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Racing the Storm

Pterano · 1020 · 94829


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Whatever vehicle we grab, has to be big enough to hold all of us ' Rose said as she peered over the map. " i mean we are going in as one big group right? The whole ' one team provides a distraction" is out the window?
 - Time is of the essence; Marita said " we cant waste too much hemming and hawing. w e need to be in, out and on to the last waypoint as quickly as possible and attracting the least amount of attention possible. Which , obviously is going to be tricky..
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"Understood." Marion saluted, picked up her notes and exited the office.

First things first, she had to do some research.

As she entered the elevator, she examined her notes. Surprisingly, Tony Stracci's passport had been with him the whole time. Of course, when traveling, leaving one's passport in a hotel room -- especially when the hotel staff may or may not be petty thieves -- was an unwise decision. The Human then examined a battered scrap of paper containing Vergil's name and a phone number she presumed to be his.

The elevator gently chimed as it reached the first floor atrium. Numerous workers milled about the airy space. Some were chatting, others were heading to the elevators. And some were heading to the company cafeteria for a snack.

She stepped into the crowd and headed for exit. First thing she'd do is use the company's considerable pull to get the Corona PD to trace on that number.



"You mean this vehicle?" Soren pulled up a grainy satellite image on his laptop. While the image quality was quite poor, it was easily made out to be some sort of armored dune buggy with some kind of gun turret on the top.

Anne looked outside the window with a set of comp-noculars at a passing oil tanker. She scowled. "Forget stowing away. The oil tankers are all drone barges. No visible windows on the bridge."

Soren smiled. "Hmm. Do you think you can hijack them with your 'radio horn' and a repeater?"

Anne shook her head. "I can 'hear' the radio transmissions but the tankers only emit signals -- mostly heading, destination, state of cargo, speed and all that shit. I suspect that their routes are pre-programmed."

The Human let out a breath of air. "Well fuck, there goes one of my ideas for a distraction."

"If it involves a computer virus, it might still work." The mare put the comp-noculars aside and grabbed a blank sheet of paper and a pencil. There, she laid out her basic plan. "We want to get to the waypoint with out the guards getting on us, right?"

"No shit."

"These oil refineries are mostly computer controlled. And--"

Soren finished the mare's thought. "IF we can get a virus into the system, we can probably cause some big problems for them. It's a perfect distraction. They'll be too busy dealing with the fire or what have you to notice us at the waypoint. And by the time the fire's out, we'll be gone." He brought up the satellite map again. "And it looks like the cracking and distillation units are far away enough that we're not going to suffer any ill effects."

He then turned to Axel. "Do you think you can whip up a virus that'll force the refinery's equipment to operate beyond their safe parameters or override the programmed safeties?"

Anne finished off her beer and walked over to the trash can. She looked outside the window and saw the patrol boats of Aswan Algal Chemicals in the distance. Even worse was she could see that frame-flyers also patrolled the refinery airspace. "One problem, someone has to get the virus into their systems."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"Yeah, I could get something ready in a few minutes if Marita lets me borrow her laptop." Axel nodded. "It, ah, won't exactly be a masterpiece but it'll be enough to screw things over for them."

"But we'd still be left with the problem of waiting around until the virus has sabotaged their systems. We need to do this quickly, remember?" Triste said, glancing in Axel's direction as he rooted around in Marita's bag.

"We might not have to do it first," Axel said over his shoulder as he pulled out the laptop and booted it up. "Even if we get in without needing to use it, it won't hurt to have it just in case. Could always use it if we, ah, need something to buy us time or help us get out unseen. Alright, here we go..." His fingers started tapping on the keyboard.

"Fine. Just hurry up and get it done." Triste joined Anne at the window. The plant was getting closer by the second. "Stracci, start getting us closer to shore, and someone else modify that radio to use on the pony's horn. We can't wait any longer."


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"Sounds like a plan to me..." Vergil closed his eyes, focusing intently, and suddenly, they sprang up. "Two vehicles of some sort are close by... just on the other side of that building." He nodded at a low building that was close to the shoreline.

