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Strongest, Fastest, And Smartest

Noname · 33 · 4195


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Which characters in the series do you think are the fastest, strongest, and smartest. If I had to take a guess, it would be a flyer (maybe Petrie) who is the fastest, a sauropod (probably Bron or that other dinosaur who Sue meets) who is the strongest, and maybe Littlefoot's grandfather or Mr. Thicknose who is the smartest.


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Sorry, but I made threads for these long ago when I first joined.  They can be found in the fridge if the admins forgot to move them to the general land before time forum.


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I'd agree with what you said.  

The knowledge Mr. Thicknose and Grandpa Longneck may overlap but there would be differences too.  Grandpa knows some from what he personally experienced as a story speaker traveling around and a lot from the stories he learned while Mr. Thicknose learned from listening to farwalkers from different areas talking about their experiences.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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For Smartest and fastest, , do the aliens from LBT 7 count? A knowledge of atomic chemistry kind of trumps any IQ the normal dinosaurs could have. Also, it's tough to outrun a teleporter.

For Strongest, the orignal sharptooth. Let's see Bron or Sue survive a battle with a fully grown apatosaurus followed by a three story drop into an earthquake chasm, and still come out tough enough to leap tall rock ledges in a single bound.


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I don't know about strongest or fastest, but for smartest, I'd personally say Rooter (One of my fav characters in the original. He seemed like a very sweet grandpa-ish character...and his voice was very soothing. I would really like a voice like that to be the last thing I hear before going to sleep.) or Grandpa Longneck.


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I believe that this is the approximate strength level of the adults living in the Great Valley (not including the small flyers), from strongest (top), to weakest (bottom)

Littlefoot's Grandfather (at least, he is the strongest we SEE)
Littlefoot's Grandmother (due to size alone)
Mr. Clubtail
Mr. Thicknose
Ducky's mother


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Quote from: Noname,Aug 24 2008 on  05:46 PM
Littlefoot's Grandmother (due to size alone)
Size alone? I could easily say the same about Littlefoot's grandfather. A lot of his strength comes from size alone, not because he's male.


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That is correct, but it IS stated in the 4th movie that he is stronger than Littlefoot's grandmother, and that HE is the one who can protect Littlefoot if "change happens."


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Quote from: LettuceBacon&Tomato,Jul 19 2008 on  05:29 PM
For Strongest, the orignal sharptooth. Let's see Bron or Sue survive a battle with a fully grown apatosaurus followed by a three story drop into an earthquake chasm, and still come out tough enough to leap tall rock ledges in a single bound.
The Sharptooth wins for strongest.

And that drop was SO NOT 3 stories, it was more like 30 stories or even more.

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Quote from: Serris,Aug 24 2008 on  06:39 PM
The Sharptooth wins for strongest.
Yeah, Sharptooth was very powerful, that's for sure. Stronger than any other sharptooth I've seen since the first movie.

Hmm, I'm starting to wonder if Sharptooth was, in fact, female despite Littlefoot refering to him as a he. According to what I've heard, the female T-Rexes were larger and more aggressive than their male counterparts, although I have heard that recent discoveries have discredited this theory because the evidence used to suggest that the females are larger was invalid or something.


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Oh, its been discredited alright. Male Tyrannosauruses were indeed stronger than the females.


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As for dinosaurs outside of the valley, I'd have to say:

That Supersaurus male that Sue finds (the strongest male)
The 1st movie tyrannosaurus
Chomper's Father
Sue (the strongest female)
Chomper's mother
Ali's mother
The Old One


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Not necessarily, Noname. All they found was that they were incorrect in their method of figuring out which gender was larger, that they couldn't use that method. They did not find out males were larger at all.

