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Insane Cafe 3: The Curse of the Haunted Hotel

Nick22 · 8631 · 265591


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leave the jewelry aside and see what Douglas will pay for it" Stripetail said..  there was a glow in one of the pockets of his robes and he pulled out a small jewel " Hey, boss! a voice said and the image of a man holding up a jeweled vest appeared.
- ah Bart! good to hear from you.. I've been very busy.. is everything ready?
 yeah everything's ready, oh and some president guy left a message, Qwark or something, says its very important..
- never heard of him' Stripetail replied .. He'll have to wait until I return, which will likely not be for some time..
 Alright.. Is it true theres ten members of your team now, ?
- Yes Bart, I will fill you in later, you'll meet them all oin due time.."
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tigress walked down the stairs as she did she ran into agumina, mind if i ride on your back? She asked " Not t aall.  tigress said and agumina climbed ionto her back.. ' we haven't really talked much in awhile' Agumina began..  as they headecd down the stairs toward the others.. 'well, i have a better sense now aboiut how i feel.. towards girls.. and I'm staying with Tiger.. "Tigress said "Ok so what changed../Agumina asked " Well.. I went to see Dixie, and she uh.. showed me a few things.."
 You're being sort of vague..  Agumina said.. 'What did you and Dixie do? Did you.. make out?' Yeah we did Tigress sdmitted. " i needed to learn from someone with experience, and Dixxie has it ,i learned a ton from her.. " Well would you be willing now to make out with me? Agumina asked , wwhispering in her ear.." Um.. well alright, but just once ok.. where do you want to do it? "Do it..wait we've done it before, so you're going even further then simply kissing.. Aguminas eyes narrowed slightly
 Yeah Tigress admitted  Needless to say we should not reveal this to our boyfriends.."
 Right, and war zone is not the most.. romantic setting, so i guess we'll have to fdo it  when we get back to the hotel.."Agumina said
 Tigress nodded as they came  to the bottom of the stairs, just don't firget agumina said  and then turned the topic to other areas. " Did you hear Agumon playing that instru,ment the other night?
_ Yeah he needs work Tigress agreed..
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stripetail closed the communication and started working
 Douglass looked up as Bulk and Skull dropped thier finds in front of him ' How much do you think these are worth Skull asked motioning the the jade Statue..
 Hmm the bear said loking at it " How about 30, 000 for it; the bear said after awhile
_ Sure the two said together, and Douglass began counting out the cash..
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The trucker kept the most valauble looking pieces of jewelry and handed the rest over to Setsuna and Haresh.

"Ah, you found jewels! Excellent, we can deploy more flight troopers!" Haresh said, adding the last touches on a metal soldier.

Setsuna finished her metal soldier, equipped with a grenade launcher marched to one of the empty bays where several of its compatriots were having their weapons loaded.


Deimos and his crew were eating dinner inside the Inglorious Hotel.

A Dingo chef was making cocktails for those who were old enough to drink - not that the underage members of Deimos's squad cared.

Deimos's radio beeped as he dug into his dish of broiled fish. He crammed the entire fish down his throat and headed to the Great Valley.


Several minutes later, a luggage cart loaded with the weapons used by Ceela, several containers of essential water and several Great Valley weapons rolled through the magic door into the Sang-Heili garage.

Ceela and her dinosaurs hastily equipped themselves with their weapons.

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Better bring some of that watee to the stadium' Stripetail said
- Chong had reached his destination and fumed as he received reports that they forces he had sent to destroy the hotel had not only failed to do so, but had been defeated in Surf Point, nearly 300 had been captured near the hotel, and another 500 in towmn, the rest had been killed
Damn that infernal wizard Chong schreeched throwing a tantrum and overturning a table..
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(OOC - Did Nani, Nick and Shaggy participate in the Battle of the Stadium?)

Cpl. McCoun went up to Deimos, who had just returned through the portal. "Deimos, what shall we do with the prisoners we captured," he asked, saluting Deimos.

"Interrogate then execute them," he said calmly. He then went back to eating dinner.


"Leave that to me," the trucker said, hoisting two 30 gallon containers of essential water into the rear passenger compartment of the truck.

He then put his protective suit, helmet and armor back on and headed out to deliver the supplies. Again, an escort of Humvees followed him.


"Shaggy! Can you had me a bandage!" Zachary shouted. He was applying pressure to a gunshot wound on a Sang-Heili trooper's arm. He himself had a huge gash on his leg that Rime had bandaged up.

