I have a concept that I'm working on, but I'd like to know all the guys are ready to to push forward with the writing in a definitive manner before I join in. I am well aware that some scripts may not work out, other will not get worked on at all, and we will have to juggle some scripts, but that's part of the process. From what I've seen of the work so far, its good, but the approach is too roundabout. Its just not getting where it needs to go to get done. I can easily see this project peepering out and stopping altogether long before the software we need comes out as it stands now. That's why I made this topic. We need to start pushing for collecting the concepts, coming up with them ourselves, and getting to work getting it done.
You're right, we need a script before we start practicing with any voices and whatnot.
Alright, first we need a 'Crew List', of everyone working on this so far, so to speak. On writing, we have you, FF, Kon, lbt/cty-lover, and myself so far.
I'll meet you at the topic you made a link to try to to get this approach going.