The Gang of Five
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The Gang's Grades for School


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Okay, if The Gang we know and love had school and had grades as well, what do you think they would get in what subject and why?

I think we can all agree what Petrie's grade would be in English. ;)

Cancerian Tiger

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*Cera: Reminds me of myself: Excellent recall, kicks tail in P.E., and finds every subject to be a breeze until math comes around...then she's in trouble :bolt!

*Littlefoot: He has brains, but he also gets the grades from being a teacher's pet and sitting at the front of the class :p.

*Petrie: Good one, John :lol!  He'd flunk out English alright :bang.  He'd probably do well, but he reminds me of the ADHD class clown that spends half the school year in detention :DD.

*Spike: I dunno, he sleeps too much during class :lol.  I think he'd flunk P.E. :blink:.

*Ducky: I think she's very smart and she would be a top honors student.  Just sit Spike somewhere far from her and keep her lunch away from him :p.  I think she would like art class, too.


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LOL! This sounds like a nice topic. :smile

Hmm let's see...

Little Foot:
English/Language Arts- A
Math- A
History- A+
Science- A
Arts- B
Music- A
P.E- A+

English/Language Arts- A+
Math- B
History- C+
Science- B
Arts- C
Music- A+
P.E- A

Spike: (I think if he was in a public school, he would be in one of those special Ed classes for people with a speaking disability. I always believe Spike was Autistic though. :p )

English/Language Arts- D
Math- C
History- C
Science- D
Arts- A
Music- B
P.E- D

Englihs/Language Arts-
History- B
Science- C
Arts- B
Music- A
P.E- C-

Petrie: (I definitely agree with the English thing xD)
English/Language Arts- D- (One grade above an F because he might at least try to listen and work hard in the class)
History- C
Science- C-
Arts- B
Music- B
P.E- C-


  • Cera
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This is quite interesting indeed.

If I had to give overall grades I would go like this:

Littlefoot: "A-"  - Obviously, he seems like the type of student that would put his best effort into everything. He might mess up on a couple things, but overall he would do well.

Cera: "B" - She seems like she would only concern herself with certain subjects and then come up with something like "Threehorns don't need this..." She would also get some demerits for arguing probably.

Petrie: "B-" - Petrie would definitely put the effort into everything, but English would definitely bring him down. He would get points for being curious I guess.

Spike: "D+" - The only reason why I give him a low grade is because he would be caught daydreaming about lunch that he wouldn't concentrate on anything else. Also, I'm not sure how he would do in P.E. :D

Ducky: "A-" She might get some points off for constant repetition in English, but other than that she would be like Littlefoot.


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Petrie's awareness of flight and all the knowledge connected to it might give him a bonus in Physics.

Cancerian Tiger

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Quote from: Malte279,May 30 2010, 02:38 AM
Petrie's awareness of flight and all the knowledge connected to it might give him a bonus in Physics.
That's true :yes.

I'm not sure how he'd do in Chemistry.  Petrie is so clumsy he'd knock over beakers and test tubes everytime they have lab sessions :p.


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My avatar is too perfect for this thread. :p  Is that what gave you the idea?

Ducky would probably be on the principal's good side too....getting bonus points for being the helpful student in class.


  • Cera
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Not much to say other than the very fact that Petrie would fail tremendously in English.  :lol
Do well. Live well. And dress very well.

Cancerian Tiger

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I'd love to see Cera give a persuasion speech in Public Speaking ;).

"Agree with me or else!" :lol

Spike would need some kind of excuse to get out of Public Speaking :neutral.

As much as I hate stereotypes against small folks (my 5'2" self would be a hypocrite if I supported the stereotypes :rolleyes:), I sadly have to agree that Ducky and Petrie would probably not do as well in P.E.  Imagine playing Dodgeball with Ducky :blink:.

If there's a swim team, though, Ducky would certainly excel in that :smile.


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^ I imagine Ducky would also do well if running track were involved. She's a pretty fast runner as well. Remember her keeping ahead of the fast biter in LBT XI? That was impressive. :o

Of course, Ruby would be the track team champion by far. :p

Actually, I think all of the gang would do well in Phy Ed, considering all the playing, traveling, and running they do. Spike might not be nearly as proficient as the others in some activities, being the slowest among them (except for Petrie when he's not in the air), but he's very strong physically.