As the number of specimens increased, scientists began to analyze the variation between individuals and discovered what appeared to be two distinct body types, or morphs, similar to some other theropod species. As one of these morphs was more solidly built, it was termed the 'robust' morph while the other was termed 'gracile.' Several morphological differences associated with the two morphs were used to analyze sexual dimorphism in Tyrannosaurus rex, with the 'robust' morph usually suggested to be female. For example, the pelvis of several 'robust' specimens seemed to be wider, perhaps to allow the passage of eggs.[43] It was also thought that the 'robust' morphology correlated with a reduced chevron on the first tail vertebra, also ostensibly to allow eggs to pass out of the reproductive tract, as had been erroneously reported for crocodiles.[44]

In recent years, evidence for sexual dimorphism has been weakened. A 2005 study reported that previous claims of sexual dimorphism in crocodile chevron anatomy were in error, casting doubt on the existence of similar dimorphism between T. rex genders.[45] A full-sized chevron was discovered on the first tail vertebra of "Sue," an extremely robust individual, indicating that this feature could not be used to differentiate the two morphs anyway. As T. rex specimens have been found from Saskatchewan to New Mexico, differences between individuals may be indicative of geographic variation rather than sexual dimorphism. The differences could also be age-related, with 'robust' individuals being older animals.[1]

Only a single T. rex specimen has been conclusively shown to belong to a specific gender. Examination of "B-rex" demonstrated the preservation of soft tissue within several bones. Some of this tissue has been identified as medullary tissue, a specialized tissue grown only in modern birds as a source of calcium for the production of eggshell during ovulation. As only female birds lay eggs, medullary tissue is only found naturally in females, although males are capable of producing it when injected with female reproductive hormones like estrogen. This strongly suggests that "B-rex" was female, and that she died during ovulation.[40] Recent research has shown that medullary tissue is never found in crocodiles, which are thought to be the closest living relatives of dinosaurs, aside from birds. The shared presence of medullary tissue in birds and theropod dinosaurs is further evidence of the close evolutionary relationship between the two.[46]

There's nothing in here that says that they found males were larger. Far as I know, it's impossible to identify the gender of a dinosaur because we only have bones. A T-Rex was identified as female only because she was going to lay eggs.


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Yes, but the default for terrestrial vertebrates is that the male be larger. If it cannot be proven that the female is the larger of the two, the it is safe to assume that the male was larger, especially when Crocodilians (close relatives of the dinosaurs) have vast size differences between the males and females in favor of the males.


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Actually, I recently heard that there is no pattern to whether males were larger or females were larger. But yeah, as you said, it's safe to assume males were larger. I usually do that if I'm unfamiliar with the species.

Hmm, I wonder if Sue, that T-Rex I mean, was in fact male. Might have been.

Anyway, back on the original topic.

For strongest, I would say either Sharptooth or that male sauropod that Sue meets For smartest, definitely those rainbowfaces Littlefoot meets. As for fastest, probably Ruby's species or Ozzy and Strut's species.


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As for this topic, I can't say I know exactly who is the fastest, the strongest, and the smartest out of all of LBT, but out of the regular gang of five, I think it's quite obvious.

Fastest: Petrie. He's always being asked to fly up ahead.

Strongest: Cera. just because of that scene in LBT 10 when she broe off a piece of a rock just by charging it.

Smartest:Littlefoot. He seems to be the most open-minded about everything, and usually is able to come to a reasonable and logical solution to a problem, even when others around him cannot.


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I agree with jedi472 for the gang.

For the adults I think the strongest ever was Sharptooth, I have to wonder if there was some sort of supernatural force behind that T-rex.

For smartest, I think it was the rainbow-faces from LBT VII

I'm not sure who the fastest would be, as I don't recall any one flier ever being shown to be faster then another, or any runner to be faster.


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I'd say that, of the gang, Littlefoot is the smartest, Spike is the strongest (Cera is the third-strongest, behind Spike and Littlefoot, but Cera is the strongest female), and Petrie is the fastest overall Ruby is the (fastest on the ground, and Ducky is the fastest in the water.)


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Quote from: Noname,Aug 24 2008 on  10:32 PM
I'd say that, of the gang, Littlefoot is the smartest, Spike is the strongest (Cera is the third-strongest, behind Spike and Littlefoot, but Cera is the strongest female), and Petrie is the fastest overall Ruby is the (fastest on the ground, and Ducky is the fastest in the water.)
I don't see how Littlefoot or Spike are, currently, stronger than Cera. From what I've seen and remember, Cera's the strongest.


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Quote from: DarkHououmon,Aug 24 2008 on  10:54 PM
From what I've seen and remember, Cera's the strongest.
I second that, Cera is the only character I can remember pulverizing rock and starting a landslide (LBT IV).

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