Dr. Zanasiu and Strut were lying on the ground, unconscious. They had was ly

Rime, who had been in the stands and shooting at the attackers as best as he could was relatively unhurt. He was busy treating a Sang-Heili trooper with a gunshot wound to the chest. Ironically, Rime himself had accidentally shot her.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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(yes they did)

a soldier came up to Stripetail, reports from Surf Point Sir, they've captured nearly a thousand of the enemy..
Hold them for interrogation, now that they are in our custody we will decide what to do, execution should only come after a fair trail, they are not to be summarily executed, Stripetail said as he continued working , he had created nearly forty monsters by this point
 briggins came up to Deimos, what is our next move? I would recommend trying those we have captured in groups, looks like I'll be serving as judge again.. lets says 50 to each proceeding..  I think we should build detention centers out on the hotel grounds, they'll be temporary naturally."
_ Nick and Shaggy hurried over with the bandages.. while nani checked on the others " we managed to survive the battle at least..
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Deimos sighed. "We'll need magic to do so," he said.

He then went up to the mirror and activated it. "Stripetail, we require some assistance in constructing a detention center for the prisoners," he said.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"I hear you took prisoners, in retaking Surf Point, Well done, but a bit surprising.. I would have thought the number of forces you'd capture alive would be minimal, but apparently that's not the case, I am told the number of captured is close to a thousand.. Stripetail frowned. "As for constructing a detention center it would have to be quite big to hold so many, unless you're sticking fifty to a cell, and even then you're looking at about 20 cells.  I will need material to work with, since i am creating something from a distance, that requires more magic to do so than if i was there in person.Go to Surf Point, and start collecting the rubble from buildings, once you have enough come back, I will then magically create the center for you Deimos..
What would you recommend we do with the prisoners in the meantime? Briggins asked.
_ Put them on trail,of course,  the death penalty will be an option for you Briggins, although if you wish you can simply go for life in prison, it will be up to you as a judge.. Those that show cooperation or repentence will be shown leniency, those that do not, or have been major instigators, will be executed' Stripetail replied..
More work for me then, but I';m used to it.. Briggins smiled.. What about hard labor?
 certainly if you think it a fitting punishment ' the wizard replied.. We are slowly pushing Dragonstorm back here in neptune City.. What will be your next move?' he asked.
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Deimos saluted and headed to the dining room. Everyone else there was still eating their meals.

"All right," he said. "I need volunteers to gather rubble from Surf Point. There should be no Dragonstorm personnel but I still want you to remain vigilant."

Nearly the entire room stood up.

Deimos was too shocked to say anything. The only sounds were the sound of construction on the top floors.


Anton and Paul had been stabbed several times but the essential water powered healing factor kept them alive.

A soldier went up to Nani and Nick. "Nani, Nick, we have received a shipment of essential water," she said.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Pour it on the wounded " Nick said , make sure there is enough for everyone.. He said,  motioning to a nearby group of injured..
  Looks like you won't be wanting for help" Briggins smiled.. coming up to Deimos " there must be 500 volunteers here, roughly a third of the guests signed in, and not including Captain Milos and his forces..
 Biyomon flew over To agumon and sat down by him.. ' i'm glad that fights over for now' she said to him.. " Its not over yet.. Agumon replied, as Biyomon put her wing around him.. Agumon gazed at his longtime friend.. ' Thanks for all your help..he said smiling at her.. " Hey, you'd do the same for me.. She replied.. Hey bossmon, if things don't work out between you and ASgumina, I'll be here for you.. well I'll be here for you in any event..
 Agumon started from what she had said.. "You've cared about me more than you;ve let on..He reproached her slightly.. "just because Tai and Sora could be seeing each other..
_ it would be kinda hard for us not to date since our partners are dating Biyomon replied as Agumina and Tigress reached them..
 there was an awkward pause as Agumina glared at Biyomon. " don't you DARE think about coming between us biyomon.. I admit.. that I haven't been the bestr partner to Agumon over the last couple months, but we are still partners on the same team. I don't care how long you've been friends with him, I will not put up with you seeing him, understand.. Agumina snapped..
_ My my, someone is a bit insecure, and dare I say, jealous Biyomon retorted,  " I'm his friend Agumina and I'm been so for  much longer than you have been around him .  I'm fond of him, and I'm not afraid to say so publicly..  you have been all over the map, by contrast..
 Ok guys thats quite enough Sora broke in,  as she and Tai came into view, just in time to  prevent the scene from getting any more tense..
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Agumon used the respite to head over by Scooby and Dixie. You guys Don't mind if I hang around with you for awhile? we said " Riot rat rall Ragumon" scooby replied
 why aren't you with Agumina/ Dixie asked
 _ well its kinda complicated. Biyomon told me that she cared for me and that  if things didn't wrk out between Agumina and me, shed be there for me..' Agumo said.. " And Agumina heard that..
-Dixie made a face " Well Biyomon used a poor choice of words, in my view, I'm sure she was just trying to show support for you, and friendship.. but  I'm not surprised you took it the wrong way.. and Agumina definitely did..
 Its lucky Sora and Tai came up or they would have started fighting, which I find silly, Agumina is my partner and girlfriend and biyomon is one of my oldest and most loyal friends.. Its not like i've been seeing Biyomon or anything..Agumon said.. I think I need some time to myself and let things cool off between the girls..
 Sora and Tai had seperated Agumina and Biyomon and were listening to each give thier side..
-Tigress finally spoke up.. 'Biyomon was not trying to woo Agumon, at Least I don't think so, ..
Tigress! Why else would she have said, if things don't work out, I'm there for you?"Agumina glared at her.  er perhaps because shes been his friend for  several years ' sora replied, coming to her friends aid " You have no reason to be jealous of her Agumina the bond between her and agumon is one of friendship, not love.. If she was in love with him, well she would have told him some time ago..long before he met you.. to be honest , if she felt that way, shed be on that team our yours , instead of you..but she doesn't.. you guys have been friends up to this point.. heck you guys even danced together at that dance last month.
 That was because all the guys were taken Biyomon pointed out.. Yeah that is true Agumina admitted .. look, I didn't mean to tick you off, my words were poorly chosen Biyomon admitted.   Agumina sighed.. " Fine,  I forgive you.."
 Kiss and make up guys? Sora said to them. Or shake claws, if you wish Tai said.
 We'll kiss on the cheek Biyomon said, puckering up and kissing Agumina on both sides of her snout, one peck after the other. Agumina returned the kiss, and kissed Biyomon on both sides of the beak. "Ok, now we're on good terms again Biyomon said.. I'd suggest we let Agumon be for a bit.
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Deimos lead the massive platoon of volunteers outside. Luckily, the convoy's commander was more than happy to let them use the majority of her vehicles for transport. Interestingly, many of the volunteers had firearms but few of them carried any tools.

