The Gang of Five
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Racing the Storm

Pterano · 1020 · 94843


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Would you please turn down the radio?' Marita called out . the loud noise making her ears hurt. " its hard to talk and get acquainted if you can't hear each other>" the  suv bumped through the cornfield, sending jolts though the vehicle to the passengers. it was not fun, and marita was quickly forming an opinion  that flora was not a very good driver.' ' Could you .. please,.. slow.. down?' she called out, her teeth chattering as the combination of the loud music and bumpy driving surfacte was starting to make her nauseous.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Triste wanted to get there as soon as possible!" Flora shouted back, swerving the SUV and shredding a scarecrow with her back tires. "This is the quickest possible way!"

Lily grasped Marita's arm and instinctively began healing the ringing in her ears. It was practically a free heal considering she was suffering from them herself.

"We have to decide what strategy we're going to use when we find them!" Flora shouted, sending the car off a small precipice and flip-flopping everyone's center of gravity. "Stealth or loud! Personally, I vote for stealth!"


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While the tear gas was certainly a nuisance as it began to drift out of the grenade, Vergil had been through far, far worse on Rex's campaigns, and had endured greater torture than a little burning of the eyes and tears streaking down his face. While it would be a hindrance for sure, Vergil knew it wouldn't be a major stumbling block.

He was below Emilena, trying to hold in his breath and avoid from choking on the gas. He had to keep low, but he also knew keeping stationary was the best thing during a gas attack; the wind would soon blow the gas over and beyond them, so staying still was the best bet in times when there was even a slight breeze, which there was this day; gas attacks were far more effective indoors after all.

Waiting it out patiently, the gecko closed his eyes, even as he felt Emilena fall to the ground somewhere off to his left, and the snapping of what sounded like a gruesome bear trap going off. Cringing, he fumbled his way through the now dissipating gas to where Emilena was struggling with a trap that had seized her tail. The cloud had drifted more toward her, so Vergil was crawling back into it, but he dealt with it as he kept his head low, and began pushing on one of the springs to release the trap enough for the fox to free her tail. "Go!" he urged, pressing it down. "And try to stay stationary... the gas will be over us soon!" he whispered heavily, the fumes stinging his tongue as he spoke.

Tony noticed the road had to be taking him back to somewhere around the castle. He was heading in what he thought was the general direction, and was cruising along at a leisurely 40 mph, not wanting to come up on the castle without warning and risk getting shot at again. As it was though, his path was taking him closer to where Emilena and Vergil had run into the woods, though he wasn't close enough yet to see the tear gas through the trees.

But someone else was close by now as well: Stryker had left the castle and was heading into the woods. With no way of being able to track the escaped targets, the sungazer lizard figured he'd murder William first, then hunt down the other two, who would be too badly injured to move far. He was decked out in forest camo gear, his body painted thanks to a device they had in the castle, and his gear reflecting the shades and shadows of the nearby wood. Besides... his two targets would be making for these woods eventually... and since there was only his Cord in the parking lot, he knew they hadn't taken that, as it was still sitting safely in its spot.

Having retrieved a high-tech sniper rifle from the trunk, the lizard was also carrying combat knives, throwing knives, his laser pistol, and flashbangs. He also had a handy set of goggles that would allow him to track William's trail through the forest... but as it turned out, he also picked up a good deal of blood on the leaves, so he knew William was hunting them. Very well... perhaps they could pool their efforts... or of course let William take care of it, then shoot William after he was done. There was no way Stryker was being denied his revenge after all...

Right before the sungazer disappeared into the treeline, Tony just barely made him out as he approached the castle from the rear. He slowed the Duesenberg, and narrowed his eyes. Stryker heading into the woods fully dressed in combat gear? Had Emilena escaped? Finding no other explanation for the lizard's behavior, Tony decided to pull over to the side of the road. Shutting the Dusey down, he exited the car, tentatively reaching for the Glock in his waistband.

Pulling the pistol out, Tony began approaching Stryker at a right angle, but paused when he saw the lizard wearing some sort of goggles. Trackers most likely... the ferret stood stock still, waiting for the lizard to pass ahead of him before he slowly started following, but even then waited until Stryker had advanced quite a ways ahead of him. No sense giving himself away too soon...

