The Gang of Five
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Sleep and Remember

Ratiasu · 411 · 44569

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Just before sunset, Snork awoke.  He was glad that the hottest part of the day was over.  He walked over to Strafe and woke her up.
"We should probably get moving.  We need to get as far as we can tonight."
Strafe nodded and nudged Kaga awake.  Then she stood up and stretched tiredly.  She was surprised by how well she had slept in the heat of the day.  A random thought crossed her ming: it had been four months since the massive earthquake.  Much of the time had been spent traveling with her new friends, yet they had never told eachother much about themselves.  Strafe was interested to hear about the others.  Kaga was the dinosaur who she wanted to be her mate yet she knew alomst nothing about his past.  The same went for the others.  Strafe decided to save the conversation for later, when everyone was awake.

After the group was underway, Strafe said aloud, "You know, we've been traveling together all this time but we have never told anyone about ourselves.  How about we share our past?  That could be our traveling topic for the day."

Snork nodded and said, "Well, since this was your idea, why don't you start us off?"

Strafe replied, "Well, you now most of what happened recently, but..."
She explained how she had spent her entire shildhood searching for the Great Valley with her herd, some of the close encounters she had been through, the earthquake, and the death of her family.  So far, Snork and Sy were the only ones aware that she had lost her family in the earthquake.  Strafe had not shared that detail with anyone else until now.

Snork explained how his herd had wandered about aimlessly, his mother being killed by a sharptooth, his father blaming him for it and hating him, and how he had met Strafe.

Strafe shuddered at the mention of Snork's father, seeing as how he had threatened to break her neck just because she wanted to rest under a tree.

General Grievous

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Kaga awoke to see Strafe stanting over him and nudging him with her nose.  He quickly got to his feet, eager to get out of the desert.
When it was his turn to talk about his past, Kaga explained, "Well, I had a rather dull childhood.  My herd just wandered about looking for their next meal kinda like Snork's herd.  I tried to get them to try and find the Great Valley but they just laughed at me.  One night, I got sick of it and ran away.  I've been looking for the valley ever since then."


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Dante looked at the others as they walked, then decided to go next.
"Let's see here... I was born in the Badlands of the Beyond, and for a while I was...well, not exactly 'happy', but content.  I had a Father and one somewhat older brother.  My mom died giving birth to us.  Then I... Realized I was different from the others.  I hated blood, hated killing unless I had to. A-And I had... something...evil inside me.  It was...and is a constant struggle to keep it in control.  But one day, I didn't.  I killed my friend, Layla. So my father exiled me.  Then Arius, another exile, took me under his wing and he taught me how to take care of myself.  We were headed towards the Great Valley, but that sharptooth that attacked us before came after us.  Arius knocked down a rock column so that I could escape.  From then on... Well, we've been together."

The Great Valley Guardian

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As Longtail and Hunter walked and listened Hunter said "Well. My past isn't anything special but I left my herd just for no real reason. I just wanted to go exploring and my parents wouldn't let me so I ran. I've been able to take care of myself for a long while and although I've made it this far, I'm glad I met you guys. I tends to get lonely our here all by yourself. It really kinda stinks."

Hunter looked onto her back to see Longtail facing away from everyone and she quietly said "Well, everyone else has told their bout you?" It was then she noticed he was shaking. His response was a firm and harsh "No!" Hunter continued to walk but sighed and whispered to Dante "Can you help him, I would, but I have to watch where I'm going." She then asked once more "Please Longtail, everyone is rather eager to hear..." But the flyer cut her off.

"I SAID NO!" He then turned just enough so Hunter could see his right eye and he opened it and she gasped not expecting what she saw. ' change...color?!' Thought Hunter to herself. And just as quickly Longtail closed his eye and let a tear fall from it.


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Dante looked at Hunter for a moment before saying...
"I-I don't really know much about Longtail's past, other than... that he lost his mother and his family.  But... I'll try to get him to talk about it..."
He said quietly...
"For you..."
Then he turned towards Longtail, wiping the tear off his face.
"Hey there, bud. Don't cry.  I mean... everyone knows...what I am...what I hid from you all, so... you can trust us.  Even if everyone else leaves...I'll stay with you.  'Cause that's what friends do, right?  They stick with each other. You can tell us..."

