The Gang of Five
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Time and Before

Threehorn · 139 · 46201


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Chomper spoke to the Doctor "Are you any warmer?"

"Lit... little..." Doctor shivered still quite cold "I... still... feel very cold..." Doctor spoke then look at them "giv... give a... second and I will speak to you all..." Doctor was bearly moving

Cera turn around "Look like they managed to warm him up a little" Cera said to Littefoot "lets go inside"


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In the past before the Great Earthshake Sapphire's rock like ship comes out of the Vortex and crash lands in the wasteland and the blue flames from it turn into a blue eyed fast biter. "Curse those little pests... I am weaker then I was when arriving here. But knowing the Time Lord... he will come for me and this will be where he will come next. I'll be waiting for you and your dinosaur friends" she grinned standing in front of the rock shape craft.

*Back in the future where Littlefoot and the others with the Doctor are*

They all was inside the Tardis now gathering around the Doctor ready to listen to what he had to say then he spoke out to them "I..." he took a deep breath the continues "Sapphire didn't land in this time... the Tardis has... tracked her down" Doctor spoke with another pause "We can't leave this time frame till tonight... the Tardis took a bit of a beating in the time vortex and I am..." he took another breath of air "unable to move... till a bit later"

Doctor then look to the doors "If you go outside... advoid touching your future selves... two of the same being in the same time in contact with each other..." Doctor pause again "could well... cause any of number of paradoxs some or most are not so good..." Doctor warns them.


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"like what/' littlefoot said.. "if I see my older self, I 'd learn things I'm not supposed to know?' the Doctor nodded.. "Is irt because we are not supposed to be here?'
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"Yes that right..." Doctor couldn't stand but he spoke out to them "Also touching your older self could rip open the fabric of time in a way that time will be destoryed on this world... that would mean no Earth..."

"Great we stuck here and best we can do is sit in this weird place till your better... what next we go after her?" Cera frowns

"Yes... with this" Doctor used his hand what he could do to get a blue rock out and toss it over to them and stops by Ruby's feet and see picks it up "That the Blue Sealing stone... all you do is touch that on her and she gets sucked right into it forever" Doctor said then collapses

"Oh Great his out again" Cera frowns

"No his asleep" Chomper said and they look down at him laying there fast asleep "wow it must of took alot out of him to put him in sleep like that" Chomper said with suprise

Dash The Longneck

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Petrie and Ducky stood there confused. They weren't to sure about this new Great Valley they just wanted to go back to their old one.


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"Hey Petrie, Ducky, Spike how about we go see how big this place is?" Cera said to the small group. "And we put some of that strange stuff on the floor so we don't get lost." Cera suggested to explore the Tardis.


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"But this place could go as far from one side of the Great Valley to another." Chomper said in a worried tone "It could take all day to get to the farest part"

Cera frowns "then what we suppose to do then? just sit here and do nothing while the Rainbow Face sleeps till he choose to wake up?" Cera replied back "We can't even explore the future Great Valley incase of running into our orderselves... you heard him touching our older selfs could cause some big problem more then we can even cope with..." Cera said in a very annoyed tone and snorts "Grrr I hate this! All I want to do is go home!" Cera charge at the control platform around the main round part and with a wham the doors suddenly close and the pillar starts to move the Tardis taking off out of the future time into the vortex "Opps..." Cera only could say seeing what she did.


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CerA!" Littlefoot yelled. "Turn it off! Do something, don't just stand there!' Cera was frozen in fear however..
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Dash The Longneck

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DUcky grabbed on to Petrie in terror as the Tardis takes off into the Vortex.

"I do not like this. No, No, No!" She said in terror.


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Cera didn't known what to do "I... I... didn't mean to, it..." Cera couldn't move a muscle as the Tardis travelled in the time vortex

Chomper try to get up on the controls he got up after some effert but he looked "I don't know what to do! it all with lights and pulling things and turning things. I don't know how  it works" Chomper looked around at the controls as the Tardis continues to travel fast through the vortex.


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"What do I pull and turn and press?" Chomper said in a panic not sure what to do with the controls looking at all the lights and panels on the control panel "There so much of it here!" Chomper wasn't sure what to do trying to see if any of his friends can help out Cera not being one who was still frozen in fear something he never saw before and she seem so much down that she was ashamed at what she did even it was a accient.


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Littlefoot looked over the numerous buttons. He noticed a large red one which red "press only in emergency" "Try that red one, Chomper.. see what it does.. Hurry!"
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Chomper pressed it and then the Tardis dropped out of the vortex heading for Earth passing the the moon the screen Chomper saw the moon as they was passing "wow... I never seen the Night Circle from so close before... it amazing" Chomper's eyes fixed on the screen he saw then he saw the Earth coming closer and closer "Erm guys the Tardis thing is heading for a big round thing with blue, green and brown on it. I think that our home but it look so different from outside it so far up" Chomper blinked as Littlefoot looked as well the Tardis was getting closer and fast.

Tardis then lands with a thud on the ground dust blowing away from the Tardis, Sapphire had seen it land but kept her distance "knowing that timelord he'd got something planned." she snarled


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The impacrt caused a huge revibration inside the Tardis and all the dinosaurs crumpled togather into a heap; Littlefoot found that both Spike and Cera were on top of him. "Hey, get off!' he cried out..
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Cera and Spike got off and Cera said to Littlefoot "Sorry" she'd said in a whisper "Sorry for my stupid mistake" Cera was taking it hard and turn away walking to the door and sitting in front of it head down feeling very sad and blaming herself for everything that just happened.


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Chomper looked at Cera then at Littlefoot "I think she hurt inside from what happened Littlefoot" then Littlefoot felt something touch his back then look up at the Doctor wide awake.

"We'll talk in a minute, deal with your friend first kid, looks like she needs the friendship to cheer her up and thanks for your quick thinking" Doctor step back and allow Littlefoot to go up to Cera.


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Hey! We all make mistakes Cera.. and things worked out.. we didn't get stuck in that dark place for too long.. and we're back now' Littlefoot patted his friend on the head..
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Dash The Longneck

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Ducky walks over and puts a consoling arm on Cera. "Do not worry Cera. It was not your fault this was just an accident. Anybody could have made a mistake like that it could have been me it could of been Spike it could have been just about anyone. This thing is a new thing that we were in. Nobody had any idea that it would take off like that. You should not blame yourself Cera. Nobody got hurt during it and now we are back home. "Ducky said.


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Doctor went to the screen and gulped a little but kept slient for a second. "Ok I guess you guys are right. Anyone could have done it." Cera smiled then look at the Doctor the frowns "What is it now?" she not liking the look he was giving.

"Well... lets see... we well how should I put this" Doctor put a claw on the tip of his snout

"Just spit it out will ya!" Cera snapped

"In that case I will, we landed before the collision of land masses which means we now in your past before the biggest quake you ever felt" Doctor stated to them

"you don't mean the Great Earthshake" Cera gulped.

Doctor hummed then said "well if you call it that then yes" Doctor answered

"Great Earthshake what that?" Chomper didn't know since he never was born at the time when it happened