The Gang of Five
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Ask Pangaea

Pangaea · 530 · 58423


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Do you watch or have you heard of Avatar: The Last Airbender?


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I've heard it mentioned a few times on this forum (usually by you ;)), but otherwise I am not familiar with it.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Heh, don't mind me, I'm just a huge fan of it. ^^

Have you ever been to any Autism conventions before? Or groups? Like PHP and the like?


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Afraid not. Though if I ever had the opportunity, I would be interested to attend that sort of thing. :yes

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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You probably would like being there, understanding yourself and all. :yes

How would you describe your humor?


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Are you going to try solving the troubles with MSN? What exactly is the problem that is so far making a chat impossible? It would sure be awesome to have a chat :yes


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I previously answered a question about my favorite forms of comedy here, but I suppose this is a different question.

I come from a family of wiseguys, :p so unsurprisingly a lot of the humorous things I say are witty, teasing, and/or sarcastic wisecracks (You might notice that I make a lot of remarks like this in my posts, usually punctuated by this emoticon: :p). I’m often unable to come up with improvised witticisms on the spot, however, because it takes time for me to formulate in my head what I’m going to say.

I’m also something of an insult comic, though I only do so in jest, and ONLY to people whom I know will not take offense at them, with whom there is a mutual understanding that the insults are jocular. Again, though, it’s often hard for me to reach into my cerebral insult bank and pull out something original on short notice, and sometimes I jarble my insults. One time I called my older younger brother “nimwit”, because I was trying to decide whether to say “nimrod” or “dimwit”. :lol

Also, as I mentioned to Cancerian Tiger a few questions back, I like to surprise people, usually by popping out at them suddenly or sneaking up on them.

And, of course, my fondness for physical comedy and visual gags means that I enjoy pulling bizarre facial expressions and strange movements (such as my “stiff zombie” and “lopsided hunchback” walks, or my Bigfoot impression :lol), as well as carefully executed Stooge-style slapstick. Here’s an example of one of my routines:

#1: While facing another person (usually a brother), I point to a nonexistant object on the floor and ask “What’s that?” or “Hey, is that a penny?”.

#2: Person leans forward to look more closely at what I am pointing at.

#3: Balling my pointing hand into a fist, I swing it up and (gently) bop the other person on the forehead.

Pretty much my whole family is into these sorts of things. I have a list (spanning over 25 pages) of script-style records of amusing things my family members and I have said, and humorous situations we have been in. Examples:

Me: “I would appreciate it if you would let me get a word in edgewise.”

My older younger brother: “But we ain’t in edgewise. We’re in Minnesota!”

My sister: “Hey, guys. Guess what? Today I saw a real dead human brain.”

Me: “Great. I’m glad you two were finally reunited.”

My older younger brother: “There are monkeys in this world!”

Me: “Of course. There’s one in the living room talking right now.”

*My brothers and I are watching a Three Stooges short, and our mom walks in.*

My mom: “What’s this show called?”

My youngest brother: “ëI’m A Monkey’s Uncle’ (*the title of the short*).”

My older younger brother: “You are?”

*My mom and older younger brother are sitting on the couch in the living room. I’m looking for my two youngest siblings.*

Me: “Where are those other two chumps?”

My mom: “I don’t know. (*pause*) Hey! What do you mean by ëother chumps’?”

Me: (*carrying a roast turkey from the oven*) “Turkey coming through!”

My mom: “You talking about yourself?”

Me: “You can pick your friends, but not your family.”

My mom: “You can pick your friends, you can pick your petsó”

My dad: “You can pick your nose…”

My mom: “That’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen.”

Me: “Ah, I’ve seen weirder things.”

My sister: “Yeah, the mirror.”

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.

Cancerian Tiger

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Those lines are hilarious :spit  :spit!  I think a thread should be started where members post the wittiest lines they've ever said or have been told :idea.

Out of all our favorite prehistoric pals, which character would ya spend a day with if given the chance :)?


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Your family is a bit like mine Pangaea, we like to joke around and poke fun at each other. :lol

Have you ever had any pets in your life? Like fish, hamsters, etc?


