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The Seven Hunters

rhombus · 408 · 101738


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review of  chapter 43:

Again, the chapter starts excellently nice :lol Ruby's thinking is very interesting, pointing out some characteristics of Bron that make him extremely dangerous. As opposed to his son, Bron hasn't got over his mate's deaths for he knew she would have survived if he had been around while Littlefoot sees the death as a sacrifice allowing himself to live on. Dein's words are full of wisdom... maybe Calin should have had them in mind when he was killing Skytail... :p
Ruby's concerns about Littlefoot are my concerns as well... I'm excited to see how the conversation goes :yes

Littlefoot is in a really tricky situation here. I wonder if Bron did have the sleepstory... :)

Can't stop smiling at this point for some reason :lol You have captured the conversation and the emotions of everyone so extremely well. The combination of the flashbacked dream and Littlefoot telling him his version is so amazingly powerful :wow One of the best scenes of this story so far!

Help, the excitement is killing me :smile Well, Bron seems to believe Littlefoot for now. Though i have this funny feeling that something is in the bush here, that something is gonna go terribly wrong...

Hmm, I sort of understand Bron's reaction to this. Of course he just can't imagine his son to be a dinosaur who has killed. Referring to his mother's death, he did quite a mistake... Obviously, Littlefoot didn't WANT to kill dinosaurs in a frenzy. He had to, he has to... I hope the situation doesn't escalate further... It's not what I anticipated but about as tragedic :unsure: I'm also wondering what Shorty is going to do, if anything :)

Bron running away... It's quite logical that he does to recollect where he stands and how to deal with his son...

As logical as Bron's escape, is Littlefoot's reaction to that. It's good that Ruby is around to support him... And here goes Shorty confronting his adopted brother... well, in the next chapter ^^

You know what I was anticipating earlier in this chapter (which would have been a huge drama...). Bron accidently happens to get stuck in the swamps... :smile

In a nutshell, this is among the best chapters you've written so far! Absolutely amazing! :exactly

Typo time :p
Maybe he inherited that from his father too. Ruby deduced. Taking all of the blame for himself. Himself taking all of the blame. Maybe they are more alike than they realize?

You messed up the colouring here.

I wasn't like they were full-grown sharpteeth.

This too failed as Littlefoot when right through Bron's face.

Littlefoot appearance in the reflection was not that of a young longneck, but that of a fast biter!

That the most important test in the Big Longneck Test was the test of judgment.

He knew that he would be in trouble, but the hardly cared about that
But he hardly cared [...].

Shorty began to feel fearful when he was the expression in Littlefoot's eyes.
when he saw...  :lol
Inactive, probably forever.


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Thank you very much for the review.  :) I have corrected the massive numbers of typos.  It seems like I was especially sloppy with that chapter.  :blink:

Can't stop smiling at this point for some reason dino_laugh.gif You have captured the conversation and the emotions of everyone so extremely well. The combination of the flashbacked dream and Littlefoot telling him his version is so amazingly powerful dino_wow.gif One of the best scenes of this story so far!

Thank you very much.  I spent quite a lot of time on that particular scene in order to make their responses believable.  I am glad that you thought that the scene was done well.

You know what I was anticipating earlier in this chapter (which would have been a huge drama...). Bron accidently happens to get stuck in the swamps... Dino_grins.gif

I used that possibility as a red herring in this chapter, but the mud pits might make another appearance later on...

In a nutshell, this is among the best chapters you've written so far! Absolutely amazing! exactly.gif

Thank you very much.  :) I hope that you enjoy the next chapter.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Chapter 45   Betrayal

“For there to be betrayal, there would have to have been trust first.”
― Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games

The Haven Valley:

Chronos stared intently at the blackened rock that he held in his hand.  A rather rough piece of obsidian was gleaming in the mid-afternoon sunlight.  This formed an odd combination as the darkest of rocks was now surrounded by the radiance of the bright circle.  Chronos reflected that there was probably a deeper meaning there if he could be bothered to think about it.  However, that time was not now.  He had a mission to complete.

“Are you alright?”

Chronos looked up mutely at the dinosaur who had roused him.  Mr. Threehorn...  Hmm...  Well, better than nothing I suppose. The gruff voice of the elder threehorn did nothing to boost Chronos’s confidence.  Mr. Threehorn, or Topps as his family called him, was not the most open-minded of dinosaurs.  However, he reminded himself, their goal here was not to convince anyone.  Their goal was to plant the seeds of doubt.  That was the entire reason that Chronos had been staring at the black rock for the better part of a day.  He knew a way in which to broach the subject when the time came and the time for action had finally arrived.

He wasted no time in answering the threehorn.

“Hmm...”  Chronos looked at the threehorn in confusion, as if he had just lost his concentration.  However, he soon resumed his inspection of the rock as he prepared to speak.  “Oh... Yes, I am alright.  I was just thinking about a story we heard in the Mysterious Beyond...  A story about the Stone of Cold Fire.”  He could see the threehorn’s eyes bore into him out of the corner of his vision.

As he stared at the mysterious rainbowface, the threehorn’s expression turned dark at the mention of the stone.  That cursed rock was the harbinger of the death of his beloved Cera and the rest of the children.  It had even turned black after their deaths!  He had heard more than enough of the damn rock.

However...  He couldn’t help but wonder what role that stone played in the deaths of the children, if any.  It was a curious mystery for all of one day, then a source of discontent and sorrow thereafter.  He had actually tried to ram the stone after Cera’s ëdeath’, but all he received as a reward was a headache from the unbreakable stone.  So, as much as he hated the rock, he was also curious about its purpose and origin.  With that in mind he did something uncharacteristic of him.  

He showed curiosity.

“What story did you hear?”  His voice was gruff, but surprisingly inviting.  Topps again stared at the rainbowface, but this time with a slightly tilted head.  A sign of invitation.

Chronos blinked at this surprising change of demeanor from the threehorn.  He had not been expected an opening that was this welcoming.  In fact, he had expected Topps to tell him that he was acting weird and to get out of everyone’s way.  Now, however, it seemed that he could actually put his plan into action.

“We were talking to the parents of that fast runner...  Ruby.  We figured that it was best to tell them what happened to their daughter...  They were understandably upset.”  A blatant lie, Chronos acknowledged internally, but a useful one.  They had heard from Ruby that her parents were alive and accepting of her change, so he didn’t have to worry about being contradicted.  As for the guilt that this statement would cause...

Chronos noted with some satisfaction that the threehorn began to look away with an ashamed expression.  It was obvious by the change in posture that he felt guilt for not having the valley inform Ruby’s parents about the death of her daughter.  The male rainbowface could only deduce that the valley must have been entirely fixated on avenging their children and the fate of Ruby, a newcomer, was overlooked in the process.  Not exactly a fair way to treat a guest of the valley.

However, upon reflecting upon his emotions, Chronos felt more than a hint of shame at his actions.  Yes, he was doing what he had to do in order to manipulate the dinosaur into accepting a new reality, but he was still reopening a deep psychological wound that no parent should have to suffer in the first place.  He didn't have much time to reflect before Topps interrupted.

“We never told them...”  Topps affirmed in a weak voice.

Chronos nodded.  “We... uh... mentioned that the valley was having a rough time.  I am sure that they will understand in time.”  Despite his misgivings, Chronos was pleased thus far with how the conversation was going.  By having Mr. Threehorn fall into a cycle of guilt, he could better manipulate him into yearning for the possibility that Chronos was going to show him.  The possibility that his daughter was alive.

Not wanting the conversation to end on that note, however, Chronos continued.  “Her parents told us this story.  It seems that it is older than even the tales of the Lone Dinosaur.  If they are to be believed, it was originally taught to the fast runners by the first two-footer that ever walked the Earth.”

Topps blinked, having momentarily lost focus of the story.  “The first two-footer?”

Chronos nodded.  “Yes... Of course you know how these stories can be twisted over time.”  Sometimes if you acknowledge a shortcoming, people will think less of it.  Chronos noted to himself.  And if they think less of it, then it is easier to bring them to your way of thinking!

Topps simply nodded.  “True.”

The rainbowface continued, satisfied where this was going.  “Please forgive me elder threehorn, but my memory is not perfect."  This was not quite true, but he had completely made this story up for this purpose.  As a result, he was unsure of his ability to convey it in the same style of a dinosaur storyteller.  "However, to the best of my recollection their story went as follows...”

Before our grandfather’s grandfather was laid as an egg...  Before the great rock walls rose in the barrens...  Before the great schism of the fast runner herds...  In the epoch that once was, but is no more...  The following tale begins.

Areguin was the first of the fast runners to take a name for himself as all of the intelligent dinosaurs now do.  He eventually took seven mates for himself, as it was the custom at the time.  His line flourished and prospered until the barrens were eventually filled with his enumerable descendants.  They formed numerous herds and this tale begins in one of them.

In the outskirts of the barrens was a small herd of fast runners.  All of these unfortunate souls were siblings who had joined together after the deaths of their parents.  Of the family of eight, now only four remained.  The others having been lost to starvation and fights with the other fast runner herds.  There simply wasn’t enough food to go around.

The eldest male of the litter was the leader of the herd, being the strongest of the siblings.  The next eldest were two sisters who were protective of the herd, having been mournful of the loss of their other siblings.  Teseron was the remaining brother, by far the runt of the litter.  It was only by his quick thinking as a thief that he was able to eat enough to survive.  Much to his shame, however, two of his siblings had been killed as a result of one of his raids on another herd.  He had done his part, but his siblings had been too slow.  As a result, he was shunned by the others even though he was permitted to stay.  His life was a miserable one.

As summer wore on the vegetation in the barrens became even scarcer and some of the fast runners turned to attack other herds and eating their own kind.  Even before sharpteeth, some of the fast runners were becoming like them.  Living in this time of misery and death, Teseron couldn’t take much more.  In anguish one night, he wandered away from the herd in order to collect his mournful thoughts.  He then stared out at the brightest star in the night sky and cried out to the heavens: “Help me Areguin!  Have you forsaken us?”

As if to answer the runt’s prayer, a massive blue light appeared in the sky.  In luminance was unsurpassed as it hurdled headlong out of the sky.  It collided with the ground in front of Teseron.  He tumbled end-over-end before regaining his bearings and walking up to the stone.  It was a curious thing, smooth and shining blue.  It was also cold to the touch.  As if a cold fire burned within its core.  It was obviously a gift from his departed ancestors.  They were taking pity on their languishing descendants.  It was then that he heard a small voice call to him from somewhere inside of his own head.

“The living fix their own problems.  Speak the problem and the solution, and it shall be done.”

Teseron thought for a moment at the curious words.  He knew the problem surely?  However, what was the solution?  Deciding that he should give it his best attempt, he spoke thus:

“The food is scarce and your people are many, oh great ancestor!  More food is needed, great one!  Please hear my plea!”

In a sudden lurch, everything seemed to spin.  Teseron blacked out and fell to his face.

When he came to, he was amazed to see that the Stone of Cold Fire had taken on a black hue.  Its radiance was now gone.  Its powers having been used.  But something was wrong, he noted.  His arms no longer reached his feet, but rather were stubby and his legs were now massive like the trunks of trees.  It was then that he heard his ancestor’s voice.

“You now have as much food as you could want.  What you catch you shall kill and what you kill shall you eat.  The green leaves will taste bitter upon your tongue and your brothers and sisters shall taste sweet.  They will not know your language and you shall not know theirs.  For the rest of your days you shall chase and slay.  They shall curse you with insults, but you shall assault them with ferocity and rampage.  From the days you take of theirs, you shall gain days in return.  Their deaths shall maintain your life.  Such is your fate.”

As Teseron broke down at the horrible fate that had befallen him, the voice finished.

“Life is only sustained through death, young one.  That is a hard lesson to learn.  Through bringing death to my people you will also strengthen and sustain them.  Their numbers shall not get too large and their survivors will create faster and faster runners.  As I have founded my people, you will now found your people.  Ensure that they know their place in the world as sustainers of life and do not let them forget as my people have done.  Farewell, Teseron.”

Such is how the two-footers came to walk the Earth.

Topps stood in wide-mouthed silence as the rainbowface finished his tale.  There was too much coincidence in what he had just spoken.  What if the children had made a wish on the stone as Teseron had done?  What if they had been changed?  They hadn't found their bodies, although Bron found some longneck bones that he thought was Littlefoot...

Then the sharpteeth that we chased... There was Chomper... A brown one that was colored like Littlefoot... Two green ones colored like Spike and Ducky...  A flyer just like how Petrie was a flyer...  And one yellow one like... No...

No!  It can't be!

"That is a crazy story!  It couldn't have happened that way!"  Topps protested, not really criticizing the story but rather the possibility that was now floating in his head.

The male rainbowface shrugged.  "It is just a story...  I am sure that the fast runners have changed it throughout the years."

Topps opened his mouth as if to say something to the rainbowface, but he stopped before he could get a word out.  
I need to get out of here... I need to think...

Without another word he stormed off.


Logos carefully walked over to her male counterpart.  It seemed that the seed of doubt had been planted, although she had no idea if it would be enough or not.

"That went well."  She stated simply.

Chronos nodded.  "He stormed off.  You consider that going well?"

His counterpart nodded.  "He is the hardheaded one.  If he is so upset that he had run off, then he has been touched by the story.  The question is: will he mention this to the others?"

Chronos sighed.  "I suppose that we will have to see...  I am not the best storyteller."

Logos seemed to think for a moment.  After a short pause she continued.  "Teseron...  You named the first sharptooth in your story after our physics instructor at the academy?"

He nodded with a morose expression.  "He was the one who told me that I was not cut out to be a physicist.  He recommended the officer corps for me.  I hated him at the time for it, but he was right."

Logos stared at her counterpart for several moments.  She had no idea that he had originally wanted to be a physicist.  She had always assumed that exploration was in his blood.  But this revelation might explain his maverick-like nature.  How much else did she not know about her partner?

"Sometimes we have to lose our way in order to find out where to go."  Logos intoned.

Chronos snapped out of his thoughts for a moment.  "Who said that?"

She smiled.  "The same instructor...  I originally wanted to be an engineer..."


Outside the Land of Shallow Waters:

To say that Petrie was distraught would be a gross understatement.  

The small flyer was focused on the sky in front of him for most of the flight, not allowing for any other sights or sounds to distract him.  He ignored the slight stinging in his eyes and instead allowed himself to moan in anguish at the pack's loss.  Skytail was dead.  He almost couldn't believe it himself.  The young fast biter who had challenged the pack and then capitulated.  The rival that had turned into a great ally and friend.  He was now no more.  Worse yet, Petrie knew that meant that the others were also probably gone.  The swift and prideful Breeze, the loyal but silent Scarflank, the attentive and watchful Vigilant... and Taunt.

Yes, Petrie realized, Taunt would be the hardest for the pack to accept.  Cera had a unique connection to that fast biter as he was one of the only dinosaurs she had known who could match wits with her.  He was prideful and maddening in his use of wit.  He was the sort of dinosaur that Cera would probably consider killing if he wasn't their ally.  Actually, now that Petrie thought about it, she probably considered strangling him a few times anyway.

But now they were all gone.  Or, at least as far as Petrie could tell, they were all dead.  He had only found one body, but that was of their leader.  If he had fallen in combat then that must have meant the others were no more as well.  Petrie knew that he and the others would not let that happen to Littlefoot without a fight.  Consequently, knowing the honor of Skytail's pack, they must have met the same fate as well.

It was with these unhappy thoughts that he flew towards the home of the pack.  How was he going to break the news?

It was with that thought that he finally looked down in anguish.  The emotions were too raw.  In fact, they were so fresh that he found himself seeing hallucinations of some of those that were lost.  It almost looked like Breeze and Taunt were running towards the swamp.  But why would his hallucination have Thud in it?

Petrie suddenly snapped out of his stupor.  It Taunt and Breeze!  They alive!

With an almost impossible amount of effort, he flapped his wings as fast as they would move and directed himself straight towards the trio of dinosaurs.  His mind was ignoring Thud at the moment as all of his thoughts were on the return of those friends that had he feared were no more.  Involuntarily, he gave a joyful screech at his allies.

They seemed to hear him as they slowed their motion for a moment and Taunt looked up with a relieved expression.  He quickly gestured for Petrie to follow them as they continued their headlong sprint towards the swamp.  Why they in such a hurry?  Petrie thought to himself.  He redoubled his efforts and was flying just above the fast biters within a matter of seconds.

"You alive!  Me thought you all dead!"  Petrie chirped at the trio of dinosaurs.  "Me see Skytail..."

Taunt seemed to look sad at that affirmation, but he did not slow, nor did any of his companions.  He seemed to be trying to catch his breath, Petrie noted. But why he in hurry?  The flyer asked himself.  He was about to ask that question when he heard a shout from Thud.  Petrie had nearly forgotten about him.

"If you don't want your friends to end up like that then you need to get help!  NOW!"

Petrie had a confusing jumble of thoughts going through his mind right then.  Why was Thud helping them?  Why were they running towards the pack?  Wasn't Thud and Taunt not on good terms?  But his mind only allowed him to ask the most pertinent question.

"What wrong?!"

Thud was now gasping for air as well, so Breeze answered.  "Other fast biters... Want to attack you...  They got us...  We help...  But too many..."

Realization began to dawn on Petrie.  The pack was soon going to be under attack.  He was the fastest of the group and as such he was the only one who could give them a fighting chance.  He may not be able to alert the pack in time, but he could get help.

"Me get help!  Fight well!"

Taunt and Thud both gave a slight bob of the head in acknowledgement as they continued to run towards what Petrie assumed was the advancing threat.  With a shift of his wings and a redirection of his momentum into a band of warm air, Petrie shifted immediately towards the west.  He knew exactly who he would get for help.  After all, he remembered where they usually hunted.

Me not know who we fight, but Chomper's parents will crush them!


The Land of Shallow Waters, by the spiketail herd:

"That is insane, Bron!  Have you gone mad?!"

Doc's statement was uncharacteristic for the longneck of few words, but he could not believe the drivel that Bron was now spewing as his great revelation.  His son as a sharptooth?  It was ludicrous!  Doc had seen amazing things on his journeys.  He had seen places that seemed to have defied the laws of nature.  He had seen dinosaurs that were impossibly tall.  He had seen sharpteeth that seemed impossible to defeat.  He had seen all manner of joy and despair.  But he had never heard of an herbivore changing into a sharptooth.

The brown longneck was undeterred.  "It may be insane... but it is the way it is.  My son is the only person who could have known those things...  Not to mention the sleep story."  

Bron seemed more certain and calm than Doc had ever seen him.  It was a curious change from the previous day.  Something had surely happened, but he was not buying Bron's story.  Regaining his composure, he decided to try to reason with the other longneck.

"It would take more than a sleep story to convince me."

The brown longneck nodded.  "I don't doubt that, but they know things that only they could know.  They know things that even Chomper was never told and that none of them would tell...  Littlefoot mentioned the Big Longneck Test."  Bron then swallowed.  "Shorty even snuck out and greeted Littlefoot on his own while I was... indisposed...  If they had wanted to kill him then that would have been the perfect opportunity, but they did nothing of the sort.  Littlefoot treated Shorty like family... which is more than I could say about myself."  The longneck looked away in shame.

Doc was amazed by this turn of events.  He didn't believe the sharptooth story for a moment, but they undoubtedly had poor Bron convinced.  The longneck had signs of mental instability before, as his troubled moaning during his sleep stories often indicated, but this latest episode had Doc convinced that Bron had finally snapped.  Were he still the 'Lone Dinosaur' he would have probably went on his way and left Bron to his fate... but now he was a father and he saw things differently.  He owed it to Bron and his adopted son to get the brown longneck back to reality.  He resolved to try once more to do just that.

"This is madness."

Bron frowned slightly at the large longneck's intransience.  "My friend...  I know when you see them that..."  Bron suddenly stopped.  "What the..."

Suddenly a massive group of fast biters emerged from the foliage of the swamp and sprinted across the open field where the spiketails were grazing.  The spiketail herd then erupted into a chorus of panicked screams, rumbling feet, and alert calls.  Curiously, however, none of the fast biters seemed to attack.  They simply seemed to run past the other dinosaurs, as if they were in their way.  As the last one departed towards their unknown destination, Doc spoke in an accusatory tone.

"Were those your 'children'?"

Bron hurriedly shook his head.  "No.  But they are heading straight for... Oh no!  Littlefoot!"  Bron then began to sprint in the direction of the departed fast biters.

Doc interrupted, beginning to sprint himself.  "Where are you going?"

Bron shouted back.  "I can't let them hurt my son!  They're obviously on the hunt.  You heard their calls."

Doc nodded.  Yes he had lived long enough to recognize the fast biter hunting calls.  The clicks and screeches were enough to make adrenaline surge into his system.  Those sounds only meant danger.  Even if the story Bron was saying was complete madness, he wouldn't let him fight alone.  If nothing else the death of the fast biters would increase the security of his son and the herd that he now found himself in.  Resolved to do what he had to do, he spoke with great determination.

"Let me help you."  Doc was now running as well.

Bron looked back in his run and quipped.  "I thought that you didn't believe me?"

Doc snorted.  "I don't.  But I am not going to let you fight alone."

Bron gave a simple reply back.  "Don't harm my son."

Doc didn't answer back.


"Hmm... Petrie should be returning soon..."  Littlefoot noted.  The flyer had left the previous day in order to search for Skytail's pack and relay his findings on Calin.  Now, of course, with the departure of Calin that mission was less important, but Littlefoot was still curious about the whereabouts of their old allies.  Perhaps they invited Petrie for a meal?  Littlefoot mused.  It is the customary way to treat guests...

Cera seemed to note Littlefoot's preoccupation and broke the silence.  "What's wrong, Seeker?"

Littlefoot looked up at his old friend.  "Huh?  Oh, I am just thinking about Petrie.  He is taking a while."

Cera nodded.  "I am sure Spotter's alright.  He is probably eating a large meal with the pack as we speak...  Damn lucky flyer..."

Littlefoot snorted.  "We don't exactly eat poorly here, you know?"  He then smiled.  "Is it the other pack's food that you long for... or the company of your little friend?"  His voice was teasing, but in a gentle way.

Cera grunted in annoyance.  "Don't you even start!  Need I remind you of how you have been acting around Ponder?"

Littlefoot glared at Cera.  "She was upset and I was comforting her..."

Cera smiled as she knew that she had him.  "Oh?  So is that what you call it?"

