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Lion King: The RP.

brekclub85 · 1093 · 57843


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"Fine, but I warn you, it is not for the faint of heart, or the weak of stomach. My father is the cannibal lion, Leo the pride killer. The son of scar and zira. He wanted to create a new type of lion. lions that hunted alone and had no problem eating their own kind to survive." Damon said, looking away. "To do this, he abducted my mother, Zuri to bare his cubs. He kept all of us in a cave, not to far from here. In time, me and my siblings were born. As soon as he found out my mother was too weak to bare him more cubs, he beat her to within an inch of her life and then told us that unless we ate her alive, he would make her watch as he killed us, then kill her. we had been starved and we killed her, and ate our own mother." Damon said. He in grained in us that things like respect and kindness were only given to and used by the weak. Then he later threw us into a river inside that cave. I was the only one who was able to get back up. So he demanded that I kill my brothers and sisters. He said they were weak, and deserved only death. I refused, and he did this to me." Damon said as he pointed to his scar. " I was told that if I did not obey him, i would die. Like a coward I killed them and ate them." Damon said, Then he abandoned me outside that cave and said the next time he saw me, he would kill me." Damon sobbed as he broke down crying. Tears flooded down his face as Makaila, who had followed him stood by Rhoda, she was shocked to hear this horrible story.


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Wait, how were you able to eait your mother abd siblings? your siblings should have been as big as you" Kopa said. " the horror story Damon had related had had its effect, Kopa actually some pity for Damon, although his conduct earlier was not being overlooked,.
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Damon looked up, his eyes still full of tears. "it was about two weeks after eating our mother He made me eat their dead bodies until they were nothing but bones." He grieved as he buried his face into his own front paws. "I'm a monster, just like him. I only deserve death." He said between sobs.

Makaila looked at Damon, unsure what do, he was the son of the Lion who killed her mother. Makaila looked up at Rhoda, then over to simba, afraid he would kill Damon.


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so it took you a couple days for you to eat your siblings.. simba said.. ' wait, did you say you were related to scar?"
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"Yes, he and Zira are my grandparents, all the more reason for you to kill me." Damon said. "I'm a weak coward who killed his own family to save my own worthless life. I'm a monster just like my father, and his parents before him. Even my name tells you I'm a demon!" He said, breaking down into tears again.

Makaila had heard enough. "Your highness please don't kill him. I owe him my life!" Makaila said as she looked towards Damon. "Besides, I know he ate my dead mother, and fed me some of that meat, but I forgive him." She said as she walked between Simba and Damon. "King Simba, if you kill him, you'll have to kill me too." Makaila said as she swallowed. what was she doing, she had to be out of her mind, but she owed Damon a great debt. Her now dead pride's customs demanded that she repay him.


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Scar was my uncle" Simba said " so if he was your grandfather, that would make your father my cousin, and you my second cousin. You are family Damon.. believe it or not..I couldn't kill family, not without justification. you and maikila will both join my will be home for both of you.."
 _ So hes related to me too? Kopa started...'Both sides of the family tree' Nuteri nodded. ' Hes related to both you and the Outsiders.."
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"Halt!" came a shout towards the pair of cheetahs, and three leopards & a cheetah shot out of the darkness to surround them.

They were soon followed by another leopard, who eyed them before speaking.  "Stand down, brother scouts," he said to his cohorts.  "These cannot be in league of the panthers."  He stepped forward towards the cheetahs.  "Forgive us for starling you.  I am Matsu, loyal scout of King Simba of the Pridelands.  May I ask your names, my brothers?"


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Kiara was sick to her stomach at the thought of eating another lion. How could someone actually do that?! And worse yet, somebody who was technically related to her.

"I don't believe this..." Kovu said to himself.


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Makaila beamed at simba's offer and bowed to him. "Damon and I are grateful for this honor, right Damon?" She

Damon dried his tears and looked up at Simba, but then looked away. he was offering Damon a home, something he wanted, but didn't deserve. "I'm sorry, but I can't, I'll only bring you trouble. Besides I'm a monster, I don' t deserve a family or a pride." He said, getting up to walk away.

"Damon, wait!" Makaila said as he stopped and turned around. "Your not a monster, you helped me when I needed it, and you found water for all of us. "She said to the young cub. "Besides they are your family, you can't push them away." She said. Damon sighed. "Yes I can, because King Yuna will kill me if I ever set foot in his kingdom."  "Why?" Makaila asked, afraid of the answer she was going to get. "Because My mother was his daughter Zuri. He told me him self if I ever returned, I will be killed on sight." Damon explained.


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Nonsense. Your father is responsible for everything. he pushed your mother and siblings to the point of death then forced you to deliver the final blow' Simba said " You were in a no win situation. If you had refused , he almost certainly would have killed you, and then  would have killed them anyway.I will talk to Yuna.." simba finished..
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"It won't matter, He has descended into madness, Yuna won't listen to anyone since I killed my mother, I heard even his own advisers are too afraid to say anything." Damon explained. "Besides, I deserve every punishment and more after what I did.

Makaila heard enough. She swatted him with her paw. "Enough!, Damon you didn't do anything wrong. Yuna is wrong to blame you, so get over it and move on with your life!" She shouted at him.

Timon and Pumbaa were both sick to there stomachs after hearing this. Timon was also tired with this cub' s attitude. "Look Makaila is it, your going about this the wrong way." Timon said as he and pumbaa walked up to Damon. "Yeah, you got to put your behind in the past." This only confused the two cubs. "No no no Pumba, let me handle this. What My Corpulent companion meant to say is you got to put the past behind you, look sometimes bad things happen and there's nothing you can do about it, right?" He asked Damon. "Right."He answered unenthusiastically.

