The Gang of Five
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In the land before time

Amaranthine · 2536 · 170549


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((OOC: My character's history is created for the sole purpose of the RP. My family is alive and well so please do not mistake this for my real life))

Rob collapsed to the ground, coughing very hard. He grabbed his throat and could feel the imprint left by Longtail. Maybe I deserved that?. Then Rob instantly recognized the other humans trying to stop Longtail. "Rick! Belmont!"

Zaine watched the other two creatures attack Longtail. "Leave him alone you!" he yelled. He went to help Longtail against his attackers, but he was stopped dead in his tracks. He could feel something pulling on his tail. He spun around to find Rob on the ground holding his tail. "Let me go!" he yelled.

"Zaine listen to me!" Rob yelled back. "Those two mean Longtail no harm. They're only trying to calm him down."

"You're lying!" Zaine replied. "They want to kill him!"

"They'd sooner kill themselves than hurt Longtail!" Rob countered.

"Why should I believe you?" Zaine asked. "Why should I believe something like you?"

Rob sighed. "Look I'm sorry Zaine. I don't care if you don't buy it because I will only say it until you do."

"Well good luck then," Zaine replied angrily. "I'll never forgive you for what you've done to me!"

"Zaine I can explain!" Rob argued. "Please just give me a chance!"

"Oh please do explain!" Zaine yelled. "This I gotta hear."

Rob finally let go of Zaine's tail, and to his surprise the longneck didn't move at all. He simply sat and glared at him. Well here goes nothing. "Zaine, the truth is I created you because I knew I could never be a part of your world."

Zaine continued to glare at him. "What are you talking about?"

"Where I come from your world doesn't exactly exist. I mean we can see it but we can't go to it."

"You're not making any sense," Zaine commented. "So what you're saying is that you can see the Great Valley, but it isn't real?"

"Exactly," Rob nodded. "Where I come from others like me know about your world and have known for a long time. We grew up with the Great Valley, but we always knew we couldn't come here. So some of us started creating dinosaurs like you and Longtail."

Zaine became less confused and more curious. "You created dinosaurs because you wanted to be a part of our world?"

Rob nodded. "It was the only way we could ever truly feel like we were a part of the Great Valley."

Zaine shook his head. "But that still doesn't explain why you would create a dinosaur without a family!"

Rob sighed. "Well that's because in order for me to really feel a part of your world, I had to give you my personality, as well as my past." A tear now rolled down his cheek as he continued. "I lost my parents when I was younger. They died in what you call an earthshake. I managed to survive, but my parents were killed."

Zaine didn't know what to think. Rob seemed to be telling the truth. There was so much passion and feeling in his words that there was no way he could be faking them. But still, it couldn't justify his decision to kill his herd. "You say you wanted to really feel like you were part of the Great Valley. Was it really necessary to make my life the way it is? With no family?"

"I don't know," Rob said. "I just wanted to put myself in the Great Valley for once. All my life I've dreamed of coming here one day, and now I finally have. But I never wanted to cause you so much pain. Zaine you have to believe me. I'm truly sorry."

Zaine wasn't entirely sure what to believe. If he's telling the truth, then he really does know what it feels like. Maybe I was too hard on him. Then he shook his head in frustration. No no NO! He's lying! Nobody is that cruel, no matter what his reasons may be.. He glanced over at Longtail, knowing he would enjoy killing this strange creature. But he looked back at Rob again and was amazed. The human truly seemed depressed over his actions.

"Please Zaine," Rob said. "Please forgive me."

Zaine hesitated. "I don't know what to say."

Cancerian Tiger

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Anna's extra-sensitive ears picked up on the sound of a very small non-predatory creature who was coming up behind her.  As the creature inhaled deeply while preparing to speak, Anna interrupted without moving.

"Isn't it too late for ya to be out on your own, Ducky?" Anna asked.

" did know it was me?" Ducky asked quietly as she stepped up to the left of Anna.

"I have excellent ears.  They seldom miss a sound," replied Anna just before she opened her eyes and looked down at Ducky.  "Now, I believe I've asked ya a question."

"Well...yes, it is, but please do not send me home just yet.  I felt like I needed to talk to you some more, yep yep yep," said Ducky.  Anna chuckled in response.

"Okay, then.  Whadya wish to talk about?" Anna asked.

"What were you doing, Anna?  You were not sleeping because you could hear me coming, yep yep yep.  That is strange, because you looked like you were sleeping, yes you did," said Ducky.

