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The Insane Cafe 2: Rise of the Shurlups

Nick22 · 2097 · 103467


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Dr. Zanasiu chuckled. "Ah, I never went to the Base Mall that much. I spent most of the time at the shooting range. Nothing gets the adrenaline pumping like a session of practical shooting."

Deimos nodded. "I hope we can make it to Rime before its too late."

Strut said nothing as he swiveled his shotgun to aim at the stairwell below him.

The group then proceeded down the stairwell for several more minutes until they arrived at a landing labeled "Floor Seven"

"We're here." Strut said.

Dr. Zanasiu and Deimos readied their weapons.

Strut tried to open the door only to find out that it was jammed. "Bad news. We'll need to either break this door down or find another way."


Dr. Kerzach looked at Petrie. "They had to go. They needed to save other people's lives." He helped himself to some french fries.

"I'll go make some drinks. What would everyone like?" Dr. Kerzach asked.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Allow Me" Stripetail said stepping forward. "Sendar!' He shouted as he raised his staff. The Door was blown inwards, and cluttered on the ground wiith a big clang. A gruesome sighght met their eyes. there wwere bodies lying inside. Some wore armor, which had holes in them. Others lay in curled positions, as if they had been in a defensive crouch when they had been shot. And the smell was terrible. Tears came to Scooby''s eyes "rhat ra Rorrible rell!' He said. Stripetail strode forward, ignoring the smell and the sight of bodies.
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"Thanks!" Deimos said.

He cautiously entered the area. His face grew solemn as he surveyed the carnage. "I hope Rime and Zachary are okay."

"Rime, we are at level seven." Dr. Zanasiu said into his radio.

"Good! A contingent of Pelvanida guards has arrived but they were killed by a terrorist ambush near stairwell 3. I am at the directional magnetic fields lab near stairwell 4."

Strut used his shotgun light to illuminate the plate near the stairwell, it read "stairwell 3".

Deimos looked at some of the dead bodies. He noticed that a few of the bodies were of terrorists but most were Pelvanida guards, which he recognized by their camo fatigues with a shoulder patch that bore a double helix.

Suddenly Deimos heard gunshots in the distance. "That sounds like it's coming from stairwell 4! We must hurry."


Rime was crouched behind a crate. He cursed as he realized that he had 20 rounds left and that terrorists were shooting at him. He stood up and caught a terrorist in the chest with a short burst of his rifle. He ducked back down as they returned fire.

He grabbed a Pelvanida guard's shotgun and placed it by his side.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Nick struggled  after Stripetail, and he could feel the two aleins he was carrying stiffen as they smelled the stench of the dead bodies. 'Its horrible, you two, but we have to get through to the stairwell. Nick said. "I won;t be able to carry youi much longer either. I'll have to use my rifle pretty soon, I expect."
"Cousin, keep your guard up" Dixie said quietly. "Lets clear out those Puroty guys, then we can go up to floor 3 and go shoping. Hopefully the stores are still open. "
_ "Rixie, re're ralking rhough ra runch rof read ruys,  rand, rou're ralking rout rhopping?" Scooby looked incrdulously at her. "anything besides talking about the smell, or seeing o many dead bodies."
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Mr. Bigmouth sighed. "I agree Nick, it seems we may need to fight very soon."

"Nick? I could allow those two that you are carrying to ride me." Deimos said. "I am capable of carrying over 200 pounds on my back provided it is properly distributed and I can still shoot."

Suddenly, Strut noticed 9 men in dark clothing who pointed weapons at the group and started firing.

"Scatter!" Strut shouted. He dove behind a column and immediately returned fire.

Mr. Bigmouth and Deimos took refuge in nearby doorways and also returned fire.

Dr. Zanasiu took cover behind a crate and started shooting.

Deimos took out a terrorist with a well aimed shot to the head before his pistol jammed. As he was clearing the jam, Mr. Bigmouth fired off a short burst but struck nothing.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"Let's hurry up," Spyro said, he was no stranger to death, though he wasn't used to gunshot wounds.

"Where's Wataru?" Cynder asked, glancing around. The armored youth had vanished while everyone's backs were turned.


When Rime turned back around from shooting, he found Wataru standing behind him. The half-fangire reached for his belt, removing one of the whistle-like objects, a green one with a fish-like design, he placed it in Kivat's mouth.

"Bashaa Magnum!" Kivat exclaimed, blowing into the whistle. They waited a moment and nothing happened. "We must be out of range."

Wataru returned the whistle to its slot and then leapt out from behind the creates much to Rime's ashtonishment. He charged at the terrorists, who naturally opened fire. The hail of bullets struck Wataru, sparks and smoke flew from his armor, briefly obscuring him and then he vanished altogether again in the mist-like smoke.


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Nick Dove behind a crate as a bullet changed off his left shoulder. he felt the recoil, and gritted his teeth. "Take this you Puroty Wackoes. ' lifted up his gun, and started firing. tHe bullets flew out of the rifle at a rapid clip, raking the ground near the stairwell. He didn't hit any of them, although, a couple came close to thier target.
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Scooby and Dixie dove of cover, as bullets ricoheted off their backs. Their amrmor proved to be as tough as advertised, which was a good thing, because both of them were stunned briefly by the recoil. "I don't think swords are going to do much against bullets." Dixie said.
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Spyro and Cynder took flight, darting behind the same crate. Spyro spat a ball of earth magic which struck a concrete pillar, causing it to explode and incapcitate the terrorist behind it.