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Stealth requires quiet!' Marita shouted as the drop caused her to float in the air for a brief second before falling back down. ' which means 1: you turn the music off  and 2: you dont drive so fast through a cornfield. try and get back on the road Flora.Please! We need time to come up with a strategy and having half the passenger throwing up from being nauseous isnt a good way to form a plan. Please? I'm asking nicely."
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As the light breeze started to blow the gas forwards, washing it over the clearing below him, William heard light, urgent whispering, coming from the same area where he'd heard the bear trap snapping shut. Drawing the bolt back on his rifle, he waited as the last wisps of the tear gas drifted away... then frowned as he made out Vergil trying to free Emilena from the trap.

His pale, watery eyes hardening, William aimed at the spring just as Vergil started to push it down and pulled the trigger. The bullet slammed off the metal, causing the bear trap to snap back down on Emilena's tail, the teeth biting back through her flesh and crunching the bones in her tail. A split second after, William turned the barrel back on the gecko and fired again, this time putting a round through his left shoulder.

"I like her where she is!" William called out, an ugly, amiable smile stretched across his face as he took a step down the slope leading to the clearing.


Axel nodded, a thrilled grin on his face as Flora flung the car around. "Yeah, I - ow - vote we go stealth too - ow," he winced as he was thrown repeatedly sideways, his head slamming into the window.

"Agreed," Triste said, tight-lipped as she clutched the backpack tightly. Unzipping it, she pulled out a small, silenced handgun and tossed it back to Axel when the car was relatively level. "That's why I brought these." As she reached in and pulled out another identical gun, Triste tilted her head at Marita. "And agreed." Turning the handgun on the radio, she pressed the barrel against it and fired, blowing it apart in a shower of sparks. The booming heavy metal tones faded away to a whimper then died away. Triste tossed the gun over her shoulder to Marita, and another to Lily then nodded, staring ahead as the countryside started slowly giving way to forest. "We're getting closer."

Rio stared expectantly up front, then frowned when Triste didn't pass him a gun. "Hey! What abo-"

"No way."


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Thank you' Marita said as the radio died and Triste Tossed her a gun. " both for the gun and er.. 'turning off" the radio. And as for you" she looked at Rio, and her eyes narrowed as she recognized him' After what you did in Bolivia, theres no way in hell i'd ever trust you with a gun, unless that gun was a squirt gun .there are certain things 12 years old should never possess. guns are one of them. She then turned to check the gun she had been given " so how much ammo do each of these guns have? Are we talking 5-6 shots each?' she asked.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"My stallion!" gasped Flora. "Noooooooooo!" she howled just as loud as the radio had previously been.

"Oh, I...!" Lily fumbled and dropped the pistol, where it bounced to Rio's feet. "No no no, I can't. I'm sorry, I can't fire a gun..." she held her hands up meekly and blushed.

"Now how are we supposed to return the car without the owner knowing we borrowed it?" Flora asked angrily. "If you don't do that, the cops will start investigating! I might as well just drive this straight into that tree!" She pintailed and beelined straight for the tangled trunk of a towering oak.

"Noflorapleasedon't!" Lily grabbed Axel defensively, but Flora spun the wheel and braked so deftly that they stopped an inch away from the tree.

"Relax," Flora stuck her tongue out. "I had complete control of things the whole time. I'm the best driver your eyes have ever seen!"

Lily stumbled queasily out of the car. She was so focused on not vomiting that she didn't notice the deep dark forest that had haunted her nightmares for months since the Lanthae incident.


Emilena cried out as she heard several of the vertebrae in her tail snap. "Goddammit..." Pulling the jaws apart by an inch, she dragged her tail out slowly and bloodily, leaving a trap full of skin and lumps of fur.

"Vergil, get up." The Kevlar coat deflected the bullet. She hobbled behind the tree. "Keep the trees between us and him!"

Her pace was far slower; she'd never realized just how much she relied on her tail for balance.


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marita   slowly got out, and bent over. ' ok.. next time I'M driving' She said as she slowly gathered her wits and glared at flora ' in the meantime i suggest we get looking for vergil. she said and looked at the gun in her claws.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Flora crossed her arms in defiance. "Girlie, I drove a sixteen-wheeler down the Yungas Road while high as a kite. You drive when I'm dead!"