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Cancerian Tiger

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Quote from: Pangaea,May 31 2010, 04:04 PM
^ I imagine Ducky would also do well if running track were involved. She's a pretty fast runner as well. Remember her keeping ahead of the fast biter in LBT XI? That was impressive. :o

It really was impressive.  Fast little pair of legs she's got there :blink:.  I'm sure it was an adrenaline-charged run, considering it was "run or be dinner".  Still, if she could muster that up every time, she'd be pretty good on a track team :yes.


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You know, I think Spike would do well if he was in a sport that catered more to his strength.  Like that of Wrestling.

I also bet that Cera would go for Football.  She would try out for probably something defensive, like the Lineback.  She would also stand up to coaches that make Football a "Boys Only" Game. :D


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Quote from: pokeplayer984,May 31 2010, 10:10 PM
You know, I think Spike would do well if he was in a sport that catered more to his strength.  Like that of Wrestling.
Yeah, that's just what I was thinking. :yes

I also bet that Cera would go for Football.  She would try out for probably something defensive, like the Lineback.
I know next to nothing about football, but I bet Spike would be pretty good in a defensive role, too, being big, heavy, low-slung, and powerful, with a tail specialized for whacking things.

She would also stand up to coaches that make Football a "Boys Only" Game. :D
Stand up to them? I think she'd do more than that! :blink: We've never seen Cera in a situation in which someone told her she couldn't do something because she was a girl, but if anyone ever did, I'd advise them to run for their lives! :lol

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  • Cera
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Cera would get the tackle part of Football very easily, and Spike would most likely make a good goalie for Soccer or something like that.

Chomper would do well in a foods class, as long as no vegetables are required.


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Note: These are classes from the school I go to. At my school we switch gym, and wellness back and forth on "blue and gold rotations" just because were the yellow jackets.


1st period: Math 8: B

2nd period: Science: B+

3rd period (1st 9 weeks) Science Issues: A

3rd period (2nd 9 weeks) French Exploratory: B-

3rd period (3rd 9 weeks) Creative writing: A+

3rd period (4th 9 weeks) Math Extra: B

4th period Gym: A+

4th period Wellness: A

5th period (1st term) Technology: A+

5th period (2nd term) Art: A

6th period American history: B+

7th period Language Arts: A-


1st period: Math 8: B

2nd period: Science: A

3rd period (1st 9 weeks) Science Issues: A+

3rd period (2nd 9 weeks) French Exploratory: B-

3rd period (3rd 9 weeks) Creative writing: B+

3rd period (4th 9 weeks) Math Extra: A

4th period Gym: A+ (she'd get an A++, if there was a such thing)

4th period Wellness: A

5th period (1st term) Technology: B

5th period (2nd term) Art: B-

6th period American history: C (she wouldn't listen about stuff that is old)

7th period Language Arts: B


1st period: Math 8: A+

2nd period: Science: A

3rd period (1st 9 weeks) Science Issues: A+

3rd period (2nd 9 weeks) French Exploratory: A-

3rd period (3rd 9 weeks) Creative writing: A+

3rd period (4th 9 weeks) Math Extra: A+

4th period Gym: A-

4th period Wellness: A

5th period (1st term) Technology: A

5th period (2nd term) Art: A+

6th period American history: B

7th period Language Arts: A


1st period: Math 8: B

2nd period: Science: A-

3rd period (1st 9 weeks) Science Issues: A-

3rd period (2nd 9 weeks) French Exploratory: F

3rd period (3rd 9 weeks) Creative writing: A

3rd period (4th 9 weeks) Math Extra: B

4th period Gym: D (couldn't play much at all)

4th period Wellness: A

5th period (1st term) Technology: A+

5th period (2nd term) Art: A

6th period American history: A

7th period Language Arts: C- (not good with english)


1st period: Math 8: C

2nd period: Science: C+

3rd period (1st 9 weeks) Science Issues: C-

3rd period (2nd 9 weeks) French Exploratory: D

3rd period (3rd 9 weeks) Creative writing: B+

3rd period (4th 9 weeks) Math Extra: C-

4th period Gym: A-

4th period Wellness: C

5th period (1st term) Technology: D

5th period (2nd term) Art: B

6th period American history: A

7th period Language Arts: F (can't even talk :lol )


1st period: Math 8: A

2nd period: Science: A

3rd period (1st 9 weeks) Science Issues: A

3rd period (2nd 9 weeks) French Exploratory: A-

3rd period (3rd 9 weeks) Creative writing B

3rd period (4th 9 weeks) Math Extra A+

4th period Gym: A+ (she see in kick the seed!)