"Right! Getting us closer now! Let's start doing all that electronic stuff cause we're going in!" Tony said, turning the wheel and pointing the bow to the shore now and throttling down a little. "OK! Someone should break out the dinghy and get it ready! We can use the yacht itself as cover! Shield us from the shore and get on dry land quickly!"

Vergil nodded, and looked at Triste. "Dinghy duty?" he asked, breaking out into a small smile.

Outside Corona, an agent of Kalis was waiting in the coordinates given by the mystery voice on the phone. Varanus wasn't there, as he was currently in Egypt. This man was tall and thin, with a hook nose, a scowl on his features, and a gun in his rear waistband. He tabbed his foot and kept on the lookout for anyone approaching.

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Soren grabbed a toolbox laying near the bridge's entrance. "I'll get to work on the repeater. Marita and Axel, could you two get to work on that virus?"

He opened a panel that was clearly labeled "radio" and began tinkering with the radio equipment.

Anne looked out the window. She nodded. "Whenever you're ready, Soren."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"I'm on it, I'm on it..." Axel muttered, his brow furrowed, tongue sticking out in concentration as his fingers scuttled across the keys of Marita's laptop.

As Vergil mentioned readying the dinghy, Triste answered his smile with a small one of her own - though it vanished after a split second. "I'd be honoured." Walking briskly across the yacht, she reached the side of the ship. The dinghy was suspended above the water, a set of pulleys keeping it up, and as she studied the craft she frowned. "This won't be big enough for the whole group to fit. Looks like we'll have to leave some of us behind after all," Triste called back.

"I'll stay," Rio volunteered, his eyes staring at the wheel hungrily.

Axel stood up from the laptop and rubbed a hand through his hair. "Alright, done. It's not pretty, but, ah, it'll get the job done." He bit his lip as Triste reported that the dinghy wasn't big enough. "I'll stay back too. We can keep the boat going then come back to pick up the away team when they're done." He blinked. "It might be nice to not have someone trying to shoot my ass for once." Pulling out a USB stick onto which he'd stored the malicious files, he tossed it over to Soren. "Here. If you can find their network systems, just stick that in and open it up. It'll do all the rest for you."

Triste had meanwhile been lowering the dingy into the water, the view of any workers at the plant obscured by the angle the yacht was positioned. As it splashed lightly into the water, Triste turned back to the group as she lowered herself over the side. "Whoever's coming, hurry up. We don't have all day." She fixed her gaze on Anne. "Make sure you disable the cameras before they get the chance to see us. We need to make this quiet."

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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The representative of Kalis was standing outside a makeshift hovel in the remote deserts outside Corona.

An overweight middle-aged man opened the door. He was visibly nervous and couldn't meet the representative's eye. "Uh...hello. Hi. Nice to see you...uh...showed up..." Meekly he led the way into the back of the building, where a hastily-assembled radio and broadcaster took up the lion's share of the living quarters.

The only other person present was a dark-skinned woman in a light grey dress. "Hello," she greeted the newcomer. "My name is Lily North. I'm the one who spoke to Veranus recently. Thank you for meeting with us so promptly."


"I'll stay on the boat as planned," Flora nodded.

Emilena strapped her pistol onto her belt and carefully boarded the dinghy. "Marita, we're going to need you on the infiltrating team. For your hacking expertise."

Flora sidled up to the map and secretly palmed Rose a note: Will you stay with me on the boat? I desperately want to ask you some things regarding Marita...


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A click was heard as Soren closed the access panel. He wiped off some dirt on a nearby paper towel.

"All right, repeater's ready to go." The USB landed at his feet. He picked it up and pocketed it.

A distinct clatter was heard as Anne retrieved her rifle from the locker and loaded it. She also had on a ballistic vest but a helmet was conspicuously absent. "Hey Soren! We're ready to go!"

"Just give me a moment!" Soren ran over to the open locker and grabbed his shotgun. He quickly loaded in shells and strapped on a belt containing extras. He also donned the provided ballistic vest and helmet. He slung his shotgun over his back.

