I'll skip the part where I freak out about the trailer and get straight to the analytical part (I've purposely waited a few hours so I can think straight
Well, where to begin? Maybe the title...
First of all either title sounds exciting (the new version maybe even sounding a bit more like the typical adventurous LBT movie) and would fit the synoptical plot really well. Journey of the Heart would imply that there's some really deep stuff in the movie while Journey of the Brave rather sounds like an action-loaded movie. Either way, Littlefoot has to master a challenge - to rescue his dad, and that requires both heart (err love and stuff like that) and bravery...
The point of this little paragraph is that I'm not sure if Journey of the Brave is the real title. Yeah, I know, why'd they release a trailer with a wrong title? But the site hosting the trailer still has Journey of the Heart as the title
Ehh, we'll see...
It seems like we have a new LBT day to add to our glossary: Treasure Day! What could it be about (or based off human special days)? Sounds to me like a sort of day where you get gifts...
I'm really happy that the characters stil look the same! No Tv-series-style, whew!
As I can see, the producers are using tried and tested dangers the Gang have to overcome: Sharpteeth and volcanoes. So... nothing new but hey, there's no LBT movie without some predatory creature or natural hazard threatening our beloved Gang, right?
Speaking of Sharpteeth... they look different than usual and I think that's good (and scientifically more correct... I guess (same goes for Chomper, he's back to two-claws yay!)). I was kinda expecing Redclaw to pop up at some point but apparently we got some random guys again.
Speaking of Chomper... he may be my least favourite of the Gang but i'm still really happy to see the producers not ignoring the TV-series and introducing Ruby to a sequel along with Chomper.
So far I have gotten the impression that these two won't be around the Gang for the whole movie as they only have like a few milliseconds of screentime in the trailer
Maybe they'll make a cameo appearance or there could be a sort of flashback? Or maybe (I'd love that option) this is, like Malte put it, a prequel to the TV-seris showing how Ruby met the Gang? Only time will tell
Now for that new character (who would have thought...a flyer!)... It was kinda obvious we'd be getting a new character since we always got a new character in a new sequel (sometimes more or less important though...) She seems like adult flyer with the role to guide the Gang (kind of like Archie in LBT 4). Not like a major character but like a character I may keep in mind positively...
The trailer hasn't shown Bron nor Shorty but I'm pretty convinced we'll see both of them (alive)
Oh, and... BABY SWIMMERS!!! I'm dying from cuteness overload!
The voice actors... I'm glad to see so many voice actors pick up their old characters again. Since Felix sounds so much like Littlefoot that I honestly don't notice much of a difference at all, the Gang will still sound the way I'm used to (from the later sequels anyway
). Some character's VA still have to be verified or announced though.
Those songs that got featured in the trailer sound alright. Not blowing my mind but not making me run away screaming either
I'll have to listen at the whole song to decide whether they're good or bad.
The animation style... A lot of the elements, backgrounds and, particularly, the way rocks are animated remind me a lot of LBT 13 although everything looks better than in that movie. I don't think it can reach the level of quality LBT 12 had (in my opinion the best animated late sequel)
Hmm yeah, I think I've covered the most important aspects. If not, it's past 4:30 am already I should be safely tucked into my nest for a long time already
Overall I must say that the trailer confirms my high hopes for LBT 14. I'm sure it's going to be one of the better sequels! Yep, yep, yep!
Okay, analysis done, now I can flip out! A TRAILER YAY!!!