The Gang of Five
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Blackclaw's Dark Ambitions


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Littlefoot looks at Zaine, "Why should we not be friends?  No one is better then anyone else.  Though mother did think the way you did, and Cera's dad does too." Littlefoot said.

Ducky nods, "Yes, I heard him, I did.  But Spike and my Momma say it is what the person is like inside not what he or she looks like or what kind they are is what should matter." Ducky said.    

Littlefoot nods, "My dad and grandparents say something like that also." He said.

"Mine say that too, when she no saying, no fly in rain, big blow wind you no fly." Petrie said.


Mim shrugged looking at Cyrix, "I would guess like you.  I look more like my dad then my mother, why shouldn't they look more like you then me." She said noticing his blush but not pointing it out and answering the question honestly.  She did wonder also but assumed like she had said.

The Great Valley Guardian

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"You see Zaine." said Longtail "Even the grownup's know that having friends is a good thing...I'd like to be your friend too." he said with a smile.


Cyrix smiled as he replied to Mim "Well I suppose we'll just have to see when the time comes...won't we?" as his blush began to disappear.


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Zaine sighed. "I don't know. This is all strange to me. I want to be happy, but for some reason I can't. I remember when I used to be happy like you guys"

What he really wanted was to find his herd. He had learned not to trust anybody other than those of his kind, and now these other dinosaurs of different species are living peacefully together in harmony.

Zaine started remembering when he was younger and used to have fun with his herd. He looked at Littlefoot and the others and then looked up at the sky and began to sing:

Remembering, remembering
is a kind of a funny thing
It makes me think of time gone by
A glad hello, a sad goodbye
Thoughts I'll always hold dear
Remembering makes re-appear
For good, for bad, or even sad
I'll always have remembering

My remembering

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail began to think about his past as well when Zaine was finishing the song remembering and started singing to himself...

Remembering, remembering
Is kind of an annoying thing
It makes me think of time gone by
When I don't want to say goodbye
Thoughts I'll always hold dear
Remembering makes all of them re-appear
For good, for bad, or even sad
I'll always be remembering

My remembering...

Longtail then smiled and looked up at Zaine and replied "Don't worry...we here in the Great Valley look after each other...and we'll do the same for you!"


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Littlefoot nods, "Yes, friends are important we can all be your friend if you want." Though thinks to himself except for Cera's dad, he doesn't like anyone.

Ducky nods, "We all will be, but only if you wish." She said.

"Me too." Petrie said.

"We can ask my grandparents if any new herd as entered the valley they will have greeted them with Cera's dad." Littlefoot said.   Though he does so only to be grumpy at them and sometimes complain.  Littlefoot thought to himself not saying it aloud.


Mim nods while smiling, "We will have to wait and see.  And eventually make a nest, but plenty of time for that later." She said.

The Great Valley Guardian

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While listening to the others Longtail sat down on the ground and looked up at the sky....wondering what adventures they could all go on....


Cyrix nodded at Mim's statement and said "Yes, we will." He then gave a yawn, laid his head down on the grass and closed his eyes as he thought to himself 'A family....I may have a family one day...amazing!'


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Zaine looked up at the others. But can we really be friends? I never knew non-longnecks could be so nice.

Zaine then smiled a little. "You guys are great. I can honestly say you are the first to call me a friend." His smile grew a little bigger.

"I would love it if you guys were my friends."

Zaine started feeling so happy, that he started singing again!

I feel so happy I want everyone to see!
It's like the bright circle is shining inside of me.

When I first came to the valley, I felt so alone.
Because there was no one that I had known.

But now you guys are my friends and I'm feeling really glad
That you will be there for me when I'm feeling sad!

I feel so happy I wan't everyone to see!
It's like the bright circle is shining inside of me!


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Littlefoot nods, "No reason we can't be, there are many different kinds here in the great valley." He said.

Ducky nods, "Many indeed.  I wonder how many." She said, her face scrunching up as she tried to count the different kinds of dinosaurs she has seen in the great valley.

"Me no count that high." Petrie said.

"Me neither, no, no,no." Ducky said shaking her had giving up after she had gotten as high as she knew how to count.


Mim saw Cyrix with his eyes closed and enjoyed being there enjoying the warmth of the area with him.  She smiled herself and hesitantly put out a hand to put it over his lightly. She had been looking for a mate, but had hardly believed she would find one one day.

She wondered what the rest of the day would bring, but whatever it would bring she would enjoy the pleasant moment they had right now.  Later on would take care of it's self in time.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail then stands up on his feet and said "Come on, let's go have some fun! I still wanna check out that swamp Ducky and I found earlier....there was something about that place..." Still thinking aloud Longtail then said "I wonder if there is any other way to get there?"


