The Gang of Five
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Racing the Storm

Pterano · 1020 · 94400


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"Are you kidding me?" Vergil asked, shaking his head. "At this depth I'd be lucky to move my own tail if I were out there!" he pointed out. "But I guess I could try... it's gonna be like trying to move a plastic knife through peanut butter though." He saw them zoom by an engine of the Airbus, and he began focusing on that, trying to lift it. "Ugh! Son of a bitch! This isn't gonna be easy! I'm not sure I can get enough force behind it to make it have much of an impact!" he grunted, struggling to lift it now, as he actually reached his hand out, as if he were trying to grasp it through the glass.

"You're gonna have to buy me time... just a minute or so... until I can build up enough strength to lift this thing and hurl it at his eye... maybe even 30 seconds..." he trailed off, finally lifting the engine out of the silt now and starting to raise it. "Keep him in my line of sight... I'm gonna line it up..." It wobbled and almost fell back down, but he ground his teeth now as he started to sweat, keeping it rising as he fought for control.

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily cried out as she tumbled down the laundry chute. After tumbling down pipeways for several seconds, she roughly hit a curve that deposited her into the main chute. Ten stomach-churning seconds of freefall later and she landed with a "ploomph!" into a towering stack of linens.

She barely had a few moments to catch her breath before two heavy bodies landed on top of her.

"Axel?" she asked, dazed. "Axel, are you--? Eek!"

An enraged security guard bore down on her. He socked her once, twice, three times, constantly losing his grip due to the plushy arena of blankets and towels they were still stuck in.

Grasping out frantically, Lily grabbed his ankle and concentrated on putting him to sleep. Relax his muscles... she tried to think even while being assaulted. Flood the body with melatonin...induce sleep-related nureal patterns...Block the larynx and deprive his brain of oxygen...

She started panicking as nothing seemed to be slowing the guy down. Why isn't this working? she thought wildly as his fist cracked across her temple for the umpteeth time. She began to fear that she'd have to use more lethal force against yet another living person...

Then the guard threw in a kick somehow and she realized she'd been clutching Axel's ankle this whole time. "Oh thank god..." she laughed with relief, before catching the nonplussed guard's fist and putting him to sleep in seconds.

Stumbling towards the side of the chute and getting blood all over the linens, she shoved blankets out of the way until the hatch leading to the laundry room was available. "Hey, Axel, wake up. Sorry about that. Wake up!" she shook him roughly. She had really done a number on him...


Nairda didn't see Rio's question coming. ""

Emilena's eyes lit up in realization. "You've been spying on us, haven't you?"

When Nairda couldn't respond, she leapt triumphantly onto her newly-healed legs. "You've been spying on us this whole time! Then I'll bet you had the mermaid send that hurricane after us, and the sharks, and everything because  you wanted to look like the hero when we needed someone to bail us out!"

Aurora looked sardonically at Rio and held up her hand, digits splayed. Electric charges sparked and coursed along her fingertips in a warning display.

"Shut up!" Nairda snapped at Emilena, face flushing red and fists balled. "Don't try and change the subject! Not one of you has said sorry yet for dumping me off the boat!"

"And we're not going to," Emilena cut in. "Because it was my decision, nobody else is responsible, and I'm not apologizing to a whiny little shit that decides to put my entire gang's lives in danger just because he needs a power trip to make up for his own crippling self-doubt."

"I don't have healing powers, but I'll massage them if you like," Flora suggested to Rio.

"Could all you please sort out your relationship issues later?" exclaimed Foley incredulously. "We're still stuck in the middle of the ocean, remember?"

"And you can stay that way for all we care!" Nairda spat at him. "Aurora and I didn't have to save you! And we're not going to help you any more until I hear those apologies!"

Aurora looked up, and pointed her finger at the seagull who was still eating Rio's chocolate bar. Abruptly, the seagull squacked in alarm as it suddenly began spasming and growing. Soon, it got over itself and crooned powerfully as it gently landed aside the boat, now the size of a hang glider.

