The Gang of Five
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Fantasy Roleplaying

Noname · 8502 · 289489


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"I'll help you find a room. Give me a moment." Adykon told her before addressing the rest of the party; "Everyone. Could I have a moment of your time? Thank you. This is Violet. She has agreed to join us. Right now, she has asked for a room to stay in. I'm going to take her to find one in the palace with the approval of the staff here. I shall be back soon."


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Violet gave a wave at everyone else "Um, hi everyone" was all she had said with a smile still on her face before she turned back to Adykon "Um, lead the way then, cause I'll get lost if you told me where to go"


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"I'll lead you, don't worry. Once you are settled in, feel free to rejoin the party." And in a short time, they went through the palace, eventually coming upon one of the managers, who led them to a spacious room once Adykon had explained the situation to him.

Violet's room was predominantly colored green. The carpet which covered the whole floor was colored in a bright green hue, the bed was colored as if it was an emerald, and there was a pool of fish in the room swimming as if it were in green water, but this was just the reflection of the green in the room.

"The room changes color, I've been told" Adykon explained to her. "You can cycle through the colors by clapping twice." CLAP CLAP! As he did that, the room changed to brown, then after another two claps, it changed to blue, then red, then yellow, white, pink, violet, light blue, and then green again.


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"Wow" was all that Violet could say as she looked around the room in awe before finally managing to say something else "I never had anything like this back in my village" she told Adykon as she walked over to the bed and sat down onto it, bouncing up and down a bit "Hehe, it's so soft" she added on as she lay down on it, looking over to Adykon "Um, thanks, this room is nice, I like it"


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"You are very welcome. We also have some night clothes in here for you." He pulled out a loincloth from a drawer that seemed to fit her. Looking at her, he realized that it might not be the best match for her species. "Well, if you want it, its there. I'll be with the rest of the party. Come join us once you are settled in here. If you want to rest, feel free to do so. I'll come to get you if I don't see you with the rest of us in a few hours."


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"Hehe yeah, thanks again" Violet said smiling at Adykon as she headed over to the little fish pond and more or less looked in, watching the fish swimming around.

The moment that Adykon had turned his back, she reached in to grab one of the fish, she had not eaten in quite some time and just seeing the fish made her hungry.

It took her a few tries, but she managed to grab one of the fish and begun to eat it as she sat back down on her bed again, just nawing away at her dinner.


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Adykon returned to the rest of the party, who were sitting around, quite bored.

"So, warrior, what did you learn of the girl? Is she to be trusted?" Vespion asked.

"Yes. I hate to let her join us, but we need all the help we can get. If she can bring Sasha with us, we can bring this one too. I only wish this whole mess would end."

"This isn't the sort of thing which CAN blow over. We stand at a crossroads, and which path our race will take depends on us. Failure isn't an option." Vespion replied.


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It wasn't long till she had finished the fish and threw what was left of it onto the floor and curled up on top of the bed with a yawn before glancing over at the night stuff Adykon had pulled out.

Before long though, she was fast asleep underneath the bed covers, her clothers on the floor, the trip itself had made her rather tired and she just wanted to sleep for the time being.


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After a couple of hours, it was getting late. Minna, Ilsa, Marcus, and Rhiga were all expected sometime in the morning of the next day, the early afternoon at the latest.

Adykon went over to Violet's door and knocked on it. "Are you okay in there? You sleeping?"


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Violet let off a groan as she yawned before sitting up and rubbing her eyes "Uh, yeah, sort of....I was sleeping" she was looking a little tired, then again, she had just woken up as she just sat there still.  She herself, wasn't wearing anything at all and she waited for Adykon to say something else as well.


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"Are you dressed? Well, actually... the party is going to its own rooms for the night. We'll eat breakfast in the morning. If you were sleeping, sleep on! I'll see you in the morning, then." Adykon told her from behind the door.


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Violet got out of the bed and headed to the door, opening it slightly to speaking to Adykon a bit more properly "Um, I need a question, what do I do about um, sore paws? Cause walking on the hot sand in the's sore now"


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"We can get you a potion to protect against the heat of the ground. We also have a lot of attendants who can treat sore limbs with medicines, massages, ointments, even an enchantment if you wanted!" He replied.


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"Really? Wow, um okay...." Violet thought for a second as she leaned against the door some more "I just want something to stop the soreness is all, but I don't know what could work best...."


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"Try the massage, then." Adykon told her, aware that that had been used over and over and over again during the course of this adventure, as if it was a stand-in for something that was inappropriate. "The palace should have no shortage of staff skilled in giving you one."


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"Okay, a massage might work out, yeah, that does sound nice" Violet told Adykon with a smile before looking at her paws.  She had completely forgoten that she hadn't gotten dressed yet, but then again, it wasn't bothering her at the moment, but weather or not it was bothering Adykon would be a different story, however, she just wanted to get it sorted out, one way or another.


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Adykon was on the other side of the door. "I'll leave you to sort it out yourself, I have to go now. Feel free to ask around; the servants are very helpful around here." And with that, he departed for his own room for the night.


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Violet grabbed her clothes and headed out of her room, putting on her shorts first as she headed down the hallway, holding her shirt in her hands "Where are they?" she asked herself as she looked around, putting her shirt on as well.


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Even late at night, the palace was still a center of activity. There were still those who were willing and able to help Violet out, if she asked around for them. The Dracons knew many ways to soothe sore limbs, to rub away pain, and to relax tense muscles, as well as to simply produce pleasurable sensations.


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Violet soon enough, found where everyone was, so to speak and asked one of them "Um, I'm uh, new here and that hero guy of yours said that I can get some help from your about massages for sore limbs, cause my paws are sore from walking in the desert" she said with a pout.