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Stripetail used his Sendar attack agfain, which was literally a bolt of lightning. the bolt struck a nearby Purity member and not only killed him, but the electricty killed the person next to him as well. The acrid  smell of burning flesh, wafted towards them. "2 down, 7 to go.. probably less.' He said.
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Cynder popped her head over the crate and spat a glob of poison at the group of terrorists. The glob fell short of its target. They were out of range. She growled in annoyance.

Spyro spat another earth blast, this one hitting the floor and sending chunks of it flying through the air, but nothing hit the terrorists. They were forced to take cover agaisnt another hail of gunfire.

"I think I hate guns!" Cynder shouted.


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Stitch climbed off of Nicks back. " mesa get those bad guys" He growkled, showing his second pair of Arms. "Keep Angel Safe. She botchiboo' he said, and ignoring the gunfire. jumped towards the group firing upon them. Stitch was used to laserfire, Gantu fired at him constantly.
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"Are you cra-," Cynder stopped as she saw the bullets bounce off the small blue creature.

Spyro and Cynder glanced at each other and then both jumped out from behind cover. Cynder became a cloud of darkness, floating through the air, while a ball of rock surrounded Spyro, who rolled forwards. The gunfire effected neither of them.


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Douglas nodded as he finished a french fry.   "I'm sure they'll do good, especially the wizard person."

A the mention of drink he shrugs, "I'm not vary picky, how about the rest of you folks?" He asked looking around at the others.  "I can help bring in the drinks if you think you may need help." He said.

"I've only had water, but I'd like to try something new, I would." Ducky said.  

"Petrie too." Petrie said.


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Rime recovered from the shock and immediately joined in the battle. His rifle jammed so he seized the shotgun and started shooting. Only to foind out that it had one round, he fired it but hit nothing, except a pillar.

One of the terrorists unhooked a grenade from his uniform and threw it at Stripetail but as soon as he threw the grenade, Strut killed him with a well placed shot to the head.

Deimos had cleared the jam and he fired again, striking 2 terrorist and downing them. A bullet struck him in the chest, but thanks to the armor he was unhurt. He did flinch from the impact though.

Dr. Zanasiu struck a terrorist in the chest with a shotgun blast and killed him. He ducked behind the crate as two bullets struck it. He hastily reloaded.

Strut looked at the terrorists. "There's only 3 left!" he shouted. He fired again but his aim was off and he only grazed a terrorist.


"Thanks! I'll just bring in some ice water for you and some fresh squeezed lemonade for the two prehistoric creatures." Dr. Kerzach said.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Angel climbed off of Nick and raced after Stitch. "Well, You can't say these two aren't brave" He said to himself. Angel hurled herself onto one of the remaining purity nmembers ans sank her teeth deep into his left leg. He screamed in pain, and dropped his gun. The was all the time Nick needed, He took careful aim, and fired. the shot hit him in the left side, and he fell backwards. Angel climbed out from underneath him, her teeth were stained red with blood.
 Stripetail gestured and the grenade was stopped in maidair. two seconds later, it exploded harmlessly. He then gestured again and wiring from the walls came free and wrapped themselves around the two surviving terrorists, binding them tight.
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Both dragons stopped as they saw the remaining terrorists taken care of. The ball of earth around Spyro fell away, while the shadows around Cynder receded.


Wataru dropped down in front of the one of the terrorists, he was hanging from his legs by a rafter. He rapidly punched the terrorist in the face, knocking him out. He unhooked his legs from the rafter and flipped onto the floor, landing several lightning fast kicks and punches.

The terrorists found it impossible to fight back, Wataru being too strong and their guns useless while he was in the midst of them. Some still fired, but hurt their allies more then they did their armored adversary.

They backed away from Wataru forming a tight line and leveling their guns at him. Wataru grabbed a red whistle and gave it to Kivat.

"Wake Up!"

He croached down, crossing his arms over his chest as a red mist moved across the area, turning day into night. A large crescent moon appeared above the facility. The terrorists opened fire, but Wataru leapt into the air, while Kivat leapt from his perch on the buckle and flew around Wataru's armor incased right leg, blowing into the fuestle.

The chains shot off and the silver armor opened into red fleshy wings, the skin beneath also red and three green eyes on his leg. He hung suspended in the air impossibly for a moment, before he twisted around and then launched toward the group of terrorists, foot first. His kick hit the floor and left a bat-shaped symbol on the floor, while the group of terrorists were flung across the room by a wall of invisible force. They crashed into the walls and then dropped to the floor all unconcious.

Wataru turned to look back at Rime. The three eyes on his leg pulsed with light and then the wings closed, the chains floating back to wrap around his leg again. "Are you hurt?"


"I'm not thirsty," Nago said, holding up his nearly empty coffee cup.


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Nice work" stripetail said, as the sounds of gunfire died away. 'Everyone alright?' he asked looking around. "Dixie and Scioooby both nodded. Stitch and Angel came up to him. Angel still had blood on her face from whwere he had bitten the Purity of Life member in the leg. Stitch hobbled a little, one of the bullet had nicked him in the leg.
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"I hope there aren't more," Cynder sighed. If past experiences had taught her anything, it was that there was always more.

"We should go find Rime now," Spyro said. "And Wataru, wherever he disappeared to."


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And Once we find them, I'm taking both of you shopping. " dixie said firmly. "No excuses. You guys are what, 14, 15? You're at that age where you SHOULD be shopping."
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