I am an admin for a forum called Xero Focus Studios, it was originally a remix album called "Xero Focus: A Tribute to LP Media Collectors" by my friend Agent2594, now DJ BloodFrost, he was a major hit among remix collectors, and made a second, until eventually he decided to open the series from albums to a "Studio" basically, and my friends and I have our remixes, and originals uploaded at this location:
http://xerofocusstudios.com/forums/portal.phpunder downloads are all our forms of media, I don't know if you have to be registered to download, it has a couple problems with registry, like repeatedly telling you AJAXed has been turned off, please just go with it if you choose to join, we need activity but I don't think they'd want it ALL to be LBT either, it used to be all LP but that's too closed
we're expanding out!...... slowly join if you want, but keep in mind it has a few kinks still