The Gang of Five
Howdy, everyone!

The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

Happy 15th Anniversary - GOF Forum!

Petrie · 39 · 35293

The Chronicler

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The fact that it has taken me a week to finally reply here is perhaps a good example why this place isn't quite as high a priority for me as it once was. Don't get me wrong, I still like this site very much, and I'm proud that I could stick around for such a long time. (And I noticed you guys decided to celebrate by putting party hats on all of the post rank images. Am I the first one here to actually point that out?)

GoF is actually only the second forum I ever joined, the first one being the Bionicle fan site BZPower back in 2004. Not long after I had joined that site, I at the age of 13 had to learn the hard way about the importance of actually respecting other people on the internet. Thankfully, I quickly learned my lesson and avoided any further trouble, so by the time I joined GoF at the end of 2007, I was capable of and willing to follow the rules.

My early years here were dominated by the fanfiction I wrote, which was basically a crossover of LBT and Bionicle. As I progressed with it, I eventually managed to receive some helpful advice from fellow member Pangaea, which greatly improved my writing abilities. Even though I never got many comments on my fanfiction, and my efforts of joining the RP section didn't last long, I never really demanded any attention and was actually okay with being one of those guys who just lurked in the background.

In 2013, back when Malte was the most active admin, I knew about his fascination with the American Civil War, so when I got an opportunity to visit Gettysburg that summer (only a month away from the 150th anniversary of that famous battle), I decided to do a few nice things for him, such as sharing a few pictures and even mailing him some souvenirs. Later that year during the forum awards, I was quite surprised to end up winning the Appreciated Member award, as I honestly didn't think I could ever have had that much of an impact among members of a forum, not even one as small and friendly as this site, but the votes sure spoke for themselves.

Ironically, it seems 2013 was also the last year where I really had any extensive activity here. By the following year, my interests had moved on. I became interested in starting an entirely new fanfiction series, but it came at the cost of losing interest in my LBT/Bionicle series and I ultimately decided to cancel any further progress. I also ended up occupying much of my free time with the game Civilization V, and as of this year I've now moved on to all of the Lego video games that have come out over the past dozen years.

But while my interests have moved on, I never at any point stopped visiting this site every day. Sure, my daily visits here may be as little as only a few minutes on some days (as opposed to the many hours I once spent here in my first five years), but I still make the effort to check out almost every part of this site every day. You just never know when something might come up that could be worth saying a few words of interest (such as this very topic).

I'll admit, it's a little strange to see so few of the names I'm familiar with from my early years be even as moderately active as I am today, but the newer members who have come along have certainly proven to be just as great as the older ones were. When I see members say they were inspired to join because they read rhombus's "The Seven Hunters", I can't help but think back to how I was inspired to join not long after I first read Littlefoot1616's "Battle of the Sacred Essences" (quite a shame that that fanfiction series, much like mine and many others from those early days, only made it partway through the second story before being discontinued).

Well, whatever lies ahead for GoF, I can guarantee one thing for sure: I will always try to check on this place every single day to see if there's anything new that might interest me.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2018, 09:17:18 PM by The Chronicler »

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
My currently ongoing fanfiction series: LEGO Equestria Girls

The Great Valley Guardian

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I remember when I first joined, I was so nervous about making a mistake or angering the Mods but this forum really has helped shape my Online experiences overall.

I also recall all the fun times I've had throwing jokes and screencaps around in both the Caption This and The Party Room. And I do still pop in from time to time to see what shenanigans this forum can get into.  :lol

I do however remember clearly the day I was chosen as Moderator for the RP section. It was a day I was carry in high regard as I took the job very seriously and still sort of do despite not holding the title anymore. To whomever now holds the title I wish you the best of luck.

And Happy Anniversary to ALL of the GOF!