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high as a kite huh? well I think Flora you'd be a very interesting dinner companion..But.. try  hacking into a top flight building  security while fighting the effects of biproxytol...? not fun, not easy, but the pay was real nice, so I took it..' Marita said shooting Flora a smirk. after this is over why dont we get acquainted over drinks, my treat? Girls like us need to have some fun after all."
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As it was, the shot this time did nothing to the kevlar jacket he was wearing, and the gecko managed to stumble back to his feet after Emilena yanked him upwards. He'd have a bruise, sure, but that was the worst of it. "Yeah, yeah!" he replied in a hoarse voice, getting behind a thick trunk even as she said that. Their hunter had exposed himself when taking his step down the slope, though that mattered little since they had nothing to shoot him with.

Behind William and closing fast was Stryker, who took up a position behind a tree once he spotted William's form standing on the slope ahead of him. Inhaling slowly, he steeled himself, calming his heart rate, and slowing his breathing by forcing himself into the technique he'd learned in the Scorched Earth War. The two were certainly making enough noise down in the dell, which was providing enough distraction to fix William on them. He'd kill them after he took care of the human.

Activating the digital cross hairs on his scope, he waited patiently. He'd shoot him as he moved down... or if he stood still. No way was he exposing himself early... just in case...

Behind him, Tony was forced to freeze and duck behind a tree as Stryker flattened himself out against one as well. He was looking back towards the ferret now, so Tony was pinned until the lizard shifted his gaze. Stryker was quite hard to see, mashing up against the tree like that with his insanely good camo. The ferret panted and gripped the Glock tightly in his paws, sweat accumulating on his paw pads the tighter he held the gun.

He'd only get one shot at this... Stryker was far too good to miss more than once... though Tony briefly questioned why he wasn't just approaching the lizard. He was his father's employee after all... but still... he was clearly after someone in these woods, and Stryker was the shoot first, ask questions later. Hell that castle wasn't even owned by his father... which seemed to indicate the lizard was acting alone regarding Emilena... so something was fishy here. He intended to find out just what... then get to the bottom of everything surrounding her.

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Poster of the Gang of Five's 400,000th post

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena was so focused on getting Vergil forward she only had a split second to leap back when a Happy Birthday trap swung a board of spikes at her head. As she dodged backwards her foot stepped into a noose which quickly cinched her and swung her through the air, away from Vergil and dangling from her ankle.

"Son of a..." Grasping the rope, she sliced through it with her knife and crashed to the ground. Said ground instantly revealed itself to be hiding a greased ramp that sent her skidding towards what she could only guess was another death trap.

With few other options, she slid the few feet of rope off her ankle and lassoed a tree branch sliding by. As her slicked hands tried to find purchase to get her off the ramp, she hardly had time to catch her breath and figure out whether her slide had delivered her closer or further from William.


"Well, I'm not a hacker, I'm a driver!" Flora stuck her tongue out. "Hacking is easy, Foley hacks shit all the time. Bet you a blowjob you couldn't get us back to the apartment as quickly as I got us here, nerd!"


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Nerd? i take offense to that..' marita said her face showing a smirk nonetheless. :' Still a challenge huh? alright. how long did it take you to drive us here, in minutes? she asked, ' because getting out of here will probably require driving really fast, especially if vergils captors are on his trial.. now come on. we need to go find him.." marita said.
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William tracked the two of them as Emilena dragged Vergil into cover. He hissed in irritation as they disappeared behind the thick protection of a tree trunk... but his scowl twisted into a smile as he heard several of his traps being activated at once. Emilena suddenly swung back into view, upside down, her foot twisted up in a rough coil of rope that stretched up into the trees. Licking his teeth with a slug-like tongue, William was preparing to put a bullet through the kneecap of her caught leg when she suddenly sliced through the rope, falling to the ground and tumbling out of sight down an adjacent slope, crashing through the leafy undergrowth.

Resourceful... William was about to start after her when he heard a slight whisper of movement behind him. Only one person was skilled enough to get that close without him knowing. But you aren't as quiet as you think you are. "Nice of you to turn up, Stryker," he called lightly over his shoulder, not turning around. "The lizard's behind that tree," William continued, waving a hand absently towards where Vergil had been taking cover - before suddenly dashing forwards, the trees obscuring him from Stryker's view. The woman's mine. Leaping over the edge, he slid down the slope after Emilena.


"There'll be no blowjobs until we get this done," Triste snapped, hopping out of the car and staring into the woods.