Littlefoot sighed.  It seemed that he was getting his just desserts after accusing Cera of being romantic with Taunt.  The teasing could go both ways and being a leader did not protect him from the teasing of his packmates.  After all, he only liked Ruby as a friend.  There was nothing more there... was there?

Seeing Littlefoot lost in thought again, Cera decided to change the subject.  There was a difference between playful teasing and being cruel.  Even Cera knew that line.  She decided to concede a point about Taunt.

"I do miss him though.  He was an insufferable ankle-biter, but he was my friend."  She acknowledged.

Littlefoot nodded at Cera's admission.  "Yeah...  I am sure that they are doing fine.  But I wish Petrie would report back soon."

Cera nodded.  "Me too."

Their conversation was interrupted by Spike.  "This is sweet and all, but what do we need to talk about, Seeker?"

Both Littlefoot and Cera shared a brief look of amusement at the green fast biter's acerbic wit and laughed at his antics.  Spike was always fixated on the needs of the present.  Even as a leaf-eater he was fixated on food as opposed to social concerns.  It was actually somewhat refreshing to see that part of his personality remain.  Although as a leaf-eater he couldn't share his caustic observations due to his lack of speech.  Littlefoot had to wonder if he was like that all along or if that was something new that came with his transformation.  He figured in any case that Spike's mind must have been an interesting place.

"Well, guys, I wanted to talk about what has been happening."  Littlefoot offered.

Cera tilted her head.  "You mean, besides you trying to get yourself killed by talking to your dad alone?"

Littlefoot sighed.  "Yeah..."

Cera then glared at Ruby.  "I am still angry with you, Ponder.  You should've stopped him."

Ruby blinked.  "I did try to stop him, but it didn't stop him."

Cera shook her head.  "That is no excuse, were I there I..."  She was interrupted by an irate Littlefoot.

"I told her that if she got help then I would go to Bron alone."  Littlefoot affirmed.  "She figured that I was safer with her help than going alone.  How would you have reacted if she had abandoned me, Stern Claw?"

Cera looked stunned at Littlefoot's revelation.  "So this was all you then, Seeker?"

Littlefoot nodded.  "Yes.  It was all my idea."

Ducky then intervened at this point in the conversation.  "That was very dangerous, Seeker.  It was, it was.  You could have been hurt-ed!"

Spike nodded.  "Yes, that was very risky.  Did we not have a chat before about taking risks?  We are a pack, are we not?"

"We help one another, but we can't do that if you go alone!"  Chomper affirmed.

Littlefoot cringed at that memory.  The rest of the pack had erupted at him and criticized his saving of the egg-stealers back in the lowlands.  True he had taken that action to fulfill what he considered to be his obligations to Ozzy and Strut, considering that the pack was effectively using them, but he had taken an unnecessary risk.  He had been so exhausted and the pack was so upset that he had actually offered to give up leadership.  They had made a strong point about him going alone when he had an entire pack to back him up.  Now here he was making the same mistake.  In trying to protect the rest of the pack by going alone, he had instead insulted the pack.  Now that his mind was no longer clouded with the confused emotions revolving around his father, he could clearly see the error that he had made.  Now he had to atone for that.

"I screwed up, guys."  Littlefoot began.

Cera interrupted.  "You can say that again!"

"I was so upset about my father and I didn't want to have to kill him...  He didn't deserve that... And... And..."  Littlefoot attempted to start again.

"We know, Seeker."  It was now Ruby's turn to interrupt.

"Huh?"  Littlefoot was now confused.

Cera looked at Ruby for a moment, before giving her a nod of encouragement.  It seemed that the two fast biters were now on the same page.  Cera seemed to be deferring to her pink counterpart in order to make the point more diplomatically than she could.

"We know."  Ruby repeated.  "I think any of us would do the same if it were our parents.  If it were our parents then we would do the same.  But we care for you, Seeker!  You need to rely on us!"

Chomper nodded at his former caregiver's affirmation.  "Yeah!  We're your friends and friends stick together!"

Ducky and Spike grunted in acknowledgement as well.  It seemed that everyone was in agreement.

Littlefoot nodded.  "Alright, guys.  Thanks... I guess that I just needed a reminder."

Cera nodded.  "The reminder better hold this time, because next time I'm getting out the claws."

Ruby looked at Cera with a faux accusatory glare.  "Are you threatening the leader, Cera?"

Cera glared back, not realizing the mirth in Ruby's expression.  "What if I am?"

Ruby smiled.  "Then you can count me in.  If he screws up again then we all can beat some sense into him."

Now realizing that Ruby was just trying to take some humor at Littlefoot's expense, Cera had to laugh.  As she did so the remainder of the pack began to chuckle as well.  Well, everyone but Littlefoot, who was now lost in thought.

After all of this time I finally get them to agree on something... and it's on the fact that I'm an idiot.  Well at least this day couldn't get any worse.

"My stupidity... um... wasn't exactly what I called this meeting about though."

At Littlefoot's interruption, the five heads of his companions turned around.  He now had their attention despite the fact that were still stifling chuckles at his expense.  Finally, Ducky took the bait.

"Then why are we here?"

Littlefoot sighed.  "We need to decide what to do now.  My dad knows about us... Pterano knows about us... Ruby's parents know about us..."  He looked at the others as he could see realization dawn upon them.  "We can't hide what we are now, can we?"

Spike frowned at Littlefoot's words.  "I have been thinking about this since... well... since last night."  He paused for a moment as if he were collecting his thoughts.  "I thought that it would have been easier to just... be what we are, you know?  But after my friend... After Tippy..."  He looked away for a moment and Ducky rushed over to comfort him, but he soon recovered and continued his thoughts.  "But after him...  I don't know.  I just don't know anymore."

Looking sadly as Spike's near-breakdown, Cera said her piece.  "I know what you are saying, Seeker.  I guess we stopped thinking about telling our parents after we killed.  Maybe it was best for them to think that we were dead?  But now... But now..."  She sighed.  "You told us Littlefoot that your dad knew of your sleep story... just like Ruby's parents and Pterano.  That means our parents must have had the same sleep story.  But why would they?"

Ruby stared at Cera and completed her thought.  "Maybe the Stone of Cold Fire wanted our parents to know what happened."

Spike gave a disgusted snort.  "It sure could have been more direct about it!"

Littlefoot nodded.  "It seems like it didn't do anything directly."  Now seeing that the rest of the pack was sharing his thoughts, he continued.  "I guess that the time might have come then... Time to let the valley know what has happened."

Ruby nodded at this.  "Yes, but how are we..."  She then focused on something behind Littlefoot.  "Uh oh."

Littlefoot and the remainder of the pack immediately turned to look at what had alerted Ruby when they came across the obvious source of her distress.  Littlefoot's voice barely contained his rage.



Dein roared in approval at the successful expedition.  He and his mate had found a hadrosaur that appeared to have been taken down by fast biters based upon the wounds.  Curiously, however, they seemed to have left most of the corpse.  Neither of the sharpteeth was hesitant about taking advantage of a free meal.  In fact, for sharpteeth of their size, much of their food intake came from carrion.  Whether it came from abandoned catches or from intimidating the smaller predators, it was always easier and safer to get dead meat as opposed to a fresh kill.

Dein gestured to his mate to take the first bite as she was the one to find the dead hadrosaur.  Both of them seemed to linger on the sight in front of them however.  It was extremely odd for a very fresh such as this to simply be left behind.  Especially by a fast biter pack.  If they had been chased by a larger sharptooth then that carnivore would have taken the meat, but it was still here.  So the fast biters must have been in a hurry.  Curious...  Dein pondered.

"Dein!  Terri!"  Came a frantic voice from above.  Terri looked away from the corpse and immediately took note of Petrie's form.  He must have been back from Seeker's errand. Terri deduced.  But why is he panicked?

"What is wrong, Spotter?"  She asked in a booming voice.

Petrie took a shaky breath and collapsed on the ground.  Terri could see that he had obviously been flying at full speed for some time.  Something serious must have happened.

Petrie then shouted despite his exhaustion.  "Invasion!  Fast biters!  They after pack..."

Terri didn't let Petrie finish but instead gave a quick glance at Dein who shared her look of distress.  "Chomper!"  She breathed.

Without any further word, the two sharpteeth bounded back towards home with all of the speed that their massive bodies could muster.  Terri resolved in her mind that no matter who the intruders were, she would teach them a lesson that they would never forget.

Nobody invades my territory!  Hang on, son!


"So there you have it!  Either you agree to join us... and the strongest of you dispose the rest."  Calin gestured with a dismissive gesture towards Chomper and Ducky.  It was obvious who he thought would die in his 'tryouts' for the pack.  "...or we will reluctantly have to eliminate you."  Calin smiled a beaming smile as he stared at Littlefoot.   Littlefoot, for his part, glared at Calin with utter hatred.  It was obvious that the extent of Calin's depravity horrified him.  "How do you like 'my' challenge, Seeker?"

Littlefoot seethed as he considered his current situation.  They had been ambushed and were now surrounded by at least eight fast biters, meaning that they were hopelessly outnumbered.  They had no backup as Chomper's parents were hunting in the southern swamps and they couldn't have Petrie get help as he still hadn't returned from his mission.  It looked like that their luck may had finally run out.  He knew that he had to come up with some kind of plan and quickly.  That might make the difference between a few deaths and the end of the entire pack.

Because he knew that they were not going to get out of this unscathed.

He glanced out of the corner of his eye at the sharpteeth who were now standing back to back at his sides.  These were his packmates.  His friends.  His only companions throughout enumerable adventures.  The now formed a circle facing outward at the enemies who had surrounded them, with their tails facing the center.  He had to acknowledge that some of the fast biters at his sides would soon no longer be in the land of the living.  It was a horrifying thought.  He swallowed hard while not changing his expression of rage.  He had to act now.  Being careful to speak in leaf-eater so as not to alert the enemy, he whispered to the others.

"We are surrounded.  Let's charge at the blue one."  Littlefoot stared at what looked like the weakest of the adversaries. "If we can break out of the circle, then we can have a chance." He couldn't look back at his companions without taking his focus off of the enemy horde surrounding him, but he could still acknowledge his dear friends one last time.  He then took a shuddering breath and intentionally brushed his tail against the other five dinosaurs.  This was a gesture that the others reciprocated, so that the tails of the pack were touching in a gesture of unity.  

"See you all on the other side."

Littlefoot's words gave no clarification as to if he meant when they broke through the enemy line or when they passed into the world of the parted.  Truth be told, he didn't know which he meant either.  All that he knew was that he and his intrepid band of friends were about to fight against impossible odds.  He steeled himself for what was about to occur.

Calin took that moment to gloat one final time.  "What?  Don't have anything to say?"

Seeker sneered.  "Charge!"

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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review of chapter 44:

I see Bron has realised the damage he's caused... not only on Littlefoot but also on himself. He was so focussed on his son that he even forgot about his adopted one. Bron is galopping from one grave mistake to another, seemingly.

The talk between Littlefoot and Shorty (and Ruby) is really wonderful :) It's nice to see that Shorty is the very opposite of Bron here. He accepts his brother for what he is and admits the mistakes he and (in particular) Bron have made... which is quite unlike Shorty but totally believable in this situation. :yes
Cera has made quite a witty comment I must say :lol: So the rest of the pack has found them at last. Wonder how Bron is going to react to that...

Hmm, so now the Seven Hunters (minus Petrie) have received some very useful information. Not only how life is the Valley had been like but, especially, that there is a huge pack of fastbiters in the area that belongs to their allies... I sure hope they will pick that information up when holding their meeting... They need to be... prepared :smile
So Bron has indeed taken the important step and apologised for his earlier behavior. It will be of high importance that the Hunters are going to be able to rely on Bron and possibly Doc too... I'm foreseeing that'll be important anyway :p

Ah, there comes the reason for it... An assault is planned and, of course, the Seven Hunters will be caught off-guard... not to mention that they're still juveniles while Calin seems to be a grown-up plus (I assume) most of his pack members. I can't imagine Redclaw recruiting children or juveniles. Lord Voldemort didn't do that either, just so by saying :angel (btw, there's quite a similarity between Voldemort and Redclaw if I may point that out :DD).
It's only good for the Hunters that there's rivalty within their attackers and help on the way :yes

Another good addition, in a nutshell :exactly

Littlefoot carefully studies his brother for a brief moment.
Studied. Besides I believe you meant to write "Shorty" here rather than "Littlefoot"...

Should be bold.

"I don't know either, dad. But let's figure it out together."
Should be bold as well.
Inactive, probably forever.


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Thanks for the review, Ducky. :)  I have already responded to it via Skype, but I would like to thank you again for the feedback.  I would also like to clarify that Calin's pack is in fact made up of juveniles, although most of them are a bit older than Littlefoot and the rest of the pack.  This will be emphasized a bit later in the story.

The next chapter should be posted shortly.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Chapter 46   An unexpected arrival

A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down.
― Arnold H. Glasow

"What?  Don't have anything to say?"

Calin was quite enjoying this moment.  Not only was he going to put an end to Goron's ambitions and secure his own security as a second-in-command under Zarc, but he was also going to rid the world of the upstart who had insulted him.  Even though Calin's attempt to join Littlefoot's pack was entirely for the purpose of assessing its weaknesses for the eventual "recruiting drive" he still couldn't stand being considered unworthy by those he considered his inferiors.  He now knew that when he finally accepted into his pack whoever was wise enough to switch sides, and there was almost always a few that did so, that he would still see to it that Littlefoot died a horrible death.  Only Skytail's antics had infuriated him more.  A dinosaur who not only insisted that high-minded ideals like honor had any meaning, but who also was willing to fight and die for it, was antithetical for Calin.  He would see to it that Littlefoot knew in his final moments just how worthless those ideals were.

He heard some kind of unintelligible grunt come from Littlefoot as he looked up at Calin with a snarl and then proceeded to charge to his left.  To his surprise and annoyance, the other sharpteeth in Littlefoot’s pack made a similar sprint in the same direction.  Meanwhile, the rest of Calin's forces, being fixated on a pincer attack, simply charged into the circle according to their original plan of attacking them on all sides.  They were unaware, Calin realized, of the strategy that the opposing pack was now using.

To attack a superior enemy at its weakest point.

"No you fools!   Charge behind!  Charge behind!  Don't let them escape!"

However his other packmates were too fixated on the original plan to consider how the situation had just changed.  They were not charging around the circle in order to intercept the pack when they inevitably broke through the circle of fast biters, which meant that Littlefoot's pack would be in a position to run away and regroup when they finally broke through.  Calin's fury rose to its breaking point at the shear ineptitude on display from his forces.

With a growl deep in his throat, Calin smacked the fast biter to his side and forcefully nudged him towards the outside of the circle.  Even if the rest of the mongrels that were his packmates were unable to grasp the situation, he was going to be sure to not let Littlefoot outsmart him.  He and his partner would intercept them before they escaped too far, or so he hoped.

Despite his thoughts of victory, Calin couldn't help but cringe when he heard Littlefoot crash into his target.


Littlefoot felt as if he were in a daze.  He had never been in a fight before except for when it involved prey.  But now here he was, fighting against his own kind in what was certainly a fight to the death.  As the adrenaline powered through his system, he could feel the thundering of his heart and the burning of his lungs.  All that was real now was the target in front of his eyes.  He had to break through the blue fast biter if he and the others were going to break through the enemy blockade.  As the blue fast biter looked upon the advancing threat with a look of surprise, Littlefoot placed all of his weight on the back of his hind limbs and launched himself into the air.  With great precision as he sailed the intervening distance, Littlefoot directed his massive claws at his target.


A sickening thud emanated from below Littlefoot as his razor sharp talons impacted the blue fast biter's skull.  He could feel the weight of the other carnivore dissipate as his body crumbled to the ground in a motionless heap.  With much of his momentum being dissipated by the crushing blow, Littlefoot quickly landed upon the ground in a loud crash.  Acting on instinct, he extended his forelimbs and raised his tail in order to balance his falling body, before again bounding forward in an impromptu leap.

As he regained his footing and continued to sprint, Littlefoot could hear the welcome sound of the others running beside him.  They had escaped from the pincer attack!  But now they had to run and evade their pursuers until they could find help.

And he knew just the place to seek shelter.

"To the mud pits!"  He cried out in leaf-eater, as not to alert the enemy to his plan.  "Ruby and Chomper, go get Bron!  Everyone else, follow me!"


Seething with hatred and determination, Calin charged ahead of the fallen fast biter and kept pace with the retreating pack.  They had tricked his packmates masterfully.  His own forces were now confused, with some trying to charge at the retreating dinosaurs and others waiting for further orders.  He decided to not keep them waiting.

"Chase after them you incompetent bastards!  Are you not fast biters?!  Run!"

As he shouted off his enraged order, he continued to run after his quarry.  He was now pleased to hear the sounds of running feet matching his own as he began to advance on the slowest member of Littlefoot's pack, the purple two-footer.

Calin smiled.  If he could hurt or kill that specimen then it would enrage his parents, which would prove useful when Goron came onto the scene from the east.  Calin fully planned on having the sharptooth's parents do the dirty business for him.  Killing one of Littlefoot's friends would just make the act all that much sweeter.

That was when their quarry decided to split into two groups.

To Calin's dismay, he could see four of his minions break off and chase after the rose colored fast biter and the two-footer.  Littlefoot was pulling another trick on his pack and Calin would have none of it.

"Follow me, you dimwits!"  He snarled in frustration.  "Ignore those two!"

As Chomper and Ruby sped off in an attempt to get help, the two packs remained locked in a race for survival.  The remaining four fast biters in Littlefoot's pack were now up against a force that was twice their size.  Their only hope rested in their speed and their ability to get help.


Dein ran as fast as his massive legs could carry him.  His son was in danger!  From other fast biters no less.  His fear was only overshadowed by his insatiable anger.  

How dare they invade our territory!  Do they not know who we are?!  Do they wish to die!

He briefly took note of the flyer that was now flying in front of him.  Spotter was obviously struggling to catch up after having flown a great distance to tell them the news of the attack.  Dein had no right to ask more of him, but he decided that it was time to do so nonetheless.

"Spotter?  Fly high and see if you can find them!  We need to know where they are!"

The flyer seemed to not respond for a few moments, before finally letting out a weak call.  Dein watched as the flyer opened both wings in an expansive gesture and let the warm air carry him aloft.  Dein felt a momentary feeling of compassion for the flyer.  He lacked the ability to help in the fight, but he was still determined to help his friends anyway he could.  It was heartening to see that his son had such friends.

He only hoped that they could hold out long enough for them to arrive.


The four fast biters were keeping pace with one another, running side by side in their headlong sprint towards the mud pits.

"We are outpacing them!"  Littlefoot proclaimed loudly to the pack.  "Now we do what we planned!"

Cera wanted to ask for clarification, but then she remembered what Littlefoot was referring to.  Way back when they had first taken residence with Dein and Terri, they were tasked with the mission of planning for defense.  It was one of the numerous little exercises and tests that Dein had put them through during The Time of Training, but now it seemed that it was finally time to put their plans into action.  They had no experience fighting their own kind, let alone fast biters who were probably stronger and certainly more skilled than they were at the act of killing.  Their only hope was to use their own cunning to their advantage.

She hoped that would be enough.

With some trepidation, but with pride, she spoke out to the rest of the pack.

"I will help Seeker cover the front."  She wasn't going to wait for an objection.  "Spike and Ducky?  You're backup!"

Littlefoot then spoke up between gasps.  "Remember... We have to hold out... until they get help..."

Both Ducky and Spike grunted their understanding as they bounded into the undergrowth in front of Littlefoot and Cera.  As Cera advanced into the foliage immediately after them she could clearly see the outline of the mud pools come into view.  The thick, viscous mud which gave the mud pool its name was completely obscured from this angle by the tall wall of grass which grew around its outline.  This ensured that any entrants into the area would be unaware of the danger until it was too late.  The pack, of course, was planning on using this to their advantage.

Spike and Ducky immediately bounded to the left and parted the grass at a particular place in the grass wall, revealing a submerged tree that had been knocked over into the mud pool.  Terri had been the one to knock down the tree and she had told them of how to use it to their advantage.  From the area where they had entered the mud pits, the tree was at an angle, thus any dinosaur bounding after them without looking would fall directly into the suffocating mud.  As for the others, it would be up to them to fight until backup arrived to relieve them.  Cera hoped that they could hold out that long.

With anxious yet steady steps, three of the four fast biters sprinted across the tree until they were nearly half an adult longneck length into the mud pool.  It was at this point that Cera looked back and could see that the other pack was emerging from the foliage.  She could also see that Littlefoot was quite a ways back and was directly facing the adversaries across the mud pool.  They could not see that Littlefoot was on a tree from their vantage point, Cera realized, so they had no idea that a direct charge was out of the question.

Cera gulped.  This was it.

Taking a look behind at Spike and Ducky, she gave an encouraging smile.  "You guys got our back?"  She asked at the two other fast biters.  At their grunts of affirmation, Cera looked back towards her adversaries and snarled.  "Good!  Then let's show these upstarts who is the boss!"

With a confident stride that did not match her inner turmoil, Cera sprinted to Littlefoot's side.  She resolved that she would be with him from when the battle commenced to when it finally concluded.

She just hoped that they all would live to see its conclusion.


Chomper was quickly tiring, but both he and Ruby continued to run towards the spiketail herd.  They absolutely had to warn Bron so that the pack could have some assistance.  Everyone else was counting on them.  So despite his exhaustion, Chomper struggled on to perform his duty for his brave friends.

That is, until he heard a surprised yelp from Ruby.

Chomper immediately looked up.  It was Taunt!  And Breeze!  And...

"Thud!"  Ruby screamed in agitation as she backed away towards Chomper.  The absolute last thing that they needed was to have another ill-meaning fast biter to be after the pack.  But...  Chomper wondered to himself.  Why did Taunt bring him here?

"It's okay!"  Taunt quickly affirmed to his friends.  "Me and my father have... reunited.  But your pack is in danger!"

Thud was Taunt's father! Chomper thought as the realization began to dawn on him.  Chomper barely had any time to process that bombshell, however, when his mission called to him.  

"We know we're in danger!"  Chomper affirmed.

"They sent us for help!  We need to get Seeker's dad!"  Ruby added.

Just then they could hear the rumbling of distance footsteps.  In the distance Chomper could see what looked like a massive pack of fast biters advancing through the underbrush... But they weren't alone.

There were two longnecks chasing after them.

