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Insane Cafe 3: The Curse of the Haunted Hotel

Nick22 · 8631 · 308617


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Glacia wiped the lemon pie from her face. 'Squirrel mage, right. Answers are always a good thing.'

'Answers are the questions to the one million dollar... uh... oooh, lemon pie,' Incendia helped himself to some of the lemon pie that had covered his sister.

Glacia tried to ignore the fact her brother was eating pie off her face, and proceeded past the pie throwing ghost (giving her a wide berth) towards the stairs once more.

'I hope I don't up like that when I become a ghost,' Glacia mumbled, before turning to her brother. 'Righto, to the squirrel mage we go. Now, there's a couple of words I'd thought I would ever use in one sentence.'

'I would,' Incendia said.

'I know you would, ya weirdo.'

'I like cheese.'

Glacia sighed. 'Please be quiet, for five minutes at least.'


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at this point, Stripetail was outlining his strategies for the coming offensive..
 daniels was showing some of his material to daphne and velma..
- the patrol on level 7 stopped the two dragons ' what is your purpose here?
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'Purpose?' Glacia said. 'Uh... well here's the thing. We kinda don't have a reason for being here. We just found ourselves here. One minute we were on board this starship trying to fix our Time Travelling Toaster and get back home... and the next thing we knew we're inside a closet, and I hate closets.'

'I like cats. They taste delicious,' Incendia added.

'Please ignore him, he has a concussion. Speaking of which, could one of you please point us to either a doctor... or a "squirrel mage", we were told that they would have answers to what this place is. I mean, it's not like we're going anywhere at the moment.' Glacia turned to her brother and gave him a cold stare. 'Our only means of FINALLY getting home was broken... again. And, now we're stuck at square one once more.'

'I don't want to marry the microwave,' Incendia said, stumbling a bit. 'I already married the space turtle. Where's the spoon?'


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we have doctors on the first floor'.. as for the commander hes in a meeting, but we'll see to it that you'll get to tall with him for a few minutes.. the patrolman said ' hes on the first floor please follow me..
- meanwhile the gas dissipated enough around the house so the the four inhabitants could leave..
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'Commander!? This squirrel mage person thing is a commander?' Glacia's face went a little bit pale. 'Why do I have a bad feeling about this?'

'I have a funny feeling in my tummy,' Incendia said.

They arrived shortly after at the first floor, and Glacia was more than happy to push her brother into the arms of one of the doctors.

'What happened to him?' The doctor asked.

'Toaster to the head,' Glacia said.

Incendia looked up at the doctor. 'Are you THE doctor? I liked that show, Tom Baker was my favourite. The best part was when that alien popped out his chest... no, wait.'

The doctor was quick to conclude a mild concussion, and the little orange dragon was given some ice, a bandage across the head, and told to get some bed rest. Glacia was glad to have her burden of a brother taken off her for the moment, though she breathed a sigh of relief when she was told he would be fine in a few hours. 'You worry me sometimes, little brother.'


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Zachary led Sara over to the gathered air tanks outside. "Over there, Sara," he said. "Also, can you provide some sort of magical air pump so we can refill the tanks on our own?"


Ms. Swimmer's jewelry had been enchanted and given to those who could not wear the protective suits, namely Mr. Bigmouth, Ms. Swimmer, Strut and Rime.

Setsuna also handed each of them a vial of blue glowing liquid with droppers. "The gem in the necklaces glows blue when it's fully charged. That'll give you about 3 hours of air. When it glows red, you have 30 minutes of air left. Add a drop to the gem to recharge it," she said.

Mr. Bigmouth pinned the sapphire brooch to his messenger bag. "Understood," he said, placing the vial in an easily accessed outside packet.

Rime and Strut donned the necklaces (ruby and diamond respectively) and placed the vials in the pockets of their armor.

Ms. Swimmer donned her emerald necklace and dangled the vial from a small silver chain around her neck.


Deimos put his radio away with a sigh. He was seated at a table with Stripetail and Capt. Milos. "Stripetail, I just contacted Sang-heili Enterprises. They will not lend us their forces nor grant us use of their airport or motor pool. However, they will be engaging Dragonstorm,"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"Where should we go to now?" Guilmon asked Jason.  

"I'm not sure.  We could go to the hotel to see how things are going there."  He said rubbing the side of his jaw a bit, "or we can look at the enemy troup movements and see where we should head to next." Jason said.


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thats a start' stripetail sighed. 'we're heading to neptune city as soon as everyone is ready.. we will not be coming back here.. for awhile..
- one question' Tai said "What if they use poison gas on us again?
- Agumon and Agumna have their armor, which will protect them.i would suggest having the other digimon digivolve to their highest level possible. those that can fly, will lead the way.
 commander' a guard interrupted ' we have two newcmwer that wish to speak with you. the patrol on floor 7 found them wandering about..
 bring them down then.. that may be tw more we can throw at dragonstrom.'
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daniels held up a couple of dresses a pale green one, a white one and a pale pink one.. ' so which one do you like dear he asked Velma, showing her the dresses  or if you prefer I can make one for you...' He grinned..
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Velma looked them over thinking before replying.  "The pale pink one loose nice, but with the bride likely going to wear white wouldn't any other color make the person stand out since the bride and groom should be the center of attention." Velma said.