As Cyrix slept he began to dream...

"Come on dad keep up!" called an eager young voice and Cyrix simply chuckled in response. Another voice then said "Yeah can we go see cousin Longtail...please?" The male rainbow face looked down and said "Now young ones, we can't bother him every single day...he needs to be with his friends too."

"Yeah but they always go adventuring and we wanna go too!" Cyrix gave a light hearted sigh, and said "Listen you two...your mother would be very upset if I let you do that..."

Then a loud bang could be heard and it jerked Cyrix from his peaceful sleep and curiosity made him look around for a moment before looking at Mim again and asking "Did you hear that?"


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Littlefoot thought a moment.  "Well, we can try going the way you and Ducky came here, though most of us are not flyers." Littlefoot said.  He then looked at the others, "What do you folks think?"

"That sounds like a good idea, yes it does. Though we have to be careful." Ducky said.

"Sound scary," Petrie said, "better stay here and play." He said.


Mim was lightly dozing till she thought she heard a sound.  She then sat up and looked in the direction she thought it was coming in.  To Cyrix's question she nodded, "Yes, I wonder what it can be." She said.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail's eyes suddenly went wide, and his breathing became heavy and as he turned around he began to walk backwards until he bumped into Denton...he was scared enough that his body was shaking... 'What's's that same feeling I had back in that swamp...only it's much stronger now...I haven't been this scared...since...since...OH NO!' thought Longtail 'There is only one way I feel this has to be him!'


Cyrix looked over to Mim and looked her in the eyes befroe saying... "Perhaps we should check that sound may turn out to be something the rest of the valley needs to know about."


A threehorn was nearby, trying to sharpen his horns against a rock, and in order to do so he charged at it again and again. This of course was no ordinary threehorn... his horns were placed differently than most. He had a single giant horn protruding out of his forehead and two minor horns coming up right above his nose...and his scales were an orange-red color, but in the light of day it looked simply blood red earning him and his kind the name Red Horns.

This particular Red horn was named Korr, and his herd had only arrived in the valley a few days ago, but something told him to be prepared for the worst, and again he charged the rock attempting to sharpen his horns.


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Ducky looked at Longtail with concern on her face as did Littlefoot.

"Is something wrong Longtail?" Littlefoot asked as he walked over closer to where Longtail is.  

"You can tell us, do you feel sick?" She asked walking closer too.

"Maybe he have scary thought, me do sometimes." Petrie said.


Mim nods, "We should.  I may be nothing important, or it may be something others should be told about." She said.


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Zaine looked concerned for his new friend, especially since he had never seen Longtail do this before.

"What's happening? What's wrong?"

At that moment, he smelled something again. "Hey guys, I think we're being watched or something."


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Meanwhile, once more at the sight of Maganog's Skull, Blackclaw and Torgo remained in deep conversation with the disembodied voice of Kragoth who's spirit resided in the giant sharptooth's skull

"I sense you desire to return to the valley." Said Kragoth "Why?"

"To find my brother..." said Blackclaw "I believe he's being held captive by the leaf nibblers."

"That he is." Responded Kragoth, confirming Blackclaw's suspicion "But I sense more than just the seeking of your brother."

"Revenge." responded Blackclaw

"Revenge?" questioned Kragoth

"Yes, father, revenge..."

At these words, Blackclaw started to nod his head and hum a low and steady tune, it sounded like a marching tune of sorts, with a steady beat

"Oh, don't you start singing!" growled the haunting voice of Kragoth

"Oh? Why shouldn't I?" asked Blackclaw. "I just want what is best!"


"The- the master doesnt like singing" Stuttered Torgo

"Shut up, Torgo" replied Blackclaw before continuing his tune

Its a most glorious thing!
It has a notorious ring!
Oh it just makes me want to sing!

"Well your singing is atrocious! I say you should stop now while my patience is still fresh!

"Nonesense, father" smirked Blackclaw "There's not much you can do to me... DEAD!"


Blackclaw continued to move about bobbing his head and humming to the tune. He then continued:

The meaning is clear,
To avenge your death
and release my brother!
And then make them suffer!

Kragoth's annoyed growl seemed to echo from the skull while Blackclaw seemed to be rather enjoying himself

"Oh for the sake of sanity, stop this annoying music!"

At these words, Torgo stopped tapping randomly on a nearby dead tree trunk and dropped the bones he was using for drum sticks

"Blackclaw..." continued Kragoth's irritated voice "I demand to know what exactly it is your planning on doing! And in a clear none singing tone!"

