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Insane Cafe 3: The Curse of the Haunted Hotel

Nick22 · 8631 · 265577


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One of the flight troopers took advantage of his augmented strength and hurled a pipe into the air like a javelin, skewering one of the low flying wyverns.

One of standard Sang-Heili troopers was ignited by a wyvern's fire-breath. It was killed when a flight trooper landed on it and blasted its head off with a pointblank shockwave attack.


A Sang-Heili helicopter gunship flew next to Tarrax. "Need some help?" the pilot radioed.

The side door gunners opened up on the wyverns with .50 caliber gatling guns.


The Bull trucker had stripped all the metal from the store and deposited it in the back of the truck. "Bulk! Skull! We're leaving!" he shouted.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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9 alright ' said bulk as he carried a long statue that was in the lobby this was made of some green gem.. and it was jheavy.. they finally loaded it in the truck and climbed back in..
 Assistence is always welcome " the dragon lord replied as he began to scout the area around the stadium..
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Scooby and Dixie blasted away wit thier rings.. while Agumina and Agumon fired away with thier fire breath.. the four were bunched together on the top of the second floor staircase... the sounds of battle filled the stadium...
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The trucker closed the rear door compartment and drove off back to the base.

The soldiers in the Humvees followed.

As he drove back to the base, he heard gunfire ping off the truck's armored plates but he paid it no heed.

"So, Bulk, Skull, how does this salvage mission compare with the other ones that you supposedly went on?" the trucker asked via radio.


Mr. Bigmouth coughed up some blood and spat into a bucket that had been provided for that purpose. "Great, how am I supposed to aid the war effort in this shape?" he asked.

Deimos entered the room. "Glad to see you're alive," he said.

Mr. Bigmouth nodded. "So am I. By the way, how are the supplies?" he asked.


Several Sang-Heili soldiers were literally cut to ribbons by some of the golems, their light armor providing no resistance to the energized swords.

Another Sang-Heili trooper shot one of the golems. His hard armor vest protected him against the energized sword.

Ms. Swimmer was battling the golems with her club. Her sticks and club had been augmented by a magic potion that Haresh had whipped up, making them unbreakable. Not to mention, the club was now strangely effective against the the golems, reducing them to scrap metal and rubble in only a few swings. She knocked the head off a golem, that had killed a Sang-Heili soldier. One of the Sang-Heili troopers seized the sword and waded into battle.

The Sang-Heili gunship overhead was still shooting it out with the wyverns.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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'Hey look, more of those funny flying things!' Incendia said as more Wyrven approached in a V like pattern. Looked like they wanted a bit of vengeance, and the small flight of dragons was a good start. 'I got this,' he said to Spyro and Cinder. 'Watch me go!'

Claws opened wide, and the Wyrven flew at the dragons in a striking pattern, a line of claws like a buzzsaw waiting to cut them to ribbons. Incendia passed them by, a little bit of a gash to the wing was not something to slow him down, not in a time like this. His mind thought on a different mindset, the same that drove him to sometimes create inventions that would make Einstein shake his head in disbelief.

He opened his mouth wide and let loose a stream of white fire, which lashed out like an angered living serpent. The line of charging Wyrven were not ready, too much momentum driving their anger forward to turn aside now. A whole line of creatures became bathed in flame, and their bodies lit up the skies. The aftermath was like that of a fireworks display, shining white specks spinning in all directions.

'Um, oops?' Incendia said to himself. 'I don't think I meant to do that much damage. I think...'


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just be grateful you're alive' briggins said.. you need your rest mr Bigmouth.. so no complaining..."
_ Well we don't know yet, it depends on how much we earn.. this statue should be pretty expensive bulk said.
 Yeah we'll have a nice ciollege fund set up after all this salvaging.. Skull said..
_Stitch wade into battle and picked up golems like they were toys and threw them into each other. Angel used her tenacles to wrap around a golems arm and throw it in a karate-style move..
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Spyro and Cynder finished off those wyerns that Incedia hadn't taken care off
" Not bad" Cynder said as she smacked a wyern out of the sky with am armored wing ' for a rookie'
_ Yeah, hes decent, at least " spyro agreed as he froze a waynern trying to hit him..
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'Oh, I've done this before,' Incendia said to the other two. 'At least, I think I have. Sometimes, I sleep fly... and all sorts of weird stuff happens then... well, that's what my sister says anyway, and she's always right.'

He looked over to Spyro. 'Oh, I wish I could breathe ice. My sister can do that, I get so jealous sometimes.'

- - -

Meanwhile, Glacia was making use of just that... her ice breath. Stairs covered in a layer of slippery frost tended to not make the best footing, as a crew of golems found out to their dismay. They tumbled down, and broke to peices like a priceless vase, but possibly less valuable. 'Hah, take that you ugly mugs!' She shouted with a snort.

Another had dropped behind her, which made her jump. This was quite lucky, for the massive creation dropped his fist right into where she had been standing moments ago. She nearly lost her footing on the stairs, but her own feet were well adjusted to slippery ice, so she did not fall like the others had. Mouth open wide, she loosed a stream of ice breath that froze the golemns legs to the ground. It was then that she resorted to a frying pan to shatter the golem into peices.' Take that and that and that and THAT!' She shouted, one blow after another.