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I'm sorry I am so late in reacting to the 15th anniversary of the Gang of Five  :celebrate
Not long ago Adam and I had a chat and we were getting rather sentimental about the founding days. I dug up some of the first emails we ever exchanged (fanatical historian that I am keeps them archived) and in a chat with Jason, Iris and Gustav we too dug up old pictures (e.g. one showing Jason and me back in 2004).
Nowadays there is a bit of the atmosphere of the LBT 10 song bestest friends about my lack of presence in the GOF. In general I don't write a lot in forums these days (not in the forum refering to my other fandom (MLP) either) but am mostly to be found on Discord and sometimes Skype (am also active on Deviantart these days).
A good portion of my life has also been moved to real life as in me meeting many good friends in real life and organizing meetups, workshops and events within the brony fandom (heaven forbid that "moving to real life" ever referred to denying the importance of Dinosaurs, Ponies, Dragons etc. to real life's happiness, however imaginary they may be  ;)
In spite of my decreased activity on the GOF this forum will always remain a significant part of my life. I have made many awesome friends here, participated in many interesting discussions, and to a certain degree a close lecture of old messages feels a bit like I had written a diary throughout that time.
It is with some regret that I found that the old Network54 forum where Adam, Nick, Jason and I first met seems to have disappeared, but it sure has been a long and very interesting, eventful and adventurous road from that first ever post there (dating August 1st 2000 I think) in which I recall I was very selfconscious about my lack of good Englis, to today  :)
In 2013, back when Malte was the most active admin, I knew about his fascination with the American Civil War, so when I got an opportunity to visit Gettysburg that summer (only a month away from the 150th anniversary of that famous battle), I decided to do a few nice things for him, such as sharing a few pictures and even mailing him some souvenirs.
And those souvenirs sit right here on my shelf and I have since used them several times in history presentations on the American Civil War. Thank you very much, The Chronicler :)
I also keep every letter I ever got from another land before time fan in a land before time tinbox and the emotional value of gifts which I got from some of you (like drawings or the beautiful clay sculptures made by Iris and Christian or the beautiful prints by Rocking Scorpion) cannot be measured. Some of my fondest memories include meetups with some of you, like the visit to Jason back in 2004, the trips through Sweden and Norway with Jason, Gustav, and Patric respectively Iris in 2009 and 2011 or the Christmas meetup at my place back in 2010 with Tim, Iris, Jason and Gustav :)
All of that goes way beyond usual forum posting yet at the same time it would have never happened but for this amazing forum. Therefore I want to give a wholehearted THANK YOU to the whole Gang of Five and hope that it will give many more land before time fans the kind of joy and happiness that it has given me since back then when it was created in a land before time...

...well, before this time at least ;)


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I can't believe it's already been 15 years. I know I haven't been as active here as I have in the past, but it's one of those places I love to return to every once in a while. Glad to see it's still up and running.

Keep up the great work guys! Happy Star Day for all of us :D
I'm hip, I'm cool. I'm a happening fool


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I can't believe it's already been 15 years. I know I haven't been as active here as I have in the past, but it's one of those places I love to return to every once in a while. Glad to see it's still up and running.

Keep up the great work guys! Happy Star Day for all of us :D

Wow, don't think I've seen you here in probably 10 years!  :wow :wow  Good to see you back!  How's life?


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Holy protracted absence, Batman!
Not even I expected to see myself log in to this forum again. No particular reason, but life has a tendency to move on. And with that comes new things.
I won't write about what I've been doing since then. That's for me and my friends to know. So let's just stick with "occupied with life as a whole".

I've always (more or less, with periods of long intermissions) stayed in contact with Malte, Jay and Iris.
I've visited Malte 2 times since back then, when I was around his part of the world. And Jason and I have been sharing gaming sessions now and then.

Not too long ago, Jason and I were talking over Discord and as usual, the question about the well-being of our mutual friends Malte, Iris and Patrick was raised.
It was then that Jason mentioned he'd been in contact with Iris recently and sent me her handles.
After the obligatory questions of how things have been and what/not; Iris and I shared some fond memories as well as pictures from now and then. Need less to say, apart from growing older, we're both still and look the same it seems. =)
Not much later, "all of us" were back together again on a discord chat. I'm very grateful, as I'll explain to you why.

When I joined GoF back in 2008 (10 dingily-dong-damn years ago!?) I was the common, ambivalent teenager with one foot in childhood and the other in adulthood.
The days of earlier seemed easier, with many fond memories (don't grow old, kids! It's a trap!).
For whatever reasons I can't remember and fail to understand I found myself having this affinity towards these movies with these group of young dinosaurs. Sure, I liked them movies plenty when I was a kid, but now?
It was a period of... questions. And doubt. And self-search.
Eventually I accepted; for myself, that I really liked these movies and dinosaurs. That it was nobody's business what I choose to like and that it was nothing "wrong" with me.
So I eventually found and joined GoF.
The rest is, as they say... history.

Now, 10 years later...