The Great Valley Guardian

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Hunter blushed a bit as she caught what Dante had said and listened for a moment as he talked to Longtail. Longtail however was still crying even as he opened both of his eyes even though his right eye was still yellow and looked at Dante for a moment and said "Y-you'll...stay..." Upon hearing this Hunter turned her head once more and said "Yeah...I will too, besides someone gotta make sure you stay out of trouble."

Longtail wanted to smile, but only frowned again as he sighed and said "O-okay...guys. You win." He then began to tell his story.

"When I hatched I lived on an island, it was wonderful all the food you could eat, and even several major watering holes to play in. But one day the peace was shattered as flying rocks began to fall from the sky. They were everywhere. Some say the ones who watch us from above...the Guardians were angry at the flyers who lived on the island, and wanted to show them how to be fair and noble. The island was wiped out...the fires were giant, families burned alive...the screaming....the sound of rocks falling...and....and....then...."

At this point his voice was barely above a whisper as he said ""

Hunter turned her head and quietly asked "Who?" with a fearful look in her eyes as Longtail said

"My....mother...struck in the a falling rock....I will never...n-n-" He couldn't continue it was far too painful, and he laid down on Hunters back and cried until his eyes hurt.

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Strafe felt like an idiot when she saw Longtail's response.  She had forgotten how he reacted last time the subject was brought up.  She was about to tell him he didn't have to explain it but Dante and Hunter beat her to it.  
When Longtail explained, Strafe felt really bad fro him.  Having lost her own family, she knew exactly what he must be going through.  It hadn't effected her when she talked about it before, but now, Longtail's story brought back the memories.
strafe walked over to him and said quietly, "I'm sorry, Longtail.  I know what it is like...
A tear trickled down hr face as she said in barely a whisper, "to lose a family.  As far as I'm concerned, you guys are my family now."


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"Heh.  You guys are lucky.  At least... at least you know that your family is in a better place now. Mine... Well, they're..."
He seemed to look about sadly...
"They're the ones that attacked us back there.  That... I... I'm sorry I didn't bring that up sooner... I was... scared..."
Dante straightened, bravely, to hide the sadness in his heart...
"But they're less my family then you guys are.  No matter what, I'll stick with you!"
He concluded...

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail heard what Strafe had said, then began to smile...and as he finally stopped crying his right eye changed back to it original pink color and Hunter was stunned as she said "Can you do that at will?" Longtail looked down at her and said "Yeah...I can." His smile widened as he said "You know something guys...we need a group name. We all have something in common, and that's what binds us together." he then looked at the entire group as they walked and said "I couldn't ask for a better family now."

Hunter smiled and said "Yeah. That's the spirit!"


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Dante smiled, passing his hand over his eyes, changing them from pale blue, to midnight black.  He passed his hand back over his eyes, and they reverted back to his normal color.  
"Ditto for me!  As a family, we do need a name."
He blushed a little, then said...
"But...I don't have any good Ideas."

General Grievous

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Kaga shrugged, "Well, I don't have any ideas either.  Perhaps we can come up with one later.  Right now, I want to get moving.  I don't know how much longer I can go without water."
Indeed, he had not had anything to drink since they left the cave in the burning mountains.  At least at night, he wouldn't have to worry about the heat.  As the group traveled through the night, Kaga watched a storm in the distance.  
At about midnight, a flash of lightning lit up the clouds ahead of the group.  Kaga paused and sniffed the air, catching the faint scent of rain.  As time passed, it became clear that the storm was indeed heading their way.  Kaga sighed in relief as a rumble of thunder reached his ears.


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Dante, however, when he heard the thunder, went rigid, shaking for a moment, then regained his composure saying...
"Yeah.  Right.  Well, if it's water you need... I can probably get at least a little for us..."