"I was meditating," Anna replied as she glanced out at the waterhole.

"What is meh-dih-tate-eeng?" asked Ducky in a confused fashion.

"Okay, I'll try to explain so you'll be able to comprehend me.  Basically, I was clearing my mind and connecting with the spiritual realm," answered Anna.

"What is that?" asked Ducky.

"Somethin' that's very hard to explain.  No human has ever seen it, but many claim to have 'felt' it, and I believe I feel it whenever I meditate," said Anna.

"But, how do you feel something that cannot be seen?" asked Ducky.

"I wish I could show proof, but my only explanation is faith.  It's somethin' I see with my heart," replied Anna as she returned her glance to Ducky, who in turn looked up at her in a curious fashion.

"If I may ask, what is in the spiritual realm?" asked Ducky.

"Everything supernatural, including loved ones of ours who have died," said Anna.

"Do you have any loved ones in the spiritual realm?" asked Ducky.

"Yup.  Many family members, a couple of friends, and many people I took care of over the last several years," answered Anna.

"Took care of?" asked Ducky.

"Oh, I'm sorry.  I take care of elderly people like Littlefoot's grandparents," said Anna.

"That is very nice, but I do not want to change the subject, no no no.  Anna, if I knew how to meditate, do you think I will 'feel' my father?" asked Ducky.

"Possibly," said Anna.

"Would you please teach me?" asked Ducky.

"Sure.  Okay, first ya need to sit down and let yourself totally relax.  Relaxed?  Good.  Now, close your eyes and completely clear your mind.  Do not think about anything, and remain quiet," instructed Anna.  Once she saw the little swimmer was doing as instructed, Anna joined in on the meditating.  The two were able to enjoy a couple of minutes of meditating, before they were rudely interrupted by the sound of sharpteeth...


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John was still trying to get Longtail back to his senses.

 "I told you we can explain all of this, why aren't you getting it" he  yelled to the flyer.

Suddenly John saw Rob on the ground "damn" he grumbled.


The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail stopped struggling for a moment and looked at Zaine, it seems whatever that creature said to Zaine seems to have worked...or it could be lying still...but I suppose I'll give these creatures a chance to talk "Talk quick!"

Rick sighed.
"This isn't easy for me to admit Longtail, but I'm not from your world. Where I'm from the Great valley is real, but it isn't." He paused a moment. "I know I'm not making much sense, but trust me when I say that the reason I created you was to see how I would act if I were ever to really come here, but it turns out that in my world, I'm not much of a fighter, and my emotions tend to stay bottled up most of the time. You and I are what's called polar opposites, meaning you do things that I normally wouldn't and I do things that you wouldn't."

Longtail blinked.
"As crazy as you sound right now...I think you're telling the truth, which is hard to believe...I need to talk this over with Zaine." Longtail then stepped over to his friend and whispered in his ear, "What do you think about all sounds way too crazy...but, I think they aren't lying anymore."

Rick looked over to Belmont and sighed.
"Do you think this will end well?" he asked honestly


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Red Claw tumbled down from the force of the tail whacking him, but he managed to get up and use his nose again, he lunged again at the elderly long neck, this time, able to land on top of her, he tried to bite her down.

"Get off of her!" Little Foot yelled at the sharp tooth.

Rebecca and Mr. Three Horn hear the yells, screams, and roars. Mr. Three Horn, frustrated, leaves Mrykin by himself and runs to the source of the sound.

Rebecca embraces her children tightly and decides to ask Petrie why sharp teeth are in the valley later, so she flew to the source of the noise.
Amy stood there frozen, she was "shut down", afraid to do anything. She couldn't hear, speak, or move, she just stood there, seeming to stare at nothing. All she seemed to hear was her heart. It was loud enough where anyone could probably hear it.


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Pterano flew at Red Claw, trying to use his beak to stab at the tyrannosaur's red eye. Figuring this to be his weakest spot, due to the red scar running from the eye to his claw, the pterodactyl attacked... but to little avail.

He did, however, buy some time for the old longneck to escape... if she moved fast enough.


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Zaine looked up at Longtail. "Well I may not like it, but it definitely seems they're telling the truth." He glanced over at Rob who was still on the ground. "Nobody could make up something like what he told me even if they wanted to." He took another glance at Rob just to make sure, and he nodded. "He certainly seems like he's sorry." Then again being sorry doesn't bring my herd back. He sighed and looked back at Longtail. "Something still doesn't seem right about this though. Why would these creatures come here in the first place? There has to be some deeper meaning behind this." He walked over to Rob and knelt beside him. "You really aren't from this world are you?"

