Carry on" The guard replied, as Aisha, DR. Landon and the Bison walked out to Aisha's car. Dr. Landon, get in back. MR . Bison, the passenger seat is yours" Aisha sai, climbing in the driver's seat and starting the engine. "We need to get out of here.. I've got a bad feeling about whats going on here.. those red lights, well. they..
weren'r natural... they usually aren't turned on unless an attack is imminent or somethig of high importance is underway.. Landon said..nodding.
What's your name?' Aisha asked the Bison. "I'm, Aisha Tennes, I'm pretty sure you know Dr. Landon.." She motioned back to the doctor, as she made her way to the gate, where they would have to show thier passes once more, then they'd be clear...