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Outcut land before time scenes

Malte279 · 711 · 243369


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It seems like over the years we keep thinking we’ve found a VHS copy with the missing footage, and every time it just leads us to  a standard copy.

But what about that rumor that the uncut version was broadcast in Finland in the mid-90’s? Do we know for sure that it was just a rumor?

I am no expert on this since I was a small kid back then, but I have a faint memory of seeing the first Land Before Time on VHS when visiting a friend in the early 2000's, and I was wondering why they had changed some of the scenes. The VHS my friend had was the regular version, so either:
a) I had seen the uncut version as a kid before (not when it broadcastet, but on tape. We used to record a lot of shows and movies on VHS tapes)
b) I didn't remember how the movie went / mixed it up with some other movie.

Maybe the latter is more likely, considering that I don't remember much about my childhood in the 90's. But, I know for sure that this is a topic that Finnish fans also talk about. Mostly I've seen it on toy collector forums/FB pages, so it's not necessarily that insightful, but I remember taking a part in a few conversations. Usually they end with a statement like "I hope that someone had recorded it on tape and still have it saved somewhere." So, I would say that it is a myth until someone can provide footage of it :\


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This thread has been pretty quiet this year, but at least there hasn’t been another false hope of coming across a tape with the scenes. How many times has that happened, now?  :lol


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I still hope someday we will see some footage with some deleted scene, even the shortest one

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Scribbles to Screen's Lost Media video on this was a good catch up too.

Doesn't look like anyone's linked it (forgive me if I missed it somewhere), but it's a very good video and I highly recommend it to any LBT fans. Goes into a lot of interesting detail on the background behind Don Bluth and the film itself.


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It seems like over the years we keep thinking we’ve found a VHS copy with the missing footage, and every time it just leads us to  a standard copy.

But what about that rumor that the uncut version was broadcast in Finland in the mid-90’s? Do we know for sure that it was just a rumor?

I am no expert on this since I was a small kid back then, but I have a faint memory of seeing the first Land Before Time on VHS when visiting a friend in the early 2000's, and I was wondering why they had changed some of the scenes. The VHS my friend had was the regular version, so either:
a) I had seen the uncut version as a kid before (not when it broadcastet, but on tape. We used to record a lot of shows and movies on VHS tapes)
b) I didn't remember how the movie went / mixed it up with some other movie.

Maybe the latter is more likely, considering that I don't remember much about my childhood in the 90's. But, I know for sure that this is a topic that Finnish fans also talk about. Mostly I've seen it on toy collector forums/FB pages, so it's not necessarily that insightful, but I remember taking a part in a few conversations. Usually they end with a statement like "I hope that someone had recorded it on tape and still have it saved somewhere." So, I would say that it is a myth until someone can provide footage of it :\
If you look up early press reviews from 1988 you can find mentions of 80 minute runtime, which would be "proof" of existence.

This review is dated the same day as the theatrical release, so it could be the reviewer has seen a pre-theatrical preview screening with the scenes still intact.


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I wonder if they will release a uncut version when don bluth dies. I know its sad too say but alot of the time when a director dies alot of there old work comes out.  :rhett_sad
Still waiting for the bluth cut

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Mo-o-o-o is super duper excited! Wow! Certainly did not expect this, but it's a very welcome surprise. :feelsgoodman :Mo

Nice to meet you, Stu Krieger. :duckyOK
I'm happy to know that you found our little niche community and that you are touched by our continued love for the movie. Thank you as well for your contributions to create the movie that have made the childhoods of mine and other people here.

Anyway, since this is an AMA, it is only appropriate that I ask you some questions that I am curious about. May add some more later on.

1. Not exactly related to the original movie itself, but are you still in touch with other writers or anyone else who had contributed to the first Land Before Time movie?

2. Based on the deleted scenes, the movie was supposed to have more gruesome/frightening scenes, especially ones related to Sharptooth and his attack. My question is, was the pressure to keep adherence to a "G" rated movie standard the main reason why the scenes had to be dialed down a bit? Were you guys considering at one point to make the movie "PG" in favor of keeping the movie's integrity intact? Correct me if I'm wrong, but Universal was the main culprit behind the decisions that the team had to make regarding the scenes that were deleted? (Hopefully this isn't too much for your NDA)


1. Yes! Although I never even met the previous credited writers on LBT, I had a long working relationship across multiple projects with both Steven Spielberg and Don Bluth, who I still speak to today. I also recently reconnected with John Pomeroy, a lead animator and producer on the film. We're all pretty proud of how the movie has lived on.

2. Here's the truth: After years of being asked about the fabled "more violent" cut of the movie, I recently went back into my archives and uncovered what is perhaps the earliest cut of the movie in existence. It's so early, in fact, that some scenes aren't fully animated yet. I can now reveal....

Though there are a few extra moments the Sharptooth fight (some shots are held for slightly longer, there's a brief scream from Littlefoot's Mom that's slightly different to the theatrical release, etc), there are no violent deleted scenes! In fact, the early cut of the movie was shorter than the theatrical release.

So this feels appropriate to crosspost here. If I'm understanding him properly, the original cut isn't that different from the theatrical version?


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As I understood, what mr. Krieger meant, there weren't some extra violent/gore scenes during Littlefoot's Mom and Sharptooth fight. But as Pudleiner's storyboards, trailers and some colored cels show us, the scene of Sharptooth attacks the children + Earhshake was longer. I dunno how many seconds/minutes were cut from this long sequence, since Trex first appearence till the end Earthshake.


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he doesn't mention the end scene where there on the hill but technically thats not lost just not in the final cut of the film you can find it if you search for pizza hut lbt commercial
Still waiting for the bluth cut

Wonder what Stu Krieger is planning to do with that workprint tbh.