"Okay," frowned Nairda, "I guess Aurora decided to help you anyway. Whatever. You still won't be able to fly without a harness. Aurora can whip one up, as soon as I hear--"

Aurora waved her arms, and the bootlaces turned into long, rugged ropes. The best remaining boards from the boat removed themselves from the wreck and together these pieces assembled themselves into a saddle with five hand-and-foot straps on the seagull's back.

"Aurora, can I talk to you in private for a moment?" Nairda asked under his breath.

Emilena mounted the bird. "She doesn't care about you, Nairda. There are five strapholds; she's expecting you to leave with us."

Nairda's eyes opened wider in surprise, and his lip trembled. "Aurora? this true? But I thought..."

Aurora indicated the seagull by pointing her thumb over her shoulder.

Foley grunted as he tried to climb up the bird's side. The bird squacked in protest. But eventually, he managed it and inserted his foot clumsily into the closest foothold. "I don't know if I'll be able to do this..." he muttered, looking with alarm at how high he already was above sea level. "Where is this thing even going to take us...?"


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"Godammit! Alright, I'll try!" Triste shouted, swerving the sub so maybe the creature wouldn't have so easy a target to go for. But to her horror, glancing up at the rear monitor after a few minutes only revealed the horrible truth that no matter how fast she pushed the craft, this thing was faster. It started to catch up, growing closer... and closer.

"Shit..." she swore through gritted teeth, firing back another volley of missiles. But Triste might as well of been firing pillows for all the damage they did. "Vergil, I don't think we have 10 minutes..." The creature's gigantic mouth started to stretch open, as if in anticipation of swallowing them whole. ""Just do it! Blind him!"


His teeth rattling as Lily shook him, Axel's eyes blearily creaked open. "Uh..." he moaned. "Ugh... I think I hit my... head or... or something." Starting to sit up, Axel saw the unconscious guard lying next to him and started. "Hey, I... think I got him!" he mumbled victoriously, raising a fist and making to thump him, but missing and slumping over the man's back in a daze instead.

Stumbling to his feet when Lily have him a hand up, Axel craned his neck in disorientation, simultaneously trying to pierce the darkness around them and clear the fog in his head. "What do we... do we do now?" he swallowed, trying to keep calm.


Rio winced as Aurora flexed her electrical fingers across at him, and when Flora made her offer he went pale. "You know, I'm good. They're feeling a lot better." Struggling to his knees, he could only stare in amazement as the strange being provided them with the means to escape.

Standing up, he charged over to the slightly terrifyingly large seagull and leaped on, more than happy to be off the floating wreckage. "Hey, don't worry about it," he said, clapping Foley on the shoulder as he clambered over him to get comfortable on the bird. "Thing about heights is, the only thing that can happen to you is you fall. What's worse? I mean... that, or getting shot?" After a moment, he got into position comfortably on the seagull's back, then looked over his shoulder at Foley. "And as long as we get far away from this piece of shit boat, I'm gonna feel pretty good."


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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"Agh! Fine!" Vergil shouted, crying out as he launched the engine through the water, propelling it as best he could with as much force as he could muster under here. The engine began to lose headway almost immediately, but Vergil pushed it onward with his mind, forcing it through the waters as the creature roared again and moved towards their small sub.

But that was all the gecko needed. Manipulating its path right into the eye of the creature, the bulbous yellow sac burst and sprayed a golden fluid out into the surrounding waters.

Collapsing back into his seat now, Vergil closed his eyes, his arms laying limply over the chair, splayed out uselessly as his muscle strength had completely left him. "Ugh..." he exhaled, unable to open his eyes for now, or even feel what was going on around him. He was drained, and even paler than usual, having blanched beyond his normal shade of white...

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"We're trying to regroup with Soren...somewhere. You never told me the location," Lily reminded gently. Unconsciousness has medically proven affects on one's memory, but it was important that Axel kept it together. "We first need to get out of--" With a yelp, Lily accidentally unlocked the hatch and sent both of them tumbling to the laundry room floor amidst a wave of linens.