Rio smirked at Flora as Marita invited her for drinks. "Go on, why don't you show her how... girls... have fun?" His eye caught Axel trembling as he exited the vehicle. "What the fuck's wrong with you?"

"That was amazing!" Axel gibbered excitedly, still shaking as he looked at Flora, his face twitching slightly. "You need to drive more, you need to..." He trailed off as the adrenaline started to wear off and he remembered where they were. Taking a deep breath, he blinked at Lily and put a tentative hand on her shoulder. "Are you... okay? This probably isn't your favourite place in the world..."

Clicking the safety off on her pistol, Triste glanced back, her jaw tightening impatiently. "She'll be fine. We've got to get moving. Now. Before it's too late." She tilted her head. "The property should be in that direction."

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena saw her captor skidding down towards her. Realizing she had no possible chance of eluding him, she decided to instead tank the percussive damage and wrap herself around him, pinning his weapons to his sides. "Let's see what trap you built at the end of this slide," she growled in his ear, letting go of the rope and sending them both sliding to an unknown fate.


"Oh don't worry," Flora flashed Rio a smirk. "I'm going to leave her gasping from all my girl love."

"Come on now, let's stay civil," Lily protested. "We're all on the same team here."

She quaked, looking at the forest. "It's okay..." she whispered to Axel. "I'm all right." She took a deep breath. "Some scary things happened to me in this forest...but I focus on the one thing that was wonderful." She wrapped her hand tightly around his. He knew what event she was talking about.


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William and Emilena continued skidding downwards, splashing through patches of wet dirt and mud as they hurtled towards the bottom of the slope. She was stronger... stronger than any of the other women he'd entertained. Why hadn't he met someone like her earlier?! He giggled, a high and reedy sound, as she leaned in to growl in his ear. "I hope you like it!" Still grinning, he suddenly lunged his face forwards, his teeth clamping down on her cheek and biting through, tearing away a large strip of flesh.

The end of the slope was fast approaching... along with the concealed, spiked pit. Spitting out a mouthful of blood, William felt Emilena's grip loosen briefly from around his arms. Taking advantage, he slammed his forehead into her nose, then shot an arm out to catch the side of a tree that was shooting past. Pain jolted up William's shoulder as he managed to swing himself free from the slide leading down to the trap... although, as Emilena was still gripping him, she was also dragged free. Together, they tumbled to the bottom and landed with a crash - just to the side of the pit.

Rolling over, William quickly crawled towards Emilena, grotesquely insect-like, grabbed a handful of her hair and dealt her a savage blow to the side of the head with his knee. Clambering on top of her, he wrapped his fingers around her throat and started to press his thumbs inwards, hand shaking from the force he was applying. "Thank you... so much... for this..." William panted, his pallid, grey face still stretched in a wide smile. "Haven't enjoyed myself like this... in so long..."


Axel gripped Lily's hand back and pulled her into a hug. "Yeah, it was... it was really something. First time I climbed a tree in 15 years!" He smiled and kissed her nose. "And the rest was pretty amazing too." Over Lily's shoulder, Axel saw Triste starting to edge her way into the forest, the shadows thrown by the trees swallowing her up. "Let's get going. The sooner we get this done..."


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" Is she always this feisty?' Marita asked Rio, before she noticed Trieste heading into the woods. " Better not answer that until this is done with. Need to rescue Vergil after all.' She said as she began walking towards the edge of the forest, her paw now gripped tightly onto the gun Trieste had given her. She followed after Trieste trying to make as little noise as possible as she entered the woods.' the sounds of wildlife were few and far between, this place had the feel of a forest that had been there a long time, and there was somewhat of a dusty smell to it.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena shrieked as his teeth dug into her cheek. With a horrible tearing sound she suddenly felt the wind whistle through her tongue from the wrong direction. Blindly she headbutted him just to clear some space, her hands being too occupied blocking his arms and weapons.

Then abruptly he broke free from her embrace and Emilena cried out as her center of balance shifted and suddenly she was airborne again. A second of free fall and she slammed into the solid dirt with a bone-jarring thud. "God...dammit..." she crawled blindly, disoriented with blood from her wounds stinging her eyes.

And then he was on top of her again. Her vision was filled with stars as he kneed her in the head and jammed his fingers into her windpipe. His guttural hisses sent hot breath across her face, and as her vision transitioned from red to black she got a brief glimpse of his stretched sneer centimeters from her face.