"Oh, all you had to do was ask!" chuckled Blackclaw "I'm going to summon the help of our pack... the whole family will join me for a grand feast in the valley!"

"And what makes you think they're going to listen to you?!?" demanded Kragoth

"All they need to know is that there's food... and LOTS of it!"

Blackclaw then smirked and decided to annoy his father even further


Kragoth's annoyed roar seemed to echoe throughout the valley, Torgo cowered away in fear, still believing this voice was the voice of his Master, and that he was about to summon the dawn of the falling rock to stop Blackclaw's putrid attempt at singing


"What's going on?!?" asked Denton, finally finding the courage to speak. He looked at Longtail just as the others were at that very moment. Bewildered by this strange behavior


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Zaine looked at Denton. "There's something wrong with Longtail. I think he's feeling some sort of pain!"

Zaine smelled the scent again. "Denton, are there any sharpteeth in the Great Valley, because I smell something, and it isn't friendly."


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Littlefoot nods, "There is Chomper, but he's a friendly sharptooth.  We hatched him.  All the grownups know he's here and let him and Ruby stay in some caves.  Ruby is a fast runner who was asked to take care of him by his parents from what they say." he said.

Ducky nodded and jumped saying, "He is this tall." She said jumping and getting close to how tall he was, "Yes he is." She said.

"Not even me afraid of Chomper, he friend." Petrie said nodding.


Mim started to get up as quietly as she could, looking in the direction the sound came from.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail finally remembered that he had been holding his breath...and he exhaled...and took several more deep breaths to refill his lungs. After finally getting his second wind...Longtail looked at his friends and knowing they were concerned for him and after hearing Denton's question he replied "No...this isn't a sharptooth...this is something much worse....far worse than I want to meet...but he is here...and if he finds all may be hurt because of me."

Meanwhile in the nearby bushes another Red Horn was watching these kids with intrest.... 'So the freak is here...the boss will be too happy to hear about this.'

Cyrix looked worried now...he didn't know where Longtail and the other young ones were and if they were in trouble...they would need help. He turned to Mim and said "Let's get a move on... we'll find the little ones first and then we will tell the other elders."


Korr was finally done sharpening his horns when another of his kind came running at him almost too fast to stop...but he did and their faces met and Korr asked "What do you want?" The other Red Horn smiled and said "The freak is here...."


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Blackclaw finished his song and smiled mockingly at the skull

"Are you done, yet?" hissed Kragoth's voice

"Indefinitely!" replied Blackclaw

"Good!" said Kragoth "I never want to hear you sing EVER again!"


Syrius raised his head from a nap and started to sniff the air

 That's an odd smell. he thought to himself, and he continued to sniff about One I don't like at all.

He stood himself up and started looking around, he noticed an eerie silence about the place, one that he grew very suspicious of.

I've better investigate.


"And now, that we can talk on a normal level." continued Kragoth "I did come here on the gravest of warnings, Blackclaw."

"I know, I know... you don't want me to reenter the valley. You know what, father? You've held me back from doing what I've wanted to do all my life. And now that your dead, I can finally do what I want. I will not heed yo-"

"SILENCE FOOL!" Roared Kragoth's voice, Torgo was now trying to squeeze himself into the thorn wall trying to get to safety from his 'angry Master'.

"My warning is FAR more graver than that! Heed my warning, Son, the Children of Maganog still live! And they kill everything in their path, even fastbiters... even their own kind."

Blackclaw stood silence at the mentioning of Maganog.. and the word 'Children'

"You mean... Maganog had..."

"Yes..." replied Kragoth sagely "He fathered five Sharpteeth, almost as strong and as powerful as he was. And it is about this time of the cycle that they are the most active. They will hunt and kill whatever lives... whatever lurks. You'd better heed my warning, Blackclaw unless you yourself shall become a snack."


Denton didn't like the news he was hearing from Longtail

"I think I should be heading back to my nest then" he said. He looked a bit shooken up at the thought of uncertain danger


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Zaine didn't really pay attention to Longtail because he was too distracted with the bushes nearby. He could have sworn he saw someone whithin them. Zaine slowly turned towards the bushes and approached them. He stood right in front of the bushes and scanned them.


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Littlefoot looked around a bit, "I wonder if some of those after Longtail may have come back.  But we can't tell the grown ups unless we know for sure."

Ducky nodded, "It would be bad to tell them if there is no danger, yes it would."

"Maybe we go where it safer." Petrie nodded, looking a bit scared as he looked around of for any danger that may suddenly jump out  at him.


Mim nodded, "It is logical to secure the safety of the young ones before investigating.  We have to be as careful and stealthy as possible as we investigate." She said.