4th period Wellness: B

5th period (1st term) Technology B+

5th period (2nd term) Art C

6th period American history B

7th period Language Arts A

Ruby (she'd be all A+'s for sure!):

1st period: Calculus: A+ (they'd tell her to skip Math 8, Pre-Algebra, Algebra I and Algebra II)

2nd period: Science: A+

3rd period (1st 9 weeks) Science Issues: A+

3rd period (2nd 9 weeks) Drama :cry A+

3rd period (3rd 9 weeks) Creative writing A+

3rd period (4th 9 weeks) Math Extra A+

4th period Gym: A+

4th period Wellness: A+

5th period (1st term) Technology A+

5th period (2nd term) Art A+

6th period American history A+

7th period Language Arts A+


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Oh come on!  Ruby's not a Straight "A" Student!  At least, not to me!

Look, she may be smart, but she's not THAT smart.  Plus, you have to take into account her "unique" way of talking.

She would come off more of a Mary Sue if she got Straight "A"s.

Sorry, but I have to disagree.


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Quote from: Cancerian Tiger,May 31 2010, 02:16 PM
I'd love to see Cera give a persuasion speech in Public Speaking ;).

"Agree with me or else!" :lol

:lol I know. I would love to see the teachers face on that one.

Littlefoot would probably be the type of student who always sits close to the teacher, pays attention as much as he can, and tries to be a good student. 

Cera would probably be one of those, "Ah who needs this?" type of person, who doesn't really like school that much and tries to show off in gym.

Ducky probably be a good student, generally listening and being helpful to everyone. And I would bet she would try out for the swim team if they had one.

Petrie we all know how he would do in english but he would try hard in everything else.

Spike would daydream about lunch all the time and wouldn't do that well in gym class.


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Littlefoot would probably be the type of student who always sits close to the teacher, pays attention as much as he can, and tries to be a good studen
And one that might end up embarrassing certain teachers by asking questions the teacher can't answer ;)
Don't forget that we already have seen the gang in kind of a school situation in LBT 8. :p


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Quote from: Malte279,Dec 30 2010, 09:25 AM
Littlefoot would probably be the type of student who always sits close to the teacher, pays attention as much as he can, and tries to be a good studen
And one that might end up embarrassing certain teachers by asking questions the teacher can't answer ;)
Don't forget that we already have seen the gang in kind of a school situation in LBT 8. :p
Isn't that the truth  :lol:  Yeah, Littlefoot would probably ask a whole bunch of questions that the teacher can't answer. Good point there Malte.

The Anonymous Person

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And now, a major bump on this topic!

Ooh, good points! Let's see... (Note: This includes modern school subjects (not class hours) and how they would probably do)

Littlefoot (has the brains!):

English: A+
Math: B+
History: A
Science: A
Art: A-
Health: A
Music: A+
P.E.: A

Cera (another "Who needs it?" person):

English: B-
Math: C
History: C+
Science: C-
Art: A-
Health: B+
Music: A+
P.E.: D (only for showing off too much roughness in the class!   :lol )

Spike (Hmm...not much to say for this one):

English: D
Math: C
History: C-
Science: D+
Art: A
Health: C-
Music: B (Besides, his scat-singing is fine...)
P.E.: F (would obviously do nothing but sleep there, and he'd continuously retake the class!)

Ducky (If there was a swim team, an easy A+ for her!):

English: B
Math: C+
History: B+
Science: B
Art: B-
Health: A
Music: A-
P.E.: C- (Imagine her and Petrie playing a game of basketball...)

Petrie: (Like many others, I agree with the English thing, but..):

English: D+ (at least he gets the grade for effort!  :D )
Math: C
History: B-
Science: C- (Beware of clumsiness, especially in lab sessions!)
Art: B+
Health: A-
Music: B+
P.E.: D+ (same thing...they'd never make it!)

And that's my opinion on this question here.