He then looked at Rio, Tony and Axel. "Shouldn't I stay to fend off boarding attempts?"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Sure ' Marita said,  going over and grabbing her computer.  Lets go then." Marita Said  grabbing her bag, which had her gun stored insude it. She slid her computer in, and looked at Vergil Emilena and Trieste.
 "I'm going with the infiltrators ' Marie said " Just be warned, I havent used a gun much.. but I'll do my best to help ' she said as she took out her gun.
 I'm staying with Rio and Flora ' rose said as she took the note and took a very brief glance at it.. she motioned to flora then  towards the back of the boat.
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Axel shook his head. "No, if they try to board we'll just have to, ah... well, we'll have to think of something. But we can't start fighting on the boat - we're too exposed, if the security starts firing on us we'll be cut to pieces."

"Oh, that makes me feel good," Rio muttered in the background.

"Stay with the others Rambo," Axel said, nudging Soren's shoulder. "You know what the other waypoints were like, if it's the same thing here they'll need all the help they can get. It's alright, we'll be okay."

"It's now or never!" Triste called across, looking over the side of the boat. "We need to go!"


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Tony nodded at Axel to take over, and relinquished the wheel. "Right! Well we'll see you guys in a bit!" he said, jogging down the stairs from the bridge to the rear of the craft, where their zodiac was bobbing in the water gently.

Vergil had climbed aboard after he had helped Triste hoist the launch over the side, and all that was left was to motor the short distance to shore. Tony took his seat, closed his eyes, and waited while they began the voyage, Vergil operating the throttle to bring them towards the shoreline. There were a lot of reeds poking out of the water here, and it would make an ideal spot to run the craft on shore and conceal it.

Tony held the small GPS tracker in his hand, opening his eyes to check it every so often, as it was pinging off the precise heading and distance of the waypoint. As the craft crept into the reeds, Vergil ran it up onto the shore to beach it so it wouldn't drift away, and Tony hopped out to help haul it further onto the sand. Vergil cut the engine and leaped out as well, crouching in the reeds as he watched the compound, which was about 100 meters to their left.

"The vehicles we're after are slightly to the right of that building... I think there's people in the building though." Vergil said softly.

"Well... guess we'll just have to be quiet... who's got the laser cutter?" Tony whispered, referring to a small pen laser they'd brought to slice through things like fences, such as the one that surrounded the compound.

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Soren sat in the zodiac. His shotgun was slung across his back.

When they had landed, he took out his comp-noculars and focused. There, he saw two of those armored dune buggies. "I see two of the vehicles but no cameras." He then noticed several quadcopter drones flitting through the air. Upon closer look, he noticed the drones were armed with a machine gun and a camera dangling underneath the body. "Scratch that, I see a few armed security drones."

He then switched his comp-noculars to a radar mode. There, several silhouettes showed up against the blank concrete wall. "It looks like a guard post of some sort. And there's at least four people inside."

"I've got the cutting tools and shit," Anne whispered. Her horn was active and she had overheard bits and pieces of radio chatter.  

Upon hearing Soren, she softly swore. She snorted as a reed tickled her muzzle. "Great, I can't jam anything because if the cameras or sensors here go out, the guards will stream out and start looking for what happened."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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'Here ' Marita said, handing it over to Tony. ' " Just make a big enough opening for all of us, so we can all  get through. time is of the essence , after all.
marie crouched down and stared at the fence, which wound its way off into the distance.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Are the cameras feeding directly to the guard post or do they have their own security room elsewhere?" Emilena asked under her breath. "If the latter, we could cut them off at the source and then bypass the guard post easily."


Flora fidgeted her hands nervously. "Hi. I was just wondering regarding Marita...we haven't know...done anything yet, and you're like an expert on that, so I was wondering...what do girls do exactly during it? Do they just like...lay there?" Flora stammered, blushing beet red.


"I'm a former member of Vergil's team. I joined him out of concern for my son's well-being, who's currently a soldier in Kalis' fleet." Lily's eyes flashed angrily. "Vergil recently kicked me off the team, saying our goals were 'incompatible' and that I shouldn't care if my son dies just for the good of his mission."

