracefully when I jump out of trees, that's all."

"You mean to tell me you climb trees?" Cera asked as Anna stood up and morphed back into a swimmer.  

"I did a lot when I was a kid.  I still like to, along with climbing mountains and cliffs," Anna replied.  When she looked at the dinosaurs, they were all looking strangely at her.  

"What?!  I'm very adventurous, just like y'all," said Anna.

"Yeah, we could tell," Cera giggled.  Ducky and Tricia giggled along with her.

"Well, what are we waitin' for?  Let's eat," Anna said before the group headed over to the treestar pile, sat down, and began to fill themselves.


The Chronicler

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When Thud slashed at him, Chronicler stepped back a little and held out his stick to take the attack. He then took a quick look at the damage done to the stick and noticed the scratches made were quite deep. Darn it, I don't think this stick will last long, thought Chronicler. He was then a little surprised when Pangaea suddenly arrived, and slightly amused at the comical sight of Screech landing on top of Thud. "I knew it!" exclaimed Chronicler. "Where there's one, there's the other." He pointed his stick at Thud then Screech as he said this. "Looks like I'll have to fight both of you." He then replied to Pangaea's comment. "In that case, I might have to use Plan B." He held up his stick, preparing for the next attack.

Ruby arrived at the scene, but she was smart enough to stay hidden behind the bushes where she could safely watch the fight that was now taking place

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls


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Seeing that Screech had come back and that Chronicler was having  a bit of trouble , John went into a fighting stance.

 "If it must come to this, I'll take you the death" he spoke.



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Myrkin had been following Ruby to the place, where he saw two fastbiters, one fastrunner, one creature looking like a Guido's kind and one... human? So he wasn't the only one who got to this place after all! It wasn't the time to go there and make acquaintance though, as there was a fight going on. Myrkin decided to join it and help others against these two fastbiters he recognized as Thud ans Screech. He runned as fast he could and slammed against Screech, hoping that it will cause the latter to lose his willingness to fight.

(I hope I didn't make a mistake thinking that you are in your human form, Belmont?)
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


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Caught off guard by Myrkin’s attack, Screech stumbled to the side, but kept his balance and didn’t fall over. Incredulously he glared at this new fast biter who seemed to be on the side of the Great Valley dinosaurs. “What are you doing?!” he roared, unaware that Myrkin couldn’t understand Sharptooth. He narrowed his eyes threateningly. “You’re lucky that right now I’m only interested in catching that glider. If you value your life, you WON’T get in my way again!

Hoping that the other fast biter had got the message, Screech turned back to fighting Chronicler. Seizing the stick in his jaws, he snapped it in two. “Let’s see you fight us now,” he sneered menacingly.

Pangaea looked up at Chronicler. “That Plan B you were talking about,” he said, “It wouldn’t happen to involve running, would it?”

(OOC: Chronicler: Did I have Screech break the stick too early? If I did, I can go back and edit this post. Also, I’m willing to let you control Screech for a while if you like, to make this fight scene run more smoothly.)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.