"Wrong!" The meerkat said. "When the world turns it's back on you, you turn your back on the world. Repeat after me, Hakuna Matata."

"Hakuna Ma-what a?" Damon asked. "Hakuna Matata." Pumbaa repeated. "It means no worries." Timon clarified.

"No worries Huh?" Damon said as he thought to himself. His thoughts were broken by the sound of lightning off in the distance. As Damon looked up, he saw it was started to rain, hard. Damon wondered if this was a bad omen, or something else.

"Yo here's the deal, we gotta find real good cover brothers." The vulture boyz said, just then a bolt of lightning stuck a tree, lighting it on fire, though the rain made quick work of it. "Damon, we gotta find shelter." Makaila said. Damon knew that, but the only caves he knew that were big enough to hold the whole herd was where he was born and abused. He sighed as he knew what they would make him do. "Follow me, I know a place where we can wait out the storm." He said as he led the way to the one place he never wanted to return to, but had no choice.


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the rains streamed down on the herd as they reached the caves.. insides Kopa felt the hairs stand on enbd .. ' there was much evil done here" Nuteri said solemnly
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((I'm going to attempt a jump in since you've still made reference too Hali. Here's hoping I don't just make a mess))

Meanwhile, Hali was more than exhausted after the fear and hurried flight of running from Pride Rock. Not that she'd been attatched to the place, having just got there, and as long as she was with these new lions who took her in, she was good, and she still had Ramiki...who was around here somewhere...

Hali made sure to stay close though as they moved through the rain. Blech, she hated rain!


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Stick by us Hali" Nuteri said to her " stick by the prince and Vitani, for safety..
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Hali nodded, she'd gotten use to that spot, by Vitani or Kopa. For her part, Vitani smiled back at the cub, hoping she hadn't heard too much of what Damon said, no cub could know about that.

By how she just followed as told, Vitani didn't think she had been paying too much attention. She also got a bad feeling as they walked into the caves, but chalked it up to just all they'd been hearing about with Damon's story. She glanced to make sure Kopa was still close though.


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The guys don't need to know what Damon's been through..." Kopa whispered to her " so lets not tell them until later when they are older?'
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Damon inhaled as he entered the cave. A flash lightning went off and Damon froze when he thought he saw his father, only for another flash of lightning to reveal it as a harmless pile of rocks. Makaila saw Damon was distressed and approached him. "Damon?...." She started. Damon shook his head. "It's nothing, I'm just tired." He insisted as he yawned. "The main chamber is ahead, there's a lot of glowing moss and some hot gas vents, we can stay warm from them." He said as he led them to the Main chamber deeper in the cave, Damon knew they were going the right way because of the faint glow.

Upon entering the chamber, Timon and Pumbaa were awed at how large it was. It even had a underground river running through it "Wow, what cave!" Timon said, jumping at the echo of his voice. Damon sighed.

Damon, Join us in the dark

Damon frantically looked around. He knew he heard his siblings voices.


"MOM!" He cried out, recognizing his mother's voice.

"Damon, are you OK?" Makaila asked. Damon looked at her. "I'm....I'm OK." He said. Walking over to a large pile of rocks that was surrounded by four piles of smaller rocks. Damon reared back when he saw they changed into his dead family.


"NO!" He shouted as Makaila rushed over to him. "Damon, what is it?" She asked. "over there what do you see?" He asked, shaking as he pointed to the rocks. "I see a large pile of rocks surrounded by piles or smaller rocks." Pumbaa answered. Makaila looked at Damon. "Why?, what do you see?" She asked. Damon shook his head. "Nothing.. Just old fears." He said as he walked away to lay down. Makaila was worried about him. "Something tells me he was lying." Timon said, his hands at his hips.

"Old wounds bleed brighter that new one's sometimes." Makaila said, turning back to Damon. "This place is full of bad memories for him." She explained as She walked to where simba was. Makaila bowed in curtsy before the king. "Your Majesty, I think we should try to find a different cave, I think Damon is troubled by staying here." she conveyed to the king before rising.


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i thoiink you are right maikaila. This place has a very bad vibe..
 It was thi\en another voice echoed in the chambered " Well well Damon, it seems as if you took after my weak daughter as well. The weak hold the strong back, and keep them from thier rightful place in the world. Scar knew this as did your father, you and Vitani, however have failed to live that lesson.. you are both weak, just like Simba , Kopa and that traitor Kovu.. the words were filled with hatred and loathing..
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"Agreed" Vitani nodded. She agreed as far as she could with Kopa's statement though, whether she was able to communicate that or not. No, there was no reason to spread that kind of news and knowldge of the world.

Hali followed along right beside Vitani as instructed, and also because that was where she was starting to feel safest in her time here with the Pride. She jumped a bit at the lightning but wasn't really scared of it. No, what scared her was when that new, still sort of a cub, Damon, started jumping around and yelling slightly.

Hali made to walk over to him, but Vitani reached a paw over to stop her. "No Hali, let's...leave Damon alone for a bit longer he...", she couldn't think of a good excuse, "...doesn't need people crowding him" Vitani smiled as she came up with something.

 She forgot this though as the voice rang out from around the cave. At the words of weak and strong, and Scar's name, again a low rumble of a roar started in her throat, a roar to herself more; but then she was all but called out. Her and Kopa and the others.

"We aren't weak!" she couldn't stop herself from responding before noticing Hali curled in nearer her feet in fear now at this new voice. She bent to try to calm the cub and this made her forget her would be argument with a disembodied voice so she didn't continue with what she could have said on Scar.


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"Vitani, what's going on?" Kiara asked her friend concerned, walking over to her.

"I don't like this place, I think it's for everyone's best we leave," Kovu recommended. The echoes weren't producing the same effect on him.