The Gang of Five
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Fantasy Roleplaying

Noname · 8502 · 289516


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Akito shrugged.
"I don't know.  Personally, that seems it would be slightly too cramped for my taste.  And besides...I have my reasons for wanting to share a cabin with...a certain someone..."
He said, blushingly...


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"It is rare that someone not of out race should have an eye for one of us" Rhiga said. "I think you will find that Dracons are not so... prudish as most other sentient races."


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Sivar smiled a bit to Akito, "Maybe something can be arranged that everyone will be happy or satisfied with." She said.

"I'm sure with all of use being civilized beings we can some to some sort of agreement." Kravik said nodding ot what Sivar said.


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"None of us are married" said Adykon. "This means, that until two of us decide that they are going to be a pair, we can be... flexible."

"What does your race in this regard, Akito?"


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Akito grinned.
"Well, then that's good.  So, now that that's more or less settled, should we begin traveling?"
He asked, smiling at Sivar...
"Oh, and my race?  Trust me, this wouldn't be abnormal, save for the fact that you are not of the same race."
He added...


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"We should be off soon." Adykon said. "But what do the Fauxen do in this regard? Our race practices both polygamy and monogamy."


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Akito shrugged one shoulder noncommittally.
"Really, the Fauxen hardly have things like marriage.  Usually, they just breed, raise the pups, then move on to another mate.  Some stay together, but there's no official thing like marriage."
He said calmly...


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"Sounds a lot like what poorer Dracons do... except we don't really know who the father is. I never knew who mind was... neither did my mother; she didn't know either" Rhiga said.


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Kravik shrugs, "I've no idea who my mother is.  I'd guess one of the hierodules, or maybe a priestess, sorceress or servant." he said.  "No idea who my father is either."

"Same with me." Sivar said. "Though for the temple that is normal."


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"My parents raised me together. We were all goat-herders. It was good when I left to go to the military; our lands were too poor to support all of my many siblings and I" Adykon said.


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Akito nodded.
"I haven't a clue as to who my father was.  He died when I was still very young.  All I know is that he was a swordsman.  This sword, the Yamato, was his"
He said, twirling the sheath delicately...


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"Oh. That's bad. Dracons who grow up without a father or other male figure are usually condemned to poverty" Adykon said.


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Akito gave a halfhearted smile.
"Yeah, the same happens with my race.  My mother kicked me out of the den when my father died, actually. That's how poor we were.  At least she had the kindness left to give me my father's sword."
He said, looking at the ground...


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Sivar shook her head sadly, "Sounds like you had a bad childhood." She said.

"Far to many do." Kravik said, knowing such things happen, but that he can't do anything about it.


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Adykon looked around at the party. He saw Rhiga, Sivar, Kravik, Akito, Jake, Rex, and Sasha. Including himself, that made eight. "Are we ready to go at last?" He asked. "We can continue this conversation on the way there."


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Akito nodded.  
"He's right.  We can keep... Getting to know each other on the road."
He said, winking playfully at Sivar...


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"Rex Sasha and I are ready" said Jake


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Kravik nods, "I am sure I'm ready and have what I need with me." He said.

Sivar smiled at Akito then nodded said, "I'm sure we'll all get to know each other better along the road." She said smiling at the other adult males.


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"Then, let's be off!" Adykon said.

The party left the city and traveled for several hours. They headed past farms and villages, keeping to the main road. As they got farther away from the urban area, the road quality decreased, going from a paved road to one made of cobblestone, then one of dirt.

"We're making good time" said Adykon.


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"That is good." Kravik said, "I do hope this keeps up."

"How far is the place we are going to or till we make camp?" Silvar asked, not having walked quite this long before at any 1 time, but keeping her voice calm since she didn't want to complain and assumed there would be considerable walking around & she assumed she'd be use to it before to long.