"Hopefully Soren can keep us updated as to his progress..." Lily groaned, nursing a banged kneecap.


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Soren finally got a lock onto Axel's location. He scowled. "Hey, Marita, can you get a map of this place? My app says his cell phone's on the floor below us."

He then looked around the room. Not surprisingly, there were no maps in the sparsely populated room. The Human's stomach growled, reminding him that he hadn't eaten much.

"On second thought, shall we eat first?" He gestured to the refrigerator in the room.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Grab something out the Fidge and let me get a map up on your Phone mArita said going over and taking the phone from Soren A few quick taps on the phone  was all it required of someone of maritas skill to bring up a map' alright Soren i have a map created for you. there are stairs to our left, and Axel and KLily  are in a laundry room currently. we head down the stairs take a left than a right and we'll be there in maybe 5 minutes' Marita said."Less, if we hurry. Just grab a sandwich or whatever in there, and then we'll scoot."
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Sorent tossed a crab salad sandwich to Marita. At the same time, he helped himself to a catfish salad sandwich.

After gulping the sandwich and washing it down with a bottle of iced tea, he took the phone back. "Gotcha."

He then headed out of the lounge. A few of the guards passing by them waved, assuming that the four were actual guards.

As Soren rounded down the immaculate stairwell, he tried his best to keep calm. This was easy...too easy in fact.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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'left, then Right' Marita said, keeping a normal face as they walked past guards, who took no notice of them. ' getting to them will be easy, getting out of here in one piece will be hard.
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Soren shuddered at Marita's words. "Don't remind me," he whispered.

After following Marita's directions, he found himself at the aforementioned laundry room.


The shout made Soren's hair stand on end. He turned around and saw a rather large Appaloosa mare dressed in the uniform of the Voltaic Station guards. Like Anne, she too had the unicorn-styled "radio horn" implant protruding from her forehead.

"Uh, I can explain," Soren began.

"Explain why you are taking three females into a laundry room. You know that Judaken strictly forbids sexual activity while on duty!"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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We're not having sex with him. we have to bring up a fresh load of clothes, some of the uniforms got really stained the other day and need to be washed.,. "Marita replied. some drunk passenger spilled something on my uniform and it got really stained." she motioned to a blot on her uniform."Nothing untoward going on here" she said.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Luckily Lily and Axel were able to obtain pretty decent-looking uniforms from the dirty laundry. With Lily as a maid and Axel as a waiter, Lily peeked open the door and yelped as she saw the standoff. She quickly closed it and looked frantically along the door for a lock, heart pounding.

"What is this, an orgy?" the unicorn guard exclaimed angrily. She grabbed her radio. "Wait until Judaken hears about this!"


"Aurora, my love..." Nairda made the biggest puppy eyes he could. "You don't really want this, do you? Can't we talk about this--?"

Aurora snapped her spindly webbed fingers and a band of magical light wrapped itself tightly around Nairda's snout. Lifting her hand in the air, she deftly propelled Nairda onto the seagull's back and then tied his wrist tightly into the harness.

Flora was the last to board, gingerly mounting over the wing and settling her foot into the last reamining holster. "You know..." she observed. "I feel even better than before we started this trip. I can't quite place it but..."

"It's the drug addictions," Foley noted. "They're gone. I noticed that too."

"She healed our drug addictions?" gasped Emilena. "Give that one back!" she snapped at Aurora, even as the seagull began groaning as it slowly lifted into the air. "I need it!"

Aurora had already retreated in the wake of the choppy waves caused by the seagull's updraft. Groaning, their ride fought bitterly for every inch of air, until it finally caught a thermal and began gliding away from the wreckage site.


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A tight smile started to creep across Triste's face as she looked back and saw the creature's eye burst, globules of a thick, yellow pus-like liquid trailing from the ruptured organ. "Good job..." she started to say, turning to Vergil - but her expression died as she saw the state he was in.

