Spike continues to snore away, in his usual deep sleep...
Guan wakes up with a start when he was shoved awake.
"Wake up, lazy!" came a bright and happy voice.
Guan groans and looks over to see the smiling face of Donna, his youngest sister, who is only a little taller than Littlefoot. "What do you want? And how come you're not bothering Uncle Odon?"
"'Cause he's already awake, silly! And he said we can play today! You don't want to spend the only break we have before we have to train again sleeping, do you?"
Guan groans again. He wants to rest as much as he can because of his tiring training, but he promised Littlefoot and the others he'd come and play once he gets a break. And because of his spikethumb heritage, he won't break a promise. He gets up slowly, stretching his back, legs, and tail. He looks down at Donna. "Let's get a drink and something to eat first, then we all go find the others." He then leads Donna to the river, where he finds his other little sister, Goanna, having her morning drink.