Welcome, everyone! It's time for the final results, and at the end, I shall reveal the fabulous prize to the winner!
First off, let's see what the results were for the 3rd Place Matchup.
Deinonychus (LBT 7) vs. Papa Sharptooth (LBT 2) - 4 to 0 - Deinonychus tears through Papa Sharptooth! Deinonychus wins 3rd Place!
Unfortunately, we only have one prize, so it's not like this one mattered!
Now, onto the Final Battle!
Sharptooth (LBT 1) vs. Bad Swimmer (LBT 9) - 5 to 0 - Despite the underwater advantage, Bad Swimmer stood no chance against the Original Sharptooth! Bad Swimmer is killed by the Original Sharptooth! Original Sharptooth Wins!
With that, we have our winner! Would you please come forward so you can get your prize?
*Original Sharptooth comes onto stage*
Me: First off, Original Sharptooth, how do you feel and how much did you like the tournament?
Original Sharptooth: Well, first off, thanks for having me here.
Me: You're quite welcome!
Original Sharptooth: Secondly, I do have a name.
Me: Oh, really? What is it? Inquiring minds want to know!
Original Sharptooth: Well, it's actually Dark Claw. I'm the brother of Red Claw! My brother never stood a chance in this tournament. I mean, he lost to a Shark for crying out loud! I knew he was a disappointment and all, but that was just terrible! Still love the guy! He is family, after all.
Me: Wow! All that is pretty unbelievable! I'll still believe it just to be on the safe side. So, what did you think of the tournament?
Dark Claw: Well, it was actually kind of a disappointment! There were some worthy individuals, but none I faced could stand to me. I was hoping to face the Legendary Meanest Sharptooth. I kind of look up to the guy, if I'm being honest here. Too bad he got beaten by those Sharpteeth that have a reputation for killing off a whole herd. I'm surprised I beat those guys. Guess my skills paid off there.
Me: Well, let's get to the prize! For winning the Sharptooth Tournament, Dark Claw gets... *reveals prize* The entire herd of Yellowbellies from Wisdom of Friends, who are currently trapped in a ravine! Hope you enjoy!
Dark Claw: *laughs* I'm going to be well fed for some time! *heads off to get his prize*
*insert off screen screams, tearing, dying noises and all manner of sounds that involve the murder of the Yellowbelly herd.*
Like he said, he will be well fed for some time. Maybe he can make it last a whole year if he's lucky.
Anyways, that's it for the tournament! What did you all think? Maybe I'll do this again sometime. Probably even make some improvements to it.
Hope you all enjoyed, and I'll see ya later!
EDIT: Oh, I almost forgot! *snaps fingers* *Everyone who died comes back and remembers nothing about the tournament.* *Everyone who lost was sent back to BEFORE the whole thing started.* *Chomper's memory is also erased and he is returned to BEFORE this happened.* There, everything is corrected. Well, save for the one who is enjoying his meal, but I don't think anyone minds.
Okay, now we're done! See ya later!