Desperately she clawed his face, but she wouldn't be able to get a handhold before suffocating. She lashed her leg out, but the angle wasn't right for a kick and as the last of her strength ebbed, her foot sank back onto the ground.

...or, onto the wall of the pit beside them. She realized she had one last hope.

Quickly wrapping her arms around him again, Emilena jolted him over and rolled both of them into the pit. William was on the bottom when they crashed into the spikes, and Emilena winced as his blood stained her fur.

"Hope you...enjoyed it...while it lasted..." she panted in his face, fighting to keep him balanced. He was the only thing keeping her from meeting a similar fate among the second layer of short spikes. "Though you should know you got Stryker's sloppy seconds..."


Lily smiled back at him. "Hopefully this time there will be fewer interruptions from German doctors..." Abruptly she realized they were moving out and followed along nervously behind the others, as this wasn't exactly in her skill set.

Maybe... an odd idea played across her head. Before, when she was in this very forest, her mind connected with Emilena's. She could feel her pain, and used it like a beacon to locate her. Perhaps she could do so again?

She cleared her mind and focused. She tried to feel every soul in the forest. Searching for a soul she'd touched before. Searching for a soul in pain...

After roughly fifteen minutes of walking she gave up. "Well, that didn't work..." she muttered to herself.


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Anne had led Soren to a rather grungy looking Chinese eatery in Corona's Chinatown section.

A battered neon sign glowed dimly in the chilly rain. It read "Big Wong's Authentic Cantonese Eatery" in both English and Cantonese. The area around it was best described as "unclean" with bags of garbage ready to be hauled off to the processing facilities to be recycled and reprocessed and rivulets of dirty water running down the streets. Other neon signs advertised stores selling Chinese herbal medicines, food and cybernetics of dubious quality.

"This is the place?" Soren asked as he shivered from the cold air that sliced through his thin jacket.

Anne, wearing a light hooded windbreaker (all of her tops were button-down or had zippers to compensate for her horn implant. Of course, she could just have a horn that she could unscrew from its base) nodded. "Yeah."

The door jingled as she entered the eatery. All around her were various patrons enjoying the filling and cheap Cantonese fare that Big Wong's served.

"Seat yourself," a Panda waiter said as he rushed a large plate of lobster to a group of rough looking Chinese men.

Probably Triad members, Anne thought.

She led Soren over to a battered wood table. In the corner was a shrine to the Kitchen God.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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William coughed, warm specks of blood spraying out and across his chin. As Emilena lay on top of him, pushing the spikes even deeper into his body. A strange dull feeling started to spread over his chest, numbness that slowly started to give way to an aching burn.

So this is what it feels like to fall in one of these. He opened his mouth to laugh, but his lungs flooded with blood, and all that came out was a choked gurgle. William let his head flop back as the strength in his neck went, red bubbles foaming through his grinning teeth. The sounds of the forest started to grow clearer, more crisp. The wind rustling through the leaves, branches creaking, insects buzzing and clicking... William closed his eyes and let them wash over him - and then everything went black.


Waiting by the trunk of the tallest tree they'd come across, Triste folded her arms and stared up into the thick, leafy branches as the sound of twigs breaking drifted down. A mist of detritus from the tree rained down, and suddenly Rio stuck his head down through the foliage. After 15 minutes of walking, Triste had sent the boy up into the treetops to scan for any point they should head towards. No point in wandering around aimlessly.

Rio nodded his head. "Yeah, I saw something. Some big fucking castle thing. To the..." He waved his hand to the side. "What's the thing between north and west?"

"Ah... north-west?" Axel chipped in. Glancing over in his direction, Rio nodded again enthusiastically.

"Alright. Good. We need to pick up the pace." Gesturing to the others, Triste resumed the trek, moving faster now. Looking over her shoulder at Rio as she walked, Triste pointed up into the trees. "Follow us, but stay high. Come down if you see something else - movement or some other sign of people."

"Got it." Disappearing back into the branches, Axel could make out the sound of Rio scrabbling higher up, the slight groaning of the branches as he used them to swing between the trees monkey-like. The rat cocked an eyebrow at Lily as he started following behind Triste. "That night would've been a lot easier if I could climb stuff like that."