"What the...  What is this?!"  Thud called out in surprise.

Ruby smiled.  "It looks like we didn't need to get Seeker's dad after all."


"So there you are, you bastard!"  Calin had lost his usual faux joviality.  Littlefoot was very quickly disrupting his plans.  "I'm afraid that you have only delayed the inevitable.  Are you sure you don't want to take our generous offer?"

Calin sneered at the brown fast biter and the yellow companion that was situated at his side.  He didn't have to wait long to hear Littlefoot's infuriating response.

"You're generosity?!  Ha!"  Littlefoot mocked.  "Why would we want to join with a pack of idiots such as yourself?"  As Littlefoot paced in place, Calin could see two of the more intrepid members of his pack begin to prepare themselves for a charge.  They were all too eager to silence the dinosaur that had outsmarted them and continued to insult them.  Calin had to admit that he was looking forward for Littlefoot's violent end as well.  "Your ultimatum was to either join or die.  We choose death.  So come on, you cowards!  Either stand and fight or run away like the hatchlings that you are!"

There are some moments that seem to stand still in time, Calin reflected, and this was one of those times.  As soon as Littlefoot had made his final taunt at his pack, Calin realized that there was no way that he could restrain them.  There would be no strategy to this battle.  There would be no respite for either side.  His own followers were enraged and fixated on killing.  There was nothing that he could say to impede them from an immediate attack.

As he and five of his other fast biters prepared for a charge of their own, the other two members of his particular troop charged headlong at the brown fast biter.  Their teeth were bared.  Their claws were primed.  Their eyes were fixated on the one that they wished to slay.  There was no doubt that they would be on their target in but a few seconds.

But yet, Littlefoot and his yellow companion stood stoically in the face of the unstoppable onslaught.  Are they mad?  Calin thought to himself.  Or is there something that I am missing?  Looking around in that split moment, he saw something that made his blood run cold.  Around the tall grass that seemed to envelope the scene, he could see dried mud.  Recently dried mud.  Likewise, he could smell the tell-tale smell of moisture in the air.  Littlefoot and his friends aren't standing in a field of grass!  Calin suddenly realized.  They are standing in the middle of a mud pool! He began to shout his warning...

But it was too late.

The two most adventurous members of his troop bounded through the tall grass at the same exact moment.  Their massive velocity carrying them forward into the unknown beyond the thick foliage.  That was when he could hear the horrifying sound of splashing mud in the unseen depths and the panicked screams.


"Damn It!"

"Help...  Me..."

Calin rushed to the front as his horrified companions stood behind.  As he parted the grass he could see the fate that had befallen his packmates.  One of them had fallen head first into the mud and only his tail and hind quarters could be seen.  The sounds of gurgling and the rising bubbles of air indicated that he was drowning in the brown prison of mud.  The other was desperately gasping for air and trashing in the thick mud, but it was obvious that he was slowly sinking into the depths.  They were both several fast biter lengths into the mud pool due to their momentum when they charged forward.  As such, neither he nor his companions could advance into the mud to retrieve them in time.  If they attempted that feat, they would only end up as victims of the mud pool themselves.




For any other dinosaur this turn of events would have caused heartbreak and a feeling of profound failure, but not for Calin.  Right now all Calin felt was unspeakable rage.  In one small act of trickery, the opposing pack had wiped out half of his forces.  As they lay drowning in their muddy grave, Calin vowed that he would not wait for backup to arrive.  He would not wait to kill.

He wanted Littlefoot for himself.


There was something quite different about seeing your own kind die.

Ducky had seen it all.  The insults that Littlefoot had so craftily shouted at their adversaries.  The resulting charge of the enraged fast biters towards the mud pool.  The massive splashes as the dinosaurs fell into the thick, suffocating muck.  But the sounds of death were something else entirely.

"Please... I don't want to die... please."

"Ardu... I am sorry... I am so sorry... It wasn't worth it..."


They had made a point about being quick on most of their kills when they hunted.  As a result, the true loneliness and sadness of the act of dying seemed distant to her.  Even when she had dealt the killing blow onto the mother flyer, the distraught mother had seemed to take on a calm recognition in the end that it was all over.  But these poor souls did not have that luxury.  They were being forced into suffering a slow death from which there was no escape.  In their final moments, with their other packmates being unable to inflict anything upon them, they were bearing their final mournful thoughts and regrets into the open.

And it was horrifying.

"I'm sorry mother... I just wanted to live..."


Ducky had been there, just like the others, when Calin had made his recruitment pitch.  He stated that Red Claw was building a pack in order to challenge all who stood in their way and that the only way to join this pack was to be able to prove that you were stronger than your packmates.  To prove this, you would have to kill your companions.  Calin said that his pack was currently understaffed so that he would accept three from Littlefoot's pack and that the weaker members would have to die.  That was the only way in which any of them would be permitted to live.  They would have to commit the ultimate act of betrayal and become persona non grata to the rest of sharptooth society so that Red Claw knew that they were loyal to only his mission.   None of them accepted that offer, of course.  They had chosen to die together as opposed to dying apart.  None of them would willingly betray the others.

But these poor things...  They had made that other choice.  They had chosen to kill their families or packs in order to have a chance at survival.  The depravity of being forced into such a sick situation made something in Ducky snap.  Her sharptooth name may have been Haven, but she knew that she would provide no sympathy to Calin or Red Claw.  They had willingly and gleefully made these dinosaurs betray their own innocence.  Now, she and her pack had been forced to kill them.

"Mother...  Mother..."

"Please help..."

Their enemies were little other than children themselves and like children they were calling in anguish to their own parents for assistance.  But they had no parents, not anymore.  Ducky supposed that she should feel some contempt for these dinosaurs who betrayed their own families, but she couldn't bring herself to do that.  In a way, they were victims just as much as the ones that they killed were.

"Gasp!  Can't bre..."


As the final screams of struggle and sobs of despair began to go silent, Ducky could see Calin beginning to rouse the remainder of his cowering forces.  The battle was about to recommence.

And for once in her life, Ducky was prepared to kill.


Zarc was concerned about this change in plans.

"What are you doing, Calin?  We should wait for backup.  Especially if we want Goron..."

Calin interrupted immediately.  "He killed my people!"  Calin couldn't care less about that, of course, but his affirmation would only confirm his good intentions with the naively idealistic Zarc.  "I have to fight him!"

Calin then moved his head closer to Zarc's and whispered in his ear.  "Besides... There will be enough left to keep Goron occupied and then we can complete our mission."

Zarc sighed and whispered back.  "How should we do that?  If the sharpteeth don't intercept Goron then..."

Calin interrupted.  "Then we attack him on the log as he is trying to cut down the rest of Littlefoot's pack.  No questions are asked during dominance battles."

Zarc protested.  "Red Claw will not like that."

Calin offered a curt reply.  "Red Claw only talks to the leader of the fast biters.  If you don't tell him how Goron dies, then there won't be a problem."  

Without a further word, Calin looked back at the remaining four fast biters.  "Come on you sap suckers!  Get to attention!"  As the fast biters reluctantly rose to their full height, Calin continued.  "The loss of our friends is unfortunate, but we still have a mission to complete!  They gave their lives for this mission.  Are you going to sit around and do nothing while their killers laugh at us?!"

Both of the fast biters gave grunts in the negative, as Calin elaborated on his plan.  "Zarc and I will charge down the tree first, that is when I want the rest of you to..."



Another fast biter disappeared under the massive tail of Doc.  The pack troop of twelve fast biters had now been reduced to ten.  Both of the rampaging longnecks had taken one life in their unexpected strike on the pack.

"What in the name of sanity is this?!"  Goron cried.  The longnecks were almost acting like sharpteeth in their ruthless pursuit of the fast biters.  They had not attacked the spiketail herd, nor harmed any of the longneck younglings, but it seemed that the longnecks still wanted to strike a blow against the racing predators.  It was a most unusual sight.

"Sir!"  Came the panicked words of one of the fast biters who were keeping pace with Goron.  "I caught his scent, sir... Calin's."

Goron had to suppress a groan.  For once he was glad to hear that Calin was nearby.  

"Lead the way, tracker!  Because the opposing pack sure as blazes isn't here!"

What Goron didn't see was the purple sharptooth and the four fast biters following close behind the massive brown longneck.  If any of Littlefoot's fellow packmates were here then this would have communicated one thing:

Help was on its way.


Every part of Littlefoot's body was full of trepidation.  He could feel the racing of his heart and the rapidness of his breath.  The bitter taste of adrenaline filled his mouth.  Despite his best efforts to appear stoic in front of his enemies and allies alike, his limbs shook slightly in anticipation of what could come next.  Some part of him had hoped that the loss of the two fast biters would dissuade Calin from continuing his assault on the pack, but it seemed that his hopes were misplaced.  Now only the imminent battle awaited him and his close friends.  He fully realized that it might be the last thing that ever awaited them.

He looked to his side.  Cera was in a fighting posture, with her forelimbs extended in anticipation of what was to come.  Her eyes seemed fixed on the entrance onto the fallen tree they were currently standing on.  However, possibly sensing his eyes upon her, she turned to look into Littlefoot's eyes.  He couldn't help but give her a slight smile and an encouraging nod.  

She blinked at his response, before reciprocating the gesture and extending her forelimb to his.  He returned the gesture and grasped his hand onto hers.  The message was simple:

We are in this together.

However, as soon as it had started, the moment was over.  Each fast biter quickly resumed their vigilant posture in preparation of the attack that was certain to come.  They didn't have to wait for long.

Littlefoot's ears went on alert as he heard the sound of clicking claws on the massive fallen tree.  Two forms the appeared through the tall grass.  The tan form of Calin was the most noticeable, with his expressionless face conveying little to the brown fast biter.  It seemed that Calin was done making taunts and threats.  He was going to let his claws do the talking.

The second fast biter which appeared was one that Littlefoot recognized from Calin's initial threat to the pack.  He was blue and nearly as large as Calin, with his head coming up to the height of Calin's eyes.  He had a somewhat wary appearance, Littlefoot noted.  This was quite a departure from Calin's unreadable expression.  In a way it was both encouraging and disheartening to see that this dinosaur had legitimate feelings.  It was encouraging as this meant that he was just as susceptible to his emotions as Littlefoot, but discouraging in that it meant that Littlefoot was about to potentially kill another dinosaur such as himself.  He did not feel that same way about Calin, whose previous actions had pretty much made him a monster in Littlefoot's eyes.

The clicking stopped for a moment, as it appeared that both of the opponents were sizing up Littlefoot and Cera.  Littlefoot tried to put on as neutral of an expression as he could.  He didn't want to give either of them anything to work with.  He and Cera were slightly smaller than their two adversaries and he didn't want to expand their opponent's advantage any more than it already was.

For a moment Littlefoot wondered if the two dinosaurs were going to exchange insults or threats with their counterparts.  However, the moment of silent examination soon ended with no words being exchanged.

That was when Littlefoot noted that both fast biters were crouching in preparation for a charge.

Here we go. Littlefoot thought grimly.  Oddly, the realization that the battle was imminent made something change in the brown fast biter.  His anticipation and fear seemed to fade away into an odd kind of numbness.  This was a sensation that Littlefoot had only felt a few times in his life: right before he killed Rhett and during their battle with the raging threehorn.  His emotions and deeper reflections seemed to be covered up under an eclipse of concentration.  The time for thinking had ended and the time for fighting had begun.

The sound of clicking feet suddenly rose to a loud roar as the two fast biters began their charge.  They were nearly ten fast biter lengths away from their quarry when they began their headlong rush and they were rapidly approaching the two defenders.

Nine lengths... Eight lengths...

Both Cera and Littlefoot crouched into a leaping posture.  They would meet their adversaries with an attack of their own.

Seven lengths...  Six...

Littlefoot had to take an educated guess on how best to handle this situation.  His gamble was that Calin would attack with his talons in a leaping assault.  He would respond with a leaping attack of his own.  

Five lengths... Four...

Almost time...  Littlefoot prepared for what was to come.

Three lengths...  Two...

Littlefoot leapt in a near vertical leap as Calin continued to barrel straight ahead.  With dawning horror, Littlefoot realized that he had miscalculated horribly.  As his attempted claw strike at Calin's back glazed off of its target, Calin responded by dodging to his left and ramming into Littlefoot's side pushing him directly into Cera.  As both fast biters struggled to avoid tumbling off of their own platform, he could hear shouts and screams coming from behind.  He then realized what had transpired.

The rest of Calin's pack was entering the fallen tree from the other side of the mud pool.

They were now fighting a battle on two fronts.


Spike heard commotion from behind him, but he couldn’t be bothered to assist Littlefoot and Cera.

Because he and Ducky had their own problems to deal with at this point.

He quickly reared his head back as the fast biter lunged at his throat with his razor sharp teeth.  He aimed a swift raking of his clawed forelimbs to the attacker’s face, but he too reared back before the attack could reach its target.  Both Spike and the lanky orange fast biter in front of him seemed to be sizing one another up.  A battle of wits was commencing even before the first attack could reach its target.



Beside him, Spike could hear Ducky are her opponent do the same.  It sounded as if Ducky had been hit, but that Ducky had gotten a retaliatory strike in on her adversary.  Sparing her a brief glance out of the corner of his eye, he could see a noticeable scratch on her chin, but nothing too severe.  These opponents seemed to be much more cautious than their counterparts who were fighting Cera and Littlefoot.  That was when Spike had a sudden idea.

They don’t want this battle.  Calin is forcing them into it!

That realization hit Spike like a thunderbolt.  Although, he reflected, that it should have been obvious.  All of the opposing pack members had been recruited through violence.  Additionally, if the dying screams of the fast biters who drowned were any indication, they were just as vulnerable and capable of regret as he was.  They were simply being forced into a horrible situation and they had chosen a different path than what Littlefoot’s pack was currently choosing.  Under such circumstances, it was obvious that their morale would be perpetually low and that they would have lingering reservations about “recruiting” more dinosaurs, as it brought back horrible memories of when they were “recruited”.  This revelation in mind, Spike quickly spoke to Ducky in leaf-eater.

“Haven?  We will charge at them at the same time!  Let’s try to drive them back!  Don’t defend, just claw at the body and bite at the neck!”  

At her affirmative grunt, Spike let out an imperious growl and both packmates charged at the opposition.  It was time for Spike’s strategy to be put to the test.


Littlefoot sprung to his feet just in time to dodge a lunge from Calin's jaws.  It was all Littlefoot could do to regain his balance and avoid tumbling off of the fallen tree that he was standing on.  As Calin sprung forward with another lunge, Littlefoot knew that he had to act or else begin to cede his defensive position to Calin.  With a swift movement of his torso towards Cera's position on the other side of the tree, Littlefoot nearly went into Cera's line of defense.  He then used his change in position to make a strike of his own.

A sudden growl left Calin's muzzle as Littlefoot struck out with both of his clawed hands at Calin's exposed side.  The wounds were superficial but they were enough to make the tan fast biter retreat back some distance.  Littlefoot did not have any time to admire his handiwork, however, when Calin's partner took that opportunity to strike at a new target.

Pain.  Searing pain.  Littlefoot couldn't see the other fast biter, but he could feel his shoulder being dug into.  In attacking Calin, he had left his own back exposed to the other combatant.  Now he was bearing the consequences of his initiative.

Then as suddenly as the pressure on his shoulder began, it suddenly ended.

Littlefoot took a brief glance beside him and noted that the other fast biter had just gotten a face-full of fast biter talons.  Cera had used her opening masterfully and had dealt a strong blow to her adversary.  With the other fast biter now bleeding from above his eyes, he and Cera were now locked in desperate combat.


Littlefoot dodged another lunge from Calin.  However, Calin did not seem to be trying to drive home the attack like his partner.  Rather it seemed that he was holding back.  What could he be up to?  


Another dodge this time to his right.  Littlefoot examined the eyes of the fast biter in front of him.  His eyes seemed fixed upon Littlefoot's in a state of almost fanatical concentration.  That was when Littlefoot pieced it all together.  The sporadic lunges... the focused eyes... the cautious response...  Calin was testing him for weaknesses.


A sidestep to his left.  Littlefoot now knew that he would have to drive home the attack lest Calin figure out his strategy better than Littlefoot knew it himself.  Calin may not have been capable of empathy, but he surely had a high intellect.  Littlefoot did not want him to use that to his advantage.  As Calin went to make another lunge, Littlefoot decided to go on the attack.  He met Calin's lunge with another of his own...


Both dinosaurs leapt backwards as their respective attacks met one another.  Calin had succeeded at ripping away a few of Littlefoot's crest feathers, whereas Littlefoot's assault had opened up the skin above Calin's snout.  Calin was now shaking his head furiously as undoubtedly he was overwhelmed with the sudden smell of his own blood.

Littlefoot then took the momentary lapse in order to examine his partner.  He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Cera was down!


Cera was struggling furiously against the grip of the other fast biter.  His blue jaws were now enveloped around her right shoulder, as her jaws were likewise wrapped around his.  An epic battle was now taking place for control.  Whoever lost their grip first would leave their necks open for attack.  A fatal mistake.  As a result, both she and her adversary were locked wrestling on the ground while their teeth ripped the other's shoulder to shreds.  She could feel immense pain from her battered shoulder and she could taste his blood on her lips, but the only thing that she could see from her prone position was his blue hide.  As her teeth began to slip from that same hide, however, she knew that she was slowly losing her grip...  It would only be a matter of moments before his shoulder was free and her neck was exposed.  Then it would be all over for her...



As she felt the predator suddenly release her from his grip, she lunged at his retreating throat.  Missing this target, she instead succeeded in biting into his delicate snout.  The beautiful taste of gushing blood and muffled screams reached her ears.  She may not have dealt a fatal blow, but she knew that this fight was over.

Finally releasing her foe before he could mount a defense with his clawed hands, he retreated with great speed from the yellow fast biter.  She had won the day!  Now for the other fast biter...

She turned her gaze to the scene beside her and froze.  Littlefoot stood facing her retreating opponent with bits of blue hide hanging from his mouth.  Littlefoot had obviously come to her aid in her time of greatest need.  However, his gaze was averted from the threat which was right next to him.  In a split second that seemed to last for an eternity, Cera opened her mouth to warn her beloved friend.

But she knew that she was too late.


Calin knew that everyone had their weakness.  Some dinosaurs even had several.  If you could find another weakness and exploit it then you could destroy even the mightiest of foes.  Littlefoot had dodged all of his attacks skillfully.  He had even used an excellent strategy in fighting in the middle of a mud pit in order to force a battle on equal terms.  However, his weakness became apparent soon enough.  

His caring for others.

Calin smiled as he steeled himself for the final attack.  Littlefoot was busy biting into Zarc's back in order to help his friend.  How utterly pathetic! Empathy was certainly not a weakness that Calin suffered from.  

The brown fast biter then rose from his crotched position as Zarc hastily retreated from the aggressive yellow fast biter.  Now Littlefoot was right where he wanted him.  Placing all of his weight on the back of his hind limbs, Calin prepared for his charge.  The last thing that he saw before his jump was the yellow fast biter take a look in his direction.  She began to open her mouth when the realization of what was about to happen finally dawned upon her.

Too late, youngling.  Seeker is mine!


Littlefoot could see that Cera was finally safe from her near-fatal encounter.  The other fast biter was in full retreat down the fallen tree and she was slowly rising from her prone position.  He gave a concerned expression at his dear friend, but the look that she gave back was not what he expected.


What could she possibly be afraid of?  The other fast biter was gone and that only left...  Quickly raising his forelimbs in preparation for an imminent attack, he didn't realize that he was already too late.


A terrible blow struck Littlefoot's skull as his body suddenly buckled under the force of a massive weight pressing down upon his back.  Somehow he maintained consciousness although everything that happened next seemed to occur in a daze.  In a response that seemed to come from his instincts, he placed more weight on the back of his hind limbs and reared back in an attempt to buck his opponent.  He tried to ignore the pain from his head injury and from Calin's massive hind claws on his back as he clumsily rolled over to his side.  This finally succeeded in sending the tan fast biter off of his exposed back, but it also exposed his neck and underbelly to his opponent.  


Littlefoot step backwards away from his adversary, who was now lying upon his haunches.  Calin's eyes seemed to go wide for a moment before taking on a satisfied grin.  Without a word, he then turned his back on the brown fast biter and ran from the log.

Everything seemed to have stopped as far as Littlefoot was concerned.  The sounds of battle from behind him had died down, the two fast biters that he and Cera had been fighting had retreated, and now only the pain from his head and neck seemed to break the stillness of his perceptions.  With unsteady claws he grasped his neck with firmness and then pulled them away.

Blood.  His own blood.

With an almost delirious expression, he noted the drops of blood that seemed to be falling onto the log below.  The brown hue of the tree was now taking on a crimson appearance as his lifeblood slowly fell in unsteady drops.

So this is how it ends...

He turned slowly to look at his companion whom he had saved mere moments before.  

Cera was looking at him with an expression of stunned horror.  It was as if a possibility that she had never considered was finally coming to pass.  Her mouth was open in an expression of shock.  As if any words that she had prepared to say had been sucked away by this turn of events.  He could also see Ducky and Spike returning from their end of the log.  They all had numerous scratches and abrasions but they seemed unharmed, some part of his mind processed.  Only their wide eyes and shaking forelimbs indicated that anything was amiss.  The rest of his friends were alright... Only he would be facing the end.

Knowing that these could very well be his final moments, Littlefoot gave an apologetic smile to the ones that he loved.  He was sorry that he wouldn't be there when they were reunited with their parents.  That he wouldn't be there when Chomper inevitably took command of the pack.  That he wouldn't have a chance to say goodbye to his absent friends.

At least they are safe...

Finally feeling too delirious to stand anymore, Littlefoot stumbled to his knees.  He could see the brown log filling his field of vision as he slowly slumped to its surface.  For some reason the ground seemed especially welcoming at the moment.

Before he lost consciousness, he thought that he heard someone calling his name...


Calin ran across the log with a bounce in his step.  He had finally dealt a fatal blow to the cheeky bastard who had insulted him.  Even if he couldn't have the other members of his pack as new recruits, the imminent death of Goron and the slaying of his adversary had put Calin in a rather good mood.

That was until he saw Zarc.

"Zarc?"  He asked with some concern.  The blue fast runner was lying prone on the ground clutching at his shoulder.  Taking a closer look, Calin could also see that he had deep gashes on his back as well.  The two fast biters had certainly done a number on him.  "Are you alright, Zarc?"  He finally asked.  He may not have cared about Zarc as a personal matter, but as he was his only chance at long-term survival, he was relying on Zarc's continued good health.

