The Gang of Five
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episode 21: the forbidden friendship


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I just watched lbt 21, the forbidden friendship and I must say it was pretty good.  There was a song only like 3 minutes in that I wasn't really fond of but other than that, I really found it to be quite good.  I really liked the solo with ducky.  I know most people haven't seen this yet so I won't spoil it for you.  There is some good news though - it didn't have the song "I fell so happy" in it.  THANK GOD! honestly,  that song gets real old real fast.


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I don't think it's even aired yet.  It should in a day or so though.  I have online tv so I don't know about regular tv.  I actually stored this ep on my computer.


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I have as well, I got this episode and it abotu Tippy and the herd of spiketail coming back to the great valley and things get a bit imtensed cause of it being the cold times.


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They just showed the episode on live tv today at 9pm.  I did the record feature and got the ep on the compter.


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How many episodes are there? 26 right? I'm asking out of curiousity..
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I think this one is episode 19. Looks like they're just bringing old charcters and parading them in the series. At least tippy and his heard actually left, unlike Ali's which was just never heard of ever again.
On the whole, these series are a bit disapointing, I'd rather they kept making sequels.
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Me too.  The series is entertaining.  Nothing more.  They do not posess the same flare as the sequals, nor do they have an adiquate amount of substance to really make them worthwhile.


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I liked this episode alot. especially when spike and tippy get caught together and Tippy's mom says "Well you're Spike must've talked my Tippy into it" and Mama swimmer then says "My Spike doesn't talk !"  :lol  :lol

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Well, I just watched this one. Intresting episode, if I do say.

Odd that it snowed in the Great Valley, and eeryone treated it like it was normal. I thought everyone had gotten all paranoid when it happened once in The Big Freeze, and now suddenly it's just another season?

Maybe Tippy's herd has something to do with it. Whenever it snows they usually aren't far behind.

Ducky's mom showed her dark side in this episode. for somebody who's always going on about family and being nuclear, to get all P.O.ed at Mr. Spiketail when he fought Mr. Threehorn (who was totally asking for it, in my opinion), was seriously out of character. Oh well, I guess Swimmers just get into these moods sometimes, it happened to Ducky in Search for Shiny Stones.

I had two favorite quotes: When Petrie says, "Me think it is. And you know what that means!" It means that you're gullible, opinionated, and don't think things through? didn't we already know that from LBT 7?

I also liked it when Ducky's mom at the end said: "If we can save our kids together..." Oh come on! You didn't save your kids, your kids saved you!! (in soviet Great Valley...) Who found the food? Who led you to the food? Who (kinda) rescued Tippy by helping him onto the ice piece? Your kids. You did nothing excpt pick them out of the water afterwards. Nobody thanks the guy who picked the medicine out of Balto's sled for saving them either.


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This one definately qualifies to be among my top five :DD

So this ep is basically about the Spiketails from LBT 8: The Big Freeze returning. Note that it's during a Cold Time.
The main conflict is the rarity of food. Both parties (Spiketails, GV residents) want food but Mr. Threehorn doesn't want to share causing each party forbidding Spike and Tippy to play together.

This gonna be a rather long review because I feel I can say much to the respective scenes and plot elements since they were well done :wow (quite unusual, eh?)

The first scenes before the Tv-series song were quite funny and enjoyable.
Same with the talk between Mr. Threehorn and Grandpa Longneck... Mr. Threehorn lol!

I was quite surprised (though it's quite obvious why) that Cera is the one to ask Ducky whether she's fine with Spike playing with Ducky. It's usually not her way to be concerned about her friends' feelings...
'Good Times, Good Friends' is not that great of a song but I still think it's averagely good. The visuals are well done since they're kinda funny.
I was also surprised that Tippy's Mum nuzzled Spike.

Mr. Threehorn causes a dispute another time... with impactful consequences!
I expected Mr. Threehorn to win this fight clearly, I admire the Spiketail leader's courage, he shows his leadership qualities.
This fight leads into a pretty interesting, tence situation, namely that Tippy was forbidden to play with Spike and a general 'sticking to their own kind' thingy.

Ducky's mum had a pretty harsh moment forbidding Spike to play with Tippy as well...
If Ducky fails at cheering somebody up then there is a huuuuuuge problem... :exactly
Cera is with her father on this one of course.

Spike and Tippy are disobeying their respective folks :o

All nice scenes and very understandable reactions.

Ducky's song (I wish I knew) was a deep one and quite a beautiful song in terms of the Tv-series. I'm certain I heard that melody in another ep likely sung by Ducky as well :blink:

It's very funny to watch the two Spiketails playing :yes
I somehow suspected they'd find green food...