"Shit! Hang on!" she said through gritted teeth, glancing at the rear monitor. As she'd hoped, the creature was momentarily distracted from pursuing them, twisting in the water in pain. But it wouldn't be put off long... Triste had to take advantage of the brief opportunity now. "Just hold on! We're almost there..." Turning sharply, she took the sub through another broken section of the plane, trying to keep as low as possible.

When she thought enough distance had been put between them, Triste started to take the craft up, as fast as she could. In the distance, she could just start to make out the docking area. "Almost there!" she repeated, almost as much to reassure herself as Vergil.


Rio looked back and tried to grin encouragingly at Emilena. "Hey, it's not too bad. Think about how much fun you're gonna have getting all of them back again!" He shrugged. "If I ever get my own stash again, we can split it. Fifty-fifty. Uh... sixty-forty," Rio added after considering.

Turning his attention to Foley, he gleefully started pushing him, pretending he was going to shove him off.


As Lily tried to lock the door, Axel rubbed a hand through his hair. "She already saw us, Lily. Crap, if we draw any more attention..." Suddenly, he snapped his fingers. "I've got an idea," he said, seeing that they certainly looked like staff. "Muss your hair up! Sound like you're out of breath!" Reaching across and popping open her top button, he messed up his own hair then crossed to the door, pausing to reach down and unbutton the top of his waiter's trousers.

"Sorry!" he gasped, panting for breath as he swung open the door, ignoring Soren and the girls for now and focusing on the unicorn. "We didn't know we were needed, ah... we were just..." Still breathing heavily, Axel blinked at the unicorn guard. "Just... sex. A bit. We're almost off duty though!" He grinned appeasingly. "So, ah... we can go, right?"


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The mare scowled. Soren noticed that the guard seemed to be scanning his bruised face.

"I slipped and I fell," he quickly said. "While delivering room service."

The "unicorn" nodded. She cast suspicious looks at Rose and Marie, the two women who were not wearing uniforms. "Why are y'all out of uniform?"

It was then that Axel and Lily got her attention. Scanning over their tousled clothes and hair, coupled with the Rat's statement, she now had ample proof that they had engaged in sexual activity on the clock. "Your ID cards," she demanded. "Almost off-duty is still on-duty. I'm writing y'all up. And save the shit excuses for the superviser."

She picked up the tablet from her belt holster and got to work writing a disciplinary report.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"I... that's... that's good..." Vergil responded weakly, trying to recover his strength. He felt as if someone had slammed his chest with a sledgehammer over and over, after of course he'd just run ten miles non-stop. He cracked one eye open, but closed it again as remarkably, even that put strain on him. "I just hope... I won't cut too sorry a state up there... but then again... makes it look convincing... doesn't it?" he asked in a voice that was more a wisp of a question than a strong inquiry.

He couldn't even sense how far they'd risen, and finally, he forced his eyes open. "I see light... that's either very good... or very bad... it's the mining station... right?" he asked hopefully. If she answered, it was... if she didn't... well he'd have to try and fight to stay alive.

A splash occurred above them as the crane was dropped down into the water to hoist them back up. The four pronged cradle couldn't align itself with the sub though, and Triste would have to maneuver them into its grasp.

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"My name is Aylin... Jiang. No 'e' on either of those," Lily ad-libbed quickly. "You're spelling it right, aren't you? Here, I just need to check."

She advanced on the guard, attempting to grasp the guard and knock her out with a surge in melatonin and relatively harmless brain oxygen deprivation.


There was nothing Foley could do. One moment, he was strapped in, the next, Rio played it suicidally, and sent the two of them toppling over the edge. Despite it looking as if the harness would be large enough to support an adult, the ropes here weren't particularly strong, jutting off the side of the boards as they were. They held the harness together, but their knots were stronger than their bonds. Foley could only cry out in pain as the rope struck his side, and then... began to snap. It seemed as if Rio had miscalculated rather badly...