Zarc looked at him with an expression of grim determination.  "I will be...  Let's just get out of here!  If Goron is as tough as he says he is then he can deal with this!"  It was an insult that was simultaneously a challenge.  If Goron failed to live up to it then it would reflect poorly upon him and Red Claw would reward his poor performance with death.  Likewise, if Goron lived up to it, then they could kill him while he was weakened and claim that the success was their idea.  Calin could easily read the subtext in Zarc's words and he was pleased that he was still on the same page despite his significant injuries.

Calin was about to respond when he heard the sound of thundering footsteps.  Ah, that must be the rest of the raiding party... Time to throw Goron to the... As he could see fast biters suddenly appear through the foliage of the trees and into his line of sight, he could also see two massive forms in the background.  One was green and the other brown.  Longnecks?  What are longnecks doing here? Seeing Goron's speeding form, he asked the obvious question.

"What is going on?!"

Goron gasped in exhaustion.  "Longnecks, two-footers, fast biters... Everything is attacking us!  We have to get out of here now!"

Both Calin and Zarc looked back towards where the fast biters had arrived from to see an unbelievable sight.  Two full-grown sharpteeth, two adult longnecks, several fast biters, and that damn purple sharptooth were all emerging from the foliage.  Calin was having difficulty in believing what he was seeing.

How many allies do they have?  How is this possible?!

The desperate situation did not leave much time for reflection, however, as Calin and Zarc both followed Goron in a hasty retreat from the advancing forces.  Calin could hear the thundering footsteps get louder and louder as they went around the mud pool.  He and Zarc, despite his injuries, could easily outpace the advancing threat, but the others were having more difficulty.  In fact, Calin observed, Goron and the other fast biters from his force were badly lagging behind himself and Zarc.  This gave Calin an idea.

He coughed in Zarc's direction, which elicited a curious look from the obviously pain-stricken fast biter.  With a curt head tilt backwards, he told Zarc to slow down.  As they did so, the other members of the pack began to overtake them.  Each was too exhausted and afraid to pay attention to what was going on around them.  They did this until they finally were running beside Goron, with each of them being at his sides.  Calin looked again in Zarc's direction.

He simply gave him a toothy smile and a roll of the head.

As if in unison, both fast biters slashed at Goron's ankles.  As the crisp sound of ripping flesh and snapping tendons reached their ears, they watched the massive juvenile crumple unceremoniously onto the ground below.  Screams of anguish and pain emanated from the fallen predator as his great speed had finally failed him for the last time.  As he attempted to rise from his prone position, both of the conspirators sprinted away at breakneck speed.  Goron was now left abandoned to fend for himself.  

As Calin sprinted off, he could hear shouts of protest from the fallen fast biter as the sounds of thundering feet came closer and closer.

"Calin, you bastard!  Damn you!  You only care for yourself!  You will pay for...  Urk!"

As the sounds of crunching bones resonated across the mud pits, Calin knew that their actual mission was completed.  Goron was dead, Zarc could be elevated to pack leader, and Calin was safe for the time being.  The loss of several fast biters and the failure of the 'recruiting drive' were of no consequence really.  After all, Calin had gotten what he had come for.

And that was all that mattered.


Bron stopped his charge when he saw the two massive sharpteeth make quick work of the fallen fast biter.  The other enemies appeared to be in full retreat.  For whatever reason they had decided to attack Littlefoot's pack, they were surely regretting their decision now.  They were victorious.

He spared a look at the massive longneck to his side.  To say that Doc was in a state of confusion would be quite the understatement.  In the span of a few moments Doc had be informed by Bron that Littlefoot and the other children were sharpteeth, he had heard Chomper yell that Littlefoot was in trouble and needed help, and he had seen what Bron assumed were Chomper's parents appear out of nowhere and charge ahead of them as if they weren't there.  Even if Doc doubted the stories of the sharpteeth around him, he knew that there were too many for him to fight.  For once in his life, Doc appeared quite concerned.

"I think... those are Chomper's parents."  Bron offered.  Doc simply gave a mute nod.  He did not appear to be enjoying this situation at all.

Suddenly the two sharpteeth turned around and seemed to study the two longnecks.  The dark green one appeared to take particular notice of Bron.  As the two sharpteeth began to stalk forward towards the two longnecks, Doc took a defensive stance.  Bron was about to tell him that wasn't necessary, but truth be told Bron wasn't sure that was correct.  Do they think that I am a threat? Bron asked himself.  Gee... You only attacked their son.  Why would they be upset?  Some other part of his mind mocked back.

As Bron began to take a defensive posture himself, Chomper appeared between the two longnecks and emitted a series of warbles and grunts.


In response to the two sharpteeth's roar, the little biter again emitted a series of grunts, which was returned with another roar.  This happened several times before Bron worked up the nerve to ask Chomper what was going on.

"I am telling them not to kill you.  Do you want me to stop?"  Chomper asked bluntly.

After a simple shake of the head from Bron, the exchange of roars and grunts continued.  Finally, they appeared to take on a less aggressive stance and the dark green one emitted one more roar.

"They say that you are safe for now.  But they are not pleased with you, Bron."

Bron suspected that the actual words were something much more ominous, but Bron nodded his appreciation anyway.  He had nearly killed Chomper in his initial attack, before he realized what really happened to Littlefoot.  Had someone had nearly killed his son he would have reacted with similar hostility.  For once he couldn't blame a sharptooth for threatening to kill him.

"This is madness, Bron."  Doc spoke in a toneless voice.

Bron looked at his otherwise silent companion.  "I know.  But somehow I have to make sense of it.  Surely you believe me now?"

Doc simply nodded.  It seemed that Bron had gotten the only words that he was going to get out of the massive longneck.  He simply wondered what was going to happen when Doc’s mind finally processed what had transpired.  Would he be accepting of the new reality that they now faced or would he ratchet down on his anti-sharptooth mentality.  Doc was obviously in shock at having many of his certainties in life be utterly destroyed in the span of a few moments.  When that shock wore off, however, Bron feared for the outcome.

Sighing, Bron looked towards where the other fast biters had congregated.  

From his vantage point he could see the obvious figures of Cera, Ducky, and Spike.  Their yellow and green colorations stood out in the sea of brown mud that surrounded their defensive site.  However, he could not easily identify some of the others that were rushing onto the scene.  A flyer was approaching from the air.  Was that Petrie?  Well that would make sense...  There was also a trio of fast biters who seemed to be slowly heading towards the area as well.  One was grey, whereas the other was orange with noticeable black stripes.  There also was an adult green fast biter that Bron recognized immediately.  

Thud?  What the blazes is Thud doing here?  None of the others seemed to be threatening him or paying him much heed, so Bron guessed that he must have been an ally or a guest of the pack.  Bron's expression grew grim.  I will have to discuss this with Littlefoot.  Does he know how many valley residents died because of Red Claw and his minions?  How could he ally with one of them?  His thoughts were quickly interrupted however when Ruby suddenly burst onto the scene and ran up the long log.  The sounds that followed would haunt him for days to come.

Mournful shrieks arose from the gathered crowd.  It was a most horrifying sound to hear a predator mourn.  The high pitched screams seemed to convey sadness and rage in equal measure.  It was a sound that Bron had never heard before and that he hoped he would never hear again.  Upon hearing the unnatural sound he took stock of his surroundings and realized something that had escaped his notice until then.

Littlefoot.  Where is Littlefoot?  Is he... No...

With all of the speed that he could muster, Bron waded into the mud pool.  His massive build and strong legs was more than a match for the relative shallow mud pool as he powered his way to where the predators were gathered.  As he approached he could see that all of the assembled fast biters were assembled around something.  Something that was being embraced by Cera and Ruby.

As he got closer to the assembled crowd his struggles in the mud became more and more vocal until finally Cera looked up and saw the approaching longneck.  She placed a hand on Ruby's shoulder, a gesture which was rebuffed as she kept her embrace on whatever she was protecting.  After a few low grunts, however, Ruby looked up and could see the massive dinosaur that had traveled to their location.  She seemed to hesitate for a moment and gave him an expression that almost looked apologetic.  In a movement that seemed to take ages in Bron's mind she carefully put down the object that she had been holding.  It was only now that he realized that there was a crimson liquid all over Ruby, Cera, and the log.


They had been forced to fight a battle after all.  They had been too late to spare them that.  

Now quaking in fear himself, Bron looked up at what lay upon the log.  As both Ruby and Cera backed away he could see what they had been embracing.  

His son.  His beloved son.

With shaking legs and a broken heart, he dropped his massive head down to his fallen son.  His brave, brave son.  His mind couldn't process the cruelty of it.  The shear barbarity of it.  To have reconciled with his beloved son only to have him snuffed out.  His son had died protecting those he loved and now all Bron could do was watch the aftermath.  Why did life have to be so cruel?  Why...

That was when he felt it.  It was barely noticeable, but it was there all the same.

A heartbeat.

Littlefoot was still alive.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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review of chapter 45:

Ah, now the chapter already starts promising. The rainbowfaces (well, Chronos) is trying to teach Topsy the true events of that fateful day and he's bringing his point across it seems :smile The story he makes up is very accurate to an ancient tale and explaining quite to the point why sharpteeth exist in the world :yes
I wonder what conclusions Topsy will draw, yep, yep, yep! :)

Hmm, it's surprising that they didn't know these facts about each other :o

Ahh, Petrie found the remainder of the Seven Hunter's allies and Thud. He sure doesn't show the confusion as much as I would have thought. Now help is really on the way... and I really wanna see their faces when Terri and Dein kick their butts (too bad this is fiction and not a movie :p)... Climax building up.

So Doc thinks Bron snapped? Well, I do see where he's coming from. Tell a stranger your son has turned into an elephant and they'll think the same about you :p It's good to know that they're gonna fight together against Calin's pack but Bron's last statement is interesting...
So the Seven Hunters are currently unaware of the danger but three groups of allies know (or are about to be told) that the pack of Calin is approaching and decide to fight (assuming Dein and Terri will do so). I anticipated that Bron might serve as an invaluable ally. That can mean only one thing: We're going to see an epic battle!

The discussion has quite a few things that I could talk about now. It's pretty funny how Cera, Ruby, Littlefoot and Spike are teasing each other :smile Well, and the actual subject of the discussion is an interesting one as well. It sure would make sense to tell their folks about their fate but the journey there would be perilous and somebody might take their territory in the meantime. And the valley isn't even inhabitated at this time....
Oh, here we go. Calin is already there and no ally has arrived yet. They better hurry and Littlefoot better relies on diplomacy and winning some time. :unsure:

Terri and Dein will come to the rescue. Their chances rise significantly :smile Now I'm excited!

I knew you would use a cliffhanger here (damn you! :p). The Seven Hunters are in a very bad situation but it's not impossible to escape in my view, that is without any support... You're gonna do it guys!!! :goodluck:

Don't have more to say but: Can't wait for the next one!!! :lol

After all, he only like Ruby as a friend.

Curious... Dein pondered.
"curious" should be blue.

The now formed a circle facing outward at the enemies who had surrounded them, with their tails facing the center.
Inactive, probably forever.


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  • Littlefoot
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Thanks for the review, Ducky!  :) I have made the corrections that you indicated.  

Hmm, it's surprising that they didn't know these facts about each other ohmy.gif

That is a good observation.  What we are beginning to see (now that their mission is over) is that the professional relationship between the two is opening up into a more personal one.  Now they are interacting in a manner more akin to friendship that is unconstrained by titles and rank.

So Doc thinks Bron snapped? Well, I do see where he's coming from. Tell a stranger your son has turned into an elephant and they'll think the same about you dino_tongue.gif It's good to know that they're gonna fight together against Calin's pack but Bron's last statement is interesting...

Yeah, that scene pretty much wrote itself.  :yes I couldn't really have dialogue like this:

Bron:  "Littlefoot is a sharptooth now."

Doc:  "Oh really?  That must suck.  Let's see how he is holding up."


I knew you would use a cliffhanger here (damn you! dino_tongue.gif).

The evil rhombus strikes again.  :lol I hope that you enjoy the next chapter.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Chapter 47   Recovery

““Come what come may, time and the hour run through the roughest day.”
― William Shakespeare, Macbeth

"He's still alive!"

Bron's affirmation seemed to reverberate through the growing crowd as Ruby and Cera both stood and reexamined their fallen leader with apprehensive eyes.  He certainly appeared to be dead, with his lack of discernible movement and the noticeable bleeding from his neck.  But...  But Bron was right!  Littlefoot's chest was still rising ever so slowly and the blood was still seeping from the wound at a very slow pace.  Littlefoot was still alive, barely.

At that moment something seemed to change in Ruby's eyes.  She had ran onto the scene hearing the mournful cries of her companions and saw the fallen body of her dear friend.  As a result she had thought that Littlefoot must have sacrificed his life in the heat of battle.  But this new revelation made her mournful state of mind immediately take on a more calculating tone.  If there was any chance whatsoever for Littlefoot to survive then someone had to take charge.  With that thought in mind, she looked at Littlefoot's injuries with a new focus on detail.

Ruby started by looking at his slashed neck.

This was obviously the most grievous injury, the one that every sharptooth tried to avoid.  Any attack on the neck could, and often did, result in a prompt death.  However, taking a look at Littlefoot's slashed throat, she noted something that filled her with hope.  There was no gushing blood from the injury.  Instead, a steady stream of blood was seeping out in the same way as a face injury would cause rapid blood loss.  This must have meant that the large blood vessels in his neck had been missed by Calin's attack!  That meant that the injury was not mortal!  Littlefoot could live!

Ruby's eyes took on a hard expression.  If Littlefoot could live then she would make sure that he did live.  Failure was not an option.

Quickly moving her eyes to his head, she noted the matted blood on his crest feathers.  Blood on red feathers... It was no wonder why they had missed that detail.  Littlefoot had a head injury.  Maybe that is why he fell?  The rose-colored fast biter quickly deduced.  I can't fix that, but I can help his neck!  Ruby rose quickly and immediately turned her piercing gaze towards Cera and the others.  She spoke in leaf-eater so that all present could understand her.

"He is alive, but if we don't hurry then he might not stay alive!"  That got everyone's attention.  "My daddy told me about the types of wounds I might face and this was one of them...  We need some wet treestars to put on his neck!  That way we can slow the bleeding!"  

Spike immediately sprung into action.  "We will get them!  Come on, Ducky!"

As both green fast biters sprinted away from the gathering, Cera posed a question.  "What can I do?"  

Ruby thought for a moment. "I don't know... My daddy didn't tell me about head injuries..."

It was at this time that Chomper appeared on the scene.  "Is he..."  His voice was on the edge of panic.

Ruby looked at the purple sharptooth with kind eyes.  "No... We are trying to save him...  Ducky and Spike are getting something for his throat, but I don't know what to do about his head..."  She responded in leaf-eater, although Chomper's question was spoken in sharptooth.  As a result she got a response from an unexpected source.

"Keep the head still.  If you move him then you might make it worse."

All eyes turned towards the new voice.  Several expressions of shock greeted the newcomer as he trekked through the mud, eventually settling near Bron's form.

It was Doc.

Cera finally spoke.  "Thanks, uh... Doc.  We didn't know you were here."

Doc nodded.  "If Littlefoot was willing to risk himself for others then the old Littlefoot that I knew is still in there..."  His expression took on an almost mournful quality to it, as if he were remembering someone long gone.  He quickly turned back to the subject at hand, however.  "The injury to his head will need to be cleaned."  He then looked at Ruby and Cera with an unreadable expression.  "Keep him safe.  You trusted him with your lives now show that he can trust you with his."  

At their stunned nods, he turned towards Bron.  Bron still was fixated on his fallen son and only seemed to be dimly paying attention to the conversations going on around him.  That was probably just as well, Doc reasoned, as Bron had been through more than enough in the last few days.  Best that he ignore the details of the current crisis.  With that in mind, he gave Bron only a few words.

"You stay with your son, Bron.  I will check on our boys..."  He then stopped.  "Should I tell the spiketails that we are staying here?"  The spiketails were ready to move onto the remainder of their migratory route.  Doc knew full well that they would not be heartbroken at all if the longnecks decided to stay behind.  In fact, the spiketail leader would welcome it.

Upon seeing Bron's weak nod, Doc began to wade through the mud.  It was time to gather Stomper and Shorty.

Bron, meanwhile, continued to look at his son.  He could focus on little else.

Come on, son!  You can pull through this!  Wake up!


Littlefoot seemed to be in a peaceful slumber when a feminine voice interrupted his rest.


"Urgh... Not now..."  He protested


"Who... are you?"  His confused mind inquired as he opened his eyes.  "I can't see you."

"Some things you see with your eyes, others you see with your heart."

Littlefoot blinked.  "I don't understand."

A laugh seemed to echo in his mind.  "You did once and you will again.  Now open your eyes."

Shaking his head, Littlefoot groggily lifted his head and arose from his prone position.  The voice was gone, but his questions remained.  For one thing, where was he?  He could see grass in front of him and a warm breeze in the air, but something told him that he wasn't really supposed to be here.

What had happened?  He didn't remember much.  He seemed to recall flashes of claws and teeth...  Was he in a fight?

He took a look at his body.  He was somewhat horrified to see that he was covered in blood.  His blood.  He had lacerations over much of his body and, if the wetness that he felt from his throat was any indication, he also had an injury to his neck as well.  But yet...  All of this seemed far away for some reason.  As if it didn't really matter.  His mind felt like it was in fog and his feet felt very light as if he were floating off the ground.  Nothing seemed real.  It was a most odd sensation.

Littlefoot decided to look around him to see if he could see anything that would reignite his memory.

He appeared to be beside a river of some sort.  The water was flowing at a steady pace and it almost seemed to be on the verge of overflowing its banks.  The land around the river looked relatively lush, with tall grass and numerous bushes growing in the immediate vicinity.  The bright circle was high in the blue sky and few clouds were to be seen.  It seemed like a perfect day in a beautiful land.

The lowlands?  I am back in the lowlands?  I thought that we left here...

Littlefoot frowned.  His memory still wasn't coming back to him.  Why was he back here?  Where were his friends?  He did not feel any pain, but he clearly had signs of being injured.  The entire situation was making him more confused by the moment.  If only he could remember what happened...

Shaking his head, he absentmindedly looked towards his side and found a rather odd sight.  

Bones.  Fast biter bones.

Littlefoot blinked.  This was an odd find.  However, since he couldn't remember much, he had no idea what to make of this finding.  Was it someone that he knew?  Was it from a former resident of this place?  There were so many questions on his mind but this place wasn't providing any answers.  Looking away from the morbid find, he rose to his feet and began to pace away.  He wasn't going to find his answers here.

"Looks like you are having a bad day."

Littlefoot stopped and turned back towards the way that he came.  The pile of bones that he had been examining were now nowhere to be seen, but a bluish-green fast biter stood in their place.  The newcomer must have walked in front of them...  Though it was odd that Littlefoot did not hear him approach.

"Skytail..."  Littlefoot acknowledged.  His memory was still inconsistent, but he could recognize this dinosaur.  He didn't quite remember the last time that he had seen Skytail, but some part of his mind told him that it was quite a while ago.

Skytail smiled.  "It seems that you took quite a bump on the head!  But you can recognize me.  That is a good sign."

Littlefoot frowned in confusion.  "What happened though?  I don't remember much...  I think I was in a fight..."

Skytail nodded.  "Don't worry about it, Seeker.  I am sure that your memories will return in time.  Right now they are not important."

Littlefoot frowned.  Seeker?  Was that his name?  Yes...  Yes, he remembered now.  He wasn't always a sharptooth was he...  A long time ago he was... Something else...

"What do you mean?"  Littlefoot inquired.  Skytail was simply adding to his confusion.

A laugh escaped the other fast biter mouth.  "You were always so curious!  I always liked that about you.  You always wanted to learn more even when the answers scared you..."  He then smiled at Littlefoot.  "Never lose that drive, Seeker.  It has saved you countless times and I am sure that it will save you again."

Littlefoot shook his head.  He didn't understand what Skytail was going on about.  His head still felt fuzzy and he suspected that he was missing something.

Shaking his head, Littlefoot walked slowly towards the bluish-green fast biter until he sat to his side.  For his part, Skytail placed a clawed hand on Littlefoot's shoulder and gestured towards the scenery with his other hand.

"It's beautiful isn't it?  But beauty has its costs.  Sometimes we have to pay the price for what we value most."

Littlefoot blinked.  Skytail was talking in riddles again.

"What is it that you value most, Littlefoot?"

Littlefoot looked towards Skytail at that question, but he answered immediately.  "My friends."

"You would do anything for them?"

The answer wasn't even worth thinking over.  "Yes."

"Even die for them?"

Again Littlefoot nodded.  "Yes."

Silence filled the scene for several moments as neither dinosaur spoke.  For his part, Skytail seemed to be deep in thought.

"I am glad that we talked, Littlefoot."  Littlefoot looked at Skytail with an odd expression, as the other sharptooth had now began to use his leaf-eater name again.  "I was worried that there were some things that still needed to be said, but she was right after all."

Littlefoot tilted his head in confusion.  "She?"

However, Skytail seemed to ignore his query.  "I will always be your friend, Littlefoot.  Even if you can't see me.  I will be there."

Littlefoot was concerned now.  "Skytail?"

"Because there are some things you see with your eyes, others you see with your heart."

Now Littlefoot was deeply terrified.  Skytail was nowhere to be seen.  Had he run away?  If so, then he had traveled far faster than Littlefoot could track him.  Now only the tall grass and the again visible skeleton greeted his eyes.  It was odd.  He hadn't noticed the skeleton at all when Skytail was talking to him, but now it had returned.

"I just have one last thing to ask of you, Littlefoot."

Littlefoot couldn't see Skytail anywhere, but he answered nonetheless.  "Sure thing, Skytail.  Anything you want."

The voice that answered Littlefoot seemed to come from the very bones themselves.  Their bleached white form seemed to glisten in the sunlight as if possessed by some ethereal force.

"Take good care of my pack."


Littlefoot jerked awake.

What... What a strange sleep story.  What did all of that mean?

That was when the pain from his head and neck finally registered in his brain.  His thoughts of curiosity were instantly interrupted by spasms of pain as he called out in anguish.