She stepped forward and unrolled a large map of the world. "I'm not the only one he's antagonized; I have a friend on the inside, and they have a direct line to me. Wherever Vergil's team goes, whatever they do, I get informed in real time. As it's happening." She tapped a section of the Nile River. "Half of his team has just disembarked from their boat here. They're hoping to secure land vehicles and travel to the waypoint. The noncombatants are remaining on the boat in case a distraction is needed."

She stepped back so the representative could examine the map without his personal space being threatened. "And while that's the primary service I can provide, I can help in another way." Lily took a deep breath. "I'm a psion. I specialize in healing and I'm the reason Vergil's team has never suffered a casualty up until now.  However, Vergil blocked my powers somehow when he kicked me out, and I haven't found a way to reactivate them. If your doctors can help me with that, I can revolutionize your hospitals and infirmaries. Both of these services come at a single price; I want Kalis to assure my son, Ejlert Sulus North, is stationed somewhere out of harm's way."


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Rose stared at Flora upon reaching the back of the boat and hearing her question.
' Wait, are you asking me what to do while having sex with Marita?' she sighed and took a deep breath before answering. " have you ever had sex with another girl Flora? I'm guessing not, by your question, someone who has had experience in that wouldn't ask such questions or be nervous about it..
but normally before you do anything intimate, you go out on a date. makes it more meaningful when you are in bed- you've spent time together, had a good time and are in the mood for some 'fun'. I'm also guessing you haven't had many dates either. we'll take you out on one after this is over, see how you like it. but since you asked about what happens  when two girls do it, I'll tell you.

now, in girl-girl , one of the girls assumes the male position, which is on top. the one on top drives the action and dictates to the one on bottom. girl-girl sex is similar to male female sex, with the exception of course is that girls don't have a penis and there's no penetration. no risk of pregnancy either , which given our - and by our I mean, Marita, Marie, and me-current financial status is a very good thing, we couldn't afford having a baby.
every girl I've had is different to a degree- some like a long session, others just want to get it over with.some like foreplay others dont. Marita usually is on the bottom, with me on top. shes a good lay and rather feisty in bed, especially after a glass of wine.' Rose said with a smile.'would you like me to show you a few things?" Rose asked Flora.
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Triste studied the building then shook her head. "It's difficult to tell..." she replied to Emilena's question. "Shit, we need those vehicles." Studying the paths the drone were taking proved no help - there was no distinctive pattern to where they flew. Her eyes narrowed. The machines only seemed to be patrolling the outside of the perimeter. If they could just get past the fence to the inside of the compound...

"Anne," she started. "Could you just try to target the sensors on those drones? Not the cameras? You disable those, then I could cloak in, cut the fence and bring one of vehicles to the rest of you, further down from the range of the drones."


Rio snorted. "What do you mean, go out on dates before doing anything intimate," he said, scrunching up his face on this last word. "Sometimes, all people want is a good hard screw. Who the hell has time for dates?"

Axel said nothing, his eyes fixed resolutely forwards as he steered the boat back to the center of the river, the plant drawing nearer. Betraying his attempt to appear nonchalant, his ears had turned a bright shade of pink, and as Rose began her description they turned in her direction in a rather fixed manner.


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"Good idea." Vergil whispered. "We'll be ready. Once Anne jams the sensors, Triste gets the vehicle, we get in, and take off. I'll run interference in case something goes wrong... I can easily topple a few drones and knock a few security guards back after all."

"Right! So... let's make it happen then! According to the GPS, the waypoint is nine miles off... so that's... not too far into the desert. About a ten minute drive or so." Tony whispered back.

"Chances are, the guards will hear the vehicle start up so... I may need to run interference anyway." Vergil murmured. "I'll be ready for that... so just focus on getting that vehicle to us. I'll cover you while you do..." Vergil assured Triste. "And hey!" he said, reaching out and grabbing her arm. "Be careful... all right?"

A figure wearing red robes suddenly appeared behind the agent now, and glared at Lily with cold, dead, but golden eyes. He was a tall gargoyle gecko, his skin spiny and hideous looking. His robes swept down to his feet, which weren't visible. His lower jaw was gone, replaced by a metallic substitute which clearly did not lend itself to movement. Instead, when he spoke, it came from some voice box embedded deep in his throat, giving him a raspy, hoarse, yet chilly voice that sounded like death incarnate. Lily could sense his powers were immense, dwarfing anything she might have ever encountered before.