The human's arms flailed out, but they couldn't grab hold of anything but the rope as before Rio's eyes, it broke, and with an incomprehensible shriek, the human plummeted into the ocean below...

Once his life was done flashing before his eyes, Foley pushed Rio back angrily. "Watch it! The hell you doing?"

As the distance between their ride and the crash site widened, Nairda's ethereal muzzle evaporated, and he sniffed as tears ran down his puffy face. "Why would she...I thought we..."

"What gives her the right?" fumed Emilena. "I worked hard for those addictions! They cleared my mind, helped my detective work! Like Sherlock Holmes!"

Nairda guffawed loudly. "Detective work? What the hell have you ever solved? You wouldn't recognize a clue if you rolled it up and smoked it in a joint!"

"I'm not the only one here who's clueless!" Emilena shot back. "Doesn't take a detective to know why Aurora dumped you. You're clingy, incompetent, abrasive, uncaring, mopy, and a closet homosexual!"

"What?" Nairda's eyes bugged out. "How dare you insult me and LGBT culture like that! I'm bisexual, there's a big difference! Aurora and I had a healthy, albeit sexless, relationship, but that was only because she had a flipper instead of legs!"

"Yeah? Well, I had legs, and six whole months of dating you, and how many times did you sleep with me? Twice! I'm surprised you never took Flora up on her repeated offers to stick her dick in your butt; I bet you're into that sort of thing!"

"Fuck you!" Nairda snapped. "You want to break up that badly? Then fine! As soon as this seagull puts us down, I'll go my own way. I'll hitchhike to Hollywood, blaze my own trail. I'll find people who appreciate me for who I am!"

"Why is it always about you?" Emilena exclaimed exasperatingly. "Are you capable of not talking about yourself for five minutes?"

The two lapsed into uncomfortable silence. Flora opened her mouth, but Nairda silenced her with a death glare, so she went back to sticking her face in the wind and panting happily.


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Our uniforms are in the laundry mam. we were headed in to get them out, and unfortunately we didnt have any spare uniforms to wear.. "Marie said.' We apologize for the violation in dress, in the future we'll bring spares to wear in case the uniforms need cleaning again. charge us for an extra uniform and take it out of our next paychecks, if you wish.
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Triste felt relief flooding her chest when she saw the crane splash down into the water above them, its metallic arms looking like the most welcome thing she'd seen in a while. Speeding up, she angled the sub so it fitted evenly into the cradle and felt the thump as the prongs connected, holding the craft tightly.

"I'd say you look like just the right amount of hell to be useful," she muttered over her shoulder, still scanning the monitors for any sign of the creature - but the only thing around them was the clear sea. There was a tug, the crane's machinery working to lift them free. As they started to rise, Triste thought back to what Vergil has said just before they'd been attacked. Headquarters had been attacked? That's... that's impossible! How could... Triste opened her mouth, starting to speak to Vergil - when something drew her attention. Movement in one of the monitors. Her eyes widened at what the image revealed.

From below, a huge shape was emerging from the darkness. Huge mouth, grotesque face, ruptured eye... the creature was making straight for them. "Shit..." Triste snarled. She jumped off her chair, raced across to Vergil and yanked him up from where he was sprawling back in his seat. The top of the sub had cleared the water, just about reaching the walkway... but the rest of the sub was still in the sea and the crane was pulling them up far, far too slowly. The creature's mouth started to gape open, baring its crooked teeth as it drew closer. Pulling Vergil towards the ladder leading up, she tried to ignore the steadily growing rumble as the huge mass bore up on them.

Suddenly, there was an almighty crash, the screaming of metal, and Triste was thrown off her feet as, just by where they'd been sitting moments before, huge yellow teeth tore through the walls of the sub. Water started to spray into the vehicle through the gaps where the teeth had punctured the metal, and as the screaming intensified Triste realised with growing horror that the creature was trying to tear them free and pull them back into the depths.