His vision blacked out again for a moment as he slowly regained equilibrium.  It was as if a boulder had slammed into his head and his entire body had been snapped at by snapping shells.  Every single nerve ending cried out in pain and he had to adapt to the sudden reality of agony.  After a few moments, however, his vision began to clear.

A moan reached his lips as he slowly opened his eyes to their full width.  He didn't see much at first.  There was just the hard log below him which seemed redder than he could remember and a pair of yellow lights immediately in front of him.  Slowly, however, the realization reached him that those weren't lights, those were eyes.  And they were staring right at him.

"Ponder!  Stern Claw!  Come quick!  He awake!"

Littlefoot cringed.  The flyer's voice echoed in his head like a thunderbolt.  Now the enormous pain in his head rose to unbearable levels.  However, things only got worse a few second later.


"Seeker!  You're awake!"

"Oh, thank goodness!"

A deep groan now bellowed from the brown fast biter as he sincerely wishes he was unconscious again.  The real world was far too loud and much too painful.  What had happened anyway?  He seemed to disoriented and fatigued.

"I think that we're hurting him.  Maybe we should talk softer so that we don't hurt him?"

Thanks, Ponder.  Littlefoot thought sarcastically.  That would have been a nice insight to have a few moments ago.

When he heard the thundering footsteps, however, he knew that his momentary peace and tranquility would be over.  His father was approaching.  Struggling to rise, Littlefoot could feel the clawed hands of his many friends preventing him from falling.  Since when was he so weak?  What had happened?

Hearing a few soft bellows from a distance, he could tell that Ruby and his father were talking, but he couldn't quite make out the words.  Everything still seemed a bit fuzzy.  Whatever had happened to him still was affecting his ability to think.  However, after a few moments the thundering footsteps resumed.  The first sign of his father's presence was an exhale of air that blew his feathers to and fro.  The next was a soft question.

"How are you feeling, son?"

Littlefoot was finding it difficult to move, so he decided to sit back on his haunches.  He could attempt standing on his own later.  He then turned towards his father.  Despite Littlefoot's vision fading in and out, as if his eyes weren't focusing well, he could still make out his father well enough.  His eyes communicated concern, but his soft smile indicated compassion.  With an unsure voice, Littlefoot tried to speak.

"I've... felt... better."

Bron's eyes seemed to take on a more concerned look, but Ruby soon interrupted the obvious panic on Bron's face.

"You can still speak.  That is good."  Ruby's face seemed to make an unpleasant gesture.  The same gesture that you would make if you ate something bitter.  "I was worried that you would end up how Spike was.  That how Spike was you would end up."

Littlefoot did not turn to face Spike, but he made an affirmative grunt.   Ruby then continued. "Just don't try to speak too much, Seeker.  Your neck got slashed badly.  But... but it could've been worse."  Littlefoot noted that Ruby's voice had deep sorrow to it as if she had time to contemplate the worse outcomes.

The next voice was Cera's.  "We thought that you were dead."  Her dour voice communicated much to the former longneck.  There was deep pain there, although the yellow fast biter refused to show it.  But for several moments at least, she and the others had contemplated that their close friend was no more.  Her voice still showed the signs of her former despair.

He then felt a sudden pressure on his uninjured shoulder as Ruby nuzzled him deeply.  He could hear the sounds of heavy breathing that were turning husky.  She was crying against his shoulder.  She had held back the emotional tide as long as she could.  With no hesitation, he returned the gesture as best as he could.

Seeing her two friends have their moment, Cera offered only a few words.  "Ruby knew how to treat your injury.  Otherwise..."  She couldn't even finish the sentence.  She then turned away so that no one could see her tears.

Finally after a few moments, Littlefoot rose to his full height and steadied himself.  With an apologetic nod, he allowed the others to help him walk off of the log and towards the grass outside of the mud pool.  It was only when he again needed a rest and they stopped passed the mud pool's edge that Bron again spoke.

"You took a mighty blow to the head, son.  What exactly do you remember?"

Littlefoot nodded.  That was the ultimate question, wasn't it?  Trying with all of his might, he attempted to recall as many details as he could.

"There was... a battle... right?" His voice was slowly getting better.  Now he could say two words before stopping.  At Bron's nod, he continued.  "I only... remember... a few things."  He sucked in a breath and continued.  "I remember sharpteeth drowning... in the mud pool..."  Those images still haunted him, but not nearly as much as the sounds that went with them.  "Then Calin attacked us..."  He thought for a moment.  "He did this to me, right?"

Cera nodded.  "Good you're remembering...  Yeah, that bastard slashed you.  We nearly thought that he..."  She trailed off as her voice became hoarse.  Ignoring the concerned grunts of his friends, he took a few quick steps despite his unsteady feet.  He embraced Cera much to her surprise.  She continued her response at his kind gesture.  "My stupidity nearly got you killed!"

Littlefoot's eyes went wide.  She blamed herself for all this?  He was just doing what any friend would do for another.  It had been his oversight to ignore Calin while he bit down upon Zarc.  But if that was what it took to save Cera then he would willingly do it all again.

"You didn't do anything wrong... Cera...  You were overwhelmed....  We all were." He could feel the other members of the pack begin to join in the impromptu group embrace.  At their grunts of agreement, he finished.  "We are all in this together... even if that means... that some of us will have to pay the price." Littlefoot was surprised to feel Bron's massive head touch his and that of the other sharpteeth, as he too joined in the embrace.  For a few moments, at least, their different species didn't matter.  What mattered was that they were all in this together.

After a few moments, the pack broke away for a moment.  It was then that Littlefoot could feel just how dizzy and tired that he actually was.  It was obvious that his head injury would take some time to heal.

"You should get some rest, son."  Bron spoke with some concern.  "You're still a bit wobbly."

Littlefoot nodded.  "Yeah..."  He then yawned as he sat back down.  At least this area was relatively secure and he could afford to rest for a while.  As he laid his head down to rest, however, he observed what was going on in the clearing in front of him.

The massive form of Doc was slowly walking into the clearing, with Shorty and another longneck on his back.  On the other side of the clearing, he could see both of Chomper's parents pacing around nervously as they glared at the green longneck.  Following the gaze of Chomper's father, however, he noticed exactly what he was glaring at.


Thud was standing in the open.  Right in the middle of their territory.  And no one was reacting to it.  His mind nearly shut down at the absurdity of having Doc, Thud, Chomper's parents, and his dad in the same area without bloodshed.  It was as if the laws of nature had been turned on their head in a mockery of the natural order.  His thoughts were understandably chaotic as a result of this situation.

What is Thud doing here?  Why is he not attacking us?  What... What is going on!?

That was when a voice suddenly broke Littlefoot out of his moment of introspection.

"My dad and I have had a reconciliation of sorts."

Littlefoot's eyes went wide as he turned towards the voice.  It was Taunt and Breeze!  How long had they been standing there trying to avoid the rest of the pack?  What were they doing here?  The questions began to pour into Littlefoot's brain like a river into the ocean.  It was not surprise that his initial response was not the most articulate.  

"Taunt!  Breeze!"  Even though he was whispering, the excitement carried in his voice.  "It has been so long!"

Both fast biters smiled as they approached.

"I am glad that you are alright, Seeker."  Breeze offered.  She seemed to have a deeply apprehensive look on her face, as if she were remembering something unpleasant.  "I'm... glad that you're alright."  She repeated herself.  Littlefoot noted that she was obviously upset if she were losing track of her thoughts like that.  That was when he heard Taunt speak.

"It is glad to see you again, Seeker.  We brought some more treestars for your neck.  It looks like they need to be replaced."

Littlefoot nodded and then allowed the orange fast biter to remove his dried bandage of treestars and replace it with a new set of wet leaves.  He noted that the old treestars did not have much blood on them, so the injury must have already mended quite nicely.  Taunt's methodical work showed some odd characteristics though.  He seemed to pause and go pale when he saw Littlefoot's exposed injury and Breeze had to nudge him to continue.  Littlefoot also could observe the moisture in Taunt's eyes as he replaced the leaves.  He looked downright mournful.

Littlefoot's mind was now working in overdrive as the worst of the mental fog from his concussion was beginning to dissipate.  Breeze and Taunt were both acting mournful and apprehensive around Littlefoot.  Furthermore it wasn't the type of reaction that one would expect from being afraid of a friend's death.  No...  This was more of a reaction to a memory.  A reaction to something that they had seen before.  Something that still haunted them.

He took another look at these two friends from the other pack.  There were only two of them.  Where were the rest of the group?  Where was Skytail?  Surely he wouldn't send out his packmates alone through the barren lands?  That was when Littlefoot remembered the words from his sleep story.

Take good care of my pack.

Littlefoot's expression grew grim.  But that was just a sleep story!  It wasn't real!  Was it?  With trepidation, Littlefoot knew that there was only one way to answer the question.  And that was to ask it.

"Taunt?  Where is the rest of the pack?"

Taunt's face fell as Breeze looked away to hide her tears.  With a shaky voice, Taunt confirmed Littlefoot's worst fears.

"We are all that remains."

As gasps arose from the assembled sharpteeth, Littlefoot immediately sat back on his haunches and gestured for Taunt to sit down beside him.  The poor fast biter appeared to be on the verge of collapse himself.  Despite his grief over the loss of his three friends from the other pack, Littlefoot's first concern was the wellbeing of the two friends that remained.  With compassionate eyes he looked at Taunt and motioned for him to continue.  He seemed to pause, but he resumed when he had some encouragement from a familiar source.  Cera had sat down on the other side of Taunt and placed her hand on his shoulder.  She also was allowing Breeze to lean against her for support.  Cera was not known for being the most compassionate of dinosaurs but this was different and everyone knew it.  Three of their friends were dead and everyone wanted to know why.

"It all started when Calin ambushed us..."


Outside of the lowlands:

"Well... That is an interesting piece of information."   Red Claw roared at the sharptooth flyer.  "The sap-suckers are out of their shelter and right where we can take them!"

The pink flyer seemed hesitant to say anything more, lest he antagonize the massive sharptooth.  His ability to speak both sharptooth and leaf-eater was not special among flyers of his type, which ate fish.  But usually his kind did not openly associate with the land-walking sharpteeth.  However, if there was one thing that he was good it, it was surviving.  He had found a prime opportunity and he had taken it.  If that opportunity included destroying what that bastard Pterano loved then that was all the better...

"Is there anything else that you would like me to do, sir?"  The flyer asked softly.  Red Claw did not like weakness, but he did appreciate usefulness and the flyer knew that he was safe as long as he remained useful to his new employer.

Red Claw paused for a moment.  "Nothing can happen until the fast biters return."  He answered simply.  "But when they do we will make our move on the valley dinosaurs."

The flyer paled for a moment.  "Our move?"  For a moment he forgot who he was talking to.  "Do you think that we can take them all on?"

Red Claw glared at the flyer as if it was a petty annoyance, but then he answered.  "We are not strong enough to take the valley, but we can raid it.  A weakened valley will be easier to take once we are ready."  He growled in annoyance.  "In any case, flyer, that is not your concern."  As the flyer raised his wings in an apologetic gesture and backed away Red Claw continued.  "There is one thing that you can do in the meantime."

The flyer nodded, happy to no longer be fixed with the carnivore's glare.  "Anything, sir."

Red Claw did not look up.  "Get your friend from up north.  The one that was burned.  We will need all of the flyers we can get for the upcoming raid."  He paused for a moment before looking up at the flyer.  "And Rinkus?"

"Yes, sir?'  The pink flyer answered hesitantly.

Red Claw fixed him with a toothy grin.  "I expect you to be here when it comes time for the raid.  Otherwise our other flyer allies will have a new target instead of the valley."

Rinkus gulped.  "Understood, sir!"

As the flyer flew off without another word, Red Claw laughed into the open air.  Things were certainly beginning to look up.  Very soon now the residents of the valley would have a small taste of his wrath.  If he were to get a successful raid on the valley, then new recruits would fall into his lap.  Success breeds success.  The upcoming raid would be very important for his eventual plans of taking the valley and securing his revenge.

And the more residents the raid killed, the better.


Back to the Land of Shallow Waters:

"And then we ran here as fast as we could.  We didn't want Calin to do to you what he did to us...  But we were too late..."  Taunt broke down into tears as he again glanced at Littlefoot's injuries.  There was not a single dry eye from amongst the assembled sharpteeth and even Bron, despite not understanding the conversation, seemed to be mournful as well.  The entire pack was ensnared in a catharsis of grief.

"But you weren't too late, guys!"  Chomper protested.  "Seeker is still alive!"

"But he could have died!"  Taunt roared.  "And if he had then it would have been my fault!"

"No Taunt."  Cera's voice protested.  "It's not your fault.  None of it is your fault.  You're as much of a victim as the rest of us."

As both Taunt and Breeze wept, Ruby walked over and placed a comforting hand on Breeze's shoulder and Littlefoot decided to speak again.  

"Look at me, Taunt."  Taunt reluctantly looked towards the brown fast biter as he spoke is a raspy whisper.  His mournful gaze was a far cry from the humorous prankster they were used to.  "I am only alive right now because of my friends.  If you wouldn't have helped get treestars to clean my wound... If Ruby didn't tell them what to do... If they didn't help me fight... Then I would be gone right now."  He paused for a moment as his throat was hurting.  "You are not responsible for my injuries, Taunt, and you are not responsible for Skytail's death."  Taunt was now inconsolable again at the mention of his dear friend.  "He died so that you and Breeze might live.  I know that it is hard, but you have to find a way to do that."

Taunt nodded.  "I know...  I'm being selfish right now."

Ducky shook her head and joined the conversation.  "No, no, no!  You are being sad.  We all are being sad.  That is not selfish."

Spike grunted his agreement.  "I can't imagine what I would have done if Seeker had died and I can't imagine what you are going through right now.  I am sad for the loss of our friends, but you knew them far longer than us."  He paused as he was beginning to choke up as well.  "I am so sorry."

Breeze spoke through her sobs.  "I just don't know what to do.  Our pack is gone."

Littlefoot responded immediately.  "You still have us."

Taunt looked up in shock.  "We couldn't ask that of you, Seeker.  We were just hoping that you..."

Littlefoot finished.  "Would offer you protection for a while?" At Taunt's nod, Littlefoot continued.  "You are family.  Our pack is your pack.  We have fought the same enemy and have loved the same people.  We couldn't ask for better packmates."

Breeze rose unsteadily.  "Th... Thank you."

Littlefoot shook his head.  "There is no need to thank me or anyone else.  The decision is unanimous, is it not?"  There was silence as no objections were raised.  "I may not be..."  Littlefoot paused as his voice nearly gave out.  He would have to make this quick as he was quickly overtaxing his injured body.  "I am not Skytail and I never will be.  But I can tell you this: as long as I am around there will always be a place for you in this pack."

As the group of nine dinosaurs joined in a group embrace, Thud looked on with hopeful eyes.  At least his son's fate was joined with his beloved friends.  Now the only question was what would happen to Thud?

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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review of chapter 46:

Well Calin, guess that didn't work :p With their successful escape (and Littlefoot's first "murder"), the situation of the Seven Hunters has increased quite a lot. They are not only capable of regrouping themselves now but also capable of strenghening their rows with very tough allies. An escape into the mudpits, that are obviously familiar to them whereas Calin doesn't know them, is very smart too, as is splitting the pack to go get help :)

Hmm, I do wonder why Calin changes his plan concerning Chomper so easily? He sure wants to keep the pack together but Chomper is a much easier target than the other fastbiters... I'll have to see I suppose ;)

Petrie might not be able to fight physically but he's fighting in his very own way; fighting against exhaustion and his fear of his friends being struck down by the enemy while he's watching helplessly. I do hope he can spot his friends though I believe that Dein might be hoping it a little harder than I do ;)

Oh uh... I think their defense isn't perfect. They didn't have enough time to make much use of their trap and now they are in really big trouble... :unsure:

Hmm, on  the other hand the supply is being under attack of Bron, Doc, Thud, Taunt, Breeze, Ruby and Chomper now. Very interesting to see how this develops :yes

Oh uh... I think their defense isn't perfect. They didn't have enough time to make much use of their trap and now they are in really big trouble... :unsure:
Uhm, guess I read wrong :DD The trap has worked after all. 2:0 for the Seven Hunters; 3:0 if we're counting Calin's backup being in trouble... :)

Ducky's reflecting proves just that their decision has been utterly right. Of course the last wails of the dieing enemies are something that she has very poor defences against since Ducky clearly doesn't like seeing others die. However, if her own life depended on her bravery to remove this part of her personality for the time she was being in a possibly life-threatening situation, she would function and possibly kill if there was no way to avoid it...

Calin seems more concerned about Goron than about the actual enemy though I might be mistaken of course :p Let's see if they can break through Littlefoot and Cera...

Hmm... the score is closing 4:0 as Bron and Doc are decimating the supply of fastbiters. And help is on its way indeed :yes For both parties...

Hmm, Calin has certainly earned score here so 4:1 for the Seven Hunters now. Whereas the main front is in huge trouble due to Littlefoot's miscalculation, Spike and Ducky seem to have a better deck of cards as their opponents aren't that aggressive. Very exciting so far :wow

Okay, Littlefoot is still fighting bravely but WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO CERA??? :unsure: :cry :blink: I'm worried... and thrilled to see who's gonna win!

Now, you were a little extreme in that previous paragraph :p Joking... the attention of my  worries have now switched to Littlefoot... And another paragraph ending with a cliffhanger... I should've known knowing you ;)

Ugh! Even though the situation for the Seven Hunters couldn't be better now as all allies have intercepted the assault on them, there is also this stinging feeling that we might have to rename them... I say "might" because I don't take your "fatal" blows for granted too easily :p
Calin has achieved everything he wanted to achieve but first he needs to get out of this and THAT'll be tricky... so exciting...

Whoosh! We're lucky that the situation between Chomper's parents and the two Longnecks didn't escalate. And it looks like I know you too well to be tricked indeed... Littlefoot is alive... yet.

Well, as was expected, this chapter full of emotions and violence and, most of all, ACTION is yet another very great addition to a very great story. I can't wait for the next chapter... well, until I find some time to read chp 47, that is :p

He briefly took not of the flyer that was now flying in front of him.
Took note.

It was only know that he realized that there was a crimson liquid all over Ruby, Cera, and the log.
Inactive, probably forever.


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Well Calin, guess that didn't work dino_tongue.gif With their successful escape (and Littlefoot's first "murder"), the situation of the Seven Hunters has increased quite a lot. They are not only capable of regrouping themselves now but also capable of strenghening their rows with very tough allies. An escape into the mudpits, that are obviously familiar to them whereas Calin doesn't know them, is very smart too, as is splitting the pack to go get help smile.gif

Yep, Littlefoot is showing that his strategic mind is his greatest weapon.  Lead your enemy into an area where he is ignorant of the terrain and your strategy.  Likewise, the acquisition of backup is also extremely important.

Hmm, I do wonder why Calin changes his plan concerning Chomper so easily? He sure wants to keep the pack together but Chomper is a much easier target than the other fastbiters... I'll have to see I suppose wink.gif

I never really did elaborate on this directly.  Calin's strategy is to follow the bulk of the pack (which he thinks Goron is going to track and follow) so that he can be there for Goron's eventual assassination.  His goal right now is to kill his rival and secure his place as #2 under Zarc, not necessarily to kill off Littlefoot's pack or to recruit them.

Oh uh... I think their defense isn't perfect. They didn't have enough time to make much use of their trap and now they are in really big trouble... unsure.gif

Uhm, guess I read wrong dino_happier.gif The trap has worked after all. 2:0 for the Seven Hunters; 3:0 if we're counting Calin's backup being in trouble... smile.gif

Yep.  :DD Littlefoot's plan was to avoid a pincer attack (where Littlefoot's pack would have no mobility and could be attacked many on one) and to secure an area where the enemy has to fight them 2 on 2 (an equal fight.)  In this case the over-zealousness of some of Calin's packmates has led to their demise.

Calin seems more concerned about Goron than about the actual enemy though I might be mistaken of course dino_tongue.gif

Nope, you are correct.   :yes Calin the sociopath is more concerned with his own position than the well being of his packmates.  He is mainly angry at Littlefoot outsmarting him.

Well, as was expected, this chapter full of emotions and violence and, most of all, ACTION is yet another very great addition to a very great story. I can't wait for the next chapter... well, until I find some time to read chp 47, that is dino_tongue.gif

I am glad to hear that you enjoyed this chapter.  :)  Also thanks for the corrections.  Converting "now" to "know" is a very common mistake that I often find during proofreading.  It seems that my proofreading missed one of my errors in this regard.

I hope that you enjoy chapter 47 when you have a chance to get to it.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Caught up! :lol

Ruby seems to take the leader role for the time being as she is the one checking on Littlefoot's injuries and giving orders. It is apparent that she is extremely sad about this but she tries everything to save Littlefoot just like the former Longneck had done before which got him into this precarious situation.
It's nice to see Doc trying to help and realising that Littlefoot is "still in there" :yes
Obviously, Bron is very uneasy. After all his son is injured very badly.

First I thought you were going to have Littlefoot meet his mother in his dream but then... surprise... Skytail. It's been a very nice conversation going on between these two :)

And Littlefoot, the hero, awakes! :celebrate Sometimes it is too bad that the reader can be almost certain that the hero will make it somehow :p
The reactions of all the characters present were really accurate in this situation. Ruby is crying and Cera is showing that she can be a soft ball too.
The scene with Breeze and Taunt is also very emotional.

Redclaw... His plans sound mad to me but what do you expect :p Rinkus is in the team as well and Sierra is going to soon. Makes me wonder in what way he is going to use them.

And yet another emotional scene... You're so good at writing these *is jealous* :p Well, all joking aside... yet another masterpiece of a chapter :smile You just know how to convey emotion, drama, action and many more things. Awaiting the next addition :yes

Littlefoot was surprised to fell Bron's massive head touch his and that of the other sharpteeth, as he too joined in the embrace

Both fast biters smiled as they approached
You forgot a period here.
Inactive, probably forever.


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Thanks for the review, Ducky.  :) I hope that you enjoy the latest chapter.

Fanfiction link:

Chapter 48   Decisions

“Crying is all right in its way while it lasts. But you have to stop sooner or later, and then you still have to decide what to do.”
― C.S. Lewis, The Silver Chair

The present, five days later after the events of Chapter 47:

"It's time, Taunt."

The orange fast biter looked up with a slight smile.  Cera was standing with a somewhat excided expression on her face.  It was obvious that she was impatient to finally decide how to proceed.  He had to admit that he agreed.  However, he thought to himself, simply agreeing with Cera wouldn't be much fun.  With that in mind, he spoke.