Rob looked up and shook his head. "I never thought I would actually find my way here."

"Was it accidental?" Zaine asked.

Rob nodded. "You wouldn't understand it, and practically I still don't understand it either, but one minute I was in my world and the next I'm in your world."

Zaine was beginning to understand where Rob was coming from. He seems to be good. Maybe he deserves another chance. Besides I want to learn more about this world he keeps talking about. "Help me understand," he finally said.

Rob raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry?"

"Tell me about where your from. I want to know what life's like in another world."

"My world is completely different from yours," Rob added. "There's a lot of things you've never heard or even imagined of."

"Well I now know what a .... human ... is," Zaine replied. "That seems like a start."

Rob almost laughed a little, but he was too nervous because of Longtail standing right behind him. "What about him?"

Zaine glanced back at Longtail. "Well if you created me, and you are with these other two, then you must know about Longtail's incredible strength. Just don't give him any reason to see you as an enemy."

"Consider it done," Rob nodded. "I never got the chance to say my name. My name is Rob." He held out his hand, but realized at the last minute Zaine had no hands.

Zaine looked at him confused. "What are you doing?"

"Lend me your paw," Rob said. "You don't have hands like I do, but from where I come from we shake as a sign of friendship."

"You want to shake my paw?" Zaine asked skeptically.

"I know it sounds weird," Rob added, "but I promise you it's harmless."

Zaine hesitated at first, but he slowly inched forward and lifted his front paw up. Rob gently grabbed it and began to shake up and down. Zaine was highly confused, but after a bit he relaxed.

"It's an pleasure to finally meet you Zaine," Rob said.

"It's certainly interesting to meet you too Rob," Zaine joked.

Cancerian Tiger

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"C'mon, Ducky!  We've gotta do somethin'!" Anna cried out as she jumped up then gently grabbed the little swimmer in her hands.

"Yes, but what can we do?!  This is not good, oh no no no!" Ducky cried out.

"I dunno, but we'll figure it out when we get there!" Anna replied.  "Hang on, Ducky!"

"Going somewhere without me?!" a familiar voice rang out.  Anna whipped around to see Cera standing behind her.

"Cera!  What are ya doin' here?!" asked Anna.

"No time for questions!  There's some sharptooth tail that needs kicking!" Cera retorted.

"Okay, then!  Let's go!" Anna replied before the trio sped off in the direction of Red Claw's roars.  A few moments later, they heard another voice.

"Littlefoot!" Cera gasped.  "We've gotta hurry!"  

A few moments later, the trio stopped in their tracks and became horrified at the sight of Red Claw getting ready to snack on Littlefoot's grandmother.  Anna then turned to Cera.  She was still holding Ducky in her hands.

"Here, Cera!  Take Ducky and hide!" Anna instructed as she set a terrified Ducky on Cera's back.

"But, what will YOU do?!" Cera demanded.

"No time for questions, remember?!  Please take her and hide!" Anna replied.

"You're not my...!" Cera began to retort.

"CERA!  FOR PETE'S SAKE, JUST LISTEN FOR A CHANGE AND SHUT UP!" Anna snapped, causing the threehorn to flinch.  "Look, I'm sorry, but for the sake of Ducky and yourself, please do as I say!"

Cera nodded, her expression clearly saying her feelings were hurt.  However, Anna did not have time for a therapy session just yet.  As the two youngsters hid behind some bushes, Anna found a nearby rock.  She picked it up, sprinted toward Red Claw, stopped a few feet away, and pegged him in his scarred eye with the rock.

"Leave her alone, ya freakin' coward!  Come and get me, punka**!" Anna screamed in anger, hoping her efforts would work.  Meanwhile, Cera and Ducky watched Anna in horror.


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Screech ignored the two feathered gliders as they bolted in opposite directions, instead stepping forward to seize the brown flyer. As per Red Claw’s instructions, he would not kill her, but maybe just slash her wing membranes or break her limbs to immobilize her until he could bring her back to his leader. He grinned in sadistic anticipation as his claws reached for the flyer...

Suddenly, something round and yellow whizzed past Screech’s nose. Startled, the fast biter turned his head in the direction from which it had come, to see Pangaea standing at the base of the nearby treesweet tree, a tree sweet in hand.