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Sara's Uncle went outside to start using magic to move the earth to form a wall then hardening it to metal or at least stone.  Then adding some stuff like holes to shoot out of and if it would not take to much magic also making a part of the wall in certain areas see through from the defenders side, but not the invader's side.

Sara started in the room she was in with Mr. Bigmouth and started doing what she could to use magic to repair or reinforce the hotel, and some other stuff also like enchanting light bulbs so they could give off light using magic instead of electricity and making sure she filled the water storage areas with essential water and any air tanks with essential air.  She also made sure she took time out to rest when she felt the need.


Jason used the magic staff to shoot some acid at some foes, shooting a small essential acid ball at an armored vehicle so it would cover the top and work it's way down with the spell to cancel once the acid reached dirt or concrete and turn the essential acid to water and other components.


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so your sister can breather ice, but can't fly.. hmm I thought all dragons could fly ' Cynder mused.. "and you said you sleep-fly? Thats very interesting..' She was going to say weird, but thought better of it,..
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'Oh, that's what I used to think,' Incendia said. 'My sister says she just didn't get born with any, unlucky I suppose. It's funny though, she's different to me in so many ways. She's so smart, she can breathe ice instead of fire... which is sooo cool! Oh, and she doesn't fly. It's kinda like we're from different families or something, but that would be silly, he he... she is my sister after all.'

Incendia laughed. 'Sleep-flying is sooo much fun. Sometimes I wake up in the weirdest places, but usually outside the house we live in. Once, my sister tied me down by my tail to stop it from happening, but apparently I not only sleep-fly, but also sleep-chew-through-ropes.'

Glacia meanwhile headed back up the stairs. 'I am tired of these damned golemns on my damned stairs!'


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Chewing is something you have to be awake to do' Spyro pointed out. Snoring, is something you can be unaware off?' Like Sparx snoring in his sleep? Cynder replied as she knocked a few more wyverns together..
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Incendia charged another Wyrvern, headbutting it with a strength that would flatter a battering ram. 'Ouch,' Incendia said, rubbing his head in mid-air, 'how do you guys do that? It really hurts!'

Glacia had reached the top of the stairs, where she proceeded to wipe away some sweat. 'Argh, I hate being covered in feathers sometimes,' she grumbled. A shadow loomed over her, and she peered aside to see another golem approaching.

She took in a deep breath, ready to give the creation something to think about in the form of below-zero temperatures. The golemn suddenly lashed out with arms that seemed to be attached to the elbows by chains. They shot out like rockets and latched onto Glacias neck. The blue dragon hadn't even tried to dodge, for she had not been expecting it.

She coughed for breath. 'Gah,' she choked, 'this... sucks.' She tried to take a deep breath, and let out a cry. 'HELP!'


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Ms. Swimmer ran over to Glacia and smashed the golem snaring Glacia to pieces. After a few swings of her augmented club, the golem lay in pieces all over the bleachers.

"You okay?" she asked.

A flight trooper suddenly plummeted near them, stomping another golem to rubble. He stood up and used his shockwave cannon to take out another golem.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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the battle continued on for several hours before the last of the wyverns was destroyed the stadium was theres and there was smattrering of cheers..
_ we did it! Tigeress grinned as she hugged tiger..
Come on Tigeress, control yourself, this war is far from over.. Tiger pointed out..
 the truck reached the hotel and parked
 Bulk and Skull dslowly began bringing in thier salvage..
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'Nice work,' Glacia said to Ms. Swimmer. 'Thanks for the dramatic intervention, and life saving. Not to mention excellent timing, any longer and I might have turned blue... oh wait.' She brushed herself off. 'Any chance you need a dragon that spits ice?'

- - -

Incendia was quite happy to do a couple of somersaults in the air with the dragons victory over the Wyrvens. 'Ha ha, take that you funny flying things! None can match the power of Incendia, lord of darkness... no wait, that's not the right one. Incendia! Lord of pie! yes, that's the one... weeee!'

Then of course, for no real reason, he rushed over and hugged Spyro and Cinder. 'Go team dragons!' He shouted.


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Thanks .. Incedia Spyro said , ushing the younger dragon away..
_ Ok, Ok down boy" Cynder said through her helmet, as Incedia hugged here. " We rest, get organized and retake the whole city..
_ Nice work' came Stripetail's voice through thier rings " Briggins has informed me that Surf Point has been retaken. the edge is now ours, everyone! Dont celebrate just yet, there are still more areas dragonstorm controls..
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The Bull trucker pulled into the garage and the airtight doors closed after him, sealing out any mustard gas.

He helped unload the salvaged materials.

"Stripetail, Haresh, Setsuna, we got some metals for you to work with," he said, tossing a load of copper pipes and wire into the scrap pile. He took off his protective suit and placed it on the rack to be washed down with essential water.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Excellent, this copper should make for some strong monsters" stripetail said " The stadium is ours we will launch a two pronged assault, from hre and from the stadium..
 Bulk and Skull laid the green statue in front of Stripetail is this worth anything? they asked
"Its made of jade.Go see Douglas the bear over in the exchange, its on the left side of the base He deals in salvage.." Stripetail replied.
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More metal scrap was unloaded from the truck along with a small box of jewelry.

"I don't know if the jewelry will be of any use in the metal soldiers but see what you can do with them," the Bull trucker said.

He headed to the mess hall to grab a bite to eat.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.