"Oh... I don't know, Stern Claw... Don't you think that we should wait and think about it a while?

Cera's face darkened into an expression of pure annoyance, a growl left her throat as she responded to the insufferable carnivore.  

"Thinking?  We all know that isn't your strong suit, Taunt."  Taunt's expression switched to surprise at the well-directed insult that had been sent his way.  Her wit must have improved in his absence.  "Now follow me or I will make sure that you can't walk at all."

Taunt began to follow the angry fast biter, but he couldn't suppress his desire to get the last word.  "In a bit of a hurry, aren't you?"

Cera snapped back.  "Who isn't!?"  She stared him down as she continued to walk towards the pack's meeting place.  "Seeker is back in action..."

Taunt took this opportunity to interrupt.  "Which means that Ponder is back in action..."  His implication that Littlefoot and Ruby were rather close was not really a revelation to anyone capable of seeing.

"Yes..."  Cera continued while rolling her eyes.  "And we need to get moving.  Our parents aren't getting any closer.  We have to go to them."

Taunt's expression went from a mischievous tint to a softer look.  "So you think that it needs to be done, huh?"

Cera didn't even look back.  "Yeah..."

The two walked side by side for several moments.  The exchange of taunts and counter-taunts had long since been concluded.  In this peaceful pause in their usual banter, Taunt softly spoke.

"You know that I was just playing with you, right?  I would never keep you from your parents."

Cera looked into Taunt's eyes and sighed.  "I know."

Taunt went silent again for several moments.  Cera appeared to find this worrying as Taunt was not one to fall into melancholy.  After a moment her expression took on an insightful expression.  Shortly thereafter, she shared her insight with her friend.

"You're thinking about your dad, aren't you?"

Taunt bowed his head in a morose expression, but he eventually nodded.  Upon seeing this Cera continued.

"I guess you aren't the only one who lost a parent only to have him back.  Seeker now has his dad...  Spotter has Pterano...  Ruby has her parents...  I just hope that I get to see him again..."  She took on one of the saddest expressions that Taunt had ever seen on her face.  "I miss him."

Taunt took the opportunity to comfort his friend.  "I'm sure that you will."  As the two comforted one another for several moments, Cera posed a question for the fast biter.

"If we do go, you know that we can't let your father come with us."

Taunt nodded.  Obviously sending his father, Thud, to go with them to the valley would not go well at all.  Despite that knowledge, however, his thoughts turned towards his father.  He could still remember when Chomper's parents had determined his fate...


Five days earlier:

From a distance, Taunt absentmindedly watched the brown fast biter sleep.  

He was slumbering in a curled up ball, with his neck facing towards his tail.  The bandage of leaves was still holding and there was no sign of distress from the stricken predator.  However, there were still large gashes on the fast biter's back and neck.  These were not trivial injuries and had they not have been as prompt as they were the situation would have been far more dire.

Beside Littlefoot, Ruby stood watch.  Her body was slumped over in an expression of utter exhaustion.  Her weary eyes seemed to follow every breath that the small dinosaur took.  Taunt immediately felt sorry for the rose colored fast biter.  She had obviously developed feelings for the injured leader and Taunt could sympathize with her plight.  The agony of not knowing what would happen to the person that you love.  Of them not knowing your true feelings...  Of...

Taunt shook his head to clear his own personal thoughts.  After a few moments, he resumed his observation.

Overhead, Bron stood like a sentinel in his watch over his son.  His massive neck and formidable tail hovered over the scene with well-honed vigilance.  A child longneck, Littlefoot's brother as indicated by Cera, was playing with another smaller longneck in the background.  The other massive longneck was watching over those younglings, he apparently not wanting to associate with the sharpteeth any more than he was required.  Considering how formidable the dinosaur looked with his scar, Taunt could only be thankful at that decision.  Chomper's parents were making him nervous enough as it was.

He had been so focused on helping tend to Littlefoot that he was elated when he finally regained consciousness, having forgotten momentarily about the hardships that had brought them here.  He had already lost his leader, a dinosaur that he considered a brother; he couldn't stand the thought of losing Littlefoot as well.  However, now that the joyful reunion had taken place and the tragic news about the rest of his pack had been shared, the reality began to set in again.  Littlefoot was still badly injured and it would take him some time to heal.  Now it was up to the rest of the pack.  Their pack. He reiterated in his mind.  To make the necessary decisions on what happened while Littlefoot slowly recovered.  Based upon the looks that the two massive sharpteeth were giving them the first issue on the agenda was...


At the roar of Dein, Taunt cringed.  Yes, now that Calin's horde and Littlefoot health were attended to, Taunt's father would be the next thing on the agenda.  He had made many enemies during his tenure as Red Claw's lackey and Chomper's folks did not seem like the forgiving type.

In fact...  Taunt noted to himself as he turned towards the others.  It doesn't look like the others want to forgive either.

Cera had a dour expression on her face, which was shared by Spike.  They both were staring at Thud with great intensity, as only those who had been personally wronged by another could.  Ducky meanwhile seemed to have a more contemplative expression, with Petrie's face being unreadable.  As he considered the expressions of the rest of the pack, however, Breeze nudged him and hissed.

"Come on, Taunt!  Let's make sure they don't eat your dad!"

Breeze was being tactful as always.  However, Taunt was not in the mood to make a witty retort.  With some trepidation, Taunt rejoined the circle of dinosaurs as they watched the confrontation unfold.

Dein's voice again echoed in the clearing.  "In the past you have chased our son, attacked our allies, and disrespected our territory.  Give us one good reason not to kill you where you stand."  The voice was not roared, but rather was growled with an odd lack of emotion.  For some reason, this horrified Taunt far more than an angry roar would.

A few moments passed.  Taunt could see his father look down with an expression of humility.  This was an odd expression to see coming from his father who, even when he was an adversary, Taunt thought of as a strong dinosaur.  It was unthinkable for him to show submission to anyone, or so Taunt thought.  But now, Thud was doing just that.

Silence ensued in the clearing as both of Chomper's parents and the large fast biter seemed to stare each other down.  For a while Taunt feared that his father simply wouldn't respond or would simply flee, but what Thud did when he finally acted surprised the young fast biter.  Thud very slowly sat back on his haunches and laid his head down on the ground.  Thud was showing submission to the two massive sharpteeth.  He was showing that he had no intention of leaving, or of engaging in violence, but rather was exposing himself for attack.  If Chomper's parents wanted him dead then they could very easily kill him.  Thud wasn't even putting on a defense.

Dad... What are you doing?!

Terri seemed to consider this development and was the next to speak.

"You offer your life to us, usurper?"

Taunt watched the scene in horror, as his father did not look up before he responded.

"I come with no malice.  I only ask that you hear my words.  Then I will leave you in peace."

Dein's expression darkened.  "Then speak."

Thud now looked up at the two massive sharpteeth as he seemed to consider his words.  After a few moments, he softly spoke.  "I allied with the wrong dinosaur for the wrong reasons."  He licked his lips as deep emotion seemed to swim in his eyes, but otherwise his stoic expression remained unchanged.  "My arrogance cost me my brother, my pride, and for a time, my son... Red Claw betrayed me in the same way that I have betrayed the ones that I loved."  He took on a morose expression, as his composure broke slightly.  "I have no one to blame but myself."

Terri barked a response back.  "Indeed you don't.  Perhaps you should join your brother?  Do you expect mercy from us?"

As both of the sharpteeth began to edge forward with a stalking posture, Taunt broke through the pack and ran to his father.  The others did not have time to stop him.

"Run, dad!"

Thud seemed to freeze at his son's sudden entrance, but both dinosaurs stopped and turned when they heard a small voice come from behind the two sharpteeth.

"Come on, daddy!   I think Thud learned his lesson!"

Dein stopped and gave an audible sigh, but Terri gave a noticeable smile.  She then spoke after a pause.  

"Path has already told us of your change in loyalties, Thud.  For that reason we will spare your life."

Taunt backed away as Cera and Spike hastily pulled him back towards the pack despite his stubborn resistance.  As he retreated back, his father gave a grateful reply to the two two-footers.

"Thank you for your mercy."  He then bowed lowly in an expression of gratitude.  He barely had enough time to rise to his original position when Dein gave him a less than polite parting.

"Now leave, Thud.  If you enter our territory again, we will not hesitate to kill you."

As the two sharpteeth retreated some distance from the pack, Taunt was left in confusion.  What the heck had happened?  Why did his father offer his life to the sharpteeth?  Why did Chomper seem to know what his parents were planning?  His confusion threatening to overwhelm him, Taunt prepared to voice his questions, but then his father spoke.

"You don't understand how two-footers work, do you son?"  At his son's perplexed look, Thud gave a slight smile and continued.  "If you have a two-footer as a benefactor then you learn a few things.  For one thing, son, show humility."  

Taunt hesitated.  "And the other thing?"

Thud smiled.  "Make sure that the two-footer has a reason to keep you around."

Almost on cue, Chomper reappeared from where his parents were congregating and gestured for the Taunt and Thud to join him.  After they arrived, he spoke.

"I guess you want to know where my mommy and daddy don't have territory."  It was now Chomper's turn to smile.  "I hope that you enjoy walking."


Back to the present:

"How is your father?"

Upon hearing Cera's voice, Taunt snapped out of his thoughts.  It was hard to believe that the events of that day were already nearly a week old.  So much had happened in such a short time.  Knowing that his friend would not appreciate being ignored, Taunt hurriedly answered Cera's query.  

"He was okay the last time I saw him...  He has seen no sign of Calin."

Cera snorted.  "I should hope not!  We gave him quite a beating!"  Her pride was on full display.  Not just for herself, but also for her brave friends.  They all had sacrificed so much during the battle and its aftermath.  "If he ever comes back it will be his throat that will be ripped... And I will NOT miss."

Taunt didn't dare tease her on that point.  Even he knew that certain subjects were off-limits.  With that in mind, he decided to approach the topic from a much safer angle.

"Assuming that Bron doesn't beat you in making the kill.  I imagine he wants Calin's blood as much as you do."

Cera nodded.  "You have no idea."

Taunt responded without thinking.  "Actually, I do."

Both of them stopped as the implications of Taunt's words echoed in the minds of them both.  Indeed, Taunt and Breeze both wanted Calin dead as well.  He had hurt them all gravely.  At least Cera still had her friend.  That was more than Taunt could claim.  He would never see his three fallen comrades again.

Cera realized her mistake and quickly responded.  "I'm sorry... That's not what I meant."  She then sighed.  "So much has happened in the last few days... I almost don't even know what I am doing anymore.  Heck, we have two longnecks in our territory and Chomper's folks aren't eating them."  She shook her head.  "If you had told me that a few days ago then I would have called you insane."

Taunt smirked.  "You would have called me that anyway."  Upon hearing Cera chuckle, he continued.  "But, how did you convince them not to eat the longnecks anyway?"

Cera rolled her eyes.  "That is a long story..."


Five days earlier:

Cera watched Thud, Taunt, and Chomper leave for the outskirts of their territory.  For the life of her she couldn't figure out what was going on.  If they didn't like Thud then why didn't they exile him far outside of their territory?  Why simply lead him to the outskirts of their land?  And why use Chomper for the task?  She was about to walk over to the two sharpteeth and ask her questions, when Spike answered the unanswered questions for her.

"A buffer."

Both Cera and Ducky turned to look at the green fast biter, but he said nothing more.  Feeling impatient, Cera finally demanded an explanation.

"What?"  She growled in annoyance.

Spike blinked, but his face remained unreadable.  "They want Thud to be a buffer.  That way if anyone attacks, they will have some warning."

Cera seemed to nod at this, but Ducky still looked confused.  "But why not make him an ally?  That is what we did for both of you before..."  She looked at Breeze, who was still staring in the direction that Taunt had left.  "Before... We had to leave."  She finished.  Ducky apparently did not want to reopen the recent wounds of the passing of the rest of Breeze's packmates.

Much to the surprise of everyone present, however, Breeze spoke.

"Too much bad blood there, I suppose."  Came the feminine voice.  "But if they give him a place...  Well it is better than he deserves really."

Petrie now spoke up.  "But he save you!"

Breeze smiled and gave a slight nod.  "Yes, he did.  But he hurt a lot of people, Petrie.  Some things aren't so easily forgiven."

Ducky nodded.  "Or forgotten..."

Everyone then turned towards the green fast biter at her sudden addition to the conversation.  Seeing this, she continued.  

"I am glad that you and Taunt are alive.  I am, I am!  But what do we do now?"  The former swimmer shook her head.  "Seeker is hurt, his daddy is here, and we have mean fast biters after us.  We do, we do!"

The others seemed to ponder their predicament as silence descended upon the group.  After a few moments, however, Cera had an idea.

"I don't know for Seeker, but I do know what we can do for the longnecks."  She looked towards Ducky and gave a slight smirk.  "Or do you all want to tell Seeker that we lounged around while he slept."

Spike gave a smirk of his own.  "Lounging around sounds good to me."  The reputation that he had gained when he was a spiketail still had not faded from memory.

Cera gave a slightly annoyed expression at the cheeky fast biter, but she was undaunted.  If she could put up with Taunt's antics then she could handle Spike.  "Come along... I have a feeling that we need to talk to Chomper's folks before they decide to have a little snack."


"So you explained the situation to them?"

Cera laughed at Taunt's question.  "Uh... Not exactly."


"You want to make sure that we won't kill the longnecks."

The four dinosaurs stopped in their tracks.  They had planned on explaining the situation to the two sharpteeth and appealing to their sense of compassion for Littlefoot's plight, but it seemed that they had already guessed at the group's intentions.

"Yes, Mr. Sharptooth."  Spike answered plainly.

"How you know?"  Petrie couldn't stop himself from asking.

Terri laughed.  "It is obvious, children.  Stern Claw was looking at the longnecks for half of the journey over here.  I'm amazed you didn't fall over your own feet!"  An amused snort left her mouth as Cera looked away in embarrassment.  Terri wasted no time in continuing.  "The green longneck... He is a comrade of Seeker's father, is he not?"

Cera nodded.  "Yes, he is called Doc."

"The sharpteeth call him Whiptail."  Dein responded plainly.  "And for good reason...  Many have felt the blunt end of his tail...  and only a few have lived to talk about it."

Spike muttered.  "The Lone Dinosaur has quite a reputation..."

"Indeed."  Terri interrupted.

Cera seemed to think for a moment.  "Will you..."

"We will not harm him, Stern Claw."  Dein answered.  "As long as he does not harm any of you and he leaves after Seeker has recovered then we will leave him in peace."  As he turned to Terri, he whispered.  "Besides, his meat wouldn't be worth the effort involved."

At Dein's characteristic snarky comment, the rest of the gang laughed.  Although the situation was nearly as awkward as it was unthinkable, it seemed that everything would work out in the end.


Back to the present:

"That is the Whip Tail?!"  Taunt nearly yelled.  "And Seeker's dad is friends with him?"

Cera nodded.  "Yep.  We also knew Doc back when we were leaf-eaters."

Taunt shook his head.  "You never cease to horrify me, Stern Claw."

Cera could only smirk in response.  "Ah, that's the nicest thing you told me all day."

Taunt appeared ready to get in another word, when they could hear a rustling of leaves near their location.  Only a few seconds later, as the smell of the intruder reached Cera's nose, she could only cringe.  Please tell me he didn't hear...

"Why hello, you two."  Seeker chirped out.  His voice was much stronger than it had been, but it now had a noticeable hint of mockery in its tone.  He had obviously heard the playful banter between the two fast biters.  "It is nice to see you two getting along so nicely."  Littlefoot took on a wide smile as Cera looked away in a huff.  He had won this round and he didn't have to make any direct insinuations at all.

Not that that would stop Taunt...

"And where is your girl... I mean Ponder."  Taunt corrected himself poorly in an attempt to get a rise out of the other fast biter, but Littlefoot was not taking the bait.

"I am not sure actually."  Littlefoot admitted, as if he had not heard the insinuation at all.  "I think that she may be talking to Path."  As Taunt looked somewhat deflated at having his attempt at mocking Littlefoot fall flat, the brown fast biter began to think back at the events of the previous few days.  In fact, today was the first day that he hadn't seen Ruby since the injury...


Four days ago:


Littlefoot jerked awake as his dreamless sleep suddenly came to an end.  His head felt lighter and the pain in his neck had diminished, but why did everything appear so dark?  And what was with the weight on his stomach?

"Oh, you're finally awake!"  Ruby's voice answered his question without him having to ask it.  "But no one else is awake.  It is night, Seeker.  You slept through the day."

Littlefoot blinked.  He had slept through an entire day!?  He must have been more injured than he thought if he required that much rest.  But as he attempted to speak, a problem presented itself.

"I sl..."  His voice immediately gave out.  All that left his mouth was an inarticulate growl.  This caused Ruby to look at him with some concern.

"Your voice is still recovering, Seeker.  You spoke too much, too quickly yesterday.  Too quickly and too much you spoke."  She placed both of her forelimbs onto her sides and fixed him with a look that communicated that she would tolerate no excuses.  She was determined to protect her dear friend.

Littlefoot was about to protest, but as soon as he opened his mouth he realized that would be pointless.  His voice had already given out and it needed time to recover.  As Ruby looked at his with a determined look, all he could do was simply nod.  Leader or not, Ruby was not putting up with any of his bravado.  When it came to his care, she was leader as far as she was concerned.

"Drink this."  

Littlefoot was brought back to reality, by Ruby's sudden words.  In front of him was a large treestar that seemed to have water in it.  Without thinking, he hurriedly guzzled the badly needed liquid.  It was only then that he realized how thirsty he truly was.  It was like he hadn't drunk anything in ages.  As he finished the water, Ruby gave a soft chuckle.

"I guess that I will need to get you more water."  She said with some mirth.  As Littlefoot struggled to get up and follow her to the stream, she placed a firm hand on his shoulder.  "Oh, no you don't!  You rest.  I can get the water."

Now feeling thoroughly useless, Littlefoot settled down back into his resting position.  He had to admit that he was still very tired and his head still ached.  Perhaps he would simply rest for a while until Ruby came back...

He was back into the land of dreams as soon as he rested his head on the ground.


Three days ago:

"Time to get up, Snoozer!"

Littlefoot stirred.  The voice that greeted him on this day was not the soothing, caring voice that had greeted him the night before.  In fact it sounded a lot like...

"Cera?"  Littlefoot asked groggily.

The yellow fast biter nodded.  "Yep.  Your special friend is out helping the others look for ground fuzzies."  Littlefoot bristled a bit as the obvious insinuation on Cera's part.  "She wanted to stay, but I insisted."

Littlefoot nodded.  "She cares a lot."  After a pause, Littlefoot continued.  "I mean... you all do, but..."

Cera laughed.  "We know, Seeker."  She then examined him a bit more.  "Your voice is sounding better.  Ponder said that you couldn't talk last night."  She then pawed at the leaves at his neck.  "I am going to take a look at your neck, okay?"

Cera's tone was obviously careful.  To expose one's neck to another sharptooth, even a friend, was an extreme act of trust.  The throat was one of the most vulnerable regions and it could be torn asunder by a single strike.  Therefore, Cera was being cautious to make sure that she had Littlefoot's consent before she continued.

Littlefoot paused for a moment, before nodding.  He could then feel a slight sting as the leaves were removed from his neck wound.  Cera's breath made a curious sensation against his exposed neck as she examined it thoroughly.  After a few moments, Cera spoke.

"I think that we can leave the treestars off now, Seeker.  The swelling is down and I smell no infection."  Cera had noticeable relief in her voice as she said those words.  She was obviously more concerned than she let on.

Littlefoot nodded.  "I guess that is why it is easier for me to talk now."  Upon saying it, however, Littlefoot realized that is was a stupidly obvious comment to make.  Cera picked up on this as well.

"Are you sure that blow to your head didn't cause some damage?"  The curl to the side of her mouth indicated that she was joking.  From anyone else that insult would be considered downright mean, but coming from Cera it was just a playful jest.  Littlefoot responded in kind.

"If that is the case, then let's hope I don't get hit in the head a few more times.  Because then I would only be as smart as Taunt."

Cera laughed wildly at Littlefoot's excellent jab at the orange fast biter.  Most couples, and Littlefoot did think of Cera and Taunt as a couple at this point, would recoil at having another insult their partner.  Cera and Taunt, on the other hand, seemed to take those events as an opportunity to learn new insults to throw at one another.  It was the sort of behavior that would only make sense for Cera and Taunt.

Finally finishing laughing, Cera spoke again.  "Okay... You're not that bad yet.  But surely you're smart enough to know you haven't eaten in two days."  As if on cue, Littlefoot's belly growled in anticipation of food.  Cera laughed and gave Littlefoot a smirk.  "Come along then, let's see what the others have come up with."

Littlefoot spoke softly with gratitude.  "I can't thank you all enough for hunting in my place."

Cera snorted.  "We are just doing what you would do in our place."  Littlefoot looked down at this.  That may have been true, but he still felt wrong for relying on the charity of others.  "Now come along, the food isn't getting any fresher."

As the two fast biters walked slowly towards the heart of Dein and Terri's territory, they did not see the eyes of Bron follow them.  His expression was unreadable, but his eyes communicated one thing.

He would need to talk to his son soon.


"Oh, Seeker!  You are back!  You are, you are!"

At Ducky's excited affirmation, the other members of the pack also congregated around the brown fast biter.  They all knew that he had been quite out of it for the last several days and they were pleased to see him walking around unassisted and talking freely.  There questions, however, threatened to overwhelm the fast biter.

"Your neck looks better!  How does it feel?"

"You talk better now?  Petrie was worried."

"Do you feel well enough to eat?"

"Back off, everyone!"  Ruby finally came to his aid.  "He may be able to talk, but he can't talk to everyone at once."  The rose colored fast biter affirmed.  After everyone gave the brown fast biter some space, Ruby whispered in his ear.  "I am glad to see that you are doing better.  Seeing you doing better makes me glad."

Littlefoot smiled.  "Thanks, Ponder."  He then looked at the others.  "I still feel a little weak, but I think that I can manage.  But I wanted to thank you all for, well, everything.  I wouldn't be alive right now if it wasn't for all of you."  Everyone took on happy expressions at that affirmation.  Littlefoot was beginning to sound like his old self.  However, wishing to prevent an overly emotional outpouring from his friends, he decided to preempt such an occurrence.  "Stern Claw told me that all of you were hunting in my place.  Did you guys catch anything?"