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welli have a lot of people i'll have to dress, and yes of course the couple getting married will be the focus, but i'm also interested in making sure those attending the ceremony look as good as is usually a bridesmaid or attendant colorif you are part of the ceremony..
- don't worry about it Velma, the whole point is to make you look good.. to impress the guys ' Daphne grinned ' are there any other colors you have mr.. um.."
_ Daniels, madam, and Yes I do.. we have a light red and a light blue..
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Velma nods, "ok, I see.  I've not been in a wedding before." She said, not really sure what the traditional stuff was, apart from the usual rudiments  most folks heard of.  
"As for being part of the ceremony I'd guess it would be the immediate family, parents, brothers, sisters, that sort of thing." Velma said.  


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You'll be part of it velma, as will Freddy Shaggy and me' We're Scooby's closest friends..' daphne smiled.. " Take the pink one I'll go with the red one..  and could you create an apricot tux for Freddy ? it can go with his favorite ascot" Dapohne laughed, while fRed blushed in embarassment..
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Rime went up to Scooby. "Scooby, everyone we're heading out soon. Also, are myself and my friends invited to the wedding?" he asked.

Deimos checked his pistol. "Rime! Get your ass moving!" he shouted. He was dressed in his protective suit but the helmet was not on yet.

Dr. Zanasiu went up to Sara. "Sara, are the essential air supplies ready?" he asked.

Setsuna walked down the stairs. "Stripetail, Haresh and I have managed to enchant some jewelry to act as an air supply. They last about 3 hours for the necklaces. Containers of the recharging fluid are scattered through out the floors. I made enough to last several days," she said. She placed some more of the enchanted jewelry along with droppers of the recharging fluid on a coffee table. "If anyone needs protective jewelry, it's here," she added.

"Do you have any recharging fluid with you?" Strut asked.

Setsuna held up a gallon jug of the glowing blue liquid.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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yes you guys are all invited. just well, behave yourselves.. you can get rowdy and drunk at the reception, but try and compose yourselves during the ceremony ' Dixie smiled.
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Velma nods, "Ok, I"ll take the color then." She said.   "The wedding will take a lot of planning.  Some folk has help from professionals.  And the friends and such may want to do a bachelor party and such.  It think some pre wedding parties are also part of the tradition." Velma said.


Sara nodded, "They are all finished and ready to be used." She said.


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Dr. Zanasiu nodded. Several of the logistics personnel and soldiers helped carry out the charged air tanks, along with an essential air generator to the waiting APCs. They left enough air tanks so those with protective suits could hook them up.

Deimos went up to Briggins. "Good luck, I hope you have enough forces to defend this hotel," he said. He then turned to the rest of the group. "Guys, we're heading out now," he said, hooking up the air tank and fully zipping his suit up. His bandolier with grenades, ammunition and basic first aid supplies had been placed outside his suit but the helmet and armored vest were underneath the suit. His sniper rifle was strapped across his back.

The rest of the Pelvanida group hooked up their air tanks and zipped up their suits. The ones who wore the protective jewelry charged them with the blue liquid.

"Stay safe!" Dirk said, snapping a salute at them.

The rest of the Pelvanida group saluted back and exited the hotel.

The Lipizzaners handed Nick his armored vest, a helmet, a bandolier, his rifle, several loaded magazines, a protective suit and air tank.  "You'll need these if you're heading out to Neptune City," Hans said.

The Bull trucker donned his protective suit and hooked up his air tank. He zipped it up, holstered his pistol outside the suit and then exited.

Setsuna was next to exit. She was wearing an olive green armored vest similar to one that Dr. Zanasiu wore over her robes. She still had her rucksack on her back. The protective diamond brooch dangled from the collar of her robe and the vial of recharging fluid dangled from a chain around her neck.

"Stripetail, do you wish to don armor or an air purifying gem?" Haresh asked. He was wearing a diamond necklace with the vial of recharging fluid dangling from his neck.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Stripetail smiled. "I'll wear some armor, as for protection, my magic will be sufficient
we're ready" Matt said as Gabumon came up to them carrying his guitar and a pair of small guns. '' Have you ever used a gun before Matt?
- No, butI'
ve played enough videogames to have a quick trigger finger' Matt cracked
- Just be careful you guys' Joe said..
 scooby and Dixie went out to the mystery Machine and climbed inside. Tiger and Tigeress climbed into the middle seat while Lilo Stitch and Angel climbed in the back..
_ Nick Put on the armor and slowly made his way to the door.. 'Good luck you guys..' He nodded to Briggins..
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Odysseus walked out with some equipment.  "We had best be prepared in case of any more gas or other hazards." He said, setting some equipment down on a table that came up from being retracted in the floor.  

"That sounds like a good idea, and those with ammo have to be sure they are full, and the power cells are fully charged with some spares on them too." Jason said.


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Agumon and Agumina were the last of the team to join uin, and Spyro abnd Cynder flew alongside them " We'll be flying ahead of you' Spyro said to Scooby.. 'See you in Neptune City..'
- Be careful guys' Dixie said.. " we will " cynder nodded. " you be careful as well..' She added before taking wing and flying into the air..
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