Ugh! Summer has not been kind to my family's internet connection this year. The hot weather keeps kicking us off and it drives me nuts. I really hate this.
It is indeed our internet connection. The DSL light on our Qwest connection box flashes every time we lose it. We try our best to keep the area cool, but it's not helping. Once it nears triple digits outside, BAM! It's gone and we have to wait until it gets cooler. This also kills our phone line and we have to then use our cell phones to talk to others. It's a real hassle.
Today, I couldn't get on for three whole hours before it started working again. It's finally cool enough and we can get back on.
However, I am just hating this to the fullest. I spend SO much time on the net. I have a hard time living without it.
I can't wait for summer to be over, then we'll have a normal connection again.
Until then, I'll have to keep an eye on the weather.
Just wanted to tell you guys this. It's really going to kill my internet plans for the summer.
Well, see ya later! (Hopefully.