“Nuts!” the glider cursed, “Darn my aim!” He hurled a second tree sweet. This one caught Screech on the end of his lower jaw (which was slightly agape), splattering the inside of the fast biter’s mouth with juice. Screech’s eyes bulged as he tossed his head and spat to rid himself of the disgusting taste. It was nowhere near as nauseating as the tree sweets from the Hidden Canyon, but the fast biter abhorred the flavor nonetheless. He gave a sideways snarl at Pangaea, then returned his attention to Amy.

“Hey!” Pangaea yelled, his voice at an even screechier pitch than usual, “What’re ya after her for? I thought it was me you wanted! I’ve got more meat on me, I’ll bet I taste better, and, uh…I come with condiments!” Uttering a drawn-out squawk as an improvised battle cry, he charged towards the fast biter, brandishing a large tree sweet in his right hand like a fat yellow grenade.

Screech rolled his eyes in frustration. As disinclined as he was to stray from the task Red Claw had given him, this deranged feathered glider was becoming a major distraction. However, his foolhardy behavior meant that he could be quickly and easily dispatched. Even now he appeared intent on running directly into Screech’s jaws. One bite, and Screech would both have the meal he had been denied earlier, and be able to return to his mission of capturing the brown flyer without further interruption.

Fine then,” Screech muttered under his breath, “If you want to be eaten, I’ll be happy to oblige.” Taking his attention off the flyer for what he hoped would be only a brief period (as it was, she looked to be frozen in fear; not likely to be going anywhere in the next few seconds), he turned to face the suicidally oncoming glider, jaws opened wide to engulf him.

(OOC: Just a reminder: this confrontation is between Screech and me; please no one else get involved. ;))

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.

The Chronicler

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Chronicler noticed Cera's father approaching the cave, who seemed to be escorting a Fast-Biter. Chronicler tapped Ruby on her shoulder to get her attention. Ruby turned around and noticed the two dinos that had just arrived.

"Alright Mr. Threehorn, what's going on here?" asked Chronicler, hoping to get some answers.

Before he could get any answers, however, screams and roars were heard, and Cera's father ran off to the source of the noise.

"Now what?" exclaimed Chronicler. He turned to Ruby and said, "Keep an eye on this guy, I've got work to do." He tightened his grip on the large stick he was carrying and began to run off to the source of the noise.

"Wait!" shouted Ruby. "Where are you going?"

"Call me crazy, but I think something must be done!"

As Chronicler ran off, Ruby turned to the Fast-Biter and said, "Should we follow him?"

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Thud saw that screech had apparently ignored the flyer red claw wanted. 'Why is it I have to to everything myself,' thud asked himself as he charged amy.


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Myrkin looked after white fastrunner before he turned to pink one, whom he could recognize as Ruby. He thought about her question for a second or two.

"Perhaps we should, but from the sounds of these roars it would surely be dangerous and I am not a good fighter... I will come with you though, if you think we can do something helpful." he answered, looking again in direction of the source of commotion "Oh, by the way... I am Claw."
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


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"Sounds like something going on somewhere." Flapper said.

"Some of the older young ones do like playing later.  If there is any problem I'm sure they'll let us know." Grandpa Longneck said as they arrived at his and his family's sleeping place.


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"Aye" John replied before going over to where Rob was lying and saw the injuries that Longtail inflicted,then walked into the cave....
Ali saw Littlefoot running closer to where his grandmother and Red Claw were duking it out,quickly Ali ran after Littlefoot "Littlefoot, come back!" Ali told him.



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“Now I know I’m insane,” Pangaea muttered as he charged towards Screech. As Screech opened his jaws to seize him, he stuffed the tree sweet he was carrying inside the fast biter’s mouth. This prompted an immediate fit of spitting and gagging from Screech, who scrabbled frantically at the inside of his mouth with his claws, shoveling out chunks of smashed tree sweet.

But Pangaea wasn’t finished yet. With Screech too busy scraping tree sweet juice out of his mouth to slash at him with his claws, the recklessly intrepid glider jumped up onto his back. Utilizing his newfound climbing skills, he then scaled the fast biter’s neck like a tree trunk, until he straddled the nape, leaning forward over Screech’s brow. Then, borrowing a trick from one of his favorite slapstick comedians, he splayed the pointer and index fingers on one hand into a V, and simultaneously drove both digits into Screech’s eyes.