"You need not concern yourself with Vergil's team. I've already taken measures to ensure that not only will they soon be in my possession, but after extracting what relevant information I need, they will be eliminated. One of their own team is working for me... though he doesn't know it yet." Kalis explained, not blinking as he stared at her. "My second-in-command is shadowing them. Once they have the waypoint, he'll move in. However, I've sent Admiral Carrack and his flagship as backup... they won't have any chance of escaping my trap."

"Your powers are useful to me... you may enlist... though know this... I do not broker deals. Your son will be called upon to serve whatever capacity I see fit. He is of use to me, and I will send him to a position that makes the most use of his talents. You join me, and I can guarantee that should you survive the coming war, I will personally see to it that you will receive whatever you want on this planet. That is an assurance I can give you." he concluded, having stared at her this whole time, his eyes boring into her deeper and deeper.

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"I'll provide cover fire if things go south." Emilena sighted the scope on her pistol. "Always wanted to try one of these; sounds completely stupid in theory but at this range it'd actually fit the bill."

She attached a silencer. "Course, it'd be ideal if it didn't come to that."


Flora jumped; she hadn't realized the others were in earshot. "What? No! I've had loads of sex! With...lots of people!" she added hastily. "Come on," she practically dragged Rose out of the room and into the lower deck of the yacht.

"There, uh, might be a bit of a problem with that..." she kept her voice low even though they were now alone. "I'm not...uh...exactly built like other girls. I don't know if it'll be the same thing..." She hesitated, then nervously unbuckled her jeans and slid them down to her kneecaps. "Is that a dealbreaker? Will Marita insist we keep things nonphysical?"


Lily visibly jumped; she thought the representative had come alone. She recomposed herself quickly, and hoped that her less-than-graceful first impression would be excused since she's not applying for a combat role. "I'm...glad to hear Ejlert is of use to you," she replied. "That's reassurance enough, that he's part of the picture and not just a faceless gun among the ranks..."

"Er..." Foley cleared his throat. "That offer applies to me too, right?" he had been shaking ever since Kalis had appeared, and was quickly wondering if calling attention to himself had been a mistake.

"Foley is a skilled programmer and a friend of mine," Lily introduced. "He's the reason I was able to contact you; he reverse-engineered Veranus' radio chip using only the supplies in this shanty."

"I heard from multiple sources you're planning on taking over the world, and pretty close to doing it..." Foley tried to grin casually but the fear in his eyes kinda killed the intended effect, "and I thought 'that sounds like the team to be on,' you know?"


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rose started as flora undid her jeans and revealed her privates- instead of a vagina like a normal girl,  a penis moved back and forth . ' have.. you .. always had that? she asked quietly.'or is that an implant? rose looked closely at flora. ' you're not the first one i've met to have a 'double package', in my er-previous work, i had a few girls with sausage downstairs. they were actually the nicest companions and paid the best- most likely because i was willing to bang them.there was a girl named Curusa ... anyway. i dont think it will be a dealbreaker. maritas had a open mind ever since we started dating. as long as you are honest and open with it, have a package wont be an issue."
 9 miles huh, so we'll need to move very fast.. ' marita said..'cut the fence, and move your butts.
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Anne nodded. At the same time, she tried to pick out the frequency the drones transmitted in. The mare found that frequency and sent a small burst of radio waves which was picked up by the repeater on the boat and greatly amplified.

"It's done," she whispered.

Little did she know that other sensors had picked up an unusual burst of radio waves coming from the boat cruising down the river.


Inside another part of Aswan Algal Chemicals, a group of flying-frame equipped guards were being dispatched to that boat cruising down the river. Standard protocol for the guards was to hail the vessel and ask if there were any problems. An armed patrol boat was also dispatched.

Soon, a sleek motorboat with a machine gun on its bow was roaring down the Nile River and heading straight for the boat that Tony was currently captaining. Four of the armed guards flew above the boat, the engines of their flying frames were drowned out by the roar of the motorboat's engine.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.