Taunt was the first to respond.  "Did we?  Ha!  Breeze and I had to school you hatchlings on how to hunt!"

Cera rolled her eyes, as Spike retorted.  "We would have caught her eventually.  You just wanted to show off."

Taunt gave an innocent shrug.  "Who?  Me?"  

No one else was buying the act, let alone Littlefoot.  "Alright, Taunt.  What did you all catch for us?"

With a flourish, Breeze and Taunt stepped aside and a corpse became visible.  The corpse of a small swimmer.  Littlefoot didn't quite realize how hungry he was until the prey became visible to him.  Now he was salivating uncontrollably.  

Littlefoot's change in demeanor was not lost on anyone.  With a slight chuckle, Ruby offered a suggestion.  "Perhaps we can break from tradition a bit.  Seeker?  Would you like the first bite?"

She didn't have to ask.

As Littlefoot and the rest of the pack tore into the succulent hadrosaur, they didn't notice the small green longneck cowering in the distance.  With quaking feet he emerged from the tree that was serving as his cover and he ran off.


"Shorty?  What's wrong?"

Littlefoot had finally emerged from his meal in order to greet his father and brother.  However, the sight that greeted him was not quite what he expected.

Shorty was looking at him with an expression of fear as he noticeably kept close to Bron's legs.  It was not the fear of moral danger, Littlefoot noted, he knew what that smelt like.  No, rather it smelt like a confused kind of fear.  A fear of the unknown.  It was not something that he had ever smelt on Shorty before.  Without thinking, he approached Shorty with a concerned expression.

"Stop, son."

Littlefoot stopped suddenly as his father voice rang out.  The words were not hostile or angry, but they were spoken firmly.  

"What is going on, dad?" Littlefoot asked in his confusion.  "Are you all okay?"

Bron seemed to stare his son down for a few moments before sighing.  He obviously was not looking forward to the conversation ahead, but for what reason Littlefoot could not ascertain.  That was until Bron spoke.

"Son, I was hoping to talk to you before something like this happened."  Bron seemed to ruminate for a few moments before he finally spoke again.  "The swimmer that your friends killed...  Shorty saw it."

Littlefoot's face took on a stunned expression at this news.  He couldn't expect Shorty to understand what he was doing on an emotional level, as that was something that only another sharptooth would understand.  But he would have to communicate to his poor brother.  Shorty must have thought that he was a monster right now.

"I'm sorry that you had to see that, brother."  Littlefoot softly spoke.  "I'm sure that it was not a pleasant thing to see."

Shorty nearly broke down.  "I heard her scream, Littlefoot!  I heard her cry!"  He then stormed forward a short distance and screamed at his brother.  "How can you do that?!  How can you eat knowing that you killed someone just like you?"

Littlefoot looked down.  "We do it because we have no choice, Shorty.  You were accepting of this earlier, but it is harder to see it, isn't it?"  At Shorty's sad nod, Littlefoot continued.  "It is even harder to live it.  It took us a long time to accept our fate and I'm still not sure that I'm still fully there."  Littlefoot took a tentative step forward, to which Shorty did not respond.  "I don't ask you to accept it, Shorty.  I only ask that you understand.  I am sorry that you had to see that."

As soon as he had said those words, Shorty turned and began to walk away from Littlefoot.  This deeply concerned the brown fast biter and he protested.  "Shorty, wait!"

Bron took this moment to speak again.  "Give him time, Littlefoot.  He has been through a lot."

Littlefoot looked up at his father and responded with a quivering voice.  "I never wanted him to see that side of me!  Now he will never look at me the same way."

"No, no he won't."  Bron agreed.  "He saw you as simply his brother with claws before...  Now he sees you as you are.  Now he sees you as a sharptooth."

Littlefoot slashed at the ground in anger.  "It's not fair!" He was now breathing heavily as his emotions were now getting uncontrolled.  "Why did this have to happen?  Why does misery follow me anywhere I go?"

A new voice entered the conversation.  "Because you are a sharptooth."  Doc's voice echoed in between the two dinosaurs.  "You can spread little else but misery."

Bron paled and responded immediately.  "Doc, that's unfair!"

Doc shrugged and continued without interruption.  "You are a killer, Littlefoot, and killers kill.  It is what you are."

"But I don't want them to see that!"  Littlefoot protested.  "I want them to think of me as I was... as..."

Bron nodded and extended his neck to his son.  "It's too late for that now, son.  We know what you are."  As the two nuzzled, he continued.  "The question is: what do you do now?"

Littlefoot kept his eyes closed as he answered.  "We need to tell the valley what happened to us.  They deserve to know.  And then... And then we will need to stay far away.  I don't want to risk hurting somebody that I love or having them think of me as a..."

Doc offered.  "A killer?"

Littlefoot nodded.  "Yeah."

Bron rose to his full height again and look behind him at Shorty's sullen form.  He was sitting by the stream and looking in the opposite direction.  Obviously he wanted to hide his tears from everyone.

"I will talk to Shorty, son.  But you will have to do the hard part."  Bron sighed.  "Some part of me will always see you as my son, but some of the others may not be so accepting.  I know Shorty will recover in time.  But I fear for your safety if you decide to head to the valley."

Littlefoot looked up.  "I think that I might have a plan for that."

Bron looked down at his son.  "Oh?"

Littlefoot nodded.  "Yeah...  I will talk to the pack tomorrow.  Then we should have a meeting the next day.  We have waited long enough."

The brown fast biter then turned and looked at his adopted brother, who was still sitting by the stream in a despondent state.  Bron noticed this and comforted his son.

"I will take care of it, Littlefoot.  You just need to worry about your pack now."

Hearing this, Littlefoot nodded and began to walk out of the clearing, his reunion not going as well as he had hoped.  Before he reentered the forest, however, he looked towards Doc.  The massive longneck simply fixed him with an unreadable expression as Stomper slept some distance away.  Considering Doc's mannerisms during the entire conversation, Littlefoot decided to ask a question that had been on his mind for some time.

"After we reunite with our folks and then leave the valley, we will be enemies won't we, Doc?"

The longneck shook his head.  "We will be adversaries.  Being enemies implies hate."

Littlefoot sighed.  "We would never do anything intentionally...  But I guess it would be best for us to stay apart."

Doc simply nodded.

"Best of luck to you, Doc."  Littlefoot said softly.

"Same to you, Littlefoot."  Doc answered back, as the brown fast biter retreated out of sight.

No acrimonious thoughts existed between the two dinosaurs, but each accepted that there would be a permanent chasm between them.  Bron may always look at Littlefoot as a son, but Doc had no such sentiments.  He knew that Littlefoot was still himself, but yet he also knew that he was also a sharptooth.  Eventually this saga would have to end with the changed children keeping their distance from the leaf-eaters that they loved.  Nature would allow no other resolution.

He simply hoped that the eventual reunion would go well for everyone involved.


Back to the present:

As Littlefoot approached the clearing where the others were gathering, he snapped back into reality.  The day had finally arrived.

Everyone had agreed that they should try to reunite with their families, so at least they would know of their fate.  However many questions remained.  How were they going to tell their parents without getting killed in the process?  How were they going to convince the valley not to kill them once their identities were known?  What would be the best path to take?

As these thoughts were circling in the fast biter's head, he looked at those who had gathered.

His pack, now totaling seven, stood in a semi-orderly line.  Wait.  Where are Ruby and Chomper?

As if on cue, the two tardy dinosaurs appeared from behind the pack and took their usual place.  Ruby had a contemplative expression on her face, whereas Chomper looked somewhat troubled.  The others seemed concerned about their appearance, but not dared to pry into their business.  So I was correct about those two being in a conversation.  I will need to talk to them later.

Turning his attention to the background, he could see Bron and Doc both take positions behind the pack.  They were obviously trying to keep their distance from Chomper's parents, who were also present for the meeting.  With a somewhat sad thought, Littlefoot realized that Shorty was on Bron's back and was still looking at the pack with cautious eyes.  For some reason, Littlefoot suspected that Shorty's new outlook on his brother would not change.  They had reconciled and explained their feelings, but the sight of Littlefoot being a predator was a turning point.  Perhaps it was for the best that Shorty came to the realization of what the pack now was, but Littlefoot still wished that it could have come about a different way.

Finally, Littlefoot looked to his side and could see the massive forms of Chomper's parents.  Considering their son was going to be involved in this venture, they wanted to be fully informed.  Obviously any decision would need to obtain their approval.

Taking a deep breath, Littlefoot walked into the middle of the clearing.  It was now time to make some hard decisions.

"Alright, everyone!"  He began.  "We have all agreed that it is time to reunite with our folks.  The only question is this: how are we going to do that?"

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • Petrie
  • *
    • Posts: 766
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Boy gave a lot of catching up to do,I'll read all this can give you a review.

See you in a year or 2 when I get through this. But from what others said,this is going to be very interesting.


  • Member+
  • Cera
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Ok I too have finally caught up. I won't review each chapter or I'll be here foreever.

I love this story,it's an original plot and every chapter feels like a cliff hanger on my end.

I love the emotion the characters feel,I feel Bron's grief over his sons 'death' and then his grief over that though his son was alive,in a way he has lost him. Littlefoot is now a meat eating 'killer',and it's beyonds Bron's power to stop it. The killer he seeked for months turns out to be his own son that he thought was dead,that would be a big blow.

I look forward to how the Valley dinosaurs react to this same news,the children they thought they had lost are now the things they were meant to be killed by.

It seems Shorty has a bit of trauma after seeing his brother make a kill,can't say I blame the guy.

I did notice a teeny typo in chapter 47

You're neck got slashed badly.

It should be 'your',since you're=you are. "You are neck got slashed badly" makes no sense..I blame my  highschool English teacher for making me worry about those things.  :lol


  • Administrator
  • Littlefoot
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Thanks for the kind words, Zimba and Nahla. :)  I m glad to hear that both of you are still following this story.  I hope that you enjoy the upcoming installments.  Also, thanks for the correction, Nahla.  I have made the indicated corrections.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • Petrie
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Ok made my way through all this. Instead of a year or 2 it was a day or 2-close enough.

Hmm,what can I say that hasn't already been said?

I like 'thing' going on between Littlefoot/Seeker and Ruby/Ponder,unless it's just my mind it's like a little romantic thing,it's kinda cute and never seen a LittlefootxRuby pairing before..but to be fair..they are now the same species.

Glad,Littlefoot will be ok and his injury is not going to be too crippling or fatal. And the way Ruby is acting about it makes me more and more sure Ruby has feelings for Littlefoot,but Littlefoot has no signs of feelings for Ruby.

I so await this 'reunion',I hope it goes well  if not..then I'll forever call you evil.

Great job,hopefully I can read this when you update instead of having to catch up on like 10 chapters,would make my life eaiser.


  • Administrator
  • Littlefoot
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Thanks for the review, Zimba!  :) I hope that you enjoy the latest chapter.

Fanfiction link:

Chapter 49   Calling in favors

“Watson. Come at once if convenient. If inconvenient, come all the same.”
― Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes: Adventure of the Creeping Man

"We need to have someone tell our parents that we are coming."

Bron stepped up to the challenge.  "I can do that."

"I don't think so, dad.  They could think that you snapped and well... Doc you're..."

Doc snorted, somewhat amused.  "Not trusted?"

Littlefoot nodded.  "Exactly."

"A flyer could do it!"

Everyone else seemed to state at the brown flyer.  After a moment, Littlefoot asked for clarification.

"What do you have in mind, Spotter?"

The words from the meeting echoed in the flyer's mind as he continued to fly towards his destination.   However, this journey was noticeably different.  Now he was going to a place that he had never been before.

The Red Coasts.

This was the place where Pterano had told him that he would be present.  Even though Petrie knew that the adults wouldn't believe Pterano, he figured that his uncle could still be of some use.  Although it took the pack some time to accept that conclusion.

Littlefoot was aghast at the idea.  "You can't be serious, Spotter!  No one would believe him."

"Yeah!  They would probably believe Thud before they would believe him!"  Cera joined in Littlefoot's rebuttal.

"That isn't helpful, Stern Claw."  Littlefoot cautioned, hoping to get the meeting back on track.  "We need to stay focused..."

"Well, I found it humorous..."

"Of course you do, Taunt..."  Littlefoot sighed.

Petrie protested at their dismissal.  "Me know they not trust uncle!  You know that if you listen!"

At Petrie's admonishment, Chomper interrupted the rest of the pack.  "What do you have in mind, Spotter?"

"Me tell uncle things only we know.  Uncle tell other flyer and other flyer tell valley."  Petrie answered in a somewhat irritated voice.

"So let me get this straight."  Cera spoke after a pause.  "You want to tell Pterano enough stuff so that he could convince our folks that we are still alive."

Petrie nodded.

Cera then continued.  "And you want him to tell someone else.  Someone who we do not know..."  She stressed the last sentence.  " tell our folks."

"Yes.  That the idea."  Petrie affirmed.

Cera shook her head.  "I don't trust your uncle, Spotter.  I don't think any of us do."  Littlefoot and Ducky seemed ready to protest, but Cera continued uninterrupted.  "But the valley isn't going to trust just some random flyer..."

"But he say stuff only we know!"  Petrie interrupted angrily.  Cera's distrust of his uncle was making her ignore critical details in Petrie's plan.  He was quickly going from irritation to anger.

"There is a precedent for that."

Every head turned at the words which had come from Littlefoot's father.  Littlefoot in particular looked perplexed by this latest piece of information.

"You were..."  Bron paused for a moment.  "...and I suppose still are kids... so you weren't aware of how we adults got information from time to time.  Flyers can be useful at sending messages."  He took on a slight smile.  "In fact, Petrie's mom used to be a messenger flyer back when she was younger."

Petrie's mouth was agape.  "My mommy was what?"

Bron chuckled.  "A messenger flyer.  She told me that little detail back when were looking for all of you.  Before I found the bones and thought..."  He stopped himself before he reopened an unhappy memory.  "So the valley would be aware of messengers."

Dein now used this opportunity to speak, as Chomper finished his translation for his father.  "So the flyer lets the valley now you all are alive.  But how will you let them know that you are what you are?"

Littlefoot nodded.  That was a good question.  He was about to speak when another voice spoke up first.

"You could hide and remind them of your secrets from a distance.  Then reveal yourselves once they realize that you are you."

At the sudden offering from Breeze, Taunt also added some wisdom of his own.  "If your dad is nearby then you could have some protection as well..."  For once he was not mocking anyone or having fun teasing others.  He seemed to realize that this was a serious topic, as he had only recently regained his father.  He was not stopping anyone else from having a similar reconciliation.

Ruby smiled at the offerings from the pack's two newest members.  "That sounds like a good idea to me!  If we let our parents know we are alive before we meet them, then we might stay alive when we meet them."

Littlefoot smiled at this.  "Yes... This sounds like a good idea.  But it all relies upon Pterano getting the message out..."  He then turned towards the other pack members.  Cera still had a deeply untrusting expression on her face, but the others seemed more receptive to the idea.  He knew that it was time to resolve the issue.

"We can try to use Pterano, then use Bron to relay the message if he fails...  How does that sound, Stern Claw."

At Littlefoot's vocalization of his idea, Cera sighed.  She really did not trust that flyer, but she knew that she was outvoted on this matter.  Furthermore, though she would not admit it, she had to admit that this was their best shot at reuniting with their parents.  With some reluctance, she nodded her head.

Every head then turned in Petrie's direction, as Littlefoot affirmed the decision of the pack.

"Alright, Spotter.  It is in your claws now.  You let Pterano know what we have planned and then come back here.  We will head to the valley as a group."

Petrie took a bow at the mission that he was given, but he very quickly stopped the gesture when he realized that he was forgetting something.

"But me need to know things only we know."

Littlefoot chuckled as some of the excitable Petrie of the past rose to the surface.  With a soft smile, he answered Petrie.

"Of course, Spotter.  Of course..."  The brown fast biter seemed to think for a moment before continuing.  "Here is something than only me and my grandparents would know..."

Petrie still had the various secrets echoing in his head.  The small tidbits of information that would confirm that they were alive and on the way back to the valley.  He didn't know how their parents would take the news.  Not well.  He suspected.  However, he was determined to fulfill his part of the equation.  He had to find Pterano and hopefully his uncle would do the rest.

With the memories of the meeting now out of his mind, Petrie carefully observed his surroundings.  He had travelled for the better part of two days, taking breaks every couple of hours and snatching ground fuzzies that he happened to find with his superior sense of vision.  The swampy wetlands of the Land of Shallow waters had given way to the barren wastes that gave the Mysterious Beyond its fearsome reputation.  He hadn't seen a forest or body of water for several hours now and he knew that he was on the right track.

"Where the sands blow and the waters flee that is where the Red Coasts be."

Petrie had remembered that saying since he was a hatchling.  It was one of those little songs that she would often sing to calm her children when it was time to sleep.  He had never known of the significance of the Red Coasts, but he figured that it must have some importance for it to be mentioned in almost reverent tones.  Whenever he asked his mother about it he would simply get a non-answer.

"You'll find out when you are older, dear."

Petrie was no fool.  He could deduce from both his uncle's words when he said he was going and his mother's non-responses early on in life that whatever happened in the Red Coasts involved many flyers.  Thus, Petrie knew that he would probably have his work cut out for him in finding his uncle.  For that matter, he might have quite the difficulty in avoiding danger.  He highly doubted that many of the other flyer kinds would appreciate a sharptooth flyer interrupting the gathering.

Oh, well.  Me cross that path when me get to it.  Petrie thought somewhat dejectedly.  The desolate scene around him didn't exactly improve his mood.  There wasn't much to see except for gorges and valleys with little to no vegetation, the occasional migrating herd, and...

Petrie took a double take.  Flyers?

Two flyers appeared to be heading his direction at a rapid pace.  Had Petrie found the Red Coasts?  Perhaps these two were just leaving the area or perhaps...  A horrifying thought then entered Petrie's mind.  What if me be in their territory?  Realizing that he might be in trouble, Petrie hurriedly shifted his path towards the south in order to evade the newcomers while still heading for his destination.

After a few moments, however, it became apparent that this strategy was not working.  His two pursuers shifted their flight paths to match his own.  Worse yet, they were exceeding his speed since their larger wings were picking up more of the thermal lift from the ground.  He would soon be overtaken if he continued his current strategy.  It was with this in mind, that Petrie glanced to his side and took a hard look at the two flyers.

One of them had a grayish-brown coloration with very noticeable burns on one of his wings, whereas the other had a distinctive pink coloration with a small, stout beak.  Oh no!  Petrie thought to himself.  Me know these two!  He hastily tried to think of a way to evade his pursuers when one of them spoke up.

"In a hurry are we?"

Petrie cringed at the comment from Rinkus.  Now knowing that escape wasn't an option, Petrie decided to go into a glide and land on the rocky cliffs below.  It seemed that the only way to get out of this situation would be to talk his way out.  After carefully landing on the cliff, he noticed that the other two also landed nearby.  Sierra landed with a much less controlled thud, while Rinkus landed much more gracefully.  Petrie decided to answer the pink flyer.

"Yes.  Going to Red Coast."  Petrie spoke in sharptooth, oddly surprised that these two would also know sharptooth.  However, he soon realized that since they were fish-eaters that they would undoubtedly know the sharptooth language as well.  Considering his options for a moment, he realized that he would have to be careful and not say 'me' in place of 'I' lest they may suspect his origins.  If Petrie knew anything about Sierra and Rinkus, it was that they seemed to care about no one but themselves.  So if he were to remind him of Pterano in any way... He shuddered.  They might rip him to shreds just for the unpleasant memory.

"The Red Coasts?!  Ha!"  Sierra commented.  "You're a bit small to be looking at tail, aren't ya?"

As Rinkus barely suppressed a chuckle and Sierra laughed in amusement, Petrie's mind was in overdrive.  Why would me look at tail what does that... Then he remembered a talk that his mother gave him and the other siblings about where babies came from.  When one of the older kids mentioned looking at tail, he had asked his mother what that meant and she responded with a basic discussion on the topic.  So that was what all of the flyers were up to. Ohhhhhh...  Petrie not interested in that! But Petrie was not a dull flyer and he knew that he had to come up with a reason for his journey.  A reason that did not mention Pterano or hint at Petrie's identity.  Maybe me better off acting like bad flyer?  Better that than weak...  His mind made up, he responded to Sierra's comment.

"Looking for food, not tail."  Petrie muttered, being careful to avoid the use of 'me'.  He was of the same kind as Sierra, but he was unsure how vicious they actually were.  Would they openly attack other flyers when they weren't starving?  Did they regularly hunt eggs and youngling flyers?  What if they were of their same kind?  Did they practice cannibalism?  He considered Sierra's personality and decided that it would be better to appear too vicious as opposed to not vicious enough.  With that in mind, he said his next words in a cold monotone.

"Babies food.  Are they not?"

The laughter stopped as Rinkus backed away slightly and looked at the flyer with a disbelieving expression.  The words from Petrie obviously unnerved him.  It was as if Petrie had crossed a line that even Rinkus would not consider.  Despite this reaction, Petrie kept his eyes unblinking and his face in a stern expression.  He was not letting his mannerisms give anything away.  In that moment he was grateful for his new instincts.  Here he was letting them run uncontrolled.

The reaction from Sierra, however, was not quite what he had expected.

"Heh...  I think that I like this one."  He chuckled slightly.  "You think that Red Claw would find this one useful?"

Rinkus seemed to consider this for a moment, before looking at his partner and nodding.  Something changed in his eyes as he looked at Petrie again.  The constrained malice was gone and no replaced with a somewhat fearful expression.  Me scare Rinkus?  The thought almost seemed absurd, but Petrie's words had seemed to strike a chord in the pink flyer.  It seemed that Rinkus feared that Petrie was another Sierra in the making.  He was of the same kind and spoke the same callous words.  Petrie was unsure what to make of his performance.  Should he be proud of his act of subterfuge or be ashamed that he could be mistaken for a monster?  In any case, his thoughts were cut off by Rinkus.

"I think that we have a proposition for you flyer.  If you follow us then you will be rewarded, but if you don't..."

Petrie deadpanned.  "You kill me."

Rinkus snorted.  "Yes!  Yes... you understand quite well, don't you?"