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^/^^ Yeah. One of us (either my mom or my older younger brother) joked once that our lives could be a sitcom. :lol Personally I don’t think we’re quite dramatic enough for that, but we ARE a pretty comedic bunch. :p

And that’s not a bad idea about the witty lines thread, CT. Maybe I’ll even start it myself. :idea

Glad you liked the quotes. :smile

Quote from: Cancerian Tiger,Jul 24 2010 on  11:37 PM
Out of all our favorite prehistoric pals, which character would ya spend a day with if given the chance :)?
AAAAAHHHHH!!!!! Don't make me choose! D:

Honestly, I don't think I could pick just one of them. I suppose I could narrow it down a bit based on how comfortable I think I'd feel meeting them one-on-one.

ï I can't really explain why, but I probably wouldn't pick Chomper. :unsure: It's not his habit of eating bugs; just somehow his personality (as portrayed in the TV series) didn't seem as “interesting” as those of the rest of the gang.

ï Spike is adorable and sweet, but you can't really have a conversation with him. :p However, it would be interesting to see if he could communicate with other non-speaking creatures, because since he would be able to communicate with me to some extent, he could potentially tell me what animals like my cat are thinking, or even relay messages from me onto them. :idea

ï I love Cera, but I think I'd be too afraid of making her upset or angry with me to feel completely at ease while talking to her. :oops

ï Littlefoot is very nice, and I'd probably enjoy talking to him, though for some reason I imagine that I'd feel shy around him. :unsure:

ï Petrie's way of speaking really doesn't bother me much, and I'd probably feel pretty calm around him (like me, he's a bit of a nervous wreck, and I find that I see eye-to-eye more with individuals who have things like that in common with me, because I feel like I can empathize with them more), so he's a possibility. The problem is, I'm not sure what the two of us would do together. :confused When it comes to socializing, I'm predominantly a talker; I seldom engage in physical activities such as games. When I say this, I mean absolutely no offense to the little guy, but it might be hard to have an intellectual conversation with him.

ï I would love to meet Ducky, who is so friendly and polite that I think I'd feel comfortable around her. (We also share a fondness for interesting rocks. :lol) One potential problem is that we're almost polar opposites in some respects: she's outgoing, I'm an introvert; she loves singing, I don't; she's full of energy, I have virtually no stamina, etc.

ï I think I'd enjoy hanging out with Ruby. She's nice, and a good conversationalist, and could probably tell a lot of interesting stories. Plus, I'd really like to know more about her history with Chomper and the Gang of Five (the other valleyers and Red Claw, too, for that matter). :p

ï If Guido's an option, then I'd definitely consider him. :yes I expect that I'd feel very relaxed around him, given how much we have in common (We're both shy, stammery, and generally nervous).

Quote from: Rat_lady7,Jul 24 2010 on  11:58 PM
Have you ever had any pets in your life? Like fish, hamsters, etc?
Yes, several. :yes

ï A number of goldfish, on at least two or three separate occasions throughout the 90s. We never kept track of how many we owned total.

ï Two dogs, the first a shaggy black retriever mix who came to our house (apparently as a stray) in the early 90s. As I remember him, he was a very nice dog, though he had a habit of chasing cars that got him killed in 1994/95. :cry The second dog was a terrier mix we adopted from an animal shelter on June 12, 2008. Frankly, I didn't like her much, because she was extremely noisy and disobedient, constantly escaping from the house or her leash. She didn't chase cars, but had no sense around them, and was hit by one on February 17, 2009, and had to be euthanized.

ï A tabby, our longest-lived pet so far. She showed up in our backyard in summer 1995, and like the aforementioned dog, we kept her. She was a very mellow cat, a little overweight, generally well-behaved, and seemed to be always purring. She died of old age on November 19, 2008 (the day after LBT's 20th anniversary :blink:).

ï An African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis) tadpole. Unfortunately it died before it could mature.

ï Two ant farms, the first of which (owned by me in the early 90s) I barely remember, the second of which was kept by my older younger brother a few years ago, and contained harvester ants.

ï Two Triops longicaudatus, or tadpole shrimp, fascinating little critters of a lineage older than the dinosaurs. The first one, imaginatively named Shrimpy, :rolleyes came from a package of eggs I received as a Christmas gift sometime in the late 90s. The second, called Al, was a class pet of sorts I took care of in high school, and brought home when the school year ended. As Triops only live for a few months, both are long gone, but I was very attached to them, and even wept when each of them died.

ï Tory, a leopard gecko. We got him three years ago yesterday as a birthday gift for my youngest brother, and both of us took care of him. He was a wonderful and beautiful pet, and tragically died on December 11, 2009 of an intestinal blockage. I have pictures of him here, and he's presently featured on the wallpaper for my computer desktop.