Screech howled in pain. For a moment he thought he had been blinded, the way Red Claw had, but a few seconds later he realized that his vision was coming back; the black spots in front of his eyes gradually shrinking; blurred images sharpening to their usual clarity.

Seething with rage, he glanced around the clearing until he spotted Pangaea, who had scrambled up a nearby tree while Screech had been flailing about in agony, and was now watching him from atop the highest branch.

Screech determined then and there that his mission had a new priority: to kill the feathered red glider. True, he thought, the young leafeaters and their sharptooth companion had humiliated him and his hunting partners on more occasions than he could keep track of, but none of them had ever had the audacity to physically assault him in such an underhanded manner. Now he fully understood Red Claw’s grudge against the brown flyer, having just almost gone through the same experience himself with this feathered freak of nature. Screech would have to postpone his errand of retrieving the brown flyer, but surely Red Claw would empathize with his desire for revenge against his own winged assailant, especially with an opportunity to achieve it imminently at his clawtips.

Up in the tree, Pangaea saw Screech staring daggers at himóeyes bloodshot; moist with pain-induced tearsóand knew that he was in trouble.

“Ooh boy,” he muttered, “Now I’ve done it...”

Uttering the high-pitched scream of fury that gave him his name, Screech leapt at the red glider in the tree. Pangaea barely had time to leap to an adjacent branch before the outraged fast biter slammed into his tree, his weight causing the relatively slender trunk to bend.

Seeing that the glider had moved to a different tree, Screech roared again, and lunged a second time.

Climbing for his life, Pangaea scrambled to the crown of the tree, the outraged fast biter screaming and snapping at his heels as he attempted to follow. Once at the top, Pangaea quickly determined which way the wind was blowing; turning in that direction, he spread his wings to catch it, knowing that if he was going to escape this irate sharptooth, it would have to be by air.

Just before he took flight, Pangaea reflected on the utter insanity of what he had just done to give Amy and Guido a chance to escape from Screech. “How many times am I going to break this record of ëscariest thing I’ve ever done’ today?” he wondered, as he sprung from the treetop into the night sky.

(OOC: This scene really only makes sense if you read my previous post as well. It basically continues directly off from it. :P:)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Pterano was pushed back, not beaten. While he had no real way of hurting Red Claw, he could find others who might be able to do so.


Thomas heard the sound of the fighting and began to run in that direction. He had no human armaments, but was able to fashion a sling out of some leaves and some sharp stones.

Tria encountered Thomas along the way...

"Where are you going? You can't mean to fight Red Claw and those sharpteeth?!" the female triceratops exclaimed.

"That is precisely what I intend to do." The human responded. "I think I can stop one of the smaller predators. Why don't you join me?"

"Oh no! I'm not going there. I'm... not a coward, but I need to stay alive for my daughter... and Cera. Plus... I may be large but... I'm not as strong as you think a dinosaur my size would be... Red Claw would kill me in a minute or two... I'm sorry." Tria responded.


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As John was about to close his eyes to rest he heard a sharptooth's roar in the distance, his eyes snapped open.

 "There can't be sharpteeth in the valley" he thought, John got up, he took a stick that was long and sharp, like a spear, He walked out and said to Rick, Rob, Zaine and Longtail "I've something to attend to, wish me luck" and John ran out into the valley.



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Tria felt bad about leaving Thomas like that... but she really had no other choice; Tricia and Cera needed her alive... and truth be told, Tria was never much of a fighter. The one time she fought, she put her whole force into that sharptooth, and only sent it flying a short distance, only for it to get back up again quickly. Her mate was able to send a sharptooth of the same size flying using only his HEAD, and he didn't have the element of surprise as she did that time.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Thud reached where amy was and said to her in sharptooth "you will die tonight not by my hand but redclaw's'. Thud chuckled before he swung his claws at amy.


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(STOP!!!!!! Guys, PLEASE just post once a day so everyone can catch up. >.> My internet connection is going weird, so PLEASE post just once a day! *sigh*)

Amy shook under the shadow of Thud, she gulped looking at him. She backed slowly away, and let herself come against a tree. She then smiled slyly.

"C'mon big guy, I know you're hungry, come and get me." She challenged him.
Red Claw, felt the force of the flyers attacking him. He fell with a great thud from Grandma longneck. He then felt a force with sharp edges aiming at him. He roared in pain, but still did not want to give up yet. So he curled into a ball, just waiting for the pain to be over.
Little Foot saw Ali and told her, "Ali, you should go right now! C'mon, let's go!"