Scrambling to her feet, she pulled Vergil up and started to force him up the ladder. "Go! Move it!" she yelled as she started to climb up after him, the sub starting to tilt and the walls buckling alarmingly. The hatch was thrown open, and as they scrambled up onto the roof, Triste could see the joints of the crane straining and starting to buckle. They only had moments. Wrapping her arms around Vergil, she roughly threw his weakened body up onto the walkway leading to the station, and jumped up after him. Just as her feet left the vehicle, there was a final, deafening screech and the cradle was torn free from the rest of the structure. With a great splash, the sub was pulled back into the sea, and disappeared into the darkness.

For several moments, Triste could only lay on her back next to Vergil, exhausted, staring up at the ceiling as she listened to the hissing of the settling water. Finally, she rolled over and staggered up, offering a hand down to the gecko. "We almost... almost had the map! We were so close!" she panted. She turned to the dumbfounded guard who was staring at them from the other end of the walkway and nodded. "We haven't been able to solve... the problem," she groaned as she heaved Vergil to his feet. "But we've found the source. We'll need time to prepare."


Axel could see Lily making to touch the guard. "Has anyone told you what a beautiful horn you have?" he said, smiling sweetly as he stepped forward and placed his hands over her own - repulsed, the guard didn't notice Lily reaching out. With a shudder, her eyes rolled up into the back of her head and the tablet slipped from her fingers. Before she could fall to the floor and hurt herself, Axel caught her unconscious body around the waist, pulling her radio from her pocket and tossing it across to Soren. "Nice job," he said, grinning shakily at Lily as he dragged the mare to the laundry room door and tossed her in, slamming the door after her.

Turning back to the others, he blinked at Soren, Marita and the other girls. "We need to get out of here now... these guys don't mess around. Thanks for, ah... you know. Coming to help us." As he buttoned up his trousers again, he sniffed the air and flattened his ears as he caught the smell of catfish sandwiches. "Have... have you guys been snacking?"


"You went out with her for six months and you only banged her twice?" Rio looked back at Nairda. "That's pretty weak, dude."

Turning, he scanned the horizon around them as the bird soared through the air. Squinting, Rio could just about make out something far in the distance, although this far away it was impossible to tell what it was. "Land ahoy!" he cried out, remembering a line from those pirate movies he'd seen through the dirty shop window.


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" Marita tossed him her crab sandwich ' you can have mine. Split it with Lily" for now we need to get out of here' She said. " i created a map of the complex, its in Sorens app.' Marie and Rose opened the door to the laundry room, and came out a minute later with fresh uniforms on." so we dont have a run in like this one again ' rose said, straightening her uniform and breathing on her claws.
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Looking down at what had once been their submarine and its dock, Vergil sighed and closed his eyes in relief, though Triste was forcing him to stand now, and he groaned as he was yanked upwards to his feet. "All right... all right..." he held out a hand towards her, but didn't push her away... he was grateful for the support.

"I see you've met Little Nelly, as we call her." This came from Jenkins now, who smirked as he approached the two geckos.

"Little?" Vergil asked in a raspy voice. "Heh... yeah... I'd hate to see Big Nelly."

"Oh she's worse."

"Yeah? So you mind explaining what the hell that was?" Vergil asked angrily, though the exertion caused his legs to wobble like jelly, and he leaned against Triste for support.

"A creature of the Black Lagoon?" Jenkins tried evasively to dodge the question. "So... you need more time? I figured you would." he smirked again. "It's not a problem you would've solved in one go... or at least, I didn't think so."

"Yeah well... we have a good idea of the cause... but we need to confirm a few things so... we're gonna head back to our... new room I guess." Vergil responded.

"Of course. Here are your keys." Jenkins held out their new room keycards now, and Vergil took his.

Glancing over at Triste now, he gave her an apologetic look. "I might need just a little support for a few minutes... sorry." he told her, face falling.

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