Hey thanks a lot Jewel! I'll take a look at it right away. Sorry for my delay, was enjoying spending time with my family over the holidays.
Speaking about proceeding into the new year, I think we may need to unfortunately stop with the bimonthly fanart prompts. A lot of the previous fanartists have caught up being busy with life, myself included. I've thought about whether I'd participate in prompts in the future and I can't really see myself finding the time to do so within the next couple years and activity in both the fanart section and the GoF in general have been on the low end currently.
Part of my drive to be so active with fanart in the past was to have a second chance at being engaged within the community when I rejoined back in 2017, and I am happy with both the progress I made as an artist during that time as well as the possible influence I had in keeping the fanart section alive and active. I'm not the same person as I once was back then where I felt like I could not reach out and make friends with people both on the forum and in real life. Now after making several friends on the GoF and finding seemingly finding a place within my educational journey, I feel a lot less of a desire to put in the effort, especially with the increased demands of my engineering degree. While I won't say that I'll put down drawing and LBT fanart for good (someone still needs to show the world how great Rhett is

), but I wouldn't expect anything at the levels that I did in the past.
I would like to end things off with thanking everyone that supported me during the 4 to 5 years that I participated in the fanart side of things, as you guys really did make it a joy to participate in!