-I've been to countries and places I never thought I'd ever visit
-I've been to adventures in exotic and wild locations (you should be able to find these trips browsing the forum)
-Learned so much about... everything. Especially about WWII. You can guess who's to blame for that :P
-Grown ever so much as a person
-Collected all the movies and a few plushies :P

But the single most valuable treasure GoF has given me and what I'm most grateful for, hands down:
I've made lifelong friends that I care deeply for. And I should tell them this more often. You guys know who you are <3

To summarize:
This group of young dinosaurs have changed my life more times and in ways no forum post could hope to describe.

Happy belated Starday, GoF!

Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


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Just reading these all again makes me smile.  :)petrie

We'll get to 20 years--pretty sure of it!  Good people are in place to make certain it happens!  Be sure to invite me to the party!  A couple of us will be closing in on 40 years of life by then!  :wow


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Just dusting off this topic as it is now the Gang of Five's seventeenth anniversary.  :)littlefoot

It is quite amazing to think that our wonderful little forum is still around despite the turbulent changes that have happened on the Internet during that time.   Furthermore, we have had many forum members come and go, and, thankfully, return again in many cases.  With several old faces rejoining the forum, and many new members being highly active in our community, I am sure this forum will endure to its twentieth year and beyond!   :cerahappy

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Wow, 17 years... so long... you are running it much more than my total Internet experience...  :littlefoot

Even though I've been here for a very little time, I like love that place. Thank you.
I wish you further prosperity and 100% uptime!
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

View my art project Internet Before Time (last update was 2020/11/18!)

Discussion of LBT games for PS1


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We'll definitely hit that big 20 in a few years! With so many old and new members keeping the place active, I have absolutely no doubt! Happy birthday to the GoF, and here is to many more years with all of you :birthday


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It is indeed wonderful that this forum has been around for so long. 17 years is a long time. Happy birthday, Gang of Five forum. My time here has been nothing sort of wonderful. Sure, there have been ups and downs along the way, but that's life. I want to personally thank every member for making this place what it is. Let's keep up the good work, folks. :petrieLOL


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Happy Starday, Gang of Five! ^^
I'm here only 5 years, but I am glad I am here, in this friendly place. :D
Long live, forum!


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Happy Starday, Gang of Five!

It is very cool indeed that our little community has made it to 17 years. Also a bit surreal to think that the forum is now older than some of its members.

I officially joined on March 29th, 2019. Come 2020, and I had been planning to do a special post on March 29th to talk about my own one-year anniversary with this community. I ended up not getting around to it, but it kept lingering on my mind, and I kept thinking about simply doing it belated. Then, several days ago when I saw Rhombus post in here, that gave me the motivation to write up my anniversary post at last. It's several months late now, but oh well. :p This is more or less what I had originally wanted to talk about. Some of this I've mentioned before in other places, but I wanted to consolidate it all into one post here.

Some of our members have been familiar with The Land Before Time for a long time, whereas others have discovered it much more recently. For myself, it is a bit of both. I watched several of the films back in my elementary school days in the 90s, but that was it for a very long time. I remembered the original film most of all, and I kept occasionally wanting to revisit it over the years, even as I entered adulthood, but it took me a very long time to get around to it.

Things finally changed when the original film hit its 30th anniversary in November of 2018, which I was initially unaware of, but soon after is when I stumbled upon this article on about the film. And this is what inspired me to rent the film from my local library, whereupon I watched it at home and fell in love with it.

As for the Gang of Five itself, I discovered it through TV Tropes... sort of. Their Land Before Time page mentioned an active fanbase and a forum for the series. At this point, it was still only the first film I'd watched recently (the sequels and TV series I didn't see until after I was already a member here), but that appealed to me all the same since I loved the film so much and wanted to find other people I could talk about it with. So I did a web search for "Land Before Time forum" and that's how I found this place.

I lurked sporadically for about a month before registering, but I've been an active member ever since. :yes For a community that ended up having such a large impact on my life, it sure is strange to think that, if it hadn't been for that article, it might never have led me here. Or at the very least, I might have ended up joining at a much later date.

It's also weird to think that things might've turned out very differently if I had tried to register sooner, as it was a couple or so months that passed after I rediscovered the film before I eventually came to the forum. And even once I did, the fact that I lurked around for a while first. I learned from Mumbling later on that the notification system wasn't working properly at the time, and that new members weren't getting their email notifications to tell them that they could now access the forum, which thus caused many of the potential new members to forget about it and move on. I got lucky because when I finally registered, it was only a few days after the problem stopped.