General Grievous

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"Uh, is something wrong, Dante?" Kaga asked as another rumble of thunder rumbled across the open wasteland.  
"Well, if you can get some water then that would be fine too."
Frankly, Kaga would be glad to see rain.  It had not rained in a long time and Kaga could hardly wait to have the dust and ash washed from his skin.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail for the most part had his eyes glued to the sky as the storm approached and looked to Dante as he said "Not that I don't trust you, but perhaps I should go first...wouldn't want you getting struck by sky fire now would I?"

Hunter looked at both of them as she said "Are you two crazy?! Just let the sky water fall and we'll drink what we can catch. you don't always have to put yoruself in danger you know." Longtail looked at Hunter for a moment, gave her a wide smile and said "Now what kind of fun would that be? Huh?" Hunter was silent for a few moments before she said "You really are stupid aren't you?"

She then looked to Dante and asked "Are you as stupid as he is?"


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Dante shook his head...
"I-It's nothing.  Just... I'm kinda... well, scared of the thunder.  Don't know why, but I am.  And as for water... Arius taught me that there's water buried underground in a desert.  Now I just have to reach it... Here goes!  Gaia Crush!"
Dante brought his leg up, sending it crashing to the sand below, creating a sizeable crater.  He then dropped to his belly, claws furiously digging until...
"Here we are! It's not much, but it should hold us over until the storm gets here."
A small pool of water now rested in the crater, glinting in the flashes of lightning...

The Great Valley Guardian

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"Well, I'll be..." said Hunter as she smiled and said "You happen to be very talented Dante." She blushed as she continued to say in a joking manner "Perhaps you may be able to pull your weight yet..."

"AWESOME!" shouted Longtail as he saw what little water had come from under the sand. He then looked confused and asked "Hey, why not just let the skywater fill the rest of this hole, then it'd be full enough to drink from for days!"


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"Well, if everyone wants to wait, then I suppose that it would work"
Dante said to Longtail. He then turned towards Hunter, blushed, and said...
"Y-Yeah.  Thanks, Hunter..."

F-14 Ace

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Finally, the rain began to fall.  It was a steady rain that Strafe was glad to see.  She drank the water that collected in the sands until she had enough.  Snork hobbled over as well and drank.
"Ah, this is nice." Snork said.  
He enjoyed the cooling rain on his back.
Strafe let the water pour over her and wash the grit and sand from her skin.  Normally, she didn't like being out in the open when it rained but after being dry for so long, this was a welcome relief.

The Great Valley Guardian

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As the rain fell Longtail did what any kid would...and started to run around trying to catch the biggest raindrops in his mouth, making a game out of it. Hunter just giggled at Longtail and sighed as she felt the rain cooling her down and she had to admit after all this time it felt great! She then took a drink from the now much larger pond that Dante had created and walked over to him and said "Again thanks Dante..." She then blushed as she continued "I might...I mean we...might be lost without you."

She silently cursed herself 'Why can't I tell him? Were both sharpteeth, but...I'm guess I'm scared to say it outloud.'

General Grievous

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Kaga enjoyed the soothing feeling of rain washing over his skin.  He drank from the puddle until he was no longer thirsty and then looked around.  The landscape was extremely dark except for an occasional bolt of lightning illuminating the world for a brief second.  Then a loud crack of thunder echoed across the land.
Kaga sugested, "I think we'd better get going once everyone has had their drink.  I want to get out of this desert."

As soon as everyone had drank their fill, the group moved on.
Kaga trudged along next to Strafe as they neared the other side of the desert.  They had cleared it faster than he had expected and now, a baren, rocky landscape lay ahead.  The tall mountains ahead still looked in the distance and looked like they were about anopther week's walk.  For now, the group had to contend with a land filled with stone pillars and shark, craggy rocks.

We'd better be careful in here." Kaga wanred.  "Some of these rocks look sharp."

The iguanodon carefully avoided a sharp rock and made his way into the narrow, shallow valley filled with stone pillars.  He wondered how much further it was to the Great Valley from where they were now.  Surely it wasn't that much further.