As they boarded the vehicles and pulled away, two autocannon equipped Humvees followed them.


The Bull trucker dug around in the glove box in the front passenger compartment. He found an unused spray bottle and carefully filled it with essential water. He then primed the pump and gently misted the injured.

Meanwhile, Rime, Zachary, Dirk, Al and Jose were passing out paper cups (stolen from the concession stand of the stadium) full of essential water.

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Scooby Dixie and Agumoion  went around in the upper stands glaring at the field below. the scoreboard was in ruins, several sections of it were missing  although  you could still see the home and  visitors sections..
 This place would be a cool place to play.. Agumon said I could get a league of Digimon teams together and use this field.. I could be a lot of fun..
 Douglass paid Bulk and Skull another 200 for thier other finds, giving them a total of 32, 000 dollars. combined with thier previous haul the two had earned over 56 thousand dollars..
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Jason threw out a dragon size birdarang and threw it at some foes.   Guilmon sent off some blasts with one of his weapons.


Sara continued to do as she had likewise.  Where she could, strengthen and repair the hotel while putting some light enchantments on some light bulbs and replacing watar containers and drink containers with essential water.  


Her uncle continued adding like before, using magic to move earth and such to form reinforced walls around the hotel with the same stuff as before.


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the convoy headed to Surf Point, which was now firmly under allied control.. the town it se;f was in ruins, with only a few places , like the mall in repairable condition..there would be plenty of rubble for the group to use tin building the detention center..
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Deimos got out of the truck. They were standing in the parking lot of what was an apartment complex.

"All right," he said. "Start scavenging."

Almost immediately, a horde of volunteers armed with assorted tools completely went berserk, breaking down doors, windows and even walls.

Just as many tossed rubble into the convoy vehicles.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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a group of wolves started tear down the wall of the apartment complex, chunk by chunk.. given the number of Dragonstorm prisoners the complex would need enough room to hold at least a few thousand prisoners, right now they had around 900 which were sitting in piles of rubble in town.. their hands and claws tied behind thier backs and under constant guard..
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Seeing the fighting was over Sara's uncle stopped making the protective wall around the hotel and flew into the air to see if he could use any rubble or other materials in sight to repair the outside parts of the hotel.  

Sara worked on repairing the inside parts as best as she can, wizard locking the doors with magic that lead to very badly dangerous areas that had no living person in them so no one would wonder into those areas accidental, after she filled the various water containers with essential water.  As she went along she did continue to do a light enchantment on light bulbs or areas that needed light.


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the ghosts floated into the damaged areas as those from  refugees who had stayered in oz during the battle started to return. they carried food and supplies, as some residents of oz helped with the repairs, including p the princes of Ev.
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