The Gang of Five was the first new forum that I had joined in a very long time. I used to participate in forums and such a lot more frequently in my late teens and very early adulthood. But I had a lot of bad experiences with it, which eventually drove me away from online communities entirely for the next several years. Some of my bad experiences were because of my own immaturity and behavioural issues, I'll admit, but there were also some genuinely toxic sinkholes I had the misfortune of stumbling upon.

Which made this lovely place stand out that much more. This is honestly the nicest internet community I have ever been to. I would never have expected I could make so many great friends here after all those horrible experiences I had in my distant past, but I have. As Anagnos mentioned, there have been some ups and downs. 2020 has been a crazy year, both for the community itself and the world at large. And I have had a lot of change and upheaval in my own personal life as well. But there have still been many good things amidst all the bad, and those are the things that I try to focus on. And I think it is truly commendable that we have pulled through and that we are still here to make this community the kind, energetic, and welcoming place that it is.

So thank you, Gang of Five and everyone in it. I too have absolute confidence that we will make it to twenty years and beyond.

- Ian
« Last Edit: October 18, 2020, 10:23:56 PM by StardustSoldier »


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I just wanna throw it in here that it was fascinating and touching to read many of y'all personal experiences and stories with the GoF forum.

I just joined some months ago, but haven't been immensely active. So I might write a more proper text about my experience here when my activity increases hopefully and probably wait till the 20th anniversary if a thread like this will ever be made.

So far I really love this community in contrast to other online communities I've been a part of which lack the friendly and mature nature that GoF has. The people here seem lovely just by the fact that they welcome new members often and even wishing them happy birthday, that just proves how great this place is. Also this forum is very well constructed, I give props to that!

Amazing that this forum has been around for over 15 years. So a belated happy birthday from me, GoF!

Edit: I just realized that I was supposed to share a memory, well the clearest memory I have was when I first joined. I had some sign up issues and Flathead was nice enough to help me out through discord by contacting Mumbling I assume to fix it all. And later when all went well, receiving a warm welcome from some of the members was a pleasant memory to add.  :yes
« Last Edit: October 31, 2021, 03:10:14 AM by Talset »


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A party!
Raoul: (voiceover): What is this? A Triceratops? A grocery store with, and… He’s got hot dogs? Subways?


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its a bit ironic that in reading all the comments about the 15th anniversary, i never contributed mine.  at this point i am probably the last active member who joined the GOF in its early days .   this month will mark 17 years  for me at the GOF ( i joined in 2004) and if you had told any of us at the end of 2004 -when there were only about 25 members- that this place would still be around nearly 20 years later, we'd all have demanded to see what drugs you were taking. It has been nothing short of remarkable that this forum has endured that long. at the time the GOF got its official invisionfree start in September of 2004, i was managing  the slow demise of Welcome to the great Valley. it never had too many members - it maxed out at about 10- and by then the vast majority of those( including  Malte Threehorn and  Mirumoto Kenjiro) had  already made the move over here .  that forum doesnt exist anymore, it was essentially deleted by hackers a couple years after i left.-and i never linked the forum to the GOF so it could be maintained as a historic record of the early years of this community. but i was a young college student at the time. still learning the ropes about how to manage an online forum. in hindsight, I didnt do a good job at all he he. obviously the past two decades i have improved greatly in that regard, as they say there is no teacher like hard won experience.
 Admins, mods, and posters have come and gone over the years  yet I remain. i have made many friends over the years , some-  like Threehorn, the Friendly Sharptooth, Drake and Kor- no longer post here(although I hope Kor returns some day), others- like Serris, Belmont, Lettucebaconandtomato, and brekclub are still around. I would be remiss to not acknowledge my fellow staff-Rhombus, Mumbling and Zeropoint, and commend them for the great job they do in helping keeping this place going. i've been in positions in other forums  where I was the sole admin. running a board is NOT a one person job.
i expect to still be here in 2023 when we officially mark 20 years as a community, and in November 2024 to mark 20 years as a member. I SHOULD be approaching 50000 posts by then, he he, roleplaying activity  permitting of course.
 Keep up the good work everyone!
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Runner up for these:

Silver the Pterosaur

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I know that I am the new kid on the block, but I am happy to have finally joined.


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I welcomed you on your intro thread already, but still, we are pleased to have you. It's my third year with this community now and I'm happy to see that it's still going strong. :)


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I’m surprised this thread is still pinned and still getting replies. XP

We’re only two years away from 20 years, so this thread will hit the archives.  I do promise to post for 20 years if it makes it there. I’m not totally gone, just doing other things now.