As Rinkus began to pace, obviously preparing for his sales pitch, Petrie realized how much he hated this flyer.  Everything about him was insincere from the faux affability to his relationship with others.  In that moment, Petrie wondered how his uncle could have been so blind to have this duo as his followers for so long.  He had just talked with them for a few moments and the danger that they represented was already very clear to him.

"Red Claw has old scores to settle and he is offering a reward to everyone who helps him.  As we are not like those leaf-munchers in the valley, their fate is not of much concern to us, is it?"

At this point, however, Sierra's impatience took hold and he interrupted his companion.

"Give it a rest, will ya?!"  He then looked at Petrie with a slightly amused expression.  It seemed that Sierra was quite pleased to have a flyer in his midst that shared his disdain for restraint and mercy.  "Here's the short story:  Red Claw wants people dead.  If we help kill them then we get some of the meat that's left over.  If we don't help then the flyers that do will kill us.  Got it?"

Petrie nodded.  Sierra obviously thought that Petrie only had motivations for power, just like him.  He suspected that it would be wise to further confirm this suspicion in order to protect himself.

"Sounds good, but what next?"

Rinkus seemed perplexed by this question.  "What do you mean?"

Petrie snorted.  "Why only meat?  Me want power."  He cringed when he realized that he had let his vocal tick show up in his conversation with the two fiends, but thankfully it seemed that neither noticed this.  In fact, Sierra was too busy laughing.

"That's what I like to hear, kid!"  He then looked at Rinkus.  "See?  This kid knows what is important!"  He then turned back towards Petrie with an almost crazed expression in his eyes.  "Kid, after the valley falls then Red Claw's packs will be feared by all.  We can take whatever we want!  You want meat?  The pack can grab it!  You want tail?  I'm sure the pack will take a lot of that as well..."  Petrie shuddered at the shear lack of empathy in Sierra's words.  "If you want power then this is the place..."  

The shear horror of Sierra's vision of the future haunted Petrie, although he kept the terror off of his face.  It was a world with only one large pack taking what it wanted.  Where only the strongest and most ruthless survived.  Where the Great Valley was but a memory.  Where everyone he loved was dead and where the survivors faced a fate worse than death.  Despite, the chilling vision that was laid out for him, Petrie knew that he had to keep them going.  He had to find out as much as possible before he attempted an escape.  With that in mind, he feigned his agreement and asked another question.

"Sounds good.  Who we kill?"

Sierra nodded with a slight smirk on his face, whereas Rinkus spoke again from behind the sociopathic flyer.  "The Great Valley.  Although they seemed to have moved as of late.  Something about leaf gobblers."

Petrie remained expressionless as his mind raced.  So the residents of the valley weren't actually in the valley?  This certainly changed things!  They would have to journey to wherever the residents had travelled.  Petrie's next question was obvious.

"Where they go?"

Rinkus answered noncommittally.  "Haven Valley.  Unfortunately for them it's not a very secure place."

Sierra laughed at this.  "Yeah!  I can't wait to see the look on that worthless bastard's face when we tell him that we killed everyone that he loved.  I want him to suffer before..."

Rinkus interrupted Sierra's tirade, before he went too far.  "All right then.  I guess that we are ready to go then.  We need to find Calin and then meet up with Red Claw..."

Petrie shook his head slightly.  "Can't do.  On mission."

Both Rinkus and Sierra seemed to pause at this.  Sierra was the first to respond.  "Well you have a new boss now, so you can forget about whatever mission you're on.  What are you doing?  Carrying a love message for some lonely flyer."

Petrie smiled inwardly.  The two fools had just given him enough information to make them let him go.  Better yet, this gave him a perfect opportunity to get more information on what was coming.

"Not for flyer.  For Calin."

This caused both of the flyers to stop where they were.  The implications of this seemed to dawn on both of them.  If Calin were sending out messages that neither they nor Red Claw were privy to then that meant that a conspiracy was afoot.  This could mean that their position would be under threat.  As those possibilities were spreading worry and discontent in the flyer's heads, Petrie continued.

"But me serve bigger boss.  Me tell you what Calin tell me."

Rinkus smiled.  "You are a smart one.  Did Calin even tell you of his mission?"

Petrie shook his head.  It was creepy to him how easily he was lying.  "No.  He make me messenger flyer.  But me have new mission now."  As Rinkus gave a pleased smile, Petrie continued.  "Calin says that everything go well.  Wait to attack until he says.  Red Claw doesn't know."

Rinkus looked stunned.  This was understandable in that it made it sound like that Calin was trying to take control of Red Claw's army.  A most impossible feat for a fast biter who was just an adolescent.  As Rinkus's expression turned dark, Petrie could only assume that the flyer was considering the possibilities.  An obvious one would be that Calin might be working for someone else.  Someone on the outside.  In any case, this spelled trouble.  Pleased that his little lie was spreading discontent, Petrie continued.

"If message not relayed then Calin know.  Should..."

Rinkus interrupted with a wave of his wing.  "No... You complete your mission.  Otherwise Calin will know that something is amiss.  We will tell Red Claw."  

Petrie tried to hide his satisfaction at this development.  His gambit had paid off well.  Whether these flyers really wanted to tell Red Claw or if they wanted in on Calin's plot, they knew that their upcoming task would depend on having the message reach its destination unobstructed.  If they killed or forced Petrie to go with them then Calin's plan would be ruined, or so they would think, and an alliance with him would be out of the question.  Likewise, if they chose to tell Red Claw, then he would be displeased that they intercepted his messenger and effectively let Calin know that his plot was discovered.  Petrie had made a plan with only one outcome and the two flyers had played into it perfectly.

Rinkus then looked up at the flyer.  "I think that he will be pleased with your loyalties, young one.  After you complete your mission join us by the Haven Valley.  I am sure the pack will have a place for you."

Petrie couldn't believe his luck.  It was working!  He had not only averted potentially being killed off by the two flyers, but he had also gathered important information and saw to it that Calin's life was made a living hell in the process.  Now they were even letting him go in order to complete his mission.  This would have been a feat that he could not have imagined back when he was a leaf-eater, but his change in species had changed everything.  He had now posed as a monster in order to stop a monster.  

With a slight flourish, Petrie took a deep bow as a show of subservience to Red Claw's pack.  This gesture was acknowledged with a slight nod from Rinkus and a indifferent snort from Sierra.  As Petrie tried to take off, however, Rinkus asked one last question.

"Before you go, flyer... what is your name?"

With a slight smile on his face, Petrie lied one last time.  


Back in the Land of Shallow Waters:

"Ponder, can I talk to you a moment?"

The rose colored fast biter rose to her feet when she heard Littlefoot's words.  She was quite startled.  She was in her new 'thinking place' and was not expecting to be bothered.  However, Littlefoot's presence was not unwelcome under these circumstances, so Ruby waved him over.  She had moped around for long enough.

"Sure, Seeker.  What do you want to talk about?"  Her voice was not full of much enthusiasm.

"I was wondering if you might want to tell me that."  Littlefoot responded plainly.  "You seemed quite out of it during the meeting."

Ruby sighed.  This was not something that she particularly wanted to talk about, but she knew that she couldn't keep her feelings bound up inside.  The issue would have to be raised at some point.

"It was something that Chomper and I were talking about..."  She trailed off for a moment as she collected her thoughts.  "Seeker...  Path feels guilty."

This blind sighted Littlefoot as he obviously had no idea why Chomper would feel that way.  "Path feels guilty?  Why?"

Ruby sighed.  This was not going to be an easy thing to talk about for either of them.  Truth be told, this was something that Littlefoot should talk to Chomper about directly.  But Chomper had spoken to her for a reason.  With that in mind, she continued.

"He feels guilty because he thinks that he hasn't done enough to keep us... well... us."

Littlefoot looked at Ruby with a perplexed expression.  "I don't get it."

Ruby nodded.  "He thinks that he helped us forget our old lives and become full sharpteeth.  That we became full sharpteeth when we forgot our old lives."  She shook her head.  "I told him that was not how it was, but he still thinks that is the way it is."

Littlefoot opened his mouth as if he was going to speak, but then he closed it.  Finally after a few moments, he responded.  "How can he blame himself for that?  We all kind of put the past behind us and tried to be what we are."  He looked at Ruby with a somewhat concerned expression.  "Why does he blame himself?"

Ruby shook her head.  "He thinks that since he was the only one of us that was always a sharptooth, that he should have helped us keep the leaf-eater side of us."  She pressed her mouth together at an angle that indicated frustration.  "He thinks that he was selfish in accepting our change so easily."

Littlefoot began to pace.  "Why does he think that?!"  He then laughed slightly in a humorless laugh.  "I mean... we have been sharpteeth for several night circle cycles!  Why is he suddenly feeling guilty now?"

Ruby looked up at Littlefoot with a grim expression.  "How is Shorty doing?"

Littlefoot looked at Ruby with a confused expression, before finally getting what she was indicating.  "Oh...  So when Shorty saw all of us eat the swimmer..."

Ruby nodded.  "Exactly."

Littlefoot took a deep breath.  "Why didn't he talk to me?"

Ruby looked down.  "I think that Path thought that I could make his confused thoughts make sense.  If I could do that then he wouldn't be so confused."  She shook her head.  "But I think that you should talk to him, Seeker."

Littlefoot nodded.  "I agree.  He needs to realize that Shorty wasn't his fault.  We all made the choice to become what we had to become and if he was glad to have sharptooth friends then..."  He then shrugged.  "Then at least something good came from all of this."

Littlefoot then approached Ruby and placed his clawed hand on her shoulder.  "Are you okay?"

Ruby looked up at Littlefoot and gave him a slight smile.  "I think so.  I am just so tired.  We have a lot to do in the next few days.  In the next few days we have a lot to do."

Littlefoot smiled at this.  "Yeah... Yeah we do."  He then looked outside of the small crevice in the ground and could see his father and Doc in the distance.  It seemed that they were training Shorty in some kind of tail technique.  Much to his amusement, Stomper seemed to be following along as well and crashing to the ground most of the time.  It reminded him of himself to some extent.  Back when he was a longneck.  Before...

He was brought out of his thoughts by a nuzzle from Ruby.  "You go talk to Path.  Waiting here isn't going to make Spotter get back any quicker."

Littlefoot couldn't argue with that logic.  With each of them walking out side by side, they began their journey to track down the purple sharptooth.  It seemed that Shorty wasn't the only dinosaur due for a heart-to-heart conversation.


The Red Coast:

Here me am.  The Red Coast.

The sight of the coast was not something that Petrie could describe in a few words.  As he flew out of a gorge he suddenly found himself flying out into the Big Water.  To his side, he could then see the massive cliffs teaming with flyers of every kind and description.  The sand on the beach below seemed to glow with an almost blood-colored ambiance.  There was no doubt in his mind that this was the Red Coasts that Pterano had described to him.  But the terrain was only half of what stunned the young flyer.

Flyers were everywhere.

There were flyers of Petrie's old kind, of his new kind, of Rinkus's kind, and of kinds he had never seen before.  Each seemed to congregate in large groups near the red sands, whereas a few flyers appeared to be fighting near the cliffs.  This struck Petrie as strange so he carefully flew closer to where his old kind was congregating in order to see what was going on.  

As he approached, Petrie could immediately deduce that these were females near the red sands and that males were squabbling over the cliffs.  His eyes immediately focused on one male in an attempt to make sense out of what was happening.  

The male in question has a large brown body which was bristling with muscle.  It was obvious that he was a formidable flyer that could easily fight even the strongest of competitors, but yet he didn't seem to be engaging the other males in combat.  Instead, he simply puffed out his chest and present his head crest in a flamboyant gesture.  As he did this a series of screeches was sent in the direction of the other male.  After a few moments the display stopped and another male did the same at the first male.  It would have looked comical in the eyes of Petrie if the two males weren't obviously deadly serious about the matter.

Soon growing bored of the antics of the testosterone-laden males, he turned his eyes on some of the other cliffs and immediately wished that he hadn't.  

Me didn't need to see that!

Petrie was now quite aware of why the flyers had congregated at this site.  This was the time for breeding for his old kind and the males of sufficient age had come here in order to compete for the cliffs where the females would eventually congregate.  Based upon how the flyers were acting, Petrie noted, it seemed that a few males were getting most of the females.  Is that why me never see daddy?  Petrie asked himself.  He knew that some flyers in the valley had males which helped protect the nest, but most of the others did not.  Was this why that was?  Petrie had the feeling of unwanted enlightenment where the sights he was now seeing both informed him of a fact of life, but also repulsed him in some way.  Was that because his new kind didn't do things in this way?  Or was it because he couldn't imagine picking a mate on the basis of crest color and then letting them leave you to care for a child yourself?  His confused thoughts were interrupted by a voice from behind him.

"It is an odd sight, isn't it?"

Petrie turned his head to stare at his uncle.  Pterano was not showing any of the aggression that the other males were, nor was he competing for the cliffs.  It was an interesting difference between himself and some of the other males.

"Why they pick daddies like that?"  Petrie asked in an innocent way that only a youngling could.  It was an interesting dichotomy that he could be ruthless in some aspects of life, but so helpless in others.

Pterano shrugged with his wings.  "I don't know, Petrie.  That is the way that instincts make most of us.  Either we show strength and fitness through the ritual or we show it someway else.  Many of us males never court a female."

Petrie nodded.  "Not even you?"

Pterano laughed slightly.  "No... There was a female once... but I am sure that she paired off with someone else by now."  Pterano's expression was neutral, but his eyes seemed somewhat sad.  Petrie decided not to press the issue.

Very quickly, Petrie looked around and embraced his uncle.  "Me glad to see you, uncle!  Me have lots to tell you!"

Pterano laughed at his nephew's exuberance, but quickly pushed away.  "I'm sure that you do, Petrie.  But we can't talk where others might see us."  He then looked around for a moment.  "You act like I am chasing you off and we will talk in that crevice over there once we are out of sight from everyone."  He pointed with his wing at a nearby crevice in an abandoned cliff face.

With a curt nod, Petrie flew off and immediately heard his uncle's angry screeches right behind him.  Once their show fight was over they would get straight to business.  


Back in the Land of Shallow Waters:


Chomper nearly jumped at the voice of his friend.  He had been here looking at the stream for the better part of the evening.  He was still haunted by the questions that roamed in his mind.  Could he have done things differently?  Was it wrong that part of him was glad that his friends were now sharpteeth?  What happened now?  He was so lost in his thoughts, that Littlefoot took his lack of a response as Chomper not hearing him and he repeated himself.

"Path?  Are you okay?"

Chomper shook his head and turned to face Littlefoot.  "I don't know.  I have been thinking about things..."

Littlefoot nodded and gave his friend a smile, before settling in and sitting next to Chomper.  They were now both facing the stream and watching its steady flow towards the nearby lake.

Littlefoot broke the silence after a few moments.  "Ponder told me about some of that, Path, and I will tell you what I told her.  None of this is your fault."

Chomper sighed.  "You say that...  But you are different now.  You're not the same Littlefoot who was there when I hatched."  He shook his head in exasperation.  "Everyone is different and I did nothing to stop it."

Littlefoot nearly sputtered as he responded to Chomper.  "What could you have possibly done, Chomper?!"  He was so stunned by this that he reverted to using Chomper's leaf-eater name.  "We are what we are now.  We eat meat.  We kill things.  We growl, hiss, and have claws.  Why should you feel guilty about it?"

Chomper shook his head.  "It's not that!  It's how you think!"

Littlefoot blinked at this and demanded an explanation.  "What do you mean, Path?"

Chomper licked his lips.  "We used to feel so guilty about what we did.  When Haven killed her first dinosaur she cried for a long time.  Even Stern Claw was pretty messed up..."

Littlefoot nodded.  Yes, he remembered the aftermath of that hunt quite well.

Chomper continued.  "Now we kill things all of the time!  We have ripped out the throats of baby longnecks, tricked threehorn younglings into ambushes, chased down swimmers..."  He then looked at Littlefoot.  "Do you still feel the way that you did when you started killing?"

Littlefoot looked stunned by this question, but after some contemplation he gave a truthful answer.


Chomper fixed his gaze on Littlefoot.  "You see!  You're no longer who you were and I let you change...  I should have done something more.  I should have..."

"Stop."  Littlefoot's voice brokered no disagreement as Chomper listened intently to his friend's words.  "We changed because we had to change.  Do you think that we can live by constantly feeling for the things that we kill?  No.  That won't work.  Something had to give, Path, and we had to become what we are..."  Littlefoot then looked down in defeat.  "We are sharpteeth now and we think like sharpteeth."

Chomper seemed to almost be in tears now as Littlefoot continued his discussion.

"I am still me though."  Littlefoot affirmed.  "When I think about it, I remember what it's like to be chased by predators.  I remember the terror.  I remember the fear.  That is what prevents me from making our hunts worse than they have to be.  We kill when we need to and we make it as quick as possible."  Littlefoot looked down at the purple sharptooth and gave him a slight nuzzle.  "And if I have changed then so have you."

Chomper didn't understand.  "What do you mean?"

Littlefoot laughed.  "Before we changed, Chomper, you were the friendly sharptooth that we all knew.  Yes, you had hunted before, but you had no desire to do so again.  But now look at you!"  Littlefoot pointed at Chomper as he gave that command.  "You have successfully trained an entire pack how to hunt.  You have earned the respect of another pack and helped to fight off an enemy pack.  And you have become a very competent hunter and packmate."  Littlefoot then stated directly into Chomper's eyes.  "Are you still the same dinosaur that you were, Path?"

Chomper could only shake his head.  

"We have all changed, Path.  Some of us more than others.  But as long as we remember what we were and who we love then we are still here."

Chomper wiped his eyes.  "Thanks, Seeker."

"No problem, buddy."  Littlefoot affirmed.  "What brought this on anyway?"

Chomper gave a slight sigh.  "I guess it's the longnecks.  They see how much we have changed, but yet they are the same.  I just kind of wonder, you know?  And then there is Shorty..."

Littlefoot nodded.  "I will talk to Shorty again.  Don't worry about that."  He then sighed.  "He will need some time to accept what we are now.  It is one thing to know we are hunters, but it is something else to see it."

The two sharpteeth watched the sunset as the swift stream flowed in front of them.  They couldn't stop the flow of time or the changes that it caused, but they could remember where it had taken them.  The only question now was: where was it going to take them next?


The Red Coast:

"They're planning what?!"

Pterano's voice echoed through the crevice as his nephew conveyed the unwelcome information.  His minions were back and they were going after the valley.  They may not have been able to hurt him directly, but they would see to it that he suffered nonetheless.

Petrie nodded at his uncle's anger.  "And adults not in valley.  They in Haven Valley.  Leaf gobblers eat all food!"

Pterano began to pace as Petrie relayed the rest of the information.  The pack was planning on reuniting with their parents.  They had secrets to let them know that it was truly them.  And of course the most important part.

"They won't believe you, uncle.  So me need someone else to be messenger."

Pterano nodded at this last detail.  He was disgraced in the valley and they wouldn't believe a word that he said.  He would have to relay the information to someone that he could trust.  Someone for whom the valley wouldn't be distrustful.  

He knew just the flyer for the job.

"I will see to it that the message is delivered, Petrie.  Do you know how messengers relay messages?"  At Petrie's confused shake of his head, Pterano smiled.  "They repeat the words three times and then the other messenger will do the same to make sure that the message is still accurate.  Can you do that for me?"

After the message was repeated three times by each flyer, Pterano rose to his full height and put a wing over Petrie's shoulder.  

"Even though you are not fully grown, Petrie, you have grown into a fine flyer.  Very few flyers could have done what you have done today.  Very few would have even considered it.  The fact that you were able to survive and tell me your tale gives the Great Valley a chance.  Regardless of how this goes, always remember that, Petrie."

As the two flyers embraced, Pterano spoke softly into Petrie's ear.  "I have to go now, Petrie.  You have to get back to your pack and I need to relay the message, but there is one message that I want you to relay to Littlefoot.  It is something that needs to be said..."

As Pterano whispered into Petrie's ear, his eyes closed and he nodded.  "I'm sure that he knows, uncle."

Pterano smiled.  "I know, but it needed to be said."  He then placed all of his weight on his limbs in preparation for flight.  "We have to go now, Petrie.  But I hope to see you soon."  With a pause he gave the customary parting from one adult flyer to another.  "May the winds keep you aloft."

Petrie nodded.  "Same to you, uncle."

As Petrie took flight once more, he realized that the day was nearly over, but he resolved to not rest until he arrived at the pack's location.  Much was resting on his shoulders in addition to the burden on Pterano.  Despite all of the unknowns, however, there was one thing for which he was absolutely certain.  

He would not fail.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • Member+
  • Cera
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Great work as always,I really enjoyed the talk between Littlefoot and Chomper.

My mind is a million miles away right now,so I'm not really sure what to say.

Interesting how they are going to try and send a flyer to convince the others they are still alive,if they are convinced wouldn't the gangs parents and such want to go after them or will they be convinced to stay? I'll be interested in seeing how it plays out.

I loved the Petrie parts,very interesting even though I didn't understand half of it the first time I read,had to re-read as it confused me,but thats just goes to show how smart I am.

Wait-the Great Valley residents ain't in the Great Valley? Thats a plot twist,or did I just miss it before? Either way this will sure change things.

Over all,another great chapter with some interesting things happening. Look forward to the next one. I haven't noticed any typos myself right now so can't help in that department.


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  • Littlefoot
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Thanks for the feedback, Nahla.  :)

Interesting how they are going to try and send a flyer to convince the others they are still alive,if they are convinced wouldn't the gangs parents and such want to go after them or will they be convinced to stay? I'll be interested in seeing how it plays out.

Yeah, that is going to be a major plot point in the next few chapters.  How will the parents react to this most unexpected news?

I loved the Petrie parts,very interesting even though I didn't understand half of it the first time I read,had to re-read as it confused me,but thats just goes to show how smart I am.

There is quite a bit going on there.   :yes Petrie is trying to trick Sierra and Rinkus into thinking that he is a possible recruit as opposed to a threat or possible food.  Likewise, Petrie is about to (unbeknownst to him) enter into the mating area of many flyer species, hence the comments by Sierra referring to "looking for tail".  The trickery by Petrie will have major implications later on.

Wait-the Great Valley residents ain't in the Great Valley? Thats a plot twist,or did I just miss it before? Either way this will sure change things.

Yeah, that was mentioned a few chapters ago, although this is the first time that a member of the pack has been informed of that development.

Thanks once again for the kind words.  :) I hope that you enjoy the next chapter when I post it on Thursday.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.