ï A Roborovski hamster, owned by my sister. I can't remember exactly when she got him, but I believe it was sometime in the fall of 2007. She kept him in her room, so I didn't see him much. He died of illness not long after Tory (either December 2009 or early 2010 :unsure:).

ï And, of course, our polydactyl cat, Sasquatch, presently our only pet, whom we adopted on August 27, 2009. We were told that he was around eight weeks old at the time, which means that he passed his first birthday around late June or early July. (We belatedly commemorated the event a few days ago by giving him some new toys and cat treats. :DD)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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^That's awesome that Sasquatch has more then five toes on each foot. :D For some reason I never knew that.

Anyhow, I remember you saying you had allergies to cats, then how do you live with a cat constantly in the house?


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Quote from: Rat_lady7,Jul 30 2010 on  11:40 PM
^That's awesome that Sasquatch has more then five toes on each foot. :D For some reason I never knew that.
Yeah, seven on each front foot and six on each hind foot. Twenty-six toes total. :wow They give him the impression of having enormous feet, hence his name. His extra left hind toe is really just a clawless nub, and you have to feel through the fur on his foot to find it. But his other twenty-five toes have fully functioning claws (Trust me; I’ve probably been punctured by all of them! :lol). A few minutes ago I was holding him on my lap, and he reached up and started using his fourteen front claws to “comb” my beard and sideburns. :lol

Anyhow, I remember you saying you had allergies to cats, then how do you live with a cat constantly in the house?
Um…I think you’re either confusing me with someone else or “misremembering”; I’m not allergic to cats. Dust, possibly, but not cats. :p And I’m glad about it. :^.^:

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As you questioned me a lot of artwork related questions, I got curious if you ever visited my deviantart page (here)?
Have you also seen my other works there, other than my LBT fanart or are these kind of art not your taste?   :)


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Yes, I have. :yes Though it's exactly as you said; your LBT artwork is basically the only material in your gallery that really interests me. Sorry.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Oh... I see. That's too bad. :unsure: But I understand.  :)
That brings me to a similar question: What are your thoughts about Sky, Star and Glide having a different (anthropomorphic) appearance?

Also, how's the graphics tablet hunt go? :) Anything you could find that suits you?


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To be honest, I just don't care for anthros. I prefer my fictional non-human characters to not look like humans, whether they be dinosaurs, modern animals, aliens, or mythological creatures. For example, I like the creature designs of The Spiderwick Chronicles because their goblins, trolls, fairies, mermaids, manticores, etc. don't just look like humans with animal parts stuck on (or vice versa).

As for the graphics tablet, I haven't really done any searching yet. :oops It seems I don't have the time for anything these days… :rolleyes

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Is there anything you are allergic to?


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I think I may be allergic to dust, as whenever I'm cleaning my room (something I REALLY need to do right now :rolleyes) or otherwise spending prolonged periods engaged in an activity in which a lot of dust is kicked up, I start sneezing, my eyes water, my nose runs, and I get itchy and shaky. While I have much less evidence for this, I also may be allergic to certain kinds of pollen. Some other members of my family are allergic to stinging insects, so it's possible that I may be as well, but the only time I can remember being stung was by a single large wasp, and I'm too afraid of finding out that I'm dangerously allergic to one or more species of stinging insect to experimentally submit myself to the full gamut of venomous Hymenoptera inhabiting my region.

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Alright, im sure you've seen the movie judging from the Captions i've seen.. What did you think of the Black Cauldron? Did you know that they are releasing a DVD of it September 14th this year?(Hopefully they wont push it back or cancel it all together.. :p)

And yes, it was out of the clear blue..  :lol


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Ah, a question! Thank you! :smile

Oh wow, it’s been quite a while since I saw it…I’ll have to watch it again sometime.

I only saw the movie once, on a videotape I rented from my town’s public library at some point dring my high school years. (I watched a lot of movies back then; these days it seems I barely ever have time for them. :rolleyes) I recall not being particularly fond of any of the characters: I found the main two humans annoying; didn’t find Gurgi or Creeper very funny, and thought they were a little annoying too; and at the time I felt that the Horned King was one of the creepiest and most threatening animated villains I’d ever seen (Thanks to you and your captions, though, I’ve become quite fond of him; :smile he’d be the main reason I’d watch the movie a second time). I did think the Gwythaints (that’s the name for the dragon creatures, right?) were cool, and liked Hen Wen (she was cute, I liked that she didn’t speak, and I thought the idea of an oracular pig was interesting).

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.