^It's been deleted. But I uploaded the wrong version anyway.
For context, there were two versions. The longer version that I uploaded to YouTube featured a few shorts I made purely for my own entertainment, some of which featured stuff that doesn't need to be shown to the public (nothing too terrible lol, a few suggestive jokes and a feature of some fanart that features a lot over on a certain art site). The 'clean' version, however, still has the bad language (quoted from other vines/memes), so I dunno. I tried censoring it but it sounds pretty awful like that. I'll keep it offline for now and try and work on the language thing (or maybe just a content warning will do? or I could just get rid) but I've got a lot of work things to deal with until next week so I'll be taking a break from the forum for a bit anyway. In the meantime I'll replace the broken YouTube link with one other clip I uploaded to Vimeo.
Also, nice memes!