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Fanart Prompt Challenge Discussion

Ducky123 · 455 · 125943


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Yeah, I don't think I'll be able to participate in this one, either. I'm still convinced November was only a week long it went so fast.  :lol I've got a lot of prep to do for my new job and art block has hit me really hard over the last month or so too. Sorry!

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The jewelstone queen

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oof, art block happens to all of us, hope you recover! Also good luck on your job!
I'm currently writing an lbt fanfic about Littlefoot and Ruby, it's a little cringy at first. Go check it out if you're interested! FANFICTION.NET-

The jewelstone queen

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Finally managed to finish this month's entry a couple days ago. feel free to check it out, Flathead!
I'm currently writing an lbt fanfic about Littlefoot and Ruby, it's a little cringy at first. Go check it out if you're interested! FANFICTION.NET-


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Hey thanks a lot Jewel! I'll take a look at it right away. Sorry for my delay, was enjoying spending time with my family over the holidays.

Speaking about proceeding into the new year, I think we may need to unfortunately stop with the bimonthly fanart prompts. A lot of the previous fanartists have caught up being busy with life, myself included. I've thought about whether I'd participate in prompts in the future and I can't really see myself finding the time to do so within the next couple years and activity in both the fanart section and the GoF in general have been on the low end currently.

Part of my drive to be so active with fanart in the past was to have a second chance at being engaged within the community when I rejoined back in 2017, and I am happy with both the progress I made as an artist during that time as well as the possible influence I had in keeping the fanart section alive and active. I'm not the same person as I once was back then where I felt like I could not reach out and make friends with people both on the forum and in real life. Now after making several friends on the GoF and finding seemingly finding a place within my educational journey, I feel a lot less of a desire to put in the effort, especially with the increased demands of my engineering degree. While I won't say that I'll put down drawing and LBT fanart for good (someone still needs to show the world how great Rhett is  :rhett_grin), but I wouldn't expect anything at the levels that I did in the past.

I would like to end things off with thanking everyone that supported me during the 4 to 5 years that I participated in the fanart side of things, as you guys really did make it a joy to participate in!

The jewelstone queen

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As unfortunate as it sounds, I agree with you flathead. We've all been busy and sometimes things just don't come through. I will tell the truth and say sometimes I didn't always have fun making these entries, as I was stressing to get something done before the deadline.

As you've said, I'll still continue lbt fanart as well, and they might be in higher quality depenging on my amount of interest and time. Thank you Flatead for being our amazing art prompt leader! And also the lovely SRFG! (Like sireously, how do you draw so good?)
I'm currently writing an lbt fanfic about Littlefoot and Ruby, it's a little cringy at first. Go check it out if you're interested! FANFICTION.NET-


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Yeah I can see how they could maybe feel like a chore. It was never recommended to participate in them for the sake of participating, and moreso a way to help your creativity and expanding your drawing skills by drawing something you might not have thought of drawing before.

Thanks to you as well for all of your entries for both you Jewel and SRFG! Both of you kept it alive in this last final year.

Maybe one day it can make a return and LBT fanart can retake it's rightful spot as best place on the GoF!  :PLoofah


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As sad as it is, I agree with this as well. The activity is no longer there and unfortunately I neither have the time nor the enthusiasm to take part anymore. I had a lot of fun and the fanart prompts helped not only develop my art but other creative ideas too (helped a lot with that fanfic that’ll likely never see the light of day whoops). My free time now is mostly occupied by writing for another fandom I’m interested in and on top of that I’ve just started a new job which will also take up more time. It was fun while it lasted and it was a privilege to take part. I may continue LBT fanart in the future, but we’ll see. The prompts may have been seen as a chore but for me they were a good way to push me into form of creativity I had been straying from for a while.

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IIRC, I think I started this way back but only when you took over this really became a popular thing for a while. I'm glad we had so many entries over the years (a lot less from me than I'd like to admit) but sometimes life if more about the journey than about the results. It's been a great time and we can pick this up any time again if there's enough interest, I guess?  :bronGoodJob

I wonder if the fanfic challenge is going to meet the same fate? Looking at participation last year  :bolt
Inactive, probably forever.


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(helped a lot with that fanfic that’ll likely never see the light of day whoops).
Hopefully that's the Rhettverse fic you're totally writing right?  :rhett_smile :rhett_grin

Thanks a lot for all the work you did for the prompts and keeping it alive as long as it did SRFG!

IIRC, I think I started this way back but only when you took over this really became a popular thing for a while. I'm glad we had so many entries over the years (a lot less from me than I'd like to admit) but sometimes life if more about the journey than about the results. It's been a great time and we can pick this up any time again if there's enough interest, I guess?  :bronGoodJob

I wonder if the fanfic challenge is going to meet the same fate? Looking at participation last year  :bolt
A big shout out to you as well Ducky for getting the ball rolling with the prompts! When I came back to the GoF back in 2017 I had to pleasure of being able to join in on the 2nd ever prompt, and was a blast to come up with the craziest ideas possible for each one  :bestsharptooth


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Activity on the forum as a whole has declined greatly over the past few years, I'm afraid. It's harder to find people who want to join in to these kind of events.


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@Mumbling Aw, I’m sorry to hear that. I liked snooping around to see what other people had come up with every so often. It was fun to see people’s creations.

Feels like there’s a bit of a gap in the LBT generation right now. I wonder if the next wave might actually be the people who’ve been growing up with the series on YouTube Kids…


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Hey Rainbow  :rainbowwave

Yeah i stopped it for a couple reasons. The first is that there was almost no participation throughout all of 2022, with only a few artists such as Jewels and SRFG keeping it going.

This was also at a time when I was pulling 12 hours a day, 6 days a week away from my house either at school or doing extracurricular stuff, so I didn't feel like it was currently worth the effort with maybe only 1 submission per prompt.

If there's enough interest in it again, it's something that I can possibly bring back. It also doesn't have to be me to do it again if someone else feels like taking on the job.

Feels like there’s a bit of a gap in the LBT generation right now. I wonder if the next wave might actually be the people who’ve been growing up with the series on YouTube Kids…
That's an interesting point, and very well could be possible. It's either that or parents that watched it and now showing their kids. One of my coworkers at a job I worked at last year mentioned that he watched the first 2 LBT movies with his son, though this was for the first time for him as well. He made note of the drop in quality between the two and the amusing fact that there's 14 of them.  :PLoofah


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Hi, Flathead! :rainbowwave

Well, I suppose that all makes sense. I can definitely understand life getting in the way of these kinds of things. I mean, it’s the same reason I seldom post here anymore.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2024, 02:44:54 PM by RainbowFaceProtege »


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Yeah posting art here has kinda lost its novilty,  I used to post artwork here every other day.  But in the last few years when ever I post art I only get one or 2 comments or non at all. In fact you probably already mentioned this but this site in general isn't as active as it was 10 years ago.