I seriously thought Cera would tell her dad but she couldn't resist Ducky's cuteness :lol They get caught nonetheless...
Grown-ups arguing..again!
Then an accident happens, Tippy falls into a river, he can't swim but Ducky comes to the rescue, the two 'disputers' and Ducky's Mum pull them out. Whoo!

Very likeable scenes here, too.

Finally, they eat the food, together. Nice Grandpa/Littlefoot scene

Spiketails leave... heart-warming good-bye...

Quotes worth to list here:
  • Ducky: "I am looking forward to swimming in the water again instead of walking on it!"
    Cera responds: "Yeah, if the hard water is REALLY turning soft!" *something cracks*
    Then an ice-tooth almost hit her :lol
    Petrie: "Me think it is, and you know what that mean!"
    All: "Hard Water Hopping!!!"
    Ruby: "How does Hard Water hop???"
    Petrie: "Water not hop, hehe, you hop on water!"
  • Grandpa: "Ohh, I think there's plenty of food for all of us, as long as we share
    Mr. Threehorn: "Share? Hmm.. But still: The more horns you have the more food you get, right?" (that's a greeeaaaat one!!)
    Grandpa: "Uhm, I don't think so!"
    Mr. Threehorn: *sighs* "Just a good thing there aren't anymore of us..." and then SURPRISE there ARE more of them :smile
  • Ducky: "Tippy and Spike may be good friends but I know now that Spike and I are now family. I want Spike to be happy and playing with Tippy makes him happy!" (*hands out GoF Philosopher award to Ducky :nyah)
  • Mr. Threehorn: "Share of food?! Are you crazy?!!? There's not enough to go around as it is!!!"
    Spiketail leader: "Why of course there is! You're just being selfish!!!"
  • Spiketail leader: "Did you push me??? Heh? You're trying to push me!?!"
  • Spiketail leader: *sighs* "Stuck..." (my absolute favourite :spit laughed my ass off!)
  • Ducky: *sighs* "If I tell you guys a something super-secret, will you promise not to tell it ever, ever, ever?"
  • Ducky: "Pleeeeeeaaaaaaaaaase?" (she sounds so cute :wub)
  • Tippy's Mum: "Well, your Spike must've talked my Tippy into it!"
    Mama Swimmer: "My Spike doesn't talk!" :spit (heheheh)
  • Tippy: "Because, Spike and Tippy found a place with lots and lots of green food!" ... SILENCE :wow
  • Ducky's Mum: "If we can save our kids together, why can't we eat together?"
  • Ducky: "You're it!" *laughs*
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As with "Stranger from the Mysterious Above", this one had kind of a lame central premise, but was buoyed by some entertaining highlights.

Mr. Threehorn used to be one of my least favourite characters, but I'm surprised at how much he's grown on me. As I'm watching through the TV series, I'm enjoying him more and more. :yes The best part of the episode was when he got into the argument with the spiketail leader and then they started fighting. It was just so entertaining for some reason. And then Grandpa Longneck tells them to break it up and Topsy suddenly goes, "Ohhh. Okay." :smile And then he and the spiketail get stuck together. :DD

That aside, however, I just couldn't get behind the main conflict of the episode. Alright, so Mr. Threehorn and Mr. Spiketail get into a scuffle over sharing the green food. Fair enough. They're both hot-headed and aggressive dinosaurs. But then they willingly break up the fight after they get their initial aggression out, and then Grandpa says that the spiketails are welcome to stay and share what little green food is still left, which everyone else seemingly agrees to. Okay, but then why does that mean all of a sudden their kids can't play together? What difference would that make?

Even if they hadn't found the extra green food at the end, surely Spike and Tippy playing together wouldn't hurt anything, would it? It certainly wouldn't make the food problem worse. I could see some of the more stubborn dinos like Mr. Threehorn still wanting to separate the herds anyway, but why do the rest of the Great Valley adults go along with it? It seemed especially out-of-character for Mama Swimmer to get huffy about it; she hardly seems the type who would care about something like that. Especially given how calm and mature she was in The Big Freeze at Spike potentially leaving her family for good, which was a far more serious issue than the petty "our kids can't play together" spat that happens in this episode. :rolleyes

Oh well. Not a bad episode by any means. Just a silly one. :p

I liked the general winter atmosphere. Snow and Land Before Time goes good together for some reason. ❄
« Last Edit: May 02, 2024